IT66326: 2 IN to 1 OUT HDMI 2.1 48 Gb/s Re-timer with eARC RX and Embedded MCU

The IT66326 is an HDMI 2.1 2 IN to 1 OUT switch with eARC receiver function which supports maximum signaling rate of up to 12 Gbps/channel.

IT66326是一款HDMI 2.1 2 IN to 1 OUT开关,具有eARC接收功能,支持高达12 Gbps/通道的最大信令速率。

It is compliant with the latest HDMI 2.1a specification and backward compatible with the HDMI 2.0 and HDMI 1.4 specifications.

它符合最新的HDMI 2.1a规范,并向后兼容HDMI 2.0和HDMI 1.4规范。

With 12 Gbps/channel capability, the IT66326 can support ultra-high resolution content streams, such as 8K x 4K video formats.

凭借12 Gbps/通道的能力,IT66326可以支持超高分辨率的内容流,例如8K x 4K视频格式。

All 2 input ports and 1 output port support HDMI 2.1 data rate of up to 48 Gb/s, and the IT66326 also supports various data processing functions, such as video color space conversion function and audio extract/merge function.

所有2个输入端口和1个输出端口都支持高达48gb /s的HDMI 2.1数据速率,IT66326还支持各种数据处理功能,如视频色彩空间转换功能和音频提取/合并功能。

For the audio content in HDMI data stream, the IT66326 can extract the audio from the input stream and/or merge the external audio to the output stream.


With the audio extract/merge function, the audio stream from HDMI RX port can be decoded and output to external audio processor through various audio interfaces.

通过音频提取/合并功能,可以对HDMI RX端口的音频流进行解码,并通过各种音频接口输出到外部音频处理器。

After processed by the audio processor, the new audio content can be encoded to audio stream and merged to original video stream from RX port and then a complete video/audio stream can be transmitted by TX port.


In some application, the external audio would like to be transmitted by TX port without HDMI input signals.


An embedded pattern generator in IT66326 could be used to generate internal video stream, which is merged to the external audio stream generated by audio encoder function to form a complete HDMI output signal.


The IT66326 TX port contains an audio receiver designed for Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC) and it is also backward compatible with the HDMI 1.4 Audio Return Channel (ARC).

IT66326 TX端口包含一个专为增强音频返回通道(eARC)设计的音频接收器,它也向后兼容HDMI 1.4音频返回通道(ARC)。

When operating in eARC mode, the Differential Mode Audio Channel (DMAC) bandwidth, i.e. 98.304 Mbps, is allowed to receive 8channel 192K or 8-channel 96K audio from HDMI Sink.

当在eARC模式下工作时,差分模式音频通道(DMAC)带宽,即98.304 Mbps,允许从HDMI Sink接收8通道192K或8通道96K音频。

No video stream and CEC function is required when eARC link is active.


The IT66326 also builds in HDCP 1.4/2.3 hardware engines, which can be used to disable the HDCP encryption at the output port or convert HDCP 2.3 to HDCP1.4 for closed system application.

IT66326还内置HDCP 1.4/2.3硬件引擎,可用于在输出端口禁用HDCP加密或将HDCP 2.3转换为HDCP1.4用于封闭系统应用。

Each IT66326 chip comes preprogrammed with a unique HDCP key, in compliance with the HDCP 1.4/2.3 standard so as to provide secure transmission of high-definition content.

每个IT66326芯片都预先编程了一个唯一的HDCP密钥,符合HDCP 1.4/2.3标准,以提供高清内容的安全传输。

Users of the IT66326 need not purchase any HDCP keys or ROMs.


The IT66326 also provides a complete solution of Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) function.


This optional CEC feature of HDMI specification allows users tol control two or more CEC-enabled devices through HDMI network.


With IT66326 embedded CEC PHY, users can use high-level software API to easily implementl all the necessary remote control commands.

使用IT66326嵌入式CEC PHY,用户可以使用高级软件API轻松实现所有必要的远程控制命令。

The CEC bus related protocol is handled by the CEC PHY which eliminates extra loading of the MCU.


With embedded MCU and Flash, customers need no external Flash and MCU, which saves the BOM cost and board size.


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