It is understood that most companies are still using manual cleaning methods that are not compatible with their high degree of mechanization. Not only factory areas, warehouse areas, dock yards, campuses, roads, but also some warehouses for food, medicine, electronic products, precision instruments, etc. that have almost stringent hygiene requirements, are also using brooms to move garbage, and dust still remains on the site. The sweeper is a new type of road sweeper. It does not require brushes or water sprays. It operates entirely with airflow. It relies on the principle of aerodynamics. It uses airflow entirely, does not require brushes or water sprays, and does not raise dust once or twice. The widespread use of dry sweepers will greatly reduce the content of inhalable particulate matter in the air, and completely solve the problem of serious dust pollution. It is an environmentally friendly, energy-saving, modern new sanitation product. The environmental protection technical indicators of this product are higher than the national industry standards. High-quality sweepers just solve this problem.
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