【阵列信号处理】空间匹配滤波器、锥形/非锥形最佳波束成形器、样本矩阵反演 (SMI) 研究(Matlab代码实现)






[💥1 概述](#💥1 概述)

[📚2 运行结果](#📚2 运行结果)

[🎉3 参考文献](#🎉3 参考文献)

[🌈4 Matlab代码实现](#🌈4 Matlab代码实现)

💥1 概述

空间匹配滤波器(Spatial Matched Filter)是一种用于信号处理的滤波器。它的原理是通过将输入信号与预先存储的参考信号进行相关运算,从而增强目标信号并抑制噪声。空间匹配滤波器在雷达、声纳等领域广泛应用,用于目标检测、目标跟踪等任务。

锥形最佳波束成形器(Conical Beamformer)是一种用于信号处理的波束成形器。它通过调整传感器阵列中各个传感器的权重,使得阵列对特定方向的信号响应最大化,从而实现对目标信号的增强。锥形最佳波束成形器在无线通信、声纳等领域常用于信号接收和目标定位。

非锥形最佳波束成形器(Non-Conical Beamformer)是一种波束成形器的变种。与锥形最佳波束成形器不同的是,非锥形最佳波束成形器可以实现对多个目标信号的增强,而不仅仅是单个方向的信号。非锥形最佳波束成形器在多目标检测和定位等任务中具有重要应用。

样本矩阵反演(Sample Matrix Inversion)是一种用于信号处理的方法。它通过对接收到的信号进行采样和矩阵运算,估计信号源的位置和强度。样本矩阵反演在无线通信、雷达等领域常用于信号定位和信号源分离。


📚 2 运行结果


% We illustrate the use of tapers with the spatial matched filter for the extraction

% of a radar signal in the presence of a jamming interference source using a ULA with M = 20

% elements with \\lambda/2 spacing. The desired radar signal is known as a target and is

% present for only one sample in time. Here the target signal is at time sample (range gate)

% n = 100 and is at \\phi_s = 0\^{\\circ} with an array SNR of 20 dB. The jammer transmits a

% high-power, uncorrelated waveform (white noise). The angle of the jammer is \\phi_i = 20\^{\\circ}

% and its strength is 40 dB. The additive, sensor thermal noise has unit power (0 dB).


% Copyright 2016 - 2026, Ilias S. Konsoulas.

%% Workspace Initialization.

clc; clear; close all;

%% Signal Definitions.

M = 20; % Number of Array Elements.

N = 200; % Number of Signal Samples.

n = 1:N; % Sample Index Vector.

lambda = 1; % Incoming Signal Wavelength in (m).

d = lambda/2; % Interelement Distance in (m).

SNR = 20; % target volatege signal array SNR in dBs.

INR = 40; % interference array SNR in dBs.

phi_s = 0; % target azimuth angle in degrees.

phi_i = 20; % interference azimuth angle in degrees.

u_s = (d/lambda)*sin(phi_s*pi/180); % Target Normalized Spatial Frequency.

u_si = (d/lambda)*sin(phi_i*pi/180); % Jammer Normalized Spatial Frequency.

s = zeros(M,N);

s(:,100) = 10^(SNR/20)*exp(-1i*2*pi*u_s*(0:M-1).')/sqrt(M);

% Uncorrelated unit power thermal noise samples drawn from a complex Gaussian distribution

w = (randn(M,N)+1i*randn(M,N))/sqrt(2);

% The interference (jammer) vector is generated by:

% v_i = exp(-1i*pi*[0:M-1]'*sin(phi_i*pi/180))/sqrt(M); mentioned in the book is wrong.

v_i = exp(-1i*2*pi*u_si*(0:M-1).')/sqrt(M);

i_x = 10^(INR/20)*v_i*(randn(1,N)+1i*randn(1,N))/sqrt(2);

%The three signals are added to produce the overall array signal

x = s + i_x + w;

% Two beamformers (steered to phi = 0.) are applied to the resulting array returns: a spatial matched

% filter and a tapered beamformer with a -50-dB sidelobe level. The resulting beamformer output

% signals are shown in Figure 11.15. The spatial matched filter is unable to reduce the jammer

% sufficiently to observe the target signal at n = 100. However, the tapered beamformer is able

% to attenuate the jammer signal below the thermal noise level and the target is easily extracted.

% The target signal is approximately 18.5 dB with the -1.5 dB loss due to the tapering loss in (11.2.24).

%% Spatial Matched Filter or Steering Vector Beamformer.

c_mf = exp(-1i*2*pi*u_s*(0:M-1).')/sqrt(M);

% Spatial Dolph-Chebychev Window of length M = 20 with -50 dB sidelobe attenuation:

w = chebwin(M,50);

% Compute the Combined Taper by taking the Hadamard product:

c_mft = c_mf.*w;

% Normalize the combined taper vector:

🎉3 参考文献


[1]罗日成,李卫国,李成榕.基于阵列信号处理的变压器内局部放电源多目标定位方法[J].电网技术, 2006, 30(1):5.DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1000-3673.2006.01.013.


[3]罗景青,保铮.雷达阵列信号处理技术的新发现(一)[J].现代雷达, 1993, 15(2):11.DOI:CNKI:SUN:XDLD.0.1993-02-015.

[4]马友科,宋万杰,吴顺君,等.基于多DSP的雷达阵列信号处理系统[J].雷达科学与技术, 2009, 7(2):4.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-2337.2009.02.008.

🌈4 Matlab代码实现

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