Introduction 介绍
Ownership is a unique memory management system where each value has a designated owner, ensuring automatic memory deallocation when the owner goes out of scope, eliminating common memory-related bugs. This ownership model enhances safety and performance in systems programming.

The stack and The heap
Most programming languages don't require you to bother about where and how the data is stored but in a low level programming language. It makes all of the difference.
The stack is a region of memory used for function call management and local variables.
The heap is a dynamic memory area for allocating and deallocating memory during runtime in a program.
How it works? 它是如何工作的?
During runtime our program has access to both the stack and the heap. The stack is a fixed size memory that stores stack frames for each function call and variable. The heap is dynamic in size and can store any amounts of data.
Example: 范例:
fn main(){
fn a(){
let z: String = Strng::from("Hello Wrold");
fn b(){
let x: u8 = 5;
let y: &str = "hello";
Function A is called first so we create a stack frame. String
type can be dynamic in size so we allocate some memory in the heap and store the value there
首先调用函数A,因此我们创建一个堆栈帧。 String
Then function b is called, here x
is an unsigned 8 bit integer, so we can directly store it in the stack memory. now y
is a string literal, which will be stored in the executable.
然后调用函数B,这里 x
是一个无符号的8位整数,所以我们可以直接将其存储在堆栈内存中。现在 y
Ownership 所有权
The rules of ownership 所有权规则
- Each value in Rust has a unique owner.
Rust中的每个值都有唯一的所有者。 - There can only be one owner at a time, preventing multiple parts of the program from modifying the data concurrently.
一次只能有一个所有者,防止程序的多个部分同时修改数据。 - Ownership can be transferred through ownership transfer and borrowed through references.
所有权可以通过所有权转移进行转移,也可以通过参照物进行借用。 - When the owner goes out of scope the value is dropped
Example: 范例:
fn main(){
{ //var is not valid here, it is not declared yet...
let var: &str = "Hello"; // var is valid from here
} // The scope is over, var is no longer valid
Memory and allocation 内存和分配
Multiple variables can interact with the same data in different ways in Rust.
Example: 范例:
fn main(){
let x: u8 = 5;
let y = x;
println!("X = {}, Y = {}",x,y);
This copies the value of x
to y
, so the output is
这将 x
的值复制到 y
X = 5, Y = 5
But then: 但随后:
fn main(){
let str1: String = String::from("Hello, World!");
let str2: String = str1;
We would assume that the same would happen here, but to ensure memory safety. str1
is invalidated and the String Hello, World!
is moved into str2
我们假设这里也会发生同样的事情,但要确保内存安全。 str1
无效,字符串 Hello, World!
被移到 str2
The Stack and heap diagram would look something like this
Although we have the functionality to clone the strings :
fn main(){
let str1: String = String::from("Hello, World!");
let str2: String = str1.clone();

Ownership and Functions 所有权和职能
Passing a variiable in a function as an argument has the same effect as assigning it to a different variable. The function takes the ownership of the variable.
fn main(){
let str1: String = String::from("Hello");
println!("{}", str1); // this would result in an error
fn takes_ownership(some_string: String){
This code will result in an error because, we have given the ownership of str1
to the takes_ownership
function. So effectively str1
is dropped when we try to print it on line 4
这段代码将导致一个错误,因为我们已经将 str1
的所有权交给了 takes_ownership
函数。因此,当我们尝试在 line 4
上打印时, str1
This also works in the opposite way. Just like a function can take ownership of a variable. It can also give ownership of a variable\
Example: 范例:
fn main(){
let str1: String = gives_ownership();
println!("String 1 : {}",str1);
fn gives_ownership() -> String {
let some_string: String = String::from("Hello World");
This piece of code takes the variable some_string
and returns the variable, we store the return value in the str1
variable effectively making str1
the owner of the value Hello World
这段代码接受变量 some_string
并返回该变量,我们将返回值存储在 str1
变量中,有效地使 str1
成为值 Hello World