

1 介绍


2 实时性需求

AGV、机械臂等机器人,在控制伺服,读取雷达、PGV等传感器数据时,需要一定的实时性。如伺服控制周期要在 10ms 甚至更低,这就需要相应线程工作时,能稳定在相应周期内。

3 代表性实时系统

实时系统 开源/商业 地区
μc/os-III 商业 国外
FreeRTOS 开源 国外
Vxworks 商业 国外
RT-Thread 开源 国内
Liteos 开源 国内

4 嵌入式系统



ISR是Interrupt Service Routines的缩写,即中断服务程序。

模型 事件响应 事件处理 特点
轮询系统 主程序 主程序 轮询响应事件,轮询处理事件
前后台系统 前台多个中断程 后台单个主程序 实时响应事件,轮询处理事件
多任务系统 多个中断程序 多个任务 实时响应事件,实时处理事件



在上图中,任务 A 和任务 B 按照等长时间轮流占用处理器,在单处理器上造成多








  • T0 时刻任务 C 得到处理器,它开始执行。在它执行过程中,任务 B 和任务 C 就
  • T1 时刻任务 C 完成操作,主动让出处理器。内核选择任务 B 来运行
  • T2 时刻任务 B 完成操作,主动让出处理器。内核选择任务 A 来运行
  • T3 时刻任务 A 完成操作,主动让出处理器。内核再次选择任务 C 来运行













5 cyclictest 测试工具



(base) root@orangepiaipro:/opt/worthsen/rt-tests# ./cyclictest --help
cyclictest V 1.00
cyclictest <options>

-a [NUM] --affinity        run thread #N on processor #N, if possible
                           with NUM pin all threads to the processor NUM
-A USEC  --aligned=USEC    align thread wakeups to a specific offset
-b USEC  --breaktrace=USEC send break trace command when latency > USEC
-B       --preemptirqs     both preempt and irqsoff tracing (used with -b)
-c CLOCK --clock=CLOCK     select clock
                           0 = CLOCK_MONOTONIC (default)
                           1 = CLOCK_REALTIME
-C       --context         context switch tracing (used with -b)
-d DIST  --distance=DIST   distance of thread intervals in us, default=500
-D       --duration=TIME   specify a length for the test run.
                           Append 'm', 'h', or 'd' to specify minutes, hours or days.
         --latency=PM_QOS  write PM_QOS to /dev/cpu_dma_latency
-E       --event           event tracing (used with -b)
-f       --ftrace          function trace (when -b is active)
-F       --fifo=<path>     create a named pipe at path and write stats to it
-h       --histogram=US    dump a latency histogram to stdout after the run
                           US is the max latency time to be be tracked in microseconds
                           This option runs all threads at the same priority.
-H       --histofall=US    same as -h except with an additional summary column
         --histfile=<path> dump the latency histogram to <path> instead of stdout
-i INTV  --interval=INTV   base interval of thread in us default=1000
-I       --irqsoff         Irqsoff tracing (used with -b)
-l LOOPS --loops=LOOPS     number of loops: default=0(endless)
         --laptop          Save battery when running cyclictest
                           This will give you poorer realtime results
                           but will not drain your battery so quickly
-m       --mlockall        lock current and future memory allocations
-M       --refresh_on_max  delay updating the screen until a new max
                           latency is hit. Userful for low bandwidth.
-n       --nanosleep       use clock_nanosleep
         --notrace         suppress tracing
-N       --nsecs           print results in ns instead of us (default us)
-o RED   --oscope=RED      oscilloscope mode, reduce verbose output by RED
-O TOPT  --traceopt=TOPT   trace option
-p PRIO  --priority=PRIO   priority of highest prio thread
-P       --preemptoff      Preempt off tracing (used with -b)
         --policy=NAME     policy of measurement thread, where NAME may be one
                           of: other, normal, batch, idle, fifo or rr.
         --priospread      spread priority levels starting at specified value
-q       --quiet           print a summary only on exit
-r       --relative        use relative timer instead of absolute
-R       --resolution      check clock resolution, calling clock_gettime() many
                           times.  List of clock_gettime() values will be
                           reported with -X
         --secaligned [USEC] align thread wakeups to the next full second
                           and apply the optional offset
-s       --system          use sys_nanosleep and sys_setitimer
-S       --smp             Standard SMP testing: options -a -t -n and
                           same priority of all threads
        --spike=<trigger>  record all spikes > trigger
        --spike-nodes=[num of nodes]
                           These are the maximum number of spikes we can record.
                           The default is 1024 if not specified
-t       --threads         one thread per available processor
-t [NUM] --threads=NUM     number of threads:
                           without NUM, threads = max_cpus
                           without -t default = 1
         --tracemark       write a trace mark when -b latency is exceeded
-T TRACE --tracer=TRACER   set tracing function
    configured tracers: hwlat blk function_graph wakeup_dl wakeup_rt wakeup function nop
-u       --unbuffered      force unbuffered output for live processing
-v       --verbose         output values on stdout for statistics
                           format: n:c:v n=tasknum c=count v=value in us
-w       --wakeup          task wakeup tracing (used with -b)
-W       --wakeuprt        rt task wakeup tracing (used with -b)
         --dbg_cyclictest  print info useful for debugging cyclictest
(base) root@orangepiaipro:/opt/worthsen/rt-tests#


参数 完整参数 参数含义
-a --affinity 设置测试线程的亲核性,或设置线程的cpuset
-A --aligned=USEC align thread wakeups to a specific offset
-d --distance=DIST 当每个CPU上只有一个线程时,建议将它设置为0。若CPU上有多个实时线程,需要设置一个distance用来隔开线程唤醒的时间,distance会累加到interval的值上,默认是500us
-D --duration=TIME --latency=PM_QOS 指定测试持续事件,可以加单位 'm' 'h' 'd' 分钟 小时 天 write PM_QOS to /dev/cpu_dma_latency
-F --fifo= 在指定路径下创建一个管道,用来向它写stats
-i --interval=INTV 线程睡眠的时间,默认是1000us,即实时线程1000us被唤醒一次
-l --loops=LOOPS --laptop 循环次数,默认次数是0(无数次),cyclictest运行的时间等于interval×loops,或是--duration=TIME 省电模式运行cyclictest,得到的结果相对不那么realtime。
-m --mlockall 将当前和接下来的内存通过mlock锁定,防止发生swap影响测试
-n --nanosleep --notrace 使用精度更高的纳秒睡眠api:clock_nanosleep 抑制追踪的行为(因为ftrace会有一定的overhead)
-p --priority=PRIO 指定实时线程的优先级
-c --clock=CLOCK 选择时钟类型。默认是=0 0代表CLOCK_MONOTONIC 1代表CLOCK_REALTIME
-N --nsecs 测试结果使用精度更高的ns显示(默认是us)
-r --relative 使用相对时间的timer来代替绝对时间的timer
-R --resolution --secaligned [USEC] check clock resolution. align thread wakeups to the next full second
-s --system 使用sys_nanosleep()和sys_setitimer()设置定时器
-t --threads --tracemark 每个处理器分配一个线程 write a trace mark when -b latency is exceeded
-t --threads=NUM 指定总线程数,若不指定,线程数等于max_cpus;若不使用-t参数,则线程数为1。
-S --smp --smi 标准smp架构测试,所有的线程将使用相同的-a -t -n和优先级 Enable SMI counting
-h --histogram=US 测试完成后输出一个直方图,并输出延时小于US的次数统计。
-H --histofall=US --histfile= 类似于-h,输出一个柱状图 指定输出文件的路径
-M --refresh_on_max delay updating the screen until a new max latency is hit. Userful for low bandwidth.
-q --quiet 测试结束后再输出结果
-o --oscope=RED 使用'示波器'模式,以减少RED冗长的输出信息
-u --unbuffered force unbuffered output for live processing
-v -verbose 把测试信息输出到stdout
-b --breaktrace=USEC 当出现大于USEC的延时后,立即退出测试
-O --traceopt=TOPT trace option
-T --tracer=TRACER (同-b一起使用)用来指定ftrace的tracer类型,例如:function_graph function nop blk
-B --preemptirqs (同-b一起使用)追踪preempt和irqoff
-E --event (同-b一起使用)进行event tracing
-I --irqsoff (同-b一起使用)追踪irqsoff
-P --preemptoff --policy=NAME --priospread (同-b一起使用)追踪Preempt off 设置实时进程的调度策略:other, normal, batch, idle, fifo or rr. spread priority levels starting at specified value
-w --wakeup (同-b一起使用)追踪wakeup
-f --ftrace (同-b一起使用)使用ftrace
-C --context (同-b一起使用)追踪context switch
-W --wakeuprt --dbg_cyclictest (同-b一起使用)追踪wakeuprt。 打印cyclictest的调试信息。


T 线程
P 线程优先级
C 计数器。线程的时间间隔每达到一次,计数器加1
I 时间间隔(us)
Min 最小延时(us)
Act 最近一次的延时(us)
Avg 平均延时(us)
Max 最大延时(us)

6 linux 实时性改进



性能 直接修改内核 直接修改内核 双内核 双内核 双内核
RT-patch 其他 RT-Linux RTAI xenomai
实时性 较好 较好
硬件支持 较好 一般 一般 较好
API 丰富 一般 一般 一般 丰富
社区活跃度 较好 较差 一般 良好
用户态实时任务 支持 支持 不支持 支持 支持
内核实时任务 不支持 不支持 支持 支持 支持



代表有RT-Linux、RTAI(Real-Time Application Interface)和Xenomai。

  • RT-Linux(Real-Time Linux)【停止更新】


  • Xenomai【更新中】

    借鉴了RT-Linux的双内核做法,内部也有实时核和非实时核。但不同的是Xenomai在底层硬件和两个内核之间还加了一层硬件抽象层ADEOS(Adoptive Domain Environment for Operating System),实时核和非实时核作为硬件抽象层的两个域而存在,Xenomai内核属于实时域,Linux内核属于非实时域。ADEOS在系统的关键路径中对中断进行拦截,优先响应Xenomai实时域的中断,当没有实时任务和中断需要处理的时候才会轮到Linux内核执行。两者对比如下。

  • RTAI






OrangePi AIpro(8T) 开发板【昇腾310B4】查看系统的所有中断

cat /proc/interrupts

(base) root@orangepiaipro:~# cat /proc/interrupts
           CPU0       CPU1       CPU2       CPU3
  9:          0          0          0          0     GICv3  25 Level     vgic
 11:          0          0          0          0     GICv3  30 Level     kvm guest ptimer
 12:          0          0          0          0     GICv3  27 Level     kvm guest vtimer
 13:    4728702    1741435    1607592    1272102     GICv3  26 Level     arch_timer
 14:          1          0          0          0     GICv3 201 Level     uart-pl011
 15:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 298 Level     c42e0000.watchdog
 18:          0          0          0          0     GICv3  23 Level     arm-pmu
 19:          1          0          0          0     GICv3 319 Edge      APEI:HED
 20:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 177 Level     gpio
 21:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 178 Level     gpio
 22:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 179 Level     gpio
 23:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 181 Level     gpio
 24:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 182 Level     gpio
 25:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 183 Level     gpio
 26:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 249 Edge      hns3-a7100000.xge0-TxRx-0
 27:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 250 Edge      hns3-a7100000.xge0-TxRx-2
 28:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 251 Edge      hns3-a7100000.xge0-TxRx-4
 29:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 252 Edge      hns3-a7100000.xge0-TxRx-6
 42:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 265 Level     hnsplf-abn-a7100000.xge0
 43:          1          0          0          0     GICv3 269 Level     hnsplf-mac-a7100000.xge0
 44:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 241 Level     hnsplf-rtc-a7100000.xge0
 54:          5          0          0          0     GICv3 133 Level     dvpp_ipcm0
 55:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 134 Level     dvpp_ipcm1
 56:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 135 Level     dvpp_ipcm2
 58:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 286 Level     MIPI_RX
 59:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 291 Level     SLVS_EC
 60:          8          0          0          0     GICv3 290 Level     tc_ns_client
 61:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 279 Level     hisi-i2c
 62:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 280 Level     hisi-i2c
 63:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 281 Level     hisi-i2c
 64:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 282 Level     hisi-i2c
 65:        158          0          0          0     GICv3 185 Level     hisi-i2c
 66:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 186 Level     hisi-i2c
 67:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 187 Level     hisi-i2c
 68:         27          0          0          0     GICv3 188 Level     hisi-i2c
 69:        448          0          0          0     GICv3 189 Level     hisi-i2c
 70:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 192 Level     hisi-i2c
 71:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 193 Level     82020000.spi0
 72:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 194 Level     82030000.spi1
 73:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 283 Level     3001b0000.spi3
 74:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 284 Level     3001c0000.spi4
 75:          0          0          0          0     GICv3 195 Level     c40b0000.spi5
 80:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 75776 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-evtq
 81:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 75777 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-gerror
 82:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 77824 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-evtq
 83:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 77825 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-gerror
 84:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 79872 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-evtq
 85:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 79873 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-gerror
 86:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 81920 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-evtq
 87:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 81921 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-gerror
 88:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 83968 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-evtq
 89:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 83969 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-gerror
 90:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 86016 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-evtq
 91:          0          0          0          0  ITS-pMSI 86017 Edge      arm-smmu-v3-gerror
 92:          0          0          0          8  mbigen-v2 916 Level     mmc0
 93:      48205          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 917 Level     mmc1
 95:          0          1          0          0   ITS-MSI   0 Edge      PCIe PME, aerdrv, pciehp
 96:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 699 Level     mailbox-0-lp-rx-acpu0
 97:          0          0          0       3089  mbigen-v2 700 Level     mailbox-1-lp-rx-acpu1
 98:         69          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 701 Level     mailbox-2-lp-rx-acpu2
 99:          0          5          0          0  mbigen-v2 702 Level     mailbox-3-lp-rx-acpu3
100:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 628 Level     ts_ipc_done_interrupt
101:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 629 Level     ts_ipc_done_interrupt
102:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 630 Level     ts_ipc_done_interrupt
103:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 631 Level     ts_ipc_done_interrupt
104:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 632 Level     ts_ipc_done_interrupt
105:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 633 Level     ts_ipc_done_interrupt
106:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 634 Level     ts_ipc_done_interrupt
107:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 635 Level     ts_ipc_done_interrupt
108:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 636 Level     mailbox-8-ts-rx-acpu0
109:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 637 Level     mailbox-9-ts-rx-acpu1
110:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 638 Level     mailbox-10-ts-rx-acpu2
111:          0          5          0          0  mbigen-v2 639 Level     mailbox-11-ts-rx-acpu3
112:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 594 Level     irq_route_to_ts
113:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 595 Level     irq_route_to_ts
114:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 596 Level     irq_route_to_ts
115:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 597 Level     irq_route_to_ts
116:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 598 Level     irq_route_to_ts
117:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 599 Level     irq_route_to_ts
118:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 600 Level     irq_route_to_ts
119:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 601 Level     irq_route_to_ts
120:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 602 Level     irq_route_to_ts
121:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 603 Level     irq_route_to_ts
122:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 604 Level     irq_route_to_ts
123:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 605 Level     irq_route_to_ts
124:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 606 Level     irq_route_to_ts
125:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 607 Level     irq_route_to_ts
126:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 608 Level     sq_trigger
127:         15          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 609 Level     trs-mbox-0-0
128:       1551          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 610 Level     maint_cq
132:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 614 Level     cqe_done
138:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 620 Level     topic_sched_ccpu
141:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 623 Level     topic_sched_aicpu
146:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 934 Level     VI_CAP0
147:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 935 Level     VI_PROC0
148:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 936 Level     VPSS
155:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 663 Level     VEDU_0
156:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 665 Level     VEDU_1
160:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 831 Level     VGS
161:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 830 Level     GDC
162:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 590 Level     asp_dma_irq
163:          0          0          0          0  mbigen-v2 918 Level     xhci-hcd:usb1
164:          0     695298          0          0  mbigen-v2 922 Level     xhci-hcd:usb3
165:          0          0       1152          0  mbigen-v2 926 Level     xhci-hcd:usb5
166:          0        190          0          0  mbigen-v2 930 Level     xhci-hcd:usb7
167:          0          0          0          0  gpio-dwapb   2 Edge      drv_power_off
168:          0          0     568143          0  mbigen-v2 910 Level     DRM_0
IPI0:    753334     324877     530484     343726       Rescheduling interrupts
IPI1:      1424       6291       6018      12370       Function call interrupts
IPI2:         0          0          0          0       CPU stop interrupts
IPI3:         0          0          0          0       CPU stop (for crash dump) interrupts
IPI4:         0          0          0          0       Timer broadcast interrupts
IPI5:         0          0          0          0       IRQ work interrupts
IPI6:         0          0          0          0       CPU wake-up interrupts
IPI7:         0          0          0          0       User function call interrupts
Err:          0
(base) root@orangepiaipro:~#


echo "1" > /proc/irq/30/smp_affinity














1、深入理解与实现 RTOS





6、开源IgH EtherCAT主站方案,基于IMX8、ZYNQ、AM335x、T3等平台


8、关于RK3568 Linux内核打实时补丁RT Preempt介绍

9、Linux RT补丁/分析/性能测试(@Ubuntu)


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