【论文阅读】RS-Mamba for Large Remote Sensing Image Dense Prediction(附Code)






python 复制代码
def antidiagonal_gather(tensor):
    # 取出矩阵所有反斜向的元素并拼接
    B, C, H, W = tensor.size()
    shift = torch.arange(H, device=tensor.device).unsqueeze(1)  # 创建一个列向量[H, 1]
    index = (torch.arange(W, device=tensor.device) - shift) % W  # 利用广播创建索引矩阵[H, W]
    # 扩展索引以适应B和C维度
    expanded_index = index.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).expand(B, C, -1, -1)
    # 使用gather进行索引选择
    return tensor.gather(3, expanded_index).transpose(-1,-2).reshape(B, C, H*W)

def diagonal_gather(tensor):
    # 取出矩阵所有反斜向的元素并拼接
    B, C, H, W = tensor.size()
    shift = torch.arange(H, device=tensor.device).unsqueeze(1)  # 创建一个列向量[H, 1]
    index = (shift + torch.arange(W, device=tensor.device)) % W  # 利用广播创建索引矩阵[H, W]
    # 扩展索引以适应B和C维度
    expanded_index = index.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).expand(B, C, -1, -1)
    # 使用gather进行索引选择
    return tensor.gather(3, expanded_index).transpose(-1,-2).reshape(B, C, H*W)

def diagonal_scatter(tensor_flat, original_shape):
    # 把斜向元素拼接起来的一维向量还原为最初的矩阵形式
    B, C, H, W = original_shape
    shift = torch.arange(H, device=tensor_flat.device).unsqueeze(1)  # 创建一个列向量[H, 1]
    index = (shift + torch.arange(W, device=tensor_flat.device)) % W  # 利用广播创建索引矩阵[H, W]
    # 扩展索引以适应B和C维度
    expanded_index = index.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).expand(B, C, -1, -1)
    # 创建一个空的张量来存储反向散布的结果
    result_tensor = torch.zeros(B, C, H, W, device=tensor_flat.device, dtype=tensor_flat.dtype)
    # 将平铺的张量重新变形为[B, C, H, W],考虑到需要使用transpose将H和W调换
    tensor_reshaped = tensor_flat.reshape(B, C, W, H).transpose(-1, -2)
    # 使用scatter_根据expanded_index将元素放回原位
    result_tensor.scatter_(3, expanded_index, tensor_reshaped)
    return result_tensor

def antidiagonal_scatter(tensor_flat, original_shape):
    # 把反斜向元素拼接起来的一维向量还原为最初的矩阵形式
    B, C, H, W = original_shape
    shift = torch.arange(H, device=tensor_flat.device).unsqueeze(1)  # 创建一个列向量[H, 1]
    index = (torch.arange(W, device=tensor_flat.device) - shift) % W  # 利用广播创建索引矩阵[H, W]
    expanded_index = index.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).expand(B, C, -1, -1)
    # 初始化一个与原始张量形状相同、元素全为0的张量
    result_tensor = torch.zeros(B, C, H, W, device=tensor_flat.device, dtype=tensor_flat.dtype)
    # 将平铺的张量重新变形为[B, C, W, H],因为操作是沿最后一个维度收集的,需要调整形状并交换维度
    tensor_reshaped = tensor_flat.reshape(B, C, W, H).transpose(-1, -2)
    # 使用scatter_将元素根据索引放回原位
    result_tensor.scatter_(3, expanded_index, tensor_reshaped)
    return result_tensor

class CrossScan(torch.autograd.Function):
    # ZSJ 这里是把图像按照特定方向展平的地方,改变扫描方向可以在这里修改
    def forward(ctx, x: torch.Tensor):
        B, C, H, W = x.shape
        ctx.shape = (B, C, H, W)
        # xs = x.new_empty((B, 4, C, H * W))
        xs = x.new_empty((B, 8, C, H * W))
        # 添加横向和竖向的扫描
        xs[:, 0] = x.flatten(2, 3)
        xs[:, 1] = x.transpose(dim0=2, dim1=3).flatten(2, 3)
        xs[:, 2:4] = torch.flip(xs[:, 0:2], dims=[-1])
        # 提供斜向和反斜向的扫描
        xs[:, 4] = diagonal_gather(x)
        xs[:, 5] = antidiagonal_gather(x)
        xs[:, 6:8] = torch.flip(xs[:, 4:6], dims=[-1])

        return xs
    def backward(ctx, ys: torch.Tensor):
        # out: (b, k, d, l)
        B, C, H, W = ctx.shape
        L = H * W
        # 把横向和竖向的反向部分再反向回来,并和原来的横向和竖向相加
        # ys = ys[:, 0:2] + ys[:, 2:4].flip(dims=[-1]).view(B, 2, -1, L)
        y_rb = ys[:, 0:2] + ys[:, 2:4].flip(dims=[-1]).view(B, 2, -1, L)
        # 把竖向的部分转成横向,然后再相加,再转回最初是的矩阵形式
        # y = ys[:, 0] + ys[:, 1].view(B, -1, W, H).transpose(dim0=2, dim1=3).contiguous().view(B, -1, L)
        y_rb = y_rb[:, 0] + y_rb[:, 1].view(B, -1, W, H).transpose(dim0=2, dim1=3).contiguous().view(B, -1, L)
        y_rb = y_rb.view(B, -1, H, W)

        # 把斜向和反斜向的反向部分再反向回来,并和原来的斜向和反斜向相加
        y_da = ys[:, 4:6] + ys[:, 6:8].flip(dims=[-1]).view(B, 2, -1, L)
        # 把斜向和反斜向的部分都转成原来的最初的矩阵形式,再相加
        y_da = diagonal_scatter(y_da[:, 0], (B,C,H,W)) + antidiagonal_scatter(y_da[:, 1], (B,C,H,W))

        y_res = y_rb + y_da
        # return y.view(B, -1, H, W)
        return y_res

class CrossMerge(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, ys: torch.Tensor):
        B, K, D, H, W = ys.shape
        ctx.shape = (H, W)
        ys = ys.view(B, K, D, -1)
        # ys = ys[:, 0:2] + ys[:, 2:4].flip(dims=[-1]).view(B, 2, D, -1)
        # y = ys[:, 0] + ys[:, 1].view(B, -1, W, H).transpose(dim0=2, dim1=3).contiguous().view(B, D, -1)

        y_rb = ys[:, 0:2] + ys[:, 2:4].flip(dims=[-1]).view(B, 2, D, -1)
        # 把竖向的部分转成横向,然后再相加,再转回最初是的矩阵形式
        y_rb = y_rb[:, 0] + y_rb[:, 1].view(B, -1, W, H).transpose(dim0=2, dim1=3).contiguous().view(B, D, -1)
        y_rb = y_rb.view(B, -1, H, W)

        # 把斜向和反斜向的反向部分再反向回来,并和原来的斜向和反斜向相加
        y_da = ys[:, 4:6] + ys[:, 6:8].flip(dims=[-1]).view(B, 2, D, -1)
        # 把斜向和反斜向的部分都转成原来的最初的矩阵形式,再相加
        y_da = diagonal_scatter(y_da[:, 0], (B,D,H,W)) + antidiagonal_scatter(y_da[:, 1], (B,D,H,W))

        y_res = y_rb + y_da
        return y_res.view(B, D, -1)
        # return y
    def backward(ctx, x: torch.Tensor):
        # B, D, L = x.shape
        # out: (b, k, d, l)
        H, W = ctx.shape
        B, C, L = x.shape
        # xs = x.new_empty((B, 4, C, L))
        xs = x.new_empty((B, 8, C, L))

        # 横向和竖向扫描
        xs[:, 0] = x
        xs[:, 1] = x.view(B, C, H, W).transpose(dim0=2, dim1=3).flatten(2, 3)
        xs[:, 2:4] = torch.flip(xs[:, 0:2], dims=[-1])
        # xs = xs.view(B, 4, C, H, W)

        # 提供斜向和反斜向的扫描
        xs[:, 4] = diagonal_gather(x.view(B,C,H,W))
        xs[:, 5] = antidiagonal_gather(x.view(B,C,H,W))
        xs[:, 6:8] = torch.flip(xs[:, 4:6], dims=[-1])

        # return xs
        return xs.view(B, 8, C, H, W)
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