2024-07-15 Unity插件 Odin Inspector3 —— Button Attributes


  • [1 说明](#1 说明)
  • [2 Button 特性](#2 Button 特性)
    • [2.1 Button](#2.1 Button)
    • [2.2 ButtonGroup](#2.2 ButtonGroup)
    • [2.3 EnumPaging](#2.3 EnumPaging)
    • [2.4 EnumToggleButtons](#2.4 EnumToggleButtons)
    • [2.5 InlineButton](#2.5 InlineButton)
    • [2.6 ResponsiveButtonGroup](#2.6 ResponsiveButtonGroup)

1 说明

​ 本文介绍 Odin Inspector 插件中有关 Button 特性的使用方法。

2 Button 特性

2.1 Button

依据方法,在 Inspector 窗口上生成可点击的按钮。点击一次,方法执行一次。

  1. 无参方法

    • string name


    • ButtonSizes buttonSize


    • ButtonStyle parameterBtnStyle


    • int buttonSize


    • SdfIconType icon


    • IconAlignment iconAlignment


csharp 复制代码
// ButtonExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class ButtonExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public string ButtonName = "Dynamic button name";

    public bool Toggle;

    private void DefaultSizedButton() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    [Button("@\"Expression label: \" + DateTime.Now.ToString(\"HH:mm:ss\")")]
    public void ExpressionLabel() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    [Button("Name of button")]
    private void NamedButton() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    private void SmallButton() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    private void MediumSizedButton() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    [HorizontalGroup("Split", 0.5f)]
    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large), GUIColor(0.4f, 0.8f, 1)]
    private void FanzyButton1() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large), GUIColor(0, 1, 0)]
    private void FanzyButton2() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large), GUIColor(1, 0.2f, 0)]
    private void FanzyButton3() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    private void GiganticButton() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    private void CustomSizedButton() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    [Button(Icon = SdfIconType.Dice1Fill, IconAlignment = IconAlignment.LeftOfText)]
    private void IconButton01() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;

    [Button(Icon = SdfIconType.Dice2Fill, IconAlignment = IconAlignment.LeftOfText)]
    private void IconButton02() {
        this.Toggle = !this.Toggle;
  1. 有参方法

    • bool Expanded = false

      如果按钮包含参数,可通过将其设置为 true 来禁用折叠显示。

csharp 复制代码
// ButtonWithParametersExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class ButtonWithParametersExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    private void Default(float a, float b, GameObject c) { }

    private void Default(float t, float b, float[] c) { }

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Medium, ButtonStyle.FoldoutButton)]
    private int FoldoutButton(int a = 2, int b = 2) {
        return a + b;

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Medium, ButtonStyle.FoldoutButton)]
    private void FoldoutButton(int a, int b, ref int result) {
        result = a + b;

    private void Full(float a, float b, out float c) {
        c = a + b;

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large, ButtonStyle.Box)]
    private void Full(int a, float b, out float c) {
        c = a + b;

    [Button(ButtonStyle.CompactBox, Expanded = true)]
    private void CompactExpanded(float a, float b, GameObject c) { }

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Medium, ButtonStyle.Box, Expanded = true)]
    private void FullExpanded(float a, float b) { }

2.2 ButtonGroup

将 Button 分组显示。

  • string group = "_DefaultGroup"


  • float order = 0.0f


  • int ButtonHeight


csharp 复制代码
// ButtonGroupExamplesComponent.cs

using System;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class ButtonGroupExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public IconButtonGroupExamples iconButtonGroupExamples;

    private void A() { }

    private void B() { }

    private void C() { }

    private void D() { }

    [ButtonGroup("My Button Group")]
    private void E() { }

    [GUIColor(0, 1, 0)]
    [ButtonGroup("My Button Group")]
    private void F() { }

    [Serializable, HideLabel]
    public struct IconButtonGroupExamples
        [ButtonGroup(ButtonHeight = 25), Button(SdfIconType.ArrowsMove, "")]
        void ArrowsMove() { }

        [ButtonGroup, Button(SdfIconType.Crop, "")]
        void Crop() { }

        [ButtonGroup, Button(SdfIconType.TextLeft, "")]
        void TextLeft() { }

        [ButtonGroup, Button(SdfIconType.TextRight, "")]
        void TextRight() { }

        [ButtonGroup, Button(SdfIconType.TextParagraph, "")]
        void TextParagraph() { }

        [ButtonGroup, Button(SdfIconType.Textarea, "")]
        void Textarea() { }

​ 可以与 TitleGroup 组合使用。

csharp 复制代码
// BigTitleGroupExampleComponent.cs
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class BigTitleGroupExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [BoxGroup("Titles", ShowLabel = false)]
    [TitleGroup("Titles/First Title")]
    public int A;
    [TitleGroup("Titles/Boxed/Second Title")]
    public int B;
    [TitleGroup("Titles/Boxed/Second Title")]
    public int C;
    [TitleGroup("Titles/Horizontal Buttons")]
    [ButtonGroup("Titles/Horizontal Buttons/Buttons")]
    public void FirstButton() { }
    [ButtonGroup("Titles/Horizontal Buttons/Buttons")]
    public void SecondButton() { }

2.3 EnumPaging


csharp 复制代码
// EnumPagingExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class EnumPagingExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public SomeEnum SomeEnumField;

    public enum SomeEnum
        A, B, C

#if UNITY_EDITOR // UnityEditor.Tool is an editor-only type, so this example will not work in a build
    [EnumPaging, OnValueChanged("SetCurrentTool")]
    [InfoBox("Changing this property will change the current selected tool in the Unity editor.")]
    public UnityEditor.Tool sceneTool;

    private void SetCurrentTool() {
        UnityEditor.Tools.current = this.sceneTool;

2.4 EnumToggleButtons


csharp 复制代码
// EnumToggleButtonsExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class EnumToggleButtonsExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    public SomeBitmaskEnum DefaultEnumBitmask;

    [Title("Standard Enum")]
    public SomeEnum SomeEnumField; // 单选枚举

    [EnumToggleButtons, HideLabel]
    public SomeEnum WideEnumField; // 单选枚举

    [Title("Bitmask Enum")]
    public SomeBitmaskEnum BitmaskEnumField; // 多选枚举

    [EnumToggleButtons, HideLabel]
    public SomeBitmaskEnum EnumFieldWide; // 多选枚举

    [Title("Icon Enum")]
    [EnumToggleButtons, HideLabel]
    public SomeEnumWithIcons EnumWithIcons;

    [EnumToggleButtons, HideLabel]
    public SomeEnumWithIconsAndNames EnumWithIconsAndNames;

    public enum SomeEnum
        First, Second, Third, Fourth, AndSoOn

    public enum SomeEnumWithIcons
        [LabelText(SdfIconType.TextLeft)]   TextLeft,
        [LabelText(SdfIconType.TextCenter)] TextCenter,
        [LabelText(SdfIconType.TextRight)]  TextRight,

    public enum SomeEnumWithIconsAndNames
        [LabelText("Align Left", SdfIconType.TextLeft)]

        [LabelText("Align Center", SdfIconType.TextCenter)]

        [LabelText("Align Right", SdfIconType.TextRight)]

    public enum SomeBitmaskEnum
        A   = 1 << 1,
        B   = 1 << 2,
        C   = 1 << 3,
        All = A | B | C

2.5 InlineButton


  • string action


  • SdfIconType icon


  • string label = null

  • 按钮显示名称。

csharp 复制代码
// InlineButtonExamplesComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class InlineButtonExamplesComponent : MonoBehaviour
    // Inline Buttons:
    public int InlineButton;

    [InlineButton("B", "Custom Button Name")]
    public int ChainedButtons;

    [InlineButton("C", SdfIconType.Dice6Fill, "Random")]
    public int IconButton;

    private void A() {

    private void B() {

    private void C() {

2.6 ResponsiveButtonGroup


  • string group = "_DefaultResponsiveButtonGroup"


csharp 复制代码
// ResponsiveButtonGroupExampleComponent.cs
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor namespaces can only be used in the editor.
using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor.Examples;

public class ResponsiveButtonGroupExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
#if UNITY_EDITOR // Editor-related code must be excluded from builds
    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large), GUIColor(0, 1, 0)]
    private void OpenDockableWindowExample()
        var window = UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow<MyDockableGameDashboard>();
        window.WindowPadding = new Vector4();
    [OnInspectorGUI] private void Space1() { GUILayout.Space(20); }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup] public void Foo() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup] public void Bar() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup] public void Baz() { }
    [OnInspectorGUI] private void Space2() { GUILayout.Space(20); }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("UniformGroup", UniformLayout = true)] public void Foo1() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("UniformGroup")] public void Foo2() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("UniformGroup")] public void LongesNameWins() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("UniformGroup")] public void Foo4() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("UniformGroup")] public void Foo5() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("UniformGroup")] public void Foo6() { }
    [OnInspectorGUI] private void Space3() { GUILayout.Space(20); }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("DefaultButtonSize", DefaultButtonSize = ButtonSizes.Small)] public void Bar1() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("DefaultButtonSize")] public void Bar2() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("DefaultButtonSize")] public void Bar3() { }
    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large), ResponsiveButtonGroup("DefaultButtonSize")] public void Bar4() { }
    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large), ResponsiveButtonGroup("DefaultButtonSize")] public void Bar5() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("DefaultButtonSize")] public void Bar6() { }
    [OnInspectorGUI] private void Space4() { GUILayout.Space(20); }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("SomeOtherGroup/SomeBtnGroup")] public void Baz1() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("SomeOtherGroup/SomeBtnGroup")] public void Baz2() { }
    [ResponsiveButtonGroup("SomeOtherGroup/SomeBtnGroup")] public void Baz3() { }

​ 与 TabGroup 结合使用:

csharp 复制代码
// BigTabGroupExampleComponent.cs

using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using UnityEngine;

public class BigTabGroupExampleComponent : MonoBehaviour
    [HorizontalGroup("Tabs/Split", Width = 0.5f)]
    [TabGroup("Tabs/Split/Parameters", "A")]
    public string NameA, NameB, NameC;

    [TabGroup("Tabs/Split/Parameters", "B")]
    public int ValueA, ValueB, ValueC;

    [TabGroup("Tabs/Split/Buttons", "Responsive")]
    public void Hello() { }

    public void World() { }

    public void And() { }

    public void Such() { }

    [TabGroup("Tabs/Split/Buttons", "More Tabs")]
    [TabGroup("Tabs/Split/Buttons/More Tabs/SubTabGroup", "A")]
    public void SubButtonA() { }

    [TabGroup("Tabs/Split/Buttons/More Tabs/SubTabGroup", "A")]
    public void SubButtonB() { }

    [TabGroup("Tabs/Split/Buttons/More Tabs/SubTabGroup", "B")]
    public void SubButtonC() { }
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