
  1. 申明注解
java 复制代码
public @interface StrSqlAnnotation {
     * 表字段名称,如"create_name"
     * @return
    String filedName() default "";

     * 类型 STR-字符串 LIST-集合
     * {@link com.ltd.ccci.svc.transport.api.constant.CommonSymbolConstant}
     * @return
    String type() default CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.LIKE_IN_TYPE;

  1. 相关常量类
    a. sql拼接常量:CommonSqlKeyWordConstant
java 复制代码
public class CommonSqlKeyWordConstant {
    public static final String AND = "AND ";

    public static final String OR = "OR";

    public static final String NOT = "NOT";

    public static final String IN = "IN";

    public static final String NOT_IN = "NOT IN";

    public static final String LIKE = "LIKE";

    public static final String NOT_LIKE = "NOT LIKE";

    public static final String EQ = "=";

    public static final String NE = "<>";

    public static final String GT = ">";

    public static final String GE = ">=";

    public static final String LT = "<";

    public static final String LE = "<=";

     * 搜索条件-like or eq
    public static final String LIKE_IN_TYPE = "LIKE_IN_TYPE";


b. 符号常量:CommonSymbolConstant(可不使用)

java 复制代码
public class CommonSymbolConstant {
    private CommonSymbolConstant() {

     * 横杠
    public static final String BAR = "-";

     * 波浪号
    public static final String TILDE = "~";

     * 下划线
    public static final String UNDERLINE = "_";

     * 斜杠
    public static final String SLASH = "/";

     * 冒号
    public static final String COLON = ":";

     * 分号
    public static final String SEMICOLON = ";";

     * 逗号
    public static final String COMMA = ",";

     * 点
    public static final String POINT = ".";

     * 顿号
    public static final String PAUSE = "、";

     * 点
    public static final String EMPTY = "";

     * 空格
    public static final String BLANK = " ";

     * 单引号
    public static final String SINGLE_QUOTES = "'";

     * 正括号
    public static final String OPEN_BRACKET = "(";
     * 反括号
    public static final String CLOSE_BRACKET = ")";
  1. 工具类:SearchUtil
java 复制代码
public class SearchUtil {

     * 翻译单个实体
     * @param obj 实体信息
    public static <T, V> QueryWrapper<V> getSearchWrapper(T obj, Class<V> ignoredClazz) {
        QueryWrapper<V> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
        // 防止未传条件不拼接where条件
        if (!ObjectUtil.isEmpty(obj)) {
            try {
                Class<?> aClass = obj.getClass();
                Map<String, Field> fields = getAllFileds(aClass);
                for (Field field : fields.values()) {
                    if (field.isAnnotationPresent(StrSqlAnnotation.class)) {
                        StrSqlAnnotation annotation = field.getAnnotation(StrSqlAnnotation.class);
                        String filedName = annotation.filedName();
                        if (StringUtils.isBlank(filedName)) {
                            filedName = StrUtil.toUnderlineCase(field.getName());
                        String type = annotation.type();
                        Object object = field.get(obj);
                        if (ObjectUtil.isNotEmpty(object)) {
                            Class<?> filedClass = object.getClass();
                            String str = object.toString().trim();
                            // 日期格式单独转化
                            if (filedClass.equals(LocalDateTime.class)) {
                                DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DatePattern.NORM_DATETIME_PATTERN);
                                str = ((LocalDateTime) object).format(dateTimeFormatter);
                            } else if (filedClass.equals(LocalDate.class)) {
                                DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DatePattern.NORM_DATE_PATTERN);
                                str = ((LocalDate) object).format(dateTimeFormatter);

                            switch (type) {
                                // like in
                                case CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.LIKE_IN_TYPE -> {
                                    String[] split = str.split(",");
                                    if (split.length > 1) {
                                        wrapper.in(filedName, Arrays.asList(split));
                                    } else {
                                        wrapper.like(filedName, str);
                                // in
                                case CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.IN -> {
                                    String parse = JSONUtil.toJsonStr(object);
                                    List<String> list = JSONUtil.toList(parse, String.class);
                                    // LocalDateTime类型如果是集合传入,接收时类型为Long。时间集合建议传List<String>
                                    if (CollUtil.isNotEmpty(list)) {
                                        wrapper.in(filedName, list);

                                // like
                                case CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.LIKE -> wrapper.like(filedName, str);

                                // =
                                case CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.EQ -> wrapper.eq(filedName, str);
                                // >=
                                case CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.GE -> wrapper.ge(filedName, str);

                                // <=
                                case CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.LE -> wrapper.le(filedName, str);
                                default -> {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ApiException(MsgUtils.getMessage("biz.common.StrFiledError"));
        return wrapper;

     * 获取所有字段含父级
     * @param aClass 实体类
     * @return 所有字段信息
    private static Map<String, Field> getAllFileds(Class<?> aClass) {
        // key-字段名  value-字段信息
        Map<String, Field> fileds = new HashMap<>();
        List<Field> fieldList = new ArrayList<>();
        Class<?> tempClass = aClass;
        while (tempClass != null) {
            tempClass = tempClass.getSuperclass();
        for (Field field : fieldList) {
            fileds.put(field.getName(), field);
        return fileds;
  1. 使用示例
java 复制代码
    @Schema(title = "线路编号")
    @StrSqlAnnotation(filedName = "no")
    private String no;

    @Schema(title = "物流供应商编码-单个查询-精确查询")
    @StrSqlAnnotation(type = CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.EQ)
    private String logisticsSupplierCode;

    @Schema(title = "物流合同号")
    private String logisticsContractNo;

   @Schema(title = "物流供应商编码")
    @StrSqlAnnotation(filedName = "logistics_supplier_code", type = CommonSqlKeyWordConstant.IN)
    private List<String> logisticsSupplierCodes;


java 复制代码
private LambdaQueryWrapper<LineMainDO> dealSearchInfo(LinePageReq req, SFunction<LineMainDO, ?> sortFiled, boolean whetherAsc) {
        LambdaQueryWrapper<LineMainDO> lambdaQuery = SearchUtil.getSearchWrapper(req, LineMainDO.class).lambda();
        if (CollUtil.isEmpty(req.getSortItems())) {
            lambdaQuery.orderBy(true, whetherAsc, sortFiled);
        return lambdaQuery;



java 复制代码
    public CommonPage<ReceiptPageDTO> queryPage(ReceiptPageReq req) {
          QueryWrapper<ReceiptMainDO> searchWrapper = SearchUtil.getSearchWrapper(req, ReceiptMainDO.class);
        IPage<ReceiptPageDTO> page = receiptMainMapper.queryPage(MPPager.buildPage(req), searchWrapper);
        return MPCommonPage.restPage(page );


java 复制代码
     * 运输签收分页(明细联表)
     * @param ipage 分页信息
     * @param sql   高级搜索条件sql
     * @return 分页信息
    IPage<ReceiptPageDTO> queryPage(Page<ReceiptMainDO> ipage, @Param(Constants.WRAPPER) QueryWrapper<ReceiptMainDO> sql);


java 复制代码
 <select id="queryPage" resultType="com.ltd.ccci.svc.transport.api.dto.receipt.ReceiptPageDTO">
        <select id="queryPage" resultType="com.ltd.ccci.svc.transport.api.dto.receipt.ReceiptPageDTO">
        SELECT *
        FROM receipt_main m,
        receipt_detail d
            <when test="ew.customSqlSegment != null and ew.customSqlSegment != ''">
                ${ew.customSqlSegment} and
        m.id = d.receipt_main_id
        and d.del_flag = 0
        and m.del_flag = 0
        order by m.update_time, d.create_time, d.id
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