1. ls
Lists the contents of a directory.
- Lists files and directories in the current directory.ls -l
- Lists with detailed information including permissions, owner, size, and modification date.ls -a
- Lists all entries including hidden files starting with.
2. cd
Changes the current directory.
cd /path/to/directory
- Changes to the specified directory.cd ..
- Moves up one directory level.cd
orcd ~
- Changes to the user's home directory.
3. pwd
Prints the current working directory.
- Outputs the full path of the current directory.
4. cp
Copies files or directories.
cp source_file destination_file
- Copies a file.cp -r source_directory destination_directory
- Recursively copies a directory.
5. mv
Moves or renames files and directories.
mv source destination
- Moves or renames files or directories.
6. rm
Removes files or directories.
rm file
- Deletes a file.rm -r directory
- Recursively deletes a directory and its contents.
7. mkdir
Creates a new directory.
mkdir directory_name
- Creates a new directory.
8. rmdir
Removes empty directories.
rmdir directory_name
- Removes an empty directory.
9. chmod
Changes the permissions of files or directories.
chmod 755 file
- Changes the permissions of a file to read, write, and execute for the owner, and read and execute for others.
10. chown
Changes the owner and/or group of files or directories.
chown user:group file
- Changes the owner and group of a file.
11. top
Displays running processes and system resource usage.
- Opens an interactive monitor displaying system processes and resource usage.
12. df
Shows disk space usage.
- Shows the amount of disk space used and available on all mounted filesystems.df -h
- Displays the space in human-readable form (e.g., KB, MB, GB).
13. du
Shows the disk usage of files and directories.
du -sh directory
- Shows the total size of a directory in a human-readable format.
14. grep
Searches for patterns in text.
grep "pattern" file
- Searches for a pattern within a file and prints lines containing the pattern.
15. echo
Displays a line of text/string that is passed as an argument.
echo "Hello, World!"
- Prints "Hello, World!" to the terminal.
16. cat
Concatenates and displays files.
cat file
- Displays the contents of a file.
17. tail
Displays the last part of files.
tail file
- Shows the last 10 lines of a file.tail -f file
- Continuously monitors the end of a file, useful for logs.
18. head
Displays the first part of files.
head file
- Shows the first 10 lines of a file.
19. man
Displays the manual pages for commands.
man command
- Shows the manual for the specified command.
20. sudo
Executes a command with superuser privileges.
sudo command
- Executes the command as the superuser.
These commands form the backbone of the Ubuntu command-line interface and are critical for daily operations and system management. Each command typically has a man
page (e.g., man ls
) which provides detailed usage information, options, and examples.