openai api

营赢盈英2 天前
android·ide·ai·android studio·openai api·chaquopy
Trying to install openai in chaquopy in android studio but getting build failed题意:“尝试在 Android Studio 的 Chaquopy 中安装 OpenAI,但构建失败。”
营赢盈英4 天前
azure·openai api·web app·webapp·webapps·virtual network
Azure web app has no access to openai private endpoint in virtual network题意:"Azure Web 应用无法访问虚拟网络中的 OpenAI 私有端点。"I am trying to host a web application similar to a private ChatGPT instance within a secluded virtual network, ensuring that there's no external internet access.
营赢盈英5 天前
ai·node.js·openai·openai api·response
How to handle the response OpenAI Text-To-Speech API in Node.js?题意:如何在 Node.js 中处理 OpenAI 文字转语音 API 的响应?Here's my code: 以下是我的代码:
营赢盈英7 天前
ai·azure·service·openai api·cognitive
Why I‘m getting 404 Resource Not Found to my newly Azure OpenAI deployment?题意:为什么我新部署的Azure OpenAI服务会出现404资源未找到的错误?I've gone through this quickstart and I created my Azure OpenAI resource + created a model deployment which is in state succeedded. I also playaround it in Azure OpenAI Studio - Microsoft Azure and it works there.
营赢盈英9 天前
spring·ai·angular·openai api·primeng
Fileupload - Endpoint and OpenAI Generation for the Service题意:文件上传 - 服务的端点和OpenAI生成My Endpoint is a RestConroller with a Post-Method looking like this:
营赢盈英10 天前
python·langchain·flask·openai api·py-langchain
How can I change from OpenAI to ChatOpenAI in langchain and Flask?题意:“在 LangChain 和 Flask 中,如何将 OpenAI 更改为 ChatOpenAI?”
营赢盈英11 天前
ai·openai api·gym·reinforcement·learning
Creating OpenAI Gym Environment from Map Data题意:从地图数据创建 OpenAI Gym 环境I am just starting out with reinforcement learning and trying to create a custom environment with OpenAI gym. However, I am stumped with trying to create an environment (with roads and intersections) from map data, say Google Maps.
营赢盈英12 天前
javascript·ai·node.js·whisper·axios·openai api
OpenAI transcription API bad request题意:“OpenAI 转录 API 错误请求”I am trying to post a file to openAI to get transcription. But I constantly get 400 bad request error.
营赢盈英12 天前
ai·npm·node.js·azure·openai api
Update Azure OpenAI npm Package to 2023-12-01-preview Version题意:将 Azure OpenAI npm 包更新到 2023-12-01-preview 版本I am currently using the azure-openai npm package in my project with version 2023-03-15-preview. As per the latest updates, version 2023-12-01-preview is available and brings several improvements, including
营赢盈英13 天前
ai·azure·openai api·chatgpt api·azure openai
Openai api via azure error: NotFoundError: 404 Resource not found题意:"OpenAI API通过Azure出错:NotFoundError: 404 找不到资源"thanks to the university account my team and I were able to get openai credits through microsoft azure. The problem is that now, trying to use the openai library for javascript, rightly specifying the key a
营赢盈英13 天前
python·ai·gpt-3·openai api
OpenAI GPT3 Search API not working locally题意:"OpenAI GPT-3 搜索 API 在本地无法工作"I am using the python client for GPT 3 search model on my own Jsonlines files. When I run the code on Google Colab Notebook for test purposes, it works fine and returns the search responses. But when I run the code on my lo
营赢盈英13 天前
python·ai·whisper·fastapi·openai api
OpenAI Whisper API (InvalidRequestError)题意: OpenAI Whisper API(无效请求错误)I'm trying to use OpenAI Whisper API to transcribe my audio files. When I run it by opening my local audio files from disk, it worked perfectly. Now I'm developing a FastAPI endpoint to receive an audio file from the client a
营赢盈英15 天前
ai·php·openai api·streaming
Stream DATA From openai GPT-3 API using php题意:“使用 PHP 从 OpenAI GPT-3 API 流式传输数据”I'm having trouble with the OpenAI API, Basically what I'm trying to do is stream each data node that is streamed back from the openai API response and output each data node one at a time as it streams in from the API
营赢盈英16 天前
python·langchain·pdf·pinecone·openai api
Question mutiple pdf‘s using openai, pinecone, langchain题意:使用 OpenAI、Pinecone 和 LangChain 对多个 PDF 文件进行提问。I am trying to ask questions against a multiple pdf using pinecone and openAI but I dont know how to.
营赢盈英16 天前
python·ai·openai api·gpt-4
Getting AttributeError when using openAI python library题意:“使用 OpenAI Python 库时出现 AttributeError”I'm building a new AI chatbot utilizing the openai library and I have a gradio UI set up in one file ( and a predict() function in another ( Every time I send a request through the gradio UI I
营赢盈英17 天前
开发语言·前端·javascript·stream·openai api
using showdown js with openAi streaming response题意:"使用 Showdown.js 处理 OpenAI 流式响应"I tried using showdownjs to translate streamed markdown from OpenAi to HTML
营赢盈英18 天前
http·ai·gpt-3·openai api
OpenAI GPT-3.5 “prompt“ argument not working题意:"OpenAI GPT-3.5 的 `prompt` 参数不起作用"I am trying to make a flutter app with the openAI api that works like a chatbot, and I want to add a prompt so that the responses are more specialized, like in the openAI playground on their website.
营赢盈英19 天前
ai·azure·openai api·azure openai
How do I do function calling in Azure Openai using the javascript sdk题意:如何使用 JavaScript SDK 在 Azure OpenAI 中进行函数调用?I want to be able to call functions based on the user input, I could do this with the openai library but can't find a way to do so in the azure openai library
营赢盈英19 天前
ai·azure·openai api·azure-devops
azure-search-openai-demo-csharp does not deploy correctly to azure clooad题意:“azure-search-openai-demo-csharp 无法正确部署到 Azure 云中”
营赢盈英19 天前
后端·python·flask·azure·openai api·activedirectory·chatgpt api
OpenAI remove key access while using AAD authentication题意:“OpenAI 在使用 AAD 认证时移除了密钥访问权限”I am calling Azure OpenAI API in my python code. To set it up, we need to provide a few parameters, one of which is openai.api_key. There are 2 options to get this value -