[3、 样式表中的状态选择器](#3、 样式表中的状态选择器)
[2.1 margin](#2.1 margin)
[2.2 border](#2.2 border)
[2.3 padding](#2.3 padding)
[2.4 content](#2.4 content)
[2.1 设置margin、border、padding、content](#2.1 设置margin、border、padding、content)
[2.2 改变盒子模型大小的计算方式](#2.2 改变盒子模型大小的计算方式)
在Qt中,我们可以为不同的控件状态设置不同的样式,这些状态可以是鼠标悬停、获得焦点、失去焦点、选中等。Qt中通过状态样式表来实现这种功能。Qt Style Sheets Reference关键字对应帮助文档的List of Pseudo-States 一项中列 出了Qt支待的所有伪状态。
:hover 鼠标悬停
:pressed 鼠标按下
:checked 选中
:unchecked 未选中
:disabled 禁用
:enabled 可用
:focused 获得焦点
:unfocused 失去焦点
:active This state is set when the widget resides in an active window.
:adjoins-item This state is set when the ::branch of a QTreeView is adjacent to an item.
:alternate This state is set for every alternate row whe painting the row of a QAbstractItemView when QAbstractItemView::alternatingRowColors() is set to true.
:bottom The item is positioned at the bottom. For example, a QTabBar that has its tabs positioned at the bottom.
:checked The item is checked. For example, the checked state of QAbstractButton.
:closable The items can be closed. For example, the QDockWidget has the QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable feature turned on.
:closed The item is in the closed state. For example, an non-expanded item in a QTreeView
:default The item is the default. For example, a default QPushButton or a default action in a QMenu.
:disabled The item is disabled.
:editable The QComboBox is editable.
:edit-focus The item has edit focus (See QStyle::State_HasEditFocus). This state is available only for Qt Extended applications.
:enabled The item is enabled.
:exclusive The item is part of an exclusive item group. For example, a menu item in a exclusive QActionGroup.
:first The item is the first (in a list). For example, the first tab in a QTabBar.
:flat The item is flat. For example, a flat QPushButton.
:floatable The items can be floated. For example, the QDockWidget has the QDockWidget::DockWidgetFloatable feature turned on.
:focus The item has input focus.
:has-children The item has children. For example, an item in a QTreeView that has child items.
:has-siblings The item has siblings. For example, an item in a QTreeView that siblings.
:horizontal The item has horizontal orientation
:hover The mouse is hovering over the item.
:indeterminate The item has indeterminate state. For example, a QCheckBox or QRadioButton is partially checked.
:last The item is the last (in a list). For example, the last tab in a QTabBar.
:left The item is positioned at the left. For example, a QTabBar that has its tabs positioned at the left.
:maximized The item is maximized. For example, a maximized QMdiSubWindow.
:middle The item is in the middle (in a list). For example, a tab that is not in the beginning or the end in a QTabBar.
:minimized The item is minimized. For example, a minimized QMdiSubWindow.
:movable The item can be moved around. For example, the QDockWidget has the QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable feature turned on.
:no-frame The item has no frame. For example, a frameless QSpinBox or QLineEdit.
:non-exclusive The item is part of a non-exclusive item group. For example, a menu item in a non-exclusive QActionGroup.
:off For items that can be toggled, this applies to items in the "off" state.
:on For items that can be toggled, this applies to widgets in the "on" state.
:only-one The item is the only one (in a list). For example, a lone tab in a QTabBar.
:open The item is in the open state. For example, an expanded item in a QTreeView, or a QComboBox or QPushButton with an open menu.
:next-selected The next item (in a list) is selected. For example, the selected tab of a QTabBar is next to this item.
:pressed The item is being pressed using the mouse.
:previous-selected The previous item (in a list) is selected. For example, a tab in a QTabBar that is next to the selected tab.
:read-only The item is marked read only or non-editable. For example, a read only QLineEdit or a non-editable QComboBox.
:right The item is positioned at the right. For example, a QTabBar that has its tabs positioned at the right.
:selected The item is selected. For example, the selected tab in a QTabBar or the selected item in a QMenu.
:top The item is positioned at the top. For example, a QTabBar that has its tabs positioned at the top.
:unchecked The item is unchecked.
:vertical The item has vertical orientation.
:window The widget is a window (i.e top level widget)
QPushButton {
background-color: red;
QPushButton:hover {
background-color: green;
QPushButton:pressed {
background-color: blue;
3、 样式表中的状态选择器
QLineEdit:hover {
border: 1px solid red;
QCheckBox:checked {
background-color: yellow;
2.1 margin
QWidget {
margin: 10px;
2.2 border
QWidget {
border: 2px solid black;
border:1px solid #0000ff; 设置边框大小,边框颜色
border-radius:50px; 设置圆角边框
2.3 padding
QWidget {
padding: 10px;
2.4 content
QWidget {
width: 200px; height: 100px;
2.1 设置margin、border、padding、content
QLabel {
background-color: blue;
border: 2px solid black;
padding: 10px;
margin: 20px;
2.2 改变盒子模型大小的计算方式
我们有一个宽度为 100px、高度为 50px 的按钮,边框为 2px,内边距为 10px,如果不使用 box-sizing 属性,那么按钮的实际宽度应该是 124px(100px + 2px * 2 + 10px * 2),而使用 box-sizing: border-box 后,按钮的实际宽度仍然是 100px,同时边框和内边距的尺寸也被计算在内
QPushButton {
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
padding: 10px;
border: 2px solid black;
box-sizing: border-box;