
_yuen7 个月前
「比赛记录」CF Round 954 (Div. 3)题目列表:A. X Axist组测试样例,每组样例给出三个整数,分别表示数轴上三个点的坐标,选取数轴上任意一个点,使得这个点到给定的三个点的距离和最小,求出这个最小距离和。
越128 个月前
C. Rooks Defenders(树状数组)You have a square chessboard of size n×nn×n. Rows are numbered from top to bottom with numbers from 11 to nn, and columns — from left to right with numbers from 11 to nn. So, each cell is denoted with pair of integers (x,y)(x,y) (1≤x,y≤n1≤x,y≤n), where xx
sluckystar10 个月前
题解:CF1951E(No Palindromes)题目翻译:给定一个长度为 n n n 的字符串 s s s,询问是否可以将其分成若干份,使得每一份都不是回文串。若可以,输出 YES 并给出任意一组方案;若不可以,则直接输出 NO。其中,数据多测,共 t t t 组,保证 ∑ n ≤ 1 0 6 \sum n\leq10^6 ∑n≤106。
sluckystar10 个月前
题解:CF1946D(Birthday Gift)题目翻译:给定一个长度为 n n n 的数组 a a a 以及一个数 x x x,请找出最大的 k k k,使得数组 a a a 可以被分成 k k k 个部分,并且将每个部分中所有元素异或起来的结果按位或,最终的结果小于等于 x x x。
越121 年前
Navigation System(djkstra,反向建图,思维)The map of Bertown can be represented as a set of nn intersections, numbered from 11 to nn and connected by mm one-way roads. It is possible to move along the roads from any intersection to any other intersection. The length of some path from one intersec
越121 年前
Pinkie Pie Eats Patty-cakes(贪心或者二分)Pinkie Pie has bought a bag of patty-cakes with different fillings! But it appeared that not all patty-cakes differ from one another with filling. In other words, the bag contains some patty-cakes with the same filling.