



Multi-modality machine learning predicting Parkinson's disease










We have shown that integrating multiple modalities improved model performance in predicting PD diagnosis in a mixed population of cases and controls. For a summary of basic clinical and demographic features, please refer to Table 1 and for a summary of the analysis, please refer to Fig. 1. Additional information in regards to cohorts and interpretation for ML metrics and models are included in Supplementary Notes 2, 3. Our multi-modality model showed a higher area under the curve (AUC;89.72%) than just the clinico-demographic data available prior to neurological assessment (87.52%), the genetics-only model from genome sequencing data and polygenic risk score (PRS; 70.66%), or the transcriptomics-only model from genome-wide whole blood RNA sequencing data (79.73%) in withheld PPMI samples(see Table 2 and Fig. 2 for summaries). This model's performance improved after tuning, described below and in Table 3, where the mean AUC metric in the untuned model in PPMI is 80.75 with a standard deviation of 8.84 (range = 69.44--88.51) and the mean AUC at tuning in PPMI is 82.17 with a standard deviation of 8.96 (range = 70.93--90.17). Similar improvements can be seen when this model is validated in the PDBP dataset (AUC from the combined modality model at 83.84% before tuning) detailed in Table 4 and Fig. 3. Additionally, the multimodal model also had the lowest false positive and false negative rates compared to other models, only focusing on a single modality, in both the withheld test set in PPMI and in the PDBP validation set. Thus, moving from single to multiple data modalities yielded better results in not only AUC but across all performance metrics




Fig. 1 Workflow and Data Summary. Scientific notation in the workflow diagram denotes minimum p values from reference GWAS or differential expression studies as a pre-screen for feature inclusion. Blue indicates subsets of genetics data (also denoted as "G"), green indicates subsets of transcriptomics data (also denoted as *omics or "O"), yellow indicates clinico-demographic data (also denoted as C + D),and purple indicates combined data modalities. PD Parkinson's disease, AMP-PD accelerating medicines partnership in Parkinson's disease, PPMI Parkinson's progression marker initiative, PDBP Parkinson's disease biomarker program, WGS whole-genome sequencing, GWAS genome-wide association study, QC quality control, MAF minor allele frequency, PRS polygenic risk score.

图1 工作流程和数据摘要。工作流程图中的科学记号表示来自参考GWAS或差异表达研究的最小p值,作为特征包含的预筛选。蓝色表示遗传数据子集(也标记为"G"),绿色表示转录组数据子集(也标记为*组学或"O"),黄色表示临床-人口统计数据(也标记为C + D),紫色表示结合了数据模态。PD帕金森病,AMP-PD加速医药合作伙伴关系帕金森病项目,PPMI帕金森病进展标志物计划,PDBP帕金森病生物标志物计划,WGS全基因组测序,GWAS全基因组关联研究,QC质量控制,MAF小等位基因频率,PRS多基因风险评分。

Fig. 2Receiver operating characteristic curves and case probability density plots in withheld training samples at default thresholds comparing performance metrics in different data modalities from the PPMI dataset. P values mentioned indicate the threshold of

significance used per datatype, except for the inclusion of all clinico-demographic features. a PPMI combined *omics dataset (genetics p value threshold = 1E-5, transcriptomics p value threshold = 1E-2, and clinico-demographic information); b PPMI genetics-only dataset (p value threshold = 1E-5); c PPMI clinico-demographics only dataset; d PPMI transcriptomics-only dataset (p value threshold = 1E-2). Note that x-axis limits may vary as some models produce less extreme probability distributions than others inherently based on fit to the input data and the algorithm used, further detailed images are included in Supplementary Fig. 5. PPMI Parkinson's progression marker initiative, ROC receiver operating characteristic curve.

图2 在默认阈值下,比较PPMI数据集中不同数据模态的性能指标,保留训练样本中的接收器操作特征曲线和案例概率密度图。提到的P值表示每种数据类型使用的显著性阈值,除了包含所有临床-人口统计特征外。a PPMI综合*组学数据集(遗传学P值阈值=1E-5,转录组学P值阈值=1E-2,以及临床-人口统计信息);b PPMI仅遗传学数据集(P值阈值=1E-5);c PPMI仅临床-人口统计数据集;d PPMI仅转录组学数据集(P值阈值=1E-2)。请注意,x轴的限制可能会有所不同,因为一些模型基于对输入数据的适应度和使用的算法,天生就会产生比其他模型更不极端的概率分布,更详细的图像包含在补充图5中。PPMI帕金森病进展标志物计划,ROC接收器操作特征曲线。

Fig. 3Receiver operating characteristic and case probability density plots in the external dataset (PDBP) at validation for the trained and then tuned models at default thresholds. Probabilities are predicted case status (r1), so controls (status of 0) skews towards more samples on the left, and positive PD cases (status of 1) skews more samples on the right. a Testing in PDBP the combined *omics model (genetics p value threshold = 1E-5, transcriptomics p value threshold = 1E-2, and clinico-demographic information) developed in PPMI prior to tuning the hyperparameters of the model; b Testing in PDBP the combined *omics model (genetics p value threshold = 1E-5, transcriptomics p value threshold = 1E-2, and clinico-demographic information) developed in PPMI after tuning the hyperparameters of the model. PPMI Parkinson's progression marker initiative, PDBP Parkinson's disease biomarker program, ROC receiver operating characteristic curve.

图3在外部数据集(PDBP)上对训练并调整后的模型进行验证时的接收器操作特征和案例概率密度图,使用默认阈值。概率预测的是案例状态(r1),因此对照组(状态为0)的样本偏向左侧,阳性PD案例(状态为1)的样本偏向右侧。a 在PDBP测试结合组学模型(遗传学P值阈值=1E-5,转录组学P值阈值=1E-2,以及临床-人口统计信息),该模型在PPMI中开发,在调整模型的超参数之前;b 在PDBP测试结合组学模型(遗传学P值阈值=1E-5,转录组学P值阈值=1E-2,以及临床-人口统计信息),该模型在PPMI中开发,调整模型的超参数之后。PPMI帕金森病进展标志物计划,PDBP帕金森病生物标志物项目,ROC接收器操作特征曲线。

Fig. 4Feature importance plots for top 5% of features in data. The plot on the left has lower values indicated by the color blue, while higher values are indicated in red compared to the baseline risk estimate. Plot on the right indicates directionality, with features predicting for cases indicated in red, while features better-predicting controls are indicated in blue. SHAP Shapley values, UPSIT University of Pennsylvania smell identification test, PRS polygenic risk score.



Table 1.Descriptive statistics of studies included from AMP PD.

表1.包含自AMP PD的研究的描述性统计。

Table 2.Performance metric summaries comparing training in withheld samples in PPMI.


Table 3.Performance metric summaries comparing at tuned cross-validation in withheld samples in PPMI.


Table 4.Performance metric summaries comparing combined tuned and untuned model performance on PDBP validation dataset.


Table 5.Optimizing the AUC threshold in withheld training samples and in the validation data.


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