在本系列文章中,我们梳理了运筹学顶刊Operations Research在2024年3月份发布的18篇文章的基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察领域新动态。本文为第二部分。
● 题目:An Unexpected Stochastic Dominance: Pareto Distributions, Dependence, and Diversification
● 作者:Yuyu Chen, Paul Embrechts, Ruodu Wang
● 发布时间:2024/03/21
● 摘要:
We find the perhaps surprising inequality that the weighted average of independent and identically distributed Pareto random variables with infinite mean is larger than one such random variable in the sense of first-order stochastic dominance. This result holds for more general models including super-Pareto distributions, negative dependence, and triggering events and yields superadditivity of the risk measure value-at-risk for these models.
● 题目:An Algorithmic Solution to the Blotto Game Using Multimarginal Couplings
● 作者:Vianney Perchet, Philippe Rigollet, Thibaut Le Gouic
● 发布时间:2024/03/22
● 摘要:
We describe an efficient algorithm to compute solutions for the general two-player Blotto game on n battlefields with heterogeneous values. Whereas explicit constructions for such solutions have been limited to specific, largely symmetric or homogeneous setups, this algorithmic resolution covers the most general situation to date: a value-asymmetric game with an asymmetric budget with sufficient symmetry and homogeneity. The proposed algorithm rests on recent theoretical advances regarding Sinkhorn iterations for matrix and tensor scaling. An important case that had been out of reach of previous attempts is that of heterogeneous but symmetric battlefield values with asymmetric budgets. In this case, the Blotto game is constant-sum, so optimal solutions exist, and our algorithm samples from an ε-optimal solution in time ε, independent of budgets and battlefield values, up to some natural normalization. In the case of asymmetric values where optimal solutions need not exist but Nash equilibria do, our algorithm samples from an ε-Nash equilibrium with similar complexity but where implicit constants depend on various parameters of the game such as battlefield values.
● 题目:Outcome-Driven Dynamic Refugee Assignment with Allocation Balancing
● 作者:Kirk Bansak, Elisabeth Paulson
● 发布时间:2024/03/25
● 摘要:
This study proposes two new dynamic assignment algorithms to match refugees and asylum seekers to geographic localities within a host country. The first, currently implemented in a multiyear randomized control trial in Switzerland, seeks to maximize the average predicted employment level (or any measured outcome of interest) of refugees through a minimum-discord online assignment algorithm. The performance of this algorithm is tested on real refugee resettlement data from both the United States and Switzerland, where we find that it is able to achieve near-optimal expected employment, compared with the hindsight-optimal solution, and is able to improve upon the status quo procedure by 40%--50%. However, pure outcome maximization can result in a periodically imbalanced allocation to the localities over time, leading to implementation difficulties and an undesirable workflow for resettlement resources and agents. To address these problems, the second algorithm balances the goal of improving refugee outcomes with the desire for an even allocation over time. We find that this algorithm can achieve near-perfect balance over time with only a small loss in expected employment compared with the employment-maximizing algorithm. In addition, the allocation balancing algorithm offers a number of ancillary benefits compared with pure outcome maximization, including robustness to unknown arrival flows and greater exploration.
● 题目:A Random Consideration Set Model for Demand Estimation, Assortment Optimization, and Pricing
● 作者:Guillermo Gallego, Anran Li
● 发布时间:2024/03/25
● 摘要:
In this paper, we operationalize the random consideration set (RCS) choice model proposed by Manzini and Mariotti which assumes that consumers make purchase decisions based on a fixed preference ordering and random consideration sets drawn from independent attention probabilities. We provide a necessary condition, a sufficient condition, and a fast algorithm to estimate preference ordering and attention probabilities from sales transaction data, thereby uniquely identifying the model parameters. Additionally, we propose a greedy-like algorithm to find an assortment that maximizes total expected revenues. This algorithm can be easily adapted to handle cardinality constraints or to discover all efficient sets. Additionally, we explore profit optimization for a price-aware version of the RCS model and demonstrate that optimal profit margins and consumer surplus have the same ordering as the value gaps. Furthermore, we expand the model to include a random consideration-utility maximization framework, where consumers can have random preferences for products once consideration sets are formed. We develop an approximation algorithm with a 1/2 performance guarantee for this extended model. To validate our findings, we conduct a computational study using data provided by a major United States-based airline. The data set comprises 107 different flights serving various markets over a period of 120 days. By testing our models on this airline partner's data, we demonstrate that the RCS model outperforms the mixed multinomial logit model in nearly half of the markets. These results align with the insights obtained from our synthetic study, indicating that the RCS model exhibits greater robustness when applied to input data sets with limited variations and smaller sizes.
● 题目:To Interfere or Not To Interfere: Information Revelation and Price-Setting Incentives in a Multiagent Learning Environment
● 作者:John R. Birge, Hongfan (Kevin) Chen, N. Bora Keskin, Amy Ward
● 发布时间:2024/03/27
● 摘要:
We consider a platform in which multiple sellers offer their products for sale over a time horizon of T periods. Each seller sets its own price. The platform collects a fraction of the sales revenue and provides price-setting incentives to the sellers to maximize its own revenue. The demand for each seller's product is a function of all sellers' prices and some customer features. Initially, neither the platform nor the sellers know the demand function, but they can learn about it through sales observations: each seller observes its own sales, whereas the platform observes all sellers' sales as well as the customer feature information. We measure the platform's performance by comparing its expected revenue with the full-information optimal revenue, and we design policies that enable the platform to manage information revelation and price-setting incentives. Perhaps surprisingly, a simple "do-nothing" policy does not always exhibit poor revenue performance and can perform exceptionally well under certain conditions. With a more conservative policy that reveals information to make price-setting incentives more effective, the platform can always protect itself from large revenue losses caused by demand model uncertainty. We develop a strategic reveal-and-incentivize policy that combines the benefits of the aforementioned policies and thereby achieves asymptotically optimal revenue performance as T grows large.
● 题目:Slowly Varying Regression Under Sparsity
● 作者:Dimitris Bertsimas, Vassilis Digalakis, Jr., Michael Lingzhi Li, Omar Skali Lami
● 发布时间:2024/03/27
● 摘要:
We introduce the framework of slowly varying regression under sparsity, which allows sparse regression models to vary slowly and sparsely. We formulate the problem of parameter estimation as a mixed-integer optimization problem and demonstrate that it can be reformulated exactly as a binary convex optimization problem through a novel relaxation. The relaxation utilizes a new equality on Moore-Penrose inverses that convexifies the nonconvex objective function while coinciding with the original objective on all feasible binary points. This allows us to solve the problem significantly more efficiently and to provable optimality using a cutting plane--type algorithm. We develop a highly optimized implementation of such algorithm, which substantially improves upon the asymptotic computational complexity of a straightforward implementation. We further develop a fast heuristic method that is guaranteed to produce a feasible solution and, as we empirically illustrate, generates high-quality warm-start solutions for the binary optimization problem. To tune the framework's hyperparameters, we propose a practical procedure relying on binary search that, under certain assumptions, is guaranteed to recover the true model parameters. We show, on both synthetic and real-world data sets, that the resulting algorithm outperforms competing formulations in comparable times across a variety of metrics, including estimation accuracy, predictive power, and computational time, and is highly scalable, enabling us to train models with tens of thousands of parameters.
● 题目:Technical Note---Production Management with General Demands and Lost Sales
● 作者:Jinhui Han, Xiaolong Li, Suresh P. Sethi, Chi Chung Siu, Sheung Chi Phillip Yam
● 发布时间:2024/03/28
We consider continuous-review, single-product inventory systems with a constant replenishment rate, Lévy demand, general inventory holding cost, and general lost-sales penalty. The Lévy demand encompasses various demand dynamics used in the inventory literature. We obtain optimal replenishment rates that minimize the time-average cost and expected discounted costs. We can solve this problem explicitly for the optimal replenishment rate by utilizing the renewal theorem for the time-average cost objective. For a more complex expected discounted cost minimization problem, we first obtain the Laplace transform of the cost objective in terms of the unique positive root of the corresponding Lundberg equation. Then, we devise a Fourier-cosine scheme to numerically compute the original cost objective together with a detailed error analysis to determine the optimal production rate. In particular cases, we obtain closed-form expressions of the optimal replenishment rates. The numerical examples further illustrate our numerical method's accuracy, stability, and robustness. Finally, our Fourier-cosine method can be applied to compute risk analytics, including but not limited to the stockout probability and expected shortfall of the production-inventory system.
● 题目:Assigning and Scheduling Generalized Malleable Jobs Under Subadditive or Submodular Processing Speeds
● 作者:Dimitris Fotakis, Jannik Matuschke, Orestis Papadigenopoulos
● 发布时间:2024/03/28
Malleable scheduling is a model that captures the possibility of parallelization to expedite the completion of time-critical tasks. A malleable job can be allocated and processed simultaneously on multiple machines, occupying the same time interval on all these machines. We study a general version of this setting, in which the functions determining the joint processing speed of machines for a given job follow different discrete concavity assumptions (subadditivity, fractional subadditivity, submodularity, and matroid ranks). We show that under these assumptions, the problem of scheduling malleable jobs at minimum makespan can be approximated by a considerably simpler assignment problem. Moreover, we provide efficient approximation algorithms for both the scheduling and the assignment problem, with increasingly stronger guarantees for increasingly stronger concavity assumptions, including a logarithmic approximation factor for the case of submodular processing speeds and a constant approximation factor when processing speeds are determined by matroid rank functions. Computational experiments indicate that our algorithms outperform the theoretical worst-case guarantees.
● 题目:Optimal Auction Design with Deferred Inspection and Reward
● 作者:Saeed Alaei, Alexandre Belloni, Ali Makhdoumi, Azarakhsh Malekian
● 发布时间:2024/03/28
Consider a mechanism run by an auctioneer who can use both payment and inspection instruments to incentivize agents. The timeline of the events is as follows. Based on a prespecified allocation rule and the reported values of agents, the auctioneer allocates the item and secures the reported values as deposits. The auctioneer then inspects the values of agents and, using a prespecified reward rule, rewards the ones who have reported truthfully. Using techniques from convex analysis and calculus of variations, for any distribution of values, we fully characterize the optimal mechanism for a single agent. Using Border's theorem and duality, we find conditions under which our characterization extends to multiple agents. Interestingly, the optimal allocation function, unlike the classic settings without inspection, is not a threshold strategy and instead is an increasing and continuous function of the types. We also present an implementation of our optimal auction and show that it achieves a higher revenue than auctions in classic settings without inspection. This is because the inspection enables the auctioneer to charge payments closer to the agents' true values without creating incentives for them to deviate to lower types.