

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<script src='swissgl.js'></script>
<script src='audio.js'></script>
<script src="dat.gui.min.js"> </script>
<script src='js/Torus4d.js'></script>
<script src='js/main.js'></script>
<div id="demo">
<canvas id="c" width="640" height="360"></canvas></div>
'use strict';
const app = new DemoApp([
'use strict';
const $ = s=>document.querySelector(s);
const setDisplay = (el, val)=>{if ($(el)) $(el).style.display = val};
class DemoApp {
constructor(demos, defaultDemo='ParticleLife3d') {
this.singleMode = demos.length == 1;
if (this.singleMode) {
defaultDemo = demos[0].name;
this.demos = Object.fromEntries(demos.map(c=>[c.name, c]));
this.canvas = document.getElementById('c');
const gl = this.canvas.getContext('webgl2', {alpha:false, antialias:true,
this.glsl = SwissGL(gl);
this.demo = null;
this.gui = null;
this.xrDemos = Object.values(this.demos).filter(f=>f.Tags&&f.Tags.includes('3d'));
this.xrSession = null;
this.xrRefSpace = null;
this.xrPose = null;
this.lookUpStartTime = 0;
this.haveVR = this.haveAR = false;
if (navigator.xr) {
this.haveVR = supported;
this.haveAR = supported;
this.viewParams = {
DPR: window.devicePixelRatio,
canvasSize: new Float32Array(2),
pointer: new Float32Array(3),
cameraYPD: new Float32Array(3),
xrRay: new Float32Array(16*2),
xrRayInv: new Float32Array(16*2),
xrButton: new Float32Array(4*2),
this.glsl_include = `
uniform bool xrMode;
uniform mat4 xrProjectionMatrix, xrViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 xrRay[2], xrRayInv[2];
uniform vec4 xrButton[2];
uniform vec3 xrPosition;
uniform vec3 cameraYPD;
vec3 cameraPos() {
if (xrMode) return xrPosition;
vec3 p = vec3(0, 0, cameraYPD.z);
p.yz *= rot2(-cameraYPD.y);
p.xy *= rot2(-cameraYPD.x);
return p;
vec4 wld2view(vec4 p) {
if (xrMode) return xrViewMatrix * p;
p.xy *= rot2(cameraYPD.x);
p.yz *= rot2(cameraYPD.y);
p.z -= cameraYPD.z;
return p;
vec4 view2proj(vec4 p) {
if (xrMode) return xrProjectionMatrix*p;
const float near = 0.1, far = 10.0, fov = 1.0;
return vec4(p.xy/tan(fov/2.0),
(p.z*(near+far)+2.0*near*far)/(near-far), -p.z);
vec4 wld2proj(vec4 p) {
return view2proj(wld2view(p));
vec4 wld2proj(vec3 p) {
return wld2proj(vec4(p,1.0));
const glsl = this.glsl;
this.withCamera = (params, target)=>{
params = {...params, Inc:[this.glsl_include].concat(params.Inc||[])};
if (target || !params.xrMode) {
return glsl(params, target);
delete params.Aspect;
let glLayer = this.xrSession.renderState.baseLayer;
target = {bindTarget:(gl)=>{
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, glLayer.framebuffer);
return [glLayer.framebufferWidth, glLayer.framebufferHeight];
for (let view of this.xrPose.views) {
const vp = glLayer.getViewport(view);
params.View = [vp.x, vp.y, vp.width, vp.height];
params.xrProjectionMatrix = view.projectionMatrix;
params.xrViewMatrix = view.transform.inverse.matrix;
let {x,y,z} = view.transform.position;
params.xrPosition = [x, y, z];
glsl(params, target);
const setPointer = (e, buttons)=>{
const [w, h] = this.viewParams.canvasSize;
const [x, y] = [e.offsetX-w/2, h/2-e.offsetY];
this.viewParams.pointer.set([x, y, buttons]);
return [x, y];
this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerdown', e=>{
if (!e.isPrimary) return;
setPointer(e, e.buttons);
this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerout', e=>setPointer(e, 0));
this.canvas.addEventListener('pointerup', e=>setPointer(e, 0));
this.canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', e=>{
const [px, py, _] = this.viewParams.pointer;
const [x, y] = setPointer(e, e.buttons);
if (!e.isPrimary || e.buttons != 1) return;
let [yaw, pitch, dist] = this.viewParams.cameraYPD;
yaw -= (x-px)*0.01;
pitch += (y-py)*0.01;
pitch = Math.min(Math.max(pitch, 0), Math.PI);
this.viewParams.cameraYPD.set([yaw, pitch, dist]);
let name = location.hash.slice(1);
if (!(name in this.demos)) {
name = defaultDemo;
resetCamera() {
this.viewParams.cameraYPD.set([Math.PI*3/4, Math.PI/4, 1.8]);
frame(t) {
if (this.xrSession) return; // skip canvas frames when XR is running
this.viewParams.canvasSize.set([this.canvas.clientWidth, this.canvas.clientHeight]);
this.viewParams.DPR = window.devicePixelRatio;
this.demo.frame(this.withCamera, {
time:t/1000.0, xrMode: false,
xrFrame(t, xrFrame) {
this.xrPose = xrFrame.getViewerPose(this.xrRefSpace);
if (!this.xrPose) return;
const params = {time:t/1000.0, xrMode: true, ...this.viewParams};
for (let i=0; i<2; ++i) {
const inputSource = this.xrSession.inputSources[i];
if (inputSource && inputSource.gamepad && inputSource.gamepad.buttons) {
inputSource.gamepad.buttons.forEach((btn, btnIdx)=>{
if (btnIdx<4) this.viewParams.xrButton[i*4+btnIdx] = btn.value || btn.pressed;
if (!inputSource || !inputSource.targetRaySpace) continue;
const pose = xrFrame.getPose(inputSource.targetRaySpace, this.xrRefSpace);
if (!pose) continue;
this.viewParams.xrRay.set(pose.transform.matrix, i*16);
this.viewParams.xrRayInv.set(pose.transform.inverse.matrix, i*16);
this.demo.frame(this.withCamera, params);
this.withCamera({...params, Mesh: [20,20], Grid:[2], DepthTest:1, VP:`
varying vec3 p = uv2sphere(UV);
varying vec4 buttons = xrButton[ID.x];
VPos = wld2proj(xrRay[ID.x]*vec4(p*vec3(0.02, 0.02, 0.1),1));`, FP:`
vec3 c = p*0.5+0.5;
FOut = vec4(c*0.5,1);
float b = c.z*4.0;
if (b<4.0 && buttons[int(b)]>fract(b)) FOut += 0.5;`});
const lookUpCoef = -this.xrPose.transform.matrix[10];
if (!this.singleMode && (lookUpCoef>0.5)) {
const dt = (t-this.lookUpStartTime) / 1000;
if (dt > 1) {
this.lookUpStartTime = t;
let i = this.xrDemos.indexOf(this.demo.constructor);
i = (i+1)%this.xrDemos.length;
} else {
this.withCamera({...params, Mesh: [20,20], dt, DepthTest:1, VP:`
vec3 p = uv2sphere(UV)*0.6*clamp(1.0-dt, 0.0, 0.8) + vec3(-2.0, 0.0, 3.0);
VPos = wld2proj(vec4(p,1));`, FP:`UV,0.5,1`});
} else {
this.lookUpStartTime = t;
toggleXR(xr) {
if (!this.xrSession) {
this.xrSession = session;
session.addEventListener('end', ()=>{this.xrSession = null;});
session.updateRenderState({ baseLayer: new XRWebGLLayer(session, this.glsl.gl) });
session.requestReferenceSpace('local').then((refSpace) => {
this.xrRefSpace = refSpace.getOffsetReferenceSpace(
new XRRigidTransform({x:0,y:-0.25,z:-1.0,w:1}, // position offset
{x:0.5,y:0.5,z:0.5,w:-0.5}) // rotate z up
} else {
runDemo(name) {
if (this.demo) {
if (this.gui) this.gui.destroy();
if (this.demo.free) this.demo.free();
this.demo = this.gui = null;
if (!this.singleMode) location.hash = name;
if (self.dat) {
this.gui = new dat.GUI();
this.gui.domElement.id = 'gui'
this.demo = new this.demos[name](this.withCamera, this.gui);
if (this.gui && (this.gui.__controllers.length == 0)) {
this.gui = null;
setDisplay('#settingButton', this.gui?'block':'none');
if ($('#sourceLink')) {
$('#sourceLink').href = `https://github.com/google/swissgl/blob/main/demo/${name}.js`;
updateVRButtons() {
setDisplay('#vrButton', 'none');
setDisplay('#arButton', 'none');
const tags = this.demo && this.demo.constructor.Tags;
if (tags && tags.includes('3d')) {
if (this.haveVR ) setDisplay('#vrButton', 'block');
if (this.haveAR ) setDisplay('#arButton', 'block');
populatePreviews() {
const panel = document.getElementById('cards');
if (!panel) return;
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = `<img src="demo/preview/${name}.jpg">${name}`;
el.addEventListener('click', ()=>this.runDemo(name));
// helper function to render demo preview images
genPreviews() {
const panel = document.getElementById('cards');
panel.innerHTML = '';
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 400; canvas.height = 300;
const glsl = SwissGL(canvas);
const withCamera = (params, target)=>glsl({...params,
Inc:[this.glsl_include].concat(params.Inc||[])}, target);
if (name == 'Spectrogram') return;
const dummyGui = new dat.GUI();
const demo = new this.demos[name](withCamera, dummyGui);
for (let i=0; i<60*5; ++i) {
withCamera({Clear:0}, '')
demo.frame(withCamera, {time:i/60.0, ...this.viewParams});
const el = document.createElement('div')
const data = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.95);
el.innerHTML = `
<a href="${data}" download="${name}.jpg"><img src="${data}"></a>
if (demo.free) demo.free();
toggleGui() {
if (!this.gui) return;
const style = this.gui.domElement.style;
style.display = (style.display == 'none')?'':'none'
fullscreen() {
const {canvas} = this;
const f = canvas.requestFullscreen || canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen;
if (f) f.apply(canvas);
/** @license
* Copyright 2023 Google LLC.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class Torus4d {
static Tags = ['3d'];
frame(glsl, params) {
glsl({...params, Mesh:[100,100], Aspect:'fit',
AlphaCoverage:1, DepthTest:1, VP:`
vec4 p = vec4(cos(XY*PI), sin(XY*PI))*0.6;
p.xw *= rot2(time*0.4);
VPos = wld2proj(vec4(p.xyz/(1.0-p.w)*0.5, 1));`, FP:`
vec2 v = UV*rot2(PI/4.)*64.0/sqrt(2.);
v = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, (abs(v-round(v))-0.02)/fwidth(v));
float a = 1.0-v.x*v.y;
if (a<0.1) discard;
FOut = vec4(gl_FrontFacing?vec3(.9,.9,.6):vec3(.6,.6,.9), a);`});
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Repeat/Loop?
// fbo:
// - multiple named render targets (Out...?)
// - stencil?
// - mipmaps?
// data texture subimage?
// integer textures
// glsl lib
// - hash (overloads)
// - 3d prim/helpers
// - universal geom (mesh)
// devicePixelRatio
// depth test modes
// pain points:
// - view transform params
// - fragment only aspect
// - tag already exists
// - texture/array uniform compatibility
const Type2Setter = {};
const UniformType2TexTarget = {};
const TextureFormats = {}; {
const GL = WebGL2RenderingContext;
for (const t of ['FLOAT', 'INT', 'BOOL']) {
const suf = t == 'FLOAT' ? 'f' : 'i';
Type2Setter[GL[t]] = 'uniform1' + suf;
for (const i of [2, 3, 4]) {
Type2Setter[GL[`${t}_VEC${i}`]] = `uniform${i}${suf}v`;
if (suf == 'f') {
Type2Setter[GL[`${t}_MAT${i}`]] = `uniformMatrix${i}fv`;
UniformType2TexTarget[GL.SAMPLER_2D] = GL.TEXTURE_2D;
for (const [name, internalFormat, glformat, type, CpuArray, chn] of [
['r8', GL.R8, GL.RED, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, Uint8Array, 1],
['rgba8', GL.RGBA8, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, Uint8Array, 4],
['r16f', GL.R16F, GL.RED, GL.HALF_FLOAT, Uint16Array, 1],
['rgba16f', GL.RGBA16F, GL.RGBA, GL.HALF_FLOAT, Uint16Array, 4],
['r32f', GL.R32F, GL.RED, GL.FLOAT, Float32Array, 1],
['rg32f', GL.RG32F, GL.RG, GL.FLOAT, Float32Array, 2],
['rgba32f', GL.RGBA32F, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, Float32Array, 4],
]) TextureFormats[name] = {
function memoize(f) {
const cache = {};
const wrap = k => k in cache ? cache[k] : cache[k] = f(k);
wrap.cache = cache;
return wrap;
function updateObject(o, updates) {
for (const s in updates) {
o[s] = updates[s];
return o;
// Parse strings like 'min(s,d)', 'max(s,d)', 's*d', 's+d*(1-sa)',
// 's*d', 'd*(1-sa) + s*sa', s-d', 'd-s' and so on into
// gl.blendFunc/gl.blendEquation arguments.
function parseBlend(s0) {
if (!s0) return;
let s = s0.replace(/\s+/g, '');
if (!s) return null;
const GL = WebGL2RenderingContext;
const func2gl = {
'min': GL.MIN,
'max': GL.MAX,
const factor2gl = {
'0': GL.ZERO,
'1': GL.ONE,
const res = {
f: null
s = s.replace(/(s|d)(?:\*(\w+|\(1-\w+\)))?/g, (_, term, factor) => {
factor = factor || '1';
if (!(factor in factor2gl)) {
throw `Unknown blend factor: "${factor}"`;
res[term] = factor2gl[factor];
return term;
let m;
if (m = s.match(/^(min|max)\((s,d|d,s)\)$/)) {
res.f = func2gl[m[1]];
} else if (s.match(/^(s|d|s\+d|d\+s)$/)) {
res.f = func2gl['+'];
} else if (s in func2gl) {
res.f = func2gl[s];
} else {
throw `Unable to parse blend spec: "${s0}"`;
return res;
parseBlend = memoize(parseBlend);
function compileShader(gl, code, type, program) {
code = '#version 300 es\n' + code;
const shader = gl.createShader(type);
gl.shaderSource(shader, code);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
const withLines = code.split('\n').map(
(s, i) => `${(i+1+'').padStart(4)}: ${s}`).join('\n')
throw (withLines + '\n' + '--- GLSL COMPILE ERROR ---\n' + gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader));
gl.attachShader(program, shader);
function compileProgram(gl, vs, fs) {
const program = gl.createProgram();
compileShader(gl, vs, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, program);
compileShader(gl, fs, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, program);
if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
console.error("shader link error:" + gl.getProgramInfoLog(program));
program.setters = {};
let unitCount = 0;
const numUniforms = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS);
for (let i = 0; i < numUniforms; ++i) {
const info = gl.getActiveUniform(program, i);
const loc = gl.getUniformLocation(program, info.name);
const name = info.name.match(/^\w+/)[0];
if (info.type in UniformType2TexTarget) {
const unit = unitCount++;
const target = UniformType2TexTarget[info.type];
gl.uniform1i(loc, unit);
program.setters[name] = tex => {
gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + unit);
tex ? tex.bindSampler(unit) : gl.bindTexture(target, null);
} else {
const fname = Type2Setter[info.type];
const setter = fname.startsWith('uniformMatrix') ?
v => gl[fname](loc, false, v) : v => gl[fname](loc, v);
program.setters[name] = v => v != undefined ? setter(v) : null;
console.log('created', program);
return program;
const glsl_template = `
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
precision lowp sampler2DArray;
#ifdef VERT
#define varying out
#define VPos gl_Position
layout(location = 0) in int VertexID;
layout(location = 1) in int InstanceID;
ivec2 VID;
ivec3 ID;
#define varying in
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FOut;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 FOut1;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 FOut2;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 FOut3;
layout(location = 4) out vec4 FOut4;
layout(location = 5) out vec4 FOut5;
layout(location = 6) out vec4 FOut6;
layout(location = 7) out vec4 FOut7;
ivec2 I;
uniform ivec3 Grid;
uniform ivec2 Mesh;
uniform ivec4 View;
#define ViewSize (View.zw)
uniform vec2 Aspect;
varying vec2 UV;
#define XY (2.0*UV-1.0)
// #define VertexID gl_VertexID
// #define InstanceID gl_InstanceID
GLSL Utils
const float PI = radians(180.0);
const float TAU = radians(360.0);
// source: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XlXcW4
// TODO more complete hash library
vec3 hash( ivec3 ix ) {
uvec3 x = uvec3(ix);
const uint k = 1103515245U;
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
x = ((x>>8U)^x.yzx)*k;
return vec3(x)*(1.0/float(0xffffffffU));
mat2 rot2(float a) {
float s=sin(a), c=cos(a);
return mat2(c, s, -s, c);
// https://suricrasia.online/demoscene/functions/
vec3 erot(vec3 p, vec3 ax, float ro) {
return mix(dot(ax, p)*ax, p, cos(ro)) + cross(ax,p)*sin(ro);
vec3 uv2sphere(vec2 uv) {
uv *= vec2(-TAU,PI);
return vec3(vec2(cos(uv.x), sin(uv.x))*sin(uv.y), cos(uv.y));
vec3 torus(vec2 uv, float r1, float r2) {
uv *= TAU;
vec3 p = vec3(r1+cos(uv.x)*r2, 0, sin(uv.x)*r2);
return vec3(p.xy * rot2(uv.y), p.z);
vec3 cubeVert(vec2 xy, int side) {
float x=xy.x, y=xy.y;
switch (side) {
case 0: return vec3(x,y,1); case 1: return vec3(y,x,-1);
case 2: return vec3(y,1,x); case 3: return vec3(x,-1,y);
case 4: return vec3(1,x,y); case 5: return vec3(-1,y,x);
return vec3(0.0);
vec3 _surf_f(vec3 p, vec3 a, vec3 b, out vec3 normal) {
normal = normalize(cross(a-p, b-p));
return p;
#define SURF(f, uv, out_normal, eps) _surf_f(f(uv), f(uv+vec2(eps,0)), f(uv+vec2(0,eps)), out_normal)
vec4 _sample(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv) {return texture(tex, uv);}
vec4 _sample(sampler2D tex, ivec2 xy) {return texelFetch(tex, xy, 0);}
vec4 _sample(sampler2DArray tex, vec2 uv, int layer) {return texture(tex, vec3(uv, layer));}
vec4 _sample(sampler2DArray tex, ivec2 xy, int layer) {return texelFetch(tex, ivec3(xy, layer), 0);}
#ifdef FRAG
float isoline(float v) {
float distToInt = abs(v-round(v));
return smoothstep(max(fwidth(v), 0.0001), 0.0, distToInt);
float wireframe() {
vec2 m = UV*vec2(Mesh);
float d1 = isoline(m.x-m.y), d2 = isoline(m.x+m.y);
float d = mix(d1, d2, float(int(m.y)%2));
return isoline(m.x)+isoline(m.y)+d;
function guessUniforms(params) {
const uni = [];
const len2type = {
1: 'float',
2: 'vec2',
3: 'vec3',
4: 'vec4',
9: 'mat3',
16: 'mat4'
for (const name in params) {
const v = params[name];
let s = null;
if (v instanceof TextureSampler) {
const [type, D] = v.layern ? ['sampler2DArray', '3'] : ['sampler2D', '2'];
const lookupMacro = v.layern ?
`#define ${name}(p,l) (_sample(${name}, (p), (l)))` :
`#define ${name}(p) (_sample(${name}, (p)))`;
s = `uniform ${type} ${name};
ivec${D} ${name}_size() {return textureSize(${name}, 0);}
vec${D} ${name}_step() {return 1.0/vec${D}(${name}_size());}`;
} else if (typeof v === 'number') {
s = `uniform float ${name};`
} else if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
s = `uniform bool ${name};`
} else if (v.length in len2type) {
s = `uniform ${len2type[v.length]} ${name};`
if (s) uni.push(s);
return uni.join('\n') + '\n';
const stripComments = code => code.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|\/\/.*/g, '');
// TODO better parser (use '\b')
function definedUniforms(code) {
code = stripComments(code);
const lines = Array.from(code.matchAll(/uniform\s+\w+\s+([^;]+)\s*;/g));
return new Set(lines.map(m => m[1].split(/[^\w]+/)).flat());
function expandCode(code, mainFunc, outVar) {
const stripped = stripComments(code).trim();
if (stripped != '' && stripped.indexOf(';') == -1) {
code = `${outVar} = vec4(${stripped});`
if (!stripped.match(new RegExp(`\\b${mainFunc}\s*\\(`))) {
code = `void ${mainFunc}() {
return code;
const expandVP = memoize(code => expandCode(code, 'vertex', 'VPos'));
const expandFP = memoize(code => expandCode(code, 'fragment', 'FOut'));
function extractVaryings(VP) {
return Array.from(stripComments(VP).matchAll(/\bvarying\s+[^;]+;/g))
.map(m => m[0]).map(s => {
while (s != (s = s.replace(/\([^()]*\)/g, ''))); // remove nested ()
return s.replace(/=[^,;]*/g, '') // remove assigned values
function stripVaryings(VP) {
return VP.replace(/\bvarying\s+\w+/g, '');
function linkShader(gl, uniforms, Inc, VP, FP) {
Inc = Inc.join('\n');
const defined = definedUniforms([glsl_template, Inc, VP, FP].join('\n'));
const undefined = Object.entries(uniforms)
.filter(kv => kv[0].match(/^\w+$/))
.filter(kv => !(defined.has(kv[0])));
const guessed = guessUniforms(Object.fromEntries(undefined));
const varyings = extractVaryings(VP);
VP = expandVP(stripVaryings(VP));
const prefix = `${glsl_template}\n${guessed}\n${varyings}\n${Inc}\n`;
return compileProgram(gl, `
#define VERT
void main() {
int rowVertN = Mesh.x*2+3;
int rowI = VertexID/rowVertN;
int rowVertI = min(VertexID%rowVertN, rowVertN-2);
int odd = rowI%2;
if (odd==0) rowVertI = rowVertN-rowVertI-2;
VID = ivec2(rowVertI>>1, rowI + (rowVertI+odd+1)%2);
int ii = InstanceID;
ID.x = ii % Grid.x; ii/=Grid.x;
ID.y = ii % Grid.y; ii/=Grid.y;
ID.z = ii;
UV = vec2(VID) / vec2(Mesh);
VPos = vec4(XY,0,1);
VPos.xy *= Aspect;
}`, `
#define FRAG
void main() {
I = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
class TextureSampler {
fork(updates) {
const {
} = {
return updateObject(new TextureSampler(), {
get linear() {
return this.fork({
filter: 'linear'
get nearest() {
return this.fork({
filter: 'nearest'
get miplinear() {
return this.fork({
filter: 'miplinear'
get edge() {
return this.fork({
wrap: 'edge'
get repeat() {
return this.fork({
wrap: 'repeat'
get mirror() {
return this.fork({
wrap: 'mirror'
get _sampler() {
const {
} = this;
if (!gl._samplers) {
gl._samplers = {};
const id = `${filter}:${wrap}`;
if (!(id in gl._samplers)) {
const glfilter = {
'nearest': gl.NEAREST,
'linear': gl.LINEAR,
'miplinear': gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
} [filter];
const glwrap = {
'repeat': gl.REPEAT,
'edge': gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
'mirror': gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT
} [wrap];
const sampler = gl.createSampler();
const setf = (k, v) => gl.samplerParameteri(sampler, gl['TEXTURE_' + k], v);
setf('MIN_FILTER', glfilter);
setf('MAG_FILTER', filter == 'miplinear' ? gl.LINEAR : glfilter);
setf('WRAP_S', glwrap);
setf('WRAP_T', glwrap);
gl._samplers[id] = sampler;
return gl._samplers[id];
bindSampler(unit) {
// assume unit is already active
const {
} = this;
gl.bindTexture(gltarget, handle);
if (this.filter == 'miplinear' && !handle.hasMipmap) {
handle.hasMipmap = true;
gl.bindSampler(unit, this._sampler);
class TextureTarget extends TextureSampler {
constructor(gl, params) {
let {
format = 'rgba8',
filter = 'nearest',
wrap = 'repeat',
layern = null,
data = null,
depth = null
} = params;
if (!depth && format.includes('+')) {
const [mainFormat, depthFormat] = format.split('+');
format = mainFormat;
depth = new TextureTarget(gl, {
tag: tag + '_depth',
format: depthFormat,
layern: null,
depth: null
this.handle = gl.createTexture(),
this.filter = format == 'depth' ? 'nearest' : filter;
this.gltarget = layern ? gl.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY : gl.TEXTURE_2D;
this.formatInfo = TextureFormats[format];
updateObject(this, {
_tag: tag,
this.update(size, data);
update(size, data) {
const {
} = this;
const {
} = this.formatInfo;
const [w, h] = size;
gl.bindTexture(gltarget, handle);
if (!layern) {
gl.texImage2D(gltarget, 0 /*mip level*/ ,
internalFormat, w, h, 0 /*border*/ ,
glformat, type, data /*data*/ );
} else {
gl.texImage3D(gltarget, 0 /*mip level*/ ,
internalFormat, w, h, layern, 0 /*border*/ ,
glformat, type, data /*data*/ );
gl.bindTexture(gltarget, null);
this.size = size;
if (this.depth) {
this.depth.update(size, data);
attach(gl) {
if (!this.layern) {
const attachment = this.format == 'depth' ? gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT : gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0;
gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachment, gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.handle, 0 /*level*/ );
} else {
const drawBuffers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.layern; ++i) {
const attachment = gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i;
gl.FRAMEBUFFER, attachment, this.handle, 0 /*level*/ , i);
bindTarget(gl, readonly = false) {
if (this.fbo) {
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this.fbo);
} else {
this.fbo = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this.fbo);
if (this.depth) this.depth.attach(gl);
if (!readonly) {
this.handle.hasMipmap = false;
return this.size;
_getBox(box) {
box = (box && box.length) ? box : [0, 0, ...this.size];
const [x, y, w, h] = box, n = w * h * this.formatInfo.chn;
return {
_getCPUBuf(n) {
if (!this.cpu || this.cpu.length < n) {
this.cpu = new this.formatInfo.CpuArray(n);
return this.cpu.length == n ? this.cpu : this.cpu.subarray(0, n);
_readPixels(box, targetBuf) {
const {
} = this.formatInfo;
this.bindTarget(this.gl, /*readonly*/ true);
this.gl.readPixels(...box, glformat, type, targetBuf);
readSync(...optBox) {
const {
} = this._getBox(optBox);
const buf = this._getCPUBuf(n);
this._readPixels(box, buf);
return buf
_bindAsyncBuffer(n) {
const {
} = this;
const {
} = this.formatInfo;
if (!this.async) {
this.async = {
all: new Set(),
queue: []
if (this.async.queue.length == 0) {
const gpuBuf = gl.createBuffer();
const gpuBuf = this.async.queue.shift();
if (this.async.queue.length > 6) {
gl.bindBuffer(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, gpuBuf);
if (!gpuBuf.length || gpuBuf.length < n) {
const byteN = n * this.formatInfo.CpuArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
gl.bufferData(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, byteN, gl.STREAM_READ);
gpuBuf.length = n;
console.log(`created/resized async gpu buffer "${this._tag}":`, gpuBuf);
return gpuBuf;
_deleteAsyncBuf(gpuBuf) {
delete gpuBuf.length;
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL_API/WebGL_best_practices#use_non-blocking_async_data_readback
read(callback, optBox, optTarget) {
const {
} = this;
const {
} = this._getBox(optBox);
const gpuBuf = this._bindAsyncBuffer(n);
this._readPixels(box, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, null);
const sync = gl.fenceSync(gl.SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0);
this._asyncFetch(gpuBuf, sync, callback, optTarget);
_asyncFetch(gpuBuf, sync, callback, optTarget) {
const {
} = this;
if (!gpuBuf.length) { // check that gpu buffer is not deleted
const res = gl.clientWaitSync(sync, 0, 0);
if (res === gl.TIMEOUT_EXPIRED) {
setTimeout(() => this._asyncFetch(gpuBuf, sync, callback, optTarget), 1 /*ms*/ );
if (res === gl.WAIT_FAILED) {
console.log(`async read of ${this._tag} failed`);
} else {
gl.bindBuffer(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, gpuBuf);
const target = optTarget || this._getCPUBuf(gpuBuf.length);
gl.getBufferSubData(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0 /*srcOffset*/ ,
target, 0 /*dstOffset*/ , gpuBuf.length /*length*/ );
gl.bindBuffer(gl.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, null);
free() {
const gl = this.gl;
if (this.depth) this.depth.free();
if (this.fbo) gl.deleteFramebuffer(this.fbo);
if (this.async) this.async.all.forEach(buf => this._deleteAsyncBuf(buf));
function calcAspect(aspect, w, h) {
if (!aspect) return [1, 1];
let c;
switch (aspect) {
case 'fit':
c = Math.min(w, h);
case 'cover':
c = Math.max(w, h);
case 'x':
c = w;
case 'y':
c = h;
case 'mean':
c = (w + h) / 2;
throw `Unknown aspect mode "${aspect}"`;
return [c / w, c / h];
function ensureVertexArray(gl, neededSize) {
// gl_VertexID / gl_InstanceID seem to be broken in some configurations
// (e.g. https://crbug.com/1315104), so I had to fallback to using arrays
if (gl._indexVA && neededSize <= gl._indexVA.size)
const size = neededSize * 2;
const va = gl._indexVA || gl.createVertexArray();
va.size = size;
gl._indexVA = va;
const arr = new Int32Array(size);
arr.forEach((v, i) => {
arr[i] = i
const buf = va.buf || gl.createBuffer();
va.buf = buf;
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buf);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, arr, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
for (let loc = 0; loc < 2; ++loc) {
gl.vertexAttribIPointer(loc, 1 /*size*/ , gl.INT,
false /*normalize*/ , 0 /*stride*/ , 0 /*offset*/ );
gl.vertexAttribDivisor(1, 1);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
console.log('created:', va);
function getTargetSize(gl, {
scale = 1,
}) {
if (!size && (data && data.videoWidth && data.videoHeight)) {
size = [data.videoWidth, data.videoHeight];
size = size || [gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height];
return [Math.ceil(size[0] * scale), Math.ceil(size[1] * scale)];
function createTarget(gl, params) {
if (!params.story) return new TextureTarget(gl, params);
return Array(params.story).fill(0).map(_ => new TextureTarget(gl, params));
function prepareOwnTarget(self, spec) {
const buffers = self.buffers;
spec.size = getTargetSize(self.gl, spec);
if (!buffers[spec.tag]) {
const target = buffers[spec.tag] = createTarget(self.gl, spec);
console.log('created', target);
const target = buffers[spec.tag];
const tex = Array.isArray(target) ? target[target.length - 1] : target;
const needResize = tex.size[0] != spec.size[0] || tex.size[1] != spec.size[1];
if (needResize || spec.data) {
if (needResize) {
console.log(`resizing "${spec.tag}" (${tex.size})->(${spec.size})`);
tex.update(spec.size, spec.data);
if (Array.isArray(target)) {
target.size = spec.size;
return buffers[spec.tag];
function bindTarget(gl, target) {
if (!target) {
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
return [gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height];
if (Array.isArray(target)) {
const next = target.pop();
if (target.size[0] != next.size[0] || target.size[1] != next.size[1]) {
next.update(target.size, null);
target = next;
return target.bindTarget(gl)
const OptNames = new Set([
'Inc', 'VP', 'FP',
'Clear', 'Blend', 'View', 'Grid', 'Mesh', 'Aspect', 'DepthTest', 'AlphaCoverage', 'Face'
function drawQuads(self, params, target) {
const options = {},
uniforms = {}
for (const p in params) {
(OptNames.has(p) ? options : uniforms)[p] = params[p];
let Inc = options.Inc || [];
if (!Array.isArray(Inc)) {
Inc = [Inc];
const [VP, FP] = [options.VP || '', options.FP || ''];
const haveShader = VP || FP;
const haveClear = options.Clear || options.Clear == 0;
// setup target
if (target && target.tag) {
target = prepareOwnTarget(self, target);
if (!haveShader && !haveClear) return target;
if (Array.isArray(target)) {
uniforms.Src = uniforms.Src || target[0];
// bind (and clear) target
const gl = self.gl;
const targetSize = bindTarget(gl, target);
let view = options.View || [0, 0, targetSize[0], targetSize[1]];
if (view.length == 2) {
view = [0, 0, view[0], view[1]]
gl.depthMask(!(options.DepthTest == 'keep'));
if (haveClear) {
let clear = options.Clear;
if (typeof clear === 'number') {
clear = [clear, clear, clear, clear];
// setup program
if (!haveShader) {
return target;
let prog = self.shaders;
for (const chunk of Inc) {
prog = prog[chunk] || (prog[chunk] = {});
prog = prog[VP] || (prog[VP] = {});
prog = prog[FP] || (prog[FP] = linkShader(gl, uniforms, Inc, VP, FP));
// process options
if (options.Blend) {
const blend = parseBlend(options.Blend);
const {
} = blend;
gl.blendFunc(s, d);
if (options.DepthTest) {
if (options.Face) {
const mode = {
'front': gl.BACK,
'back': gl.FRONT
} [options.Face];
if (options.AlphaCoverage) {
// View, Aspect
const width = view[2],
height = view[3];
uniforms.View = view;
uniforms.Aspect = calcAspect(options.Aspect, width, height);
// Grid, Mesh
const [gx = 1, gy = 1, gz = 1] = options.Grid || [];
uniforms.Grid = [gx, gy, gz];
uniforms.Mesh = options.Mesh || [1, 1]; // 3d for cube?
const vertN = (uniforms.Mesh[0] * 2 + 3) * uniforms.Mesh[1] - 1;
const instN = gx * gy * gz;
ensureVertexArray(gl, Math.max(vertN, instN));
// setup uniforms and textures
Object.entries(prog.setters).forEach(([name, f]) => f(uniforms[name]));
// draw
gl.drawArraysInstanced(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, vertN, instN);
// revert gl state
if (options.Blend) gl.disable(gl.BLEND);
if (options.DepthTest) gl.disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
if (options.Face) gl.disable(gl.CULL_FACE);
if (options.AlphaCoverage) gl.disable(gl.SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE);
return target;
function SwissGL(canvas_gl) {
const gl = canvas_gl.getContext ?
canvas_gl.getContext('webgl2', {
alpha: false,
antialias: true
}) : canvas_gl;
gl.pixelStorei(gl.PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
ensureVertexArray(gl, 1024);
const glsl = (params, target) => drawQuads(glsl, params, target);
glsl.gl = gl;
glsl.shaders = {};
glsl.buffers = {};
glsl.reset = () => {
const freeProg = o => (o instanceof WebGLProgram) ? gl.deleteProgram(o) : Object.values(o).forEach(
Object.values(glsl.buffers).flat().forEach(target => target.free());
glsl.shaders = {};
glsl.buffers = {};
glsl.adjustCanvas = dpr => {
dpr = dpr || self.devicePixelRatio;
const canvas = gl.canvas;
const w = canvas.clientWidth * dpr,
h = canvas.clientHeight * dpr;
if (canvas.width != w || canvas.height != h) {
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
glsl.loop = callback => {
const frameFunc = time => {
const res = callback({
time: time / 1000.0
if (res != 'stop') requestAnimationFrame(frameFunc);
return glsl;
self._SwissGL = SwissGL;
* dat-gui JavaScript Controller Library
* https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui
* Copyright 2011 Data Arts Team, Google Creative Lab
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
! function(e, t) {
"object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? t(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define
.amd ? define(["exports"], t) : t(e.dat = {})
}(this, function(e) {
"use strict";
function t(e, t) {
var n = e.__state.conversionName.toString(),
o = Math.round(e.r),
i = Math.round(e.g),
r = Math.round(e.b),
s = e.a,
a = Math.round(e.h),
l = e.s.toFixed(1),
d = e.v.toFixed(1);
if (t || "THREE_CHAR_HEX" === n || "SIX_CHAR_HEX" === n) {
for (var c = e.hex.toString(16); c.length < 6;) c = "0" + c;
return "#" + c
return "CSS_RGB" === n ? "rgb(" + o + "," + i + "," + r + ")" : "CSS_RGBA" === n ? "rgba(" + o + "," + i +
"," + r + "," + s + ")" : "HEX" === n ? "0x" + e.hex.toString(16) : "RGB_ARRAY" === n ? "[" + o + "," +
i + "," + r + "]" : "RGBA_ARRAY" === n ? "[" + o + "," + i + "," + r + "," + s + "]" : "RGB_OBJ" === n ?
"{r:" + o + ",g:" + i + ",b:" + r + "}" : "RGBA_OBJ" === n ? "{r:" + o + ",g:" + i + ",b:" + r + ",a:" +
s + "}" : "HSV_OBJ" === n ? "{h:" + a + ",s:" + l + ",v:" + d + "}" : "HSVA_OBJ" === n ? "{h:" + a +
",s:" + l + ",v:" + d + ",a:" + s + "}" : "unknown format"
function n(e, t, n) {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
get: function() {
return "RGB" === this.__state.space ? this.__state[t] : (I.recalculateRGB(this, t, n),
set: function(e) {
"RGB" !== this.__state.space && (I.recalculateRGB(this, t, n), this.__state.space =
"RGB"), this.__state[t] = e
function o(e, t) {
Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
get: function() {
return "HSV" === this.__state.space ? this.__state[t] : (I.recalculateHSV(this), this
set: function(e) {
"HSV" !== this.__state.space && (I.recalculateHSV(this), this.__state.space = "HSV"),
this.__state[t] = e
function i(e) {
if ("0" === e || S.isUndefined(e)) return 0;
var t = e.match(U);
return S.isNull(t) ? 0 : parseFloat(t[1])
function r(e) {
var t = e.toString();
return t.indexOf(".") > -1 ? t.length - t.indexOf(".") - 1 : 0
function s(e, t) {
var n = Math.pow(10, t);
return Math.round(e * n) / n
function a(e, t, n, o, i) {
return o + (e - t) / (n - t) * (i - o)
function l(e, t, n, o) {
e.style.background = "", S.each(ee, function(i) {
e.style.cssText += "background: " + i + "linear-gradient(" + t + ", " + n + " 0%, " + o +
" 100%); "
function d(e) {
e.style.background = "", e.style.cssText +=
"background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%, #ff00ff 17%, #0000ff 34%, #00ffff 50%, #00ff00 67%, #ffff00 84%, #ff0000 100%);",
e.style.cssText +=
"background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);",
e.style.cssText +=
"background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);",
e.style.cssText +=
"background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);",
e.style.cssText +=
"background: linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);"
function c(e, t, n) {
var o = document.createElement("li");
return t && o.appendChild(t), n ? e.__ul.insertBefore(o, n) : e.__ul.appendChild(o), e.onResize(), o
function u(e) {
X.unbind(window, "resize", e.__resizeHandler), e.saveToLocalStorageIfPossible && X.unbind(window, "unload",
function _(e, t) {
var n = e.__preset_select[e.__preset_select.selectedIndex];
n.innerHTML = t ? n.value + "*" : n.value
function h(e, t, n) {
if (n.__li = t, n.__gui = e, S.extend(n, {
options: function(t) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var o = n.__li.nextElementSibling;
return n.remove(), f(e, n.object, n.property, {
before: o,
factoryArgs: [S.toArray(arguments)]
if (S.isArray(t) || S.isObject(t)) {
var i = n.__li.nextElementSibling;
return n.remove(), f(e, n.object, n.property, {
before: i,
factoryArgs: [t]
name: function(e) {
return n.__li.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = e, n
listen: function() {
return n.__gui.listen(n), n
remove: function() {
return n.__gui.remove(n), n
}), n instanceof q) {
var o = new Q(n.object, n.property, {
min: n.__min,
max: n.__max,
step: n.__step
S.each(["updateDisplay", "onChange", "onFinishChange", "step", "min", "max"], function(e) {
var t = n[e],
i = o[e];
n[e] = o[e] = function() {
var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return i.apply(o, e), t.apply(n, e)
}), X.addClass(t, "has-slider"), n.domElement.insertBefore(o.domElement, n.domElement
} else if (n instanceof Q) {
var i = function(t) {
if (S.isNumber(n.__min) && S.isNumber(n.__max)) {
var o = n.__li.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML,
i = n.__gui.__listening.indexOf(n) > -1;
var r = f(e, n.object, n.property, {
before: n.__li.nextElementSibling,
factoryArgs: [n.__min, n.__max, n.__step]
return r.name(o), i && r.listen(), r
return t
n.min = S.compose(i, n.min), n.max = S.compose(i, n.max)
} else n instanceof K ? (X.bind(t, "click", function() {
X.fakeEvent(n.__checkbox, "click")
}), X.bind(n.__checkbox, "click", function(e) {
})) : n instanceof Z ? (X.bind(t, "click", function() {
X.fakeEvent(n.__button, "click")
}), X.bind(t, "mouseover", function() {
X.addClass(n.__button, "hover")
}), X.bind(t, "mouseout", function() {
X.removeClass(n.__button, "hover")
})) : n instanceof $ && (X.addClass(t, "color"), n.updateDisplay = S.compose(function(e) {
return t.style.borderLeftColor = n.__color.toString(), e
}, n.updateDisplay), n.updateDisplay());
n.setValue = S.compose(function(t) {
return e.getRoot().__preset_select && n.isModified() && _(e.getRoot(), !0), t
}, n.setValue)
function p(e, t) {
var n = e.getRoot(),
o = n.__rememberedObjects.indexOf(t.object);
if (-1 !== o) {
var i = n.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[o];
if (void 0 === i && (i = {}, n.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[o] = i), i[t.property] = t, n
.load && n.load.remembered) {
var r = n.load.remembered,
s = void 0;
if (r[e.preset]) s = r[e.preset];
else {
if (!r[se]) return;
s = r[se]
if (s[o] && void 0 !== s[o][t.property]) {
var a = s[o][t.property];
t.initialValue = a, t.setValue(a)
function f(e, t, n, o) {
if (void 0 === t[n]) throw new Error('Object "' + t + '" has no property "' + n + '"');
var i = void 0;
if (o.color) i = new $(t, n);
else {
var r = [t, n].concat(o.factoryArgs);
i = ne.apply(e, r)
o.before instanceof z && (o.before = o.before.__li), p(e, i), X.addClass(i.domElement, "c");
var s = document.createElement("span");
X.addClass(s, "property-name"), s.innerHTML = i.property;
var a = document.createElement("div");
a.appendChild(s), a.appendChild(i.domElement);
var l = c(e, a, o.before);
return X.addClass(l, he.CLASS_CONTROLLER_ROW), i instanceof $ ? X.addClass(l, "color") : X.addClass(l, H(i
.getValue())), h(e, l, i), e.__controllers.push(i), i
function m(e, t) {
return document.location.href + "." + t
function g(e, t, n) {
var o = document.createElement("option");
o.innerHTML = t, o.value = t, e.__preset_select.appendChild(o), n && (e.__preset_select.selectedIndex = e
.__preset_select.length - 1)
function b(e, t) {
t.style.display = e.useLocalStorage ? "block" : "none"
function v(e) {
var t = e.__save_row = document.createElement("li");
X.addClass(e.domElement, "has-save"), e.__ul.insertBefore(t, e.__ul.firstChild), X.addClass(t, "save-row");
var n = document.createElement("span");
n.innerHTML = " ", X.addClass(n, "button gears");
var o = document.createElement("span");
o.innerHTML = "Save", X.addClass(o, "button"), X.addClass(o, "save");
var i = document.createElement("span");
i.innerHTML = "New", X.addClass(i, "button"), X.addClass(i, "save-as");
var r = document.createElement("span");
r.innerHTML = "Revert", X.addClass(r, "button"), X.addClass(r, "revert");
var s = e.__preset_select = document.createElement("select");
if (e.load && e.load.remembered ? S.each(e.load.remembered, function(t, n) {
g(e, n, n === e.preset)
}) : g(e, se, !1), X.bind(s, "change", function() {
for (var t = 0; t < e.__preset_select.length; t++) e.__preset_select[t].innerHTML = e
e.preset = this.value
}), t.appendChild(s), t.appendChild(n), t.appendChild(o), t.appendChild(i), t.appendChild(r), ae) {
var a = document.getElementById("dg-local-explain"),
l = document.getElementById("dg-local-storage");
document.getElementById("dg-save-locally").style.display = "block", "true" === localStorage.getItem(m(e,
"isLocal")) && l.setAttribute("checked", "checked"), b(e, a), X.bind(l, "change", function() {
e.useLocalStorage = !e.useLocalStorage, b(e, a)
var d = document.getElementById("dg-new-constructor");
X.bind(d, "keydown", function(e) {
!e.metaKey || 67 !== e.which && 67 !== e.keyCode || le.hide()
}), X.bind(n, "click", function() {
d.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(e.getSaveObject(), void 0, 2), le.show(), d.focus(), d.select()
}), X.bind(o, "click", function() {
}), X.bind(i, "click", function() {
var t = prompt("Enter a new preset name.");
t && e.saveAs(t)
}), X.bind(r, "click", function() {
function y(e) {
function t(t) {
return t.preventDefault(), e.width += i - t.clientX, e.onResize(), i = t.clientX, !1
function n() {
X.removeClass(e.__closeButton, he.CLASS_DRAG), X.unbind(window, "mousemove", t), X.unbind(window,
"mouseup", n)
function o(o) {
return o.preventDefault(), i = o.clientX, X.addClass(e.__closeButton, he.CLASS_DRAG), X.bind(window,
"mousemove", t), X.bind(window, "mouseup", n), !1
var i = void 0;
e.__resize_handle = document.createElement("div"), S.extend(e.__resize_handle.style, {
width: "6px",
marginLeft: "-3px",
height: "200px",
cursor: "ew-resize",
position: "absolute"
}), X.bind(e.__resize_handle, "mousedown", o), X.bind(e.__closeButton, "mousedown", o), e.domElement
.insertBefore(e.__resize_handle, e.domElement.firstElementChild)
function w(e, t) {
e.domElement.style.width = t + "px", e.__save_row && e.autoPlace && (e.__save_row.style.width = t + "px"), e
.__closeButton && (e.__closeButton.style.width = t + "px")
function x(e, t) {
var n = {};
return S.each(e.__rememberedObjects, function(o, i) {
var r = {},
s = e.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[i];
S.each(s, function(e, n) {
r[n] = t ? e.initialValue : e.getValue()
}), n[i] = r
}), n
function E(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.__preset_select.length; t++) e.__preset_select[t].value === e.preset && (e
.__preset_select.selectedIndex = t)
function C(e) {
0 !== e.length && oe.call(window, function() {
}), S.each(e, function(e) {
var A = Array.prototype.forEach,
k = Array.prototype.slice,
S = {
BREAK: {},
extend: function(e) {
return this.each(k.call(arguments, 1), function(t) {
(this.isObject(t) ? Object.keys(t) : []).forEach(function(n) {
this.isUndefined(t[n]) || (e[n] = t[n])
}, this), e
defaults: function(e) {
return this.each(k.call(arguments, 1), function(t) {
(this.isObject(t) ? Object.keys(t) : []).forEach(function(n) {
this.isUndefined(e[n]) && (e[n] = t[n])
}, this), e
compose: function() {
var e = k.call(arguments);
return function() {
for (var t = k.call(arguments), n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t = [e[n].apply(this,
return t[0]
each: function(e, t, n) {
if (e)
if (A && e.forEach && e.forEach === A) e.forEach(t, n);
else if (e.length === e.length + 0) {
var o = void 0,
i = void 0;
for (o = 0, i = e.length; o < i; o++)
if (o in e && t.call(n, e[o], o) === this.BREAK) return
} else
for (var r in e)
if (t.call(n, e[r], r) === this.BREAK) return
defer: function(e) {
setTimeout(e, 0)
debounce: function(e, t, n) {
var o = void 0;
return function() {
var i = this,
r = arguments,
s = n || !o;
clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(function() {
o = null, n || e.apply(i, r)
}, t), s && e.apply(i, r)
toArray: function(e) {
return e.toArray ? e.toArray() : k.call(e)
isUndefined: function(e) {
return void 0 === e
isNull: function(e) {
return null === e
isNaN: function(e) {
function t(t) {
return e.apply(this, arguments)
return t.toString = function() {
return e.toString()
}, t
}(function(e) {
return isNaN(e)
isArray: Array.isArray || function(e) {
return e.constructor === Array
isObject: function(e) {
return e === Object(e)
isNumber: function(e) {
return e === e + 0
isString: function(e) {
return e === e + ""
isBoolean: function(e) {
return !1 === e || !0 === e
isFunction: function(e) {
return e instanceof Function
O = [{
litmus: S.isString,
conversions: {
read: function(e) {
var t = e.match(/^#([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])$/i);
return null !== t && {
space: "HEX",
hex: parseInt("0x" + t[1].toString() + t[1].toString() + t[2].toString() +
t[2].toString() + t[3].toString() + t[3].toString(), 0)
write: t
read: function(e) {
var t = e.match(/^#([A-F0-9]{6})$/i);
return null !== t && {
space: "HEX",
hex: parseInt("0x" + t[1].toString(), 0)
write: t
read: function(e) {
var t = e.match(/^rgb\(\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*\)/);
return null !== t && {
space: "RGB",
r: parseFloat(t[1]),
g: parseFloat(t[2]),
b: parseFloat(t[3])
write: t
read: function(e) {
var t = e.match(/^rgba\(\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*,\s*(\S+)\s*\)/);
return null !== t && {
space: "RGB",
r: parseFloat(t[1]),
g: parseFloat(t[2]),
b: parseFloat(t[3]),
a: parseFloat(t[4])
write: t
}, {
litmus: S.isNumber,
conversions: {
HEX: {
read: function(e) {
return {
space: "HEX",
hex: e,
conversionName: "HEX"
write: function(e) {
return e.hex
}, {
litmus: S.isArray,
conversions: {
read: function(e) {
return 3 === e.length && {
space: "RGB",
r: e[0],
g: e[1],
b: e[2]
write: function(e) {
return [e.r, e.g, e.b]
read: function(e) {
return 4 === e.length && {
space: "RGB",
r: e[0],
g: e[1],
b: e[2],
a: e[3]
write: function(e) {
return [e.r, e.g, e.b, e.a]
}, {
litmus: S.isObject,
conversions: {
read: function(e) {
return !!(S.isNumber(e.r) && S.isNumber(e.g) && S.isNumber(e.b) && S.isNumber(e
.a)) && {
space: "RGB",
r: e.r,
g: e.g,
b: e.b,
a: e.a
write: function(e) {
return {
r: e.r,
g: e.g,
b: e.b,
a: e.a
read: function(e) {
return !!(S.isNumber(e.r) && S.isNumber(e.g) && S.isNumber(e.b)) && {
space: "RGB",
r: e.r,
g: e.g,
b: e.b
write: function(e) {
return {
r: e.r,
g: e.g,
b: e.b
read: function(e) {
return !!(S.isNumber(e.h) && S.isNumber(e.s) && S.isNumber(e.v) && S.isNumber(e
.a)) && {
space: "HSV",
h: e.h,
s: e.s,
v: e.v,
a: e.a
write: function(e) {
return {
h: e.h,
s: e.s,
v: e.v,
a: e.a
read: function(e) {
return !!(S.isNumber(e.h) && S.isNumber(e.s) && S.isNumber(e.v)) && {
space: "HSV",
h: e.h,
s: e.s,
v: e.v
write: function(e) {
return {
h: e.h,
s: e.s,
v: e.v
T = void 0,
L = void 0,
R = function() {
L = !1;
var e = arguments.length > 1 ? S.toArray(arguments) : arguments[0];
return S.each(O, function(t) {
if (t.litmus(e)) return S.each(t.conversions, function(t, n) {
if (T = t.read(e), !1 === L && !1 !== T) return L = T, T.conversionName = n,
T.conversion = t, S.BREAK
}), L
B = void 0,
N = {
hsv_to_rgb: function(e, t, n) {
var o = Math.floor(e / 60) % 6,
i = e / 60 - Math.floor(e / 60),
r = n * (1 - t),
s = n * (1 - i * t),
a = n * (1 - (1 - i) * t),
l = [
[n, a, r],
[s, n, r],
[r, n, a],
[r, s, n],
[a, r, n],
[n, r, s]
return {
r: 255 * l[0],
g: 255 * l[1],
b: 255 * l[2]
rgb_to_hsv: function(e, t, n) {
var o = Math.min(e, t, n),
i = Math.max(e, t, n),
r = i - o,
s = void 0,
a = void 0;
return 0 === i ? {
h: NaN,
s: 0,
v: 0
} : (a = r / i, s = e === i ? (t - n) / r : t === i ? 2 + (n - e) / r : 4 + (e - t) / r, (
s /= 6) < 0 && (s += 1), {
h: 360 * s,
s: a,
v: i / 255
rgb_to_hex: function(e, t, n) {
var o = this.hex_with_component(0, 2, e);
return o = this.hex_with_component(o, 1, t), o = this.hex_with_component(o, 0, n)
component_from_hex: function(e, t) {
return e >> 8 * t & 255
hex_with_component: function(e, t, n) {
return n << (B = 8 * t) | e & ~(255 << B)
H = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
} : function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ?
"symbol" : typeof e
F = function(e, t) {
if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
P = function() {
function e(e, t) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var o = t[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(e, o.key, o)
return function(t, n, o) {
return n && e(t.prototype, n), o && e(t, o), t
D = function e(t, n, o) {
null === t && (t = Function.prototype);
var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n);
if (void 0 === i) {
var r = Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
return null === r ? void 0 : e(r, n, o)
if ("value" in i) return i.value;
var s = i.get;
if (void 0 !== s) return s.call(o)
j = function(e, t) {
if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError(
"Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t)
V = function(e, t) {
if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t
I = function() {
function e() {
if (F(this, e), this.__state = R.apply(this, arguments), !1 === this.__state) throw new Error(
"Failed to interpret color arguments");
this.__state.a = this.__state.a || 1
return P(e, [{
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return t(this)
}, {
key: "toHexString",
value: function() {
return t(this, !0)
}, {
key: "toOriginal",
value: function() {
return this.__state.conversion.write(this)
}]), e
I.recalculateRGB = function(e, t, n) {
if ("HEX" === e.__state.space) e.__state[t] = N.component_from_hex(e.__state.hex, n);
else {
if ("HSV" !== e.__state.space) throw new Error("Corrupted color state");
S.extend(e.__state, N.hsv_to_rgb(e.__state.h, e.__state.s, e.__state.v))
}, I.recalculateHSV = function(e) {
var t = N.rgb_to_hsv(e.r, e.g, e.b);
S.extend(e.__state, {
s: t.s,
v: t.v
}), S.isNaN(t.h) ? S.isUndefined(e.__state.h) && (e.__state.h = 0) : e.__state.h = t.h
}, I.COMPONENTS = ["r", "g", "b", "h", "s", "v", "hex", "a"], n(I.prototype, "r", 2), n(I.prototype, "g",
1), n(I.prototype, "b", 0), o(I.prototype, "h"), o(I.prototype, "s"), o(I.prototype, "v"), Object
.defineProperty(I.prototype, "a", {
get: function() {
return this.__state.a
set: function(e) {
this.__state.a = e
}), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "hex", {
get: function() {
return "HEX" !== this.__state.space && (this.__state.hex = N.rgb_to_hex(this.r, this.g, this
.b), this.__state.space = "HEX"), this.__state.hex
set: function(e) {
this.__state.space = "HEX", this.__state.hex = e
var z = function() {
function e(t, n) {
F(this, e), this.initialValue = t[n], this.domElement = document.createElement("div"), this.object =
t, this.property = n, this.__onChange = void 0, this.__onFinishChange = void 0
return P(e, [{
key: "onChange",
value: function(e) {
return this.__onChange = e, this
}, {
key: "onFinishChange",
value: function(e) {
return this.__onFinishChange = e, this
}, {
key: "setValue",
value: function(e) {
return this.object[this.property] = e, this.__onChange && this.__onChange.call(
this, e), this.updateDisplay(), this
}, {
key: "getValue",
value: function() {
return this.object[this.property]
}, {
key: "updateDisplay",
value: function() {
return this
}, {
key: "isModified",
value: function() {
return this.initialValue !== this.getValue()
}]), e
M = {
HTMLEvents: ["change"],
MouseEvents: ["click", "mousemove", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseover"],
KeyboardEvents: ["keydown"]
G = {};
S.each(M, function(e, t) {
S.each(e, function(e) {
G[e] = t
var U = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)px/,
X = {
makeSelectable: function(e, t) {
void 0 !== e && void 0 !== e.style && (e.onselectstart = t ? function() {
return !1
} : function() {}, e.style.MozUserSelect = t ? "auto" : "none", e.style
.KhtmlUserSelect = t ? "auto" : "none", e.unselectable = t ? "on" : "off")
makeFullscreen: function(e, t, n) {
var o = n,
i = t;
S.isUndefined(i) && (i = !0), S.isUndefined(o) && (o = !0), e.style.position = "absolute", i &&
(e.style.left = 0, e.style.right = 0), o && (e.style.top = 0, e.style.bottom = 0)
fakeEvent: function(e, t, n, o) {
var i = n || {},
r = G[t];
if (!r) throw new Error("Event type " + t + " not supported.");
var s = document.createEvent(r);
switch (r) {
case "MouseEvents":
var a = i.x || i.clientX || 0,
l = i.y || i.clientY || 0;
s.initMouseEvent(t, i.bubbles || !1, i.cancelable || !0, window, i.clickCount || 1, 0,
0, a, l, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null);
case "KeyboardEvents":
var d = s.initKeyboardEvent || s.initKeyEvent;
S.defaults(i, {
cancelable: !0,
ctrlKey: !1,
altKey: !1,
shiftKey: !1,
metaKey: !1,
keyCode: void 0,
charCode: void 0
}), d(t, i.bubbles || !1, i.cancelable, window, i.ctrlKey, i.altKey, i.shiftKey, i
.metaKey, i.keyCode, i.charCode);
s.initEvent(t, i.bubbles || !1, i.cancelable || !0)
S.defaults(s, o), e.dispatchEvent(s)
bind: function(e, t, n, o) {
var i = o || !1;
return e.addEventListener ? e.addEventListener(t, n, i) : e.attachEvent && e.attachEvent("on" +
t, n), X
unbind: function(e, t, n, o) {
var i = o || !1;
return e.removeEventListener ? e.removeEventListener(t, n, i) : e.detachEvent && e.detachEvent(
"on" + t, n), X
addClass: function(e, t) {
if (void 0 === e.className) e.className = t;
else if (e.className !== t) {
var n = e.className.split(/ +/); - 1 === n.indexOf(t) && (n.push(t), e.className = n.join(
" ").replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""))
return X
removeClass: function(e, t) {
if (t)
if (e.className === t) e.removeAttribute("class");
else {
var n = e.className.split(/ +/),
o = n.indexOf(t); - 1 !== o && (n.splice(o, 1), e.className = n.join(" "))
else e.className = void 0;
return X
hasClass: function(e, t) {
return new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + t + "(?:\\s+|$)").test(e.className) || !1
getWidth: function(e) {
var t = getComputedStyle(e);
return i(t["border-left-width"]) + i(t["border-right-width"]) + i(t["padding-left"]) + i(t[
"padding-right"]) + i(t.width)
getHeight: function(e) {
var t = getComputedStyle(e);
return i(t["border-top-width"]) + i(t["border-bottom-width"]) + i(t["padding-top"]) + i(t[
"padding-bottom"]) + i(t.height)
getOffset: function(e) {
var t = e,
n = {
left: 0,
top: 0
if (t.offsetParent)
do {
n.left += t.offsetLeft, n.top += t.offsetTop, t = t.offsetParent
} while (t);
return n
isActive: function(e) {
return e === document.activeElement && (e.type || e.href)
K = function(e) {
function t(e, n) {
F(this, t);
var o = V(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n)),
i = o;
return o.__prev = o.getValue(), o.__checkbox = document.createElement("input"), o.__checkbox
.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"), X.bind(o.__checkbox, "change", function() {
}, !1), o.domElement.appendChild(o.__checkbox), o.updateDisplay(), o
return j(t, z), P(t, [{
key: "setValue",
value: function(e) {
var n = D(t.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype),
"setValue", this).call(this, e);
return this.__onFinishChange && this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this
.getValue()), this.__prev = this.getValue(), n
}, {
key: "updateDisplay",
value: function() {
return !0 === this.getValue() ? (this.__checkbox.setAttribute("checked",
"checked"), this.__checkbox.checked = !0, this.__prev = !0) : (this
.__checkbox.checked = !1, this.__prev = !1), D(t.prototype.__proto__ ||
Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype), "updateDisplay", this).call(this)
}]), t
Y = function(e) {
function t(e, n, o) {
F(this, t);
var i = V(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n)),
r = o,
s = i;
if (i.__select = document.createElement("select"), S.isArray(r)) {
var a = {};
S.each(r, function(e) {
a[e] = e
}), r = a
return S.each(r, function(e, t) {
var n = document.createElement("option");
n.innerHTML = t, n.setAttribute("value", e), s.__select.appendChild(n)
}), i.updateDisplay(), X.bind(i.__select, "change", function() {
var e = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
}), i.domElement.appendChild(i.__select), i
return j(t, z), P(t, [{
key: "setValue",
value: function(e) {
var n = D(t.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype),
"setValue", this).call(this, e);
return this.__onFinishChange && this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this
.getValue()), n
}, {
key: "updateDisplay",
value: function() {
return X.isActive(this.__select) ? this : (this.__select.value = this
.getValue(), D(t.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t
"updateDisplay", this).call(this))
}]), t
J = function(e) {
function t(e, n) {
function o() {
F(this, t);
var i = V(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n)),
r = i;
return i.__input = document.createElement("input"), i.__input.setAttribute("type", "text"), X.bind(i
.__input, "keyup", o), X.bind(i.__input, "change", o), X.bind(i.__input, "blur",
function() {
r.__onFinishChange && r.__onFinishChange.call(r, r.getValue())
}), X.bind(i.__input, "keydown", function(e) {
13 === e.keyCode && this.blur()
}), i.updateDisplay(), i.domElement.appendChild(i.__input), i
return j(t, z), P(t, [{
key: "updateDisplay",
value: function() {
return X.isActive(this.__input) || (this.__input.value = this.getValue()), D(t
.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype),
"updateDisplay", this).call(this)
}]), t
W = function(e) {
function t(e, n, o) {
F(this, t);
var i = V(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n)),
s = o || {};
return i.__min = s.min, i.__max = s.max, i.__step = s.step, S.isUndefined(i.__step) ? 0 === i
.initialValue ? i.__impliedStep = 1 : i.__impliedStep = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(Math
.abs(i.initialValue)) / Math.LN10)) / 10 : i.__impliedStep = i.__step, i.__precision = r(i
.__impliedStep), i
return j(t, z), P(t, [{
key: "setValue",
value: function(e) {
var n = e;
return void 0 !== this.__min && n < this.__min ? n = this.__min : void 0 !==
this.__max && n > this.__max && (n = this.__max), void 0 !== this.__step &&
n % this.__step != 0 && (n = Math.round(n / this.__step) * this.__step), D(t
.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype), "setValue",
this).call(this, n)
}, {
key: "min",
value: function(e) {
return this.__min = e, this
}, {
key: "max",
value: function(e) {
return this.__max = e, this
}, {
key: "step",
value: function(e) {
return this.__step = e, this.__impliedStep = e, this.__precision = r(e), this
}]), t
Q = function(e) {
function t(e, n, o) {
function i() {
l.__onFinishChange && l.__onFinishChange.call(l, l.getValue())
function r(e) {
var t = d - e.clientY;
l.setValue(l.getValue() + t * l.__impliedStep), d = e.clientY
function s() {
X.unbind(window, "mousemove", r), X.unbind(window, "mouseup", s), i()
F(this, t);
var a = V(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n, o));
a.__truncationSuspended = !1;
var l = a,
d = void 0;
return a.__input = document.createElement("input"), a.__input.setAttribute("type", "text"), X.bind(a
.__input, "change",
function() {
var e = parseFloat(l.__input.value);
S.isNaN(e) || l.setValue(e)
}), X.bind(a.__input, "blur", function() {
}), X.bind(a.__input, "mousedown", function(e) {
X.bind(window, "mousemove", r), X.bind(window, "mouseup", s), d = e.clientY
}), X.bind(a.__input, "keydown", function(e) {
13 === e.keyCode && (l.__truncationSuspended = !0, this.blur(), l
.__truncationSuspended = !1, i())
}), a.updateDisplay(), a.domElement.appendChild(a.__input), a
return j(t, W), P(t, [{
key: "updateDisplay",
value: function() {
return this.__input.value = this.__truncationSuspended ? this.getValue() : s(
this.getValue(), this.__precision), D(t.prototype.__proto__ || Object
.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype), "updateDisplay", this).call(this)
}]), t
q = function(e) {
function t(e, n, o, i, r) {
function s(e) {
var t = _.__background.getBoundingClientRect();
return _.setValue(a(e.clientX, t.left, t.right, _.__min, _.__max)), !1
function l() {
X.unbind(window, "mousemove", s), X.unbind(window, "mouseup", l), _.__onFinishChange && _
.__onFinishChange.call(_, _.getValue())
function d(e) {
var t = e.touches[0].clientX,
n = _.__background.getBoundingClientRect();
_.setValue(a(t, n.left, n.right, _.__min, _.__max))
function c() {
X.unbind(window, "touchmove", d), X.unbind(window, "touchend", c), _.__onFinishChange && _
.__onFinishChange.call(_, _.getValue())
F(this, t);
var u = V(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n, {
min: o,
max: i,
step: r
_ = u;
return u.__background = document.createElement("div"), u.__foreground = document.createElement(
"div"), X.bind(u.__background, "mousedown", function(e) {
document.activeElement.blur(), X.bind(window, "mousemove", s), X.bind(window, "mouseup",
l), s(e)
}), X.bind(u.__background, "touchstart", function(e) {
1 === e.touches.length && (X.bind(window, "touchmove", d), X.bind(window, "touchend",
c), d(e))
}), X.addClass(u.__background, "slider"), X.addClass(u.__foreground, "slider-fg"), u
.updateDisplay(), u.__background.appendChild(u.__foreground), u.domElement.appendChild(u
.__background), u
return j(t, W), P(t, [{
key: "updateDisplay",
value: function() {
var e = (this.getValue() - this.__min) / (this.__max - this.__min);
return this.__foreground.style.width = 100 * e + "%", D(t.prototype.__proto__ ||
Object.getPrototypeOf(t.prototype), "updateDisplay", this).call(this)
}]), t
Z = function(e) {
function t(e, n, o) {
F(this, t);
var i = V(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n)),
r = i;
return i.__button = document.createElement("div"), i.__button.innerHTML = void 0 === o ? "Fire" : o,
X.bind(i.__button, "click", function(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), r.fire(), !1
}), X.addClass(i.__button, "button"), i.domElement.appendChild(i.__button), i
return j(t, z), P(t, [{
key: "fire",
value: function() {
this.__onChange && this.__onChange.call(this), this.getValue().call(this
.object), this.__onFinishChange && this.__onFinishChange.call(this, this
}]), t
$ = function(e) {
function t(e, n) {
function o(e) {
u(e), X.bind(window, "mousemove", u), X.bind(window, "touchmove", u), X.bind(window, "mouseup",
r), X.bind(window, "touchend", r)
function i(e) {
_(e), X.bind(window, "mousemove", _), X.bind(window, "touchmove", _), X.bind(window, "mouseup",
s), X.bind(window, "touchend", s)
function r() {
X.unbind(window, "mousemove", u), X.unbind(window, "touchmove", u), X.unbind(window, "mouseup",
r), X.unbind(window, "touchend", r), c()
function s() {
X.unbind(window, "mousemove", _), X.unbind(window, "touchmove", _), X.unbind(window, "mouseup",
s), X.unbind(window, "touchend", s), c()
function a() {
var e = R(this.value);
!1 !== e ? (p.__color.__state = e, p.setValue(p.__color.toOriginal())) : this.value = p.__color
function c() {
p.__onFinishChange && p.__onFinishChange.call(p, p.__color.toOriginal())
function u(e) {
-1 === e.type.indexOf("touch") && e.preventDefault();
var t = p.__saturation_field.getBoundingClientRect(),
n = e.touches && e.touches[0] || e,
o = n.clientX,
i = n.clientY,
r = (o - t.left) / (t.right - t.left),
s = 1 - (i - t.top) / (t.bottom - t.top);
return s > 1 ? s = 1 : s < 0 && (s = 0), r > 1 ? r = 1 : r < 0 && (r = 0), p.__color.v = s, p
.__color.s = r, p.setValue(p.__color.toOriginal()), !1
function _(e) {
-1 === e.type.indexOf("touch") && e.preventDefault();
var t = p.__hue_field.getBoundingClientRect(),
n = 1 - ((e.touches && e.touches[0] || e).clientY - t.top) / (t.bottom - t.top);
return n > 1 ? n = 1 : n < 0 && (n = 0), p.__color.h = 360 * n, p.setValue(p.__color
.toOriginal()), !1
F(this, t);
var h = V(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e, n));
h.__color = new I(h.getValue()), h.__temp = new I(0);
var p = h;
h.domElement = document.createElement("div"), X.makeSelectable(h.domElement, !1), h.__selector =
document.createElement("div"), h.__selector.className = "selector", h.__saturation_field =
document.createElement("div"), h.__saturation_field.className = "saturation-field", h
.__field_knob = document.createElement("div"), h.__field_knob.className = "field-knob", h
.__field_knob_border = "2px solid ", h.__hue_knob = document.createElement("div"), h.__hue_knob
.className = "hue-knob", h.__hue_field = document.createElement("div"), h.__hue_field
.className = "hue-field", h.__input = document.createElement("input"), h.__input.type = "text",
h.__input_textShadow = "0 1px 1px ", X.bind(h.__input, "keydown", function(e) {
13 === e.keyCode && a.call(this)
}), X.bind(h.__input, "blur", a), X.bind(h.__selector, "mousedown", function() {
X.addClass(this, "drag").bind(window, "mouseup", function() {
X.removeClass(p.__selector, "drag")
}), X.bind(h.__selector, "touchstart", function() {
X.addClass(this, "drag").bind(window, "touchend", function() {
X.removeClass(p.__selector, "drag")
var f = document.createElement("div");
return S.extend(h.__selector.style, {
width: "122px",
height: "102px",
padding: "3px",
backgroundColor: "#222",
boxShadow: "0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)"
}), S.extend(h.__field_knob.style, {
position: "absolute",
width: "12px",
height: "12px",
border: h.__field_knob_border + (h.__color.v < .5 ? "#fff" : "#000"),
boxShadow: "0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
borderRadius: "12px",
zIndex: 1
}), S.extend(h.__hue_knob.style, {
position: "absolute",
width: "15px",
height: "2px",
borderRight: "4px solid #fff",
zIndex: 1
}), S.extend(h.__saturation_field.style, {
width: "100px",
height: "100px",
border: "1px solid #555",
marginRight: "3px",
display: "inline-block",
cursor: "pointer"
}), S.extend(f.style, {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
background: "none"
}), l(f, "top", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "#000"), S.extend(h.__hue_field.style, {
width: "15px",
height: "100px",
border: "1px solid #555",
cursor: "ns-resize",
position: "absolute",
top: "3px",
right: "3px"
}), d(h.__hue_field), S.extend(h.__input.style, {
outline: "none",
textAlign: "center",
color: "#fff",
border: 0,
fontWeight: "bold",
textShadow: h.__input_textShadow + "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)"
}), X.bind(h.__saturation_field, "mousedown", o), X.bind(h.__saturation_field, "touchstart", o),
X.bind(h.__field_knob, "mousedown", o), X.bind(h.__field_knob, "touchstart", o), X.bind(h
.__hue_field, "mousedown", i), X.bind(h.__hue_field, "touchstart", i), h.__saturation_field
.appendChild(f), h.__selector.appendChild(h.__field_knob), h.__selector.appendChild(h
.__saturation_field), h.__selector.appendChild(h.__hue_field), h.__hue_field.appendChild(h
.__hue_knob), h.domElement.appendChild(h.__input), h.domElement.appendChild(h.__selector), h
.updateDisplay(), h
return j(t, z), P(t, [{
key: "updateDisplay",
value: function() {
var e = R(this.getValue());
if (!1 !== e) {
var t = !1;
S.each(I.COMPONENTS, function(n) {
if (!S.isUndefined(e[n]) && !S.isUndefined(this.__color.__state[
n]) && e[n] !== this.__color.__state[n]) return t = !
0, {}
}, this), t && S.extend(this.__color.__state, e)
S.extend(this.__temp.__state, this.__color.__state), this.__temp.a = 1;
var n = this.__color.v < .5 || this.__color.s > .5 ? 255 : 0,
o = 255 - n;
S.extend(this.__field_knob.style, {
marginLeft: 100 * this.__color.s - 7 + "px",
marginTop: 100 * (1 - this.__color.v) - 7 + "px",
backgroundColor: this.__temp.toHexString(),
border: this.__field_knob_border + "rgb(" + n + "," + n + "," + n +
}), this.__hue_knob.style.marginTop = 100 * (1 - this.__color.h / 360) +
"px", this.__temp.s = 1, this.__temp.v = 1, l(this.__saturation_field,
"left", "#fff", this.__temp.toHexString()), this.__input.value = this
.__color.toString(), S.extend(this.__input.style, {
backgroundColor: this.__color.toHexString(),
color: "rgb(" + n + "," + n + "," + n + ")",
textShadow: this.__input_textShadow + "rgba(" + o + "," + o + "," +
o + ",.7)"
}]), t
ee = ["-moz-", "-o-", "-webkit-", "-ms-", ""],
te = {
load: function(e, t) {
var n = t || document,
o = n.createElement("link");
o.type = "text/css", o.rel = "stylesheet", o.href = e, n.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]
inject: function(e, t) {
var n = t || document,
o = document.createElement("style");
o.type = "text/css", o.innerHTML = e;
var i = n.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
try {
} catch (e) {}
ne = function(e, t) {
var n = e[t];
return S.isArray(arguments[2]) || S.isObject(arguments[2]) ? new Y(e, t, arguments[2]) : S.isNumber(n) ?
S.isNumber(arguments[2]) && S.isNumber(arguments[3]) ? S.isNumber(arguments[4]) ? new q(e, t,
arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4]) : new q(e, t, arguments[2], arguments[3]) : S
.isNumber(arguments[4]) ? new Q(e, t, {
min: arguments[2],
max: arguments[3],
step: arguments[4]
}) : new Q(e, t, {
min: arguments[2],
max: arguments[3]
}) : S.isString(n) ? new J(e, t) : S.isFunction(n) ? new Z(e, t, "") : S.isBoolean(n) ? new K(e,
t) : null
oe = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window
.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(
e) {
setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)
ie = function() {
function e() {
F(this, e), this.backgroundElement = document.createElement("div"), S.extend(this.backgroundElement
.style, {
backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)",
top: 0,
left: 0,
display: "none",
zIndex: "1000",
opacity: 0,
WebkitTransition: "opacity 0.2s linear",
transition: "opacity 0.2s linear"
}), X.makeFullscreen(this.backgroundElement), this.backgroundElement.style.position =
"fixed", this.domElement = document.createElement("div"), S.extend(this.domElement.style, {
position: "fixed",
display: "none",
zIndex: "1001",
opacity: 0,
WebkitTransition: "-webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out, opacity 0.2s linear",
transition: "transform 0.2s ease-out, opacity 0.2s linear"
}), document.body.appendChild(this.backgroundElement), document.body.appendChild(this
var t = this;
X.bind(this.backgroundElement, "click", function() {
return P(e, [{
key: "show",
value: function() {
var e = this;
this.backgroundElement.style.display = "block", this.domElement.style.display =
"block", this.domElement.style.opacity = 0, this.domElement.style
.webkitTransform = "scale(1.1)", this.layout(), S.defer(function() {
e.backgroundElement.style.opacity = 1, e.domElement.style.opacity =
1, e.domElement.style.webkitTransform = "scale(1)"
}, {
key: "hide",
value: function() {
var e = this,
t = function t() {
e.domElement.style.display = "none", e.backgroundElement.style.display =
"none", X.unbind(e.domElement, "webkitTransitionEnd", t), X.unbind(e
.domElement, "transitionend", t), X.unbind(e.domElement,
"oTransitionEnd", t)
X.bind(this.domElement, "webkitTransitionEnd", t), X.bind(this.domElement,
"transitionend", t), X.bind(this.domElement, "oTransitionEnd", t), this
.backgroundElement.style.opacity = 0, this.domElement.style.opacity = 0,
this.domElement.style.webkitTransform = "scale(1.1)"
}, {
key: "layout",
value: function() {
this.domElement.style.left = window.innerWidth / 2 - X.getWidth(this
.domElement) / 2 + "px", this.domElement.style.top = window
.innerHeight /
2 - X.getHeight(this.domElement) / 2 + "px"
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re = function(e) {
if (e && "undefined" != typeof window) {
var t = document.createElement("style");
return t.setAttribute("type", "text/css"), t.innerHTML = e, document.head.appendChild(t), e
".dg ul{list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;clear:both}.dg.ac{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;height:0;z-index:0}.dg:not(.ac) .main{overflow:hidden}.dg.main{-webkit-transition:opacity .1s linear;-o-transition:opacity .1s linear;-moz-transition:opacity .1s linear;transition:opacity .1s linear}.dg.main.taller-than-window{overflow-y:auto}.dg.main.taller-than-window .close-button{opacity:1;margin-top:-1px;border-top:1px solid #2c2c2c}.dg.main ul.closed .close-button{opacity:1 !important}.dg.main:hover .close-button,.dg.main .close-button.drag{opacity:1}.dg.main .close-button{-webkit-transition:opacity .1s linear;-o-transition:opacity .1s linear;-moz-transition:opacity .1s linear;transition:opacity .1s linear;border:0;line-height:19px;height:20px;cursor:pointer;text-align:center;background-color:#000}.dg.main .close-button.close-top{position:relative}.dg.main .close-button.close-bottom{position:absolute}.dg.main .close-button:hover{background-color:#111}.dg.a{float:right;margin-right:15px;overflow-y:visible}.dg.a.has-save>ul.close-top{margin-top:0}.dg.a.has-save>ul.close-bottom{margin-top:27px}.dg.a.has-save>ul.closed{margin-top:0}.dg.a .save-row{top:0;z-index:1002}.dg.a .save-row.close-top{position:relative}.dg.a .save-row.close-bottom{position:fixed}.dg li{-webkit-transition:height .1s ease-out;-o-transition:height .1s ease-out;-moz-transition:height .1s ease-out;transition:height .1s ease-out;-webkit-transition:overflow .1s linear;-o-transition:overflow .1s linear;-moz-transition:overflow .1s linear;transition:overflow .1s linear}.dg li:not(.folder){cursor:auto;height:27px;line-height:27px;padding:0 4px 0 5px}.dg li.folder{padding:0;border-left:4px solid rgba(0,0,0,0)}.dg li.title{cursor:pointer;margin-left:-4px}.dg .closed li:not(.title),.dg .closed ul li,.dg .closed ul li>*{height:0;overflow:hidden;border:0}.dg .cr{clear:both;padding-left:3px;height:27px;overflow:hidden}.dg 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6px}.dg.dialogue{background-color:#222;width:460px;padding:15px;font-size:13px;line-height:15px}#dg-new-constructor{padding:10px;color:#222;font-family:Monaco, monospace;font-size:10px;border:0;resize:none;box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 1px #888;word-wrap:break-word;margin:12px 0;display:block;width:440px;overflow-y:scroll;height:100px;position:relative}#dg-local-explain{display:none;font-size:11px;line-height:17px;border-radius:3px;background-color:#333;padding:8px;margin-top:10px}#dg-local-explain code{font-size:10px}#dat-gui-save-locally{display:none}.dg{color:#eee;font:11px 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;text-shadow:0 -1px 0 #111}.dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar{width:5px;background:#1a1a1a}.dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar-corner{height:0;display:none}.dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{border-radius:5px;background:#676767}.dg li:not(.folder){background:#1a1a1a;border-bottom:1px solid #2c2c2c}.dg li.save-row{line-height:25px;background:#dad5cb;border:0}.dg li.save-row select{margin-left:5px;width:108px}.dg li.save-row .button{margin-left:5px;margin-top:1px;border-radius:2px;font-size:9px;line-height:7px;padding:4px 4px 5px 4px;background:#c5bdad;color:#fff;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #b0a58f;box-shadow:0 -1px 0 #b0a58f;cursor:pointer}.dg li.save-row .button.gears{background:#c5bdad url() 2px 1px no-repeat;height:7px;width:8px}.dg li.save-row .button:hover{background-color:#bab19e;box-shadow:0 -1px 0 #b0a58f}.dg li.folder{border-bottom:0}.dg li.title{padding-left:16px;background:#000 url() 6px 10px no-repeat;cursor:pointer;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.2)}.dg .closed li.title{background-image:url()}.dg .cr.boolean{border-left:3px solid #806787}.dg .cr.color{border-left:3px solid}.dg .cr.function{border-left:3px solid #e61d5f}.dg .cr.number{border-left:3px solid #2FA1D6}.dg .cr.number input[type=text]{color:#2FA1D6}.dg .cr.string{border-left:3px solid #1ed36f}.dg .cr.string input[type=text]{color:#1ed36f}.dg .cr.function:hover,.dg .cr.boolean:hover{background:#111}.dg .c input[type=text]{background:#303030;outline:none}.dg .c input[type=text]:hover{background:#3c3c3c}.dg .c input[type=text]:focus{background:#494949;color:#fff}.dg .c .slider{background:#303030;cursor:ew-resize}.dg .c .slider-fg{background:#2FA1D6;max-width:100%}.dg .c .slider:hover{background:#3c3c3c}.dg .c .slider:hover .slider-fg{background:#44abda}\n"
var se = "Default",
ae = function() {
try {
return !!window.localStorage
} catch (e) {
return !1
le = void 0,
de = !0,
ce = void 0,
ue = !1,
_e = [],
he = function e(t) {
var n = this,
o = t || {};
this.domElement = document.createElement("div"), this.__ul = document.createElement("ul"), this
.domElement.appendChild(this.__ul), X.addClass(this.domElement, "dg"), this.__folders = {}, this
.__controllers = [], this.__rememberedObjects = [], this
.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers = [], this.__listening = [], o = S.defaults(o, {
closeOnTop: !1,
autoPlace: !0,
}), o = S.defaults(o, {
resizable: o.autoPlace,
hideable: o.autoPlace
}), S.isUndefined(o.load) ? o.load = {
preset: se
} : o.preset && (o.load.preset = o.preset), S.isUndefined(o.parent) && o.hideable && _e.push(this),
o.resizable = S.isUndefined(o.parent) && o.resizable, o.autoPlace && S.isUndefined(o.scrollable) &&
(o.scrollable = !0);
var i = ae && "true" === localStorage.getItem(m(this, "isLocal")),
r = void 0,
s = void 0;
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parent: {
get: function() {
return o.parent
scrollable: {
get: function() {
return o.scrollable
autoPlace: {
get: function() {
return o.autoPlace
closeOnTop: {
get: function() {
return o.closeOnTop
preset: {
get: function() {
return n.parent ? n.getRoot().preset : o.load.preset
set: function(e) {
n.parent ? n.getRoot().preset = e : o.load.preset = e, E(this), n.revert()
width: {
get: function() {
return o.width
set: function(e) {
o.width = e, w(n, e)
name: {
get: function() {
return o.name
set: function(e) {
o.name = e, s && (s.innerHTML = o.name)
closed: {
get: function() {
return o.closed
set: function(t) {
o.closed = t, o.closed ? X.addClass(n.__ul, e.CLASS_CLOSED) : X.removeClass(n
.__ul, e.CLASS_CLOSED), this.onResize(), n.__closeButton && (n
.__closeButton.innerHTML = t ? e.TEXT_OPEN : e.TEXT_CLOSED)
load: {
get: function() {
return o.load
useLocalStorage: {
get: function() {
return i
set: function(e) {
ae && (i = e, e ? X.bind(window, "unload", r) : X.unbind(window, "unload", r),
localStorage.setItem(m(n, "isLocal"), e))
}), S.isUndefined(o.parent)) {
if (this.closed = o.closed || !1, X.addClass(this.domElement, e.CLASS_MAIN), X.makeSelectable(this
.domElement, !1), ae && i) {
n.useLocalStorage = !0;
var a = localStorage.getItem(m(this, "gui"));
a && (o.load = JSON.parse(a))
this.__closeButton = document.createElement("div"), this.__closeButton.innerHTML = e.TEXT_CLOSED, X
.addClass(this.__closeButton, e.CLASS_CLOSE_BUTTON), o.closeOnTop ? (X.addClass(this
.__closeButton, e.CLASS_CLOSE_TOP), this.domElement.insertBefore(this.__closeButton,
this.domElement.childNodes[0])) : (X.addClass(this.__closeButton, e.CLASS_CLOSE_BOTTOM),
this.domElement.appendChild(this.__closeButton)), X.bind(this.__closeButton, "click",
function() {
n.closed = !n.closed
} else {
void 0 === o.closed && (o.closed = !0);
var l = document.createTextNode(o.name);
X.addClass(l, "controller-name"), s = c(n, l);
X.addClass(this.__ul, e.CLASS_CLOSED), X.addClass(s, "title"), X.bind(s, "click", function(e) {
return e.preventDefault(), n.closed = !n.closed, !1
}), o.closed || (this.closed = !1)
o.autoPlace && (S.isUndefined(o.parent) && (de && (ce = document.createElement("div"), X.addClass(ce,
"dg"), X.addClass(ce, e.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE_CONTAINER), document.body.appendChild(ce),
de = !1), ce.appendChild(this.domElement), X.addClass(this.domElement, e
.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE)), this.parent || w(n, o.width)), this.__resizeHandler = function() {
}, X.bind(window, "resize", this.__resizeHandler), X.bind(this.__ul, "webkitTransitionEnd", this
.__resizeHandler), X.bind(this.__ul, "transitionend", this.__resizeHandler), X.bind(this.__ul,
"oTransitionEnd", this.__resizeHandler), this.onResize(), o.resizable && y(this), r =
function() {
ae && "true" === localStorage.getItem(m(n, "isLocal")) && localStorage.setItem(m(n, "gui"), JSON
}, this.saveToLocalStorageIfPossible = r, o.parent || function() {
var e = n.getRoot();
e.width += 1, S.defer(function() {
e.width -= 1
he.toggleHide = function() {
ue = !ue, S.each(_e, function(e) {
e.domElement.style.display = ue ? "none" : ""
}, he.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE = "a", he.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE_CONTAINER = "ac", he.CLASS_MAIN = "main", he
.CLASS_CONTROLLER_ROW = "cr", he.CLASS_TOO_TALL = "taller-than-window", he.CLASS_CLOSED = "closed", he
.CLASS_CLOSE_BUTTON = "close-button", he.CLASS_CLOSE_TOP = "close-top", he.CLASS_CLOSE_BOTTOM =
"close-bottom", he.CLASS_DRAG = "drag", he.DEFAULT_WIDTH = 245, he.TEXT_CLOSED = "Close Controls", he
.TEXT_OPEN = "Open Controls", he._keydownHandler = function(e) {
"text" === document.activeElement.type || 72 !== e.which && 72 !== e.keyCode || he.toggleHide()
}, X.bind(window, "keydown", he._keydownHandler, !1), S.extend(he.prototype, {
add: function(e, t) {
return f(this, e, t, {
factoryArgs: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)
addColor: function(e, t) {
return f(this, e, t, {
color: !0
remove: function(e) {
this.__ul.removeChild(e.__li), this.__controllers.splice(this.__controllers.indexOf(e), 1);
var t = this;
S.defer(function() {
destroy: function() {
if (this.parent) throw new Error(
"Only the root GUI should be removed with .destroy(). For subfolders, use gui.removeFolder(folder) instead."
this.autoPlace && ce.removeChild(this.domElement);
var e = this;
S.each(this.__folders, function(t) {
}), X.unbind(window, "keydown", he._keydownHandler, !1), u(this)
addFolder: function(e) {
if (void 0 !== this.__folders[e]) throw new Error(
'You already have a folder in this GUI by the name "' + e + '"');
var t = {
name: e,
parent: this
t.autoPlace = this.autoPlace, this.load && this.load.folders && this.load.folders[e] && (t
.closed = this.load.folders[e].closed, t.load = this.load.folders[e]);
var n = new he(t);
this.__folders[e] = n;
var o = c(this, n.domElement);
return X.addClass(o, "folder"), n
removeFolder: function(e) {
this.__ul.removeChild(e.domElement.parentElement), delete this.__folders[e.name], this
.load && this.load.folders && this.load.folders[e.name] && delete this.load.folders[e
.name], u(e);
var t = this;
S.each(e.__folders, function(t) {
}), S.defer(function() {
open: function() {
this.closed = !1
close: function() {
this.closed = !0
hide: function() {
this.domElement.style.display = "none"
show: function() {
this.domElement.style.display = ""
onResize: function() {
var e = this.getRoot();
if (e.scrollable) {
var t = X.getOffset(e.__ul).top,
n = 0;
S.each(e.__ul.childNodes, function(t) {
e.autoPlace && t === e.__save_row || (n += X.getHeight(t))
}), window.innerHeight - t - 20 < n ? (X.addClass(e.domElement, he.CLASS_TOO_TALL),
e.__ul.style.height = window.innerHeight - t - 20 + "px") : (X.removeClass(e
.domElement, he.CLASS_TOO_TALL), e.__ul.style.height = "auto")
e.__resize_handle && S.defer(function() {
e.__resize_handle.style.height = e.__ul.offsetHeight + "px"
}), e.__closeButton && (e.__closeButton.style.width = e.width + "px")
onResizeDebounced: S.debounce(function() {
}, 50),
remember: function() {
if (S.isUndefined(le) && ((le = new ie).domElement.innerHTML =
'<div id="dg-save" class="dg dialogue">\n\n Here\'s the new load parameter for your <code>GUI</code>\'s constructor:\n\n <textarea id="dg-new-constructor"></textarea>\n\n <div id="dg-save-locally">\n\n <input id="dg-local-storage" type="checkbox"/> Automatically save\n values to <code>localStorage</code> on exit.\n\n <div id="dg-local-explain">The values saved to <code>localStorage</code> will\n override those passed to <code>dat.GUI</code>\'s constructor. This makes it\n easier to work incrementally, but <code>localStorage</code> is fragile,\n and your friends may not see the same values you do.\n\n </div>\n\n </div>\n\n</div>'
), this.parent) throw new Error("You can only call remember on a top level GUI.");
var e = this;
S.each(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), function(t) {
0 === e.__rememberedObjects.length && v(e), -1 === e.__rememberedObjects
.indexOf(t) && e.__rememberedObjects.push(t)
}), this.autoPlace && w(this, this.width)
getRoot: function() {
for (var e = this; e.parent;) e = e.parent;
return e
getSaveObject: function() {
var e = this.load;
return e.closed = this.closed, this.__rememberedObjects.length > 0 && (e.preset = this
.preset, e.remembered || (e.remembered = {}), e.remembered[this.preset] = x(this)),
e.folders = {}, S.each(this.__folders, function(t, n) {
e.folders[n] = t.getSaveObject()
}), e
save: function() {
this.load.remembered || (this.load.remembered = {}), this.load.remembered[this.preset] = x(
this), _(this, !1), this.saveToLocalStorageIfPossible()
saveAs: function(e) {
this.load.remembered || (this.load.remembered = {}, this.load.remembered[se] = x(this, !0)),
this.load.remembered[e] = x(this), this.preset = e, g(this, e, !0), this
revert: function(e) {
S.each(this.__controllers, function(t) {
this.getRoot().load.remembered ? p(e || this.getRoot(), t) : t.setValue(t
.initialValue), t.__onFinishChange && t.__onFinishChange.call(t, t
}, this), S.each(this.__folders, function(e) {
}), e || _(this.getRoot(), !1)
listen: function(e) {
var t = 0 === this.__listening.length;
this.__listening.push(e), t && C(this.__listening)
updateDisplay: function() {
S.each(this.__controllers, function(e) {
}), S.each(this.__folders, function(e) {
var pe = {
Color: I,
math: N,
interpret: R
fe = {
Controller: z,
BooleanController: K,
OptionController: Y,
StringController: J,
NumberController: W,
NumberControllerBox: Q,
NumberControllerSlider: q,
FunctionController: Z,
ColorController: $
me = {
dom: X
ge = {
GUI: he
be = he,
ve = {
color: pe,
controllers: fe,
dom: me,
gui: ge,
GUI: be
e.color = pe, e.controllers = fe, e.dom = me, e.gui = ge, e.GUI = be, e.default = ve, Object.defineProperty(e,
"__esModule", {
value: !0
body {
box-sizing: border-box;
background:black; margin: 0px;
color: white;
overflow: hidden;
font-family: 'Roboto Mono', monospace;
user-select: none;
#demo {
width: 100%; height:100vh;
#c {
width: 100%; height:100%;
touch-action: none;