题意:"azure-search-openai-demo-csharp 无法正确部署到 Azure 云中"
I want to try the sample, which Microsoft provided about the azure search.
I have all rights, what are needed for creating this sample
- Access to Azure OpenAI Service "访问 Azure OpenAI 服务"
- Owner of the subscription "订阅的所有者"
but the deployment always fails. I have two different errors. Sometime everthing works without any issues except the "redis" resource and sometimes the "openai"-resource already fails.
redis error redis的错误信息:
{ "code": "ContainerAppOperationError", "message": "Failed to provision revision for container app 'redis'. Error details: Operation expired." }
openai error openai 的错误信息
"error": { "code": "InvalidTemplateDeployment", "message": "The template deployment 'openai' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '- --'. See inner errors for details.", "details": [ { "code": "InsufficientQuota", "message": "Insufficient quota. Cannot create/update/move resource 'cog-******'." } ] }
Any ideas why this errors occurs?
I also tried the python sample, with the same openai error...
"我也尝试了 Python 示例,但遇到了相同的 OpenAI 错误......"
I already fixed the issues.
redis error redis 错误信息
Now this timeout error does not occur anymore. Not 100% sure what the issue was.
"现在这个超时错误不再出现了。对问题的具体原因还不是 100% 确定。"
openai error openai 错误信息
Resources like OPEN AI have in the overview a section "show deleted resources". And those resources still blocking "quotes". After deleting these resources via "purge" everything worked as expected again.
"像 OPEN AI 这样的资源在概览中有一个"显示已删除资源"的选项。这些资源仍然会阻止"引用"。在通过"清除"删除这些资源后,一切恢复正常。"