列出所有Application :
yarn application -list
scala# 可以根据状态过滤:ALL、NEW、NEW_SAVING、SUBMITTED、ACCEPTED、RUNNING、FINISHED、FAILED、KILLED yarn application -list -appStates FINISHED application_1652832924022_57402 DDOS-Detect-Engine_Ver000 SPARK root tech97 RUNNING UNDEFINED 10% application_1652832924022_57401 ETL_dns SPARK root tech97 RUNNING UNDEFINED 10% application_1652832924022_57341 web_stat SPARK root tech97 RUNNING UNDEFINED 10%
yarn applicationattempt -list application_1612577921195_0001
scala23/06/24 10:38:21 INFO impl.TimelineClientImpl: Timeline service address: http://maxc84:8188/ws/v1/timeline/ 23/06/24 10:38:22 INFO client.ConfiguredRMFailoverProxyProvider: Failing over to rm2 Total number of application attempts :1 ApplicationAttempt-Id State AM-Container-Id Tracking-URL appattempt_1652832924022_57401_000001 FINISHED container_e18_1652832924022_57401_01_000001 http://maxc85:8088/proxy/application_1652832924022_57401/
杀死指定应用 :
yarn application -kill application_1612577921195_0001
查看指定应用日志 :
yarn logs -applicationId application_1612577921195_0001
查看节点状态 :
yarn node -list -all
scalaTotal Nodes:35 Node-Id Node-State Node-Http-Address Number-of-Running-Containers maxc8:45454 RUNNING maxc8:8042 3 maxc3:45454 RUNNING maxc3:8042 7 maxc18:45454 RUNNING maxc18:8042 5 maxc25:45454 RUNNING maxc25:8042 3 maxc16:45454 RUNNING maxc16:8042 5 maxc34:45454 RUNNING maxc34:8042 5 maxc22:45454 RUNNING maxc22:8042 4 maxc31:45454 RUNNING maxc31:8042 1 maxc13:45454 RUNNING maxc13:8042 7
查看队列状态 :
yarn queue -status wa
scala[root@maxc84 ~]# yarn queue -status wa 23/06/24 10:58:58 INFO impl.TimelineClientImpl: Timeline service address: http://maxc84:8188/ws/v1/timeline/ 23/06/24 10:58:59 INFO client.ConfiguredRMFailoverProxyProvider: Failing over to rm2 Queue Information : Queue Name : tech97 State : RUNNING Capacity : 50.0% Current Capacity : 41.7% Maximum Capacity : 70.0% Default Node Label expression : Accessible Node Labels : *
【Hadoop】Yarn 任务管理指令
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