


  • 本文收集了各类英文缩写大全,方便查阅,主要涉及【IT领域】和【电子行业制造领域】
  • 为防止翻译出现偏差,只描述英文全称,可以自行通过词典翻译
  • 缩写的说明顺序无先后之分,每次使用到就补充
  • 缩写分类不一定准确,请理性查阅
  • 文章持续更新,建议收藏吃灰


bash 复制代码
APNs: Apple Push Notification service
IM: Instant Messaging
CDN: Content Delivery Network
CLR: Common Language Runtime
ECMA: European Computer Manufactures Association
XML: Extensive Markup Language
XSD: XML Schema Definition
xmlns: XML Namespace
blob: Binary Large Object
DTD: Data Template Definition
DTD: Document Type Definition
DPD: Data Placeholder Definition
CSDN: Chinese Software Developer Network
MSDN: Microsoft Developer Network
WNMP: Windows Nginx Mysql PHP
IP: Internet Protocol
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer
TLS: Transport Layer Security
SSL: Secure Socket Layer
CA: Certificate Authority
CLI: Command Line Interface
Redis: Remote Dictionary Server
JWT: Json Web Token
CSRF: Cross-site request forgery
XSS(CSS): Cross Site Scripting
CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
ALG: Application Layer Gateway
HAMC: Hash Message Authentication Code
SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm
RDBMS:Relational Database Management System
ACC: Adaptive Cruise Control System
CCS: Cruise Control System
RC:Release Candidate
asc: ascend
desc: descend
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
BSON: Binary JSON(Binary Serialized Document Format)
JSON: JavaScript Object Notation
RESTful: Representational State Transfer
WSGI: Web Server Gateway Interface
GUID: Globally Unique Identifier
CLSID: Class Identifier
ISC: Internet Systems Consortium
GPL: General Public License
GNU: GNU's Not Unix
SSH: Secure Shell
CRLF: Carriage Return Line Feed
SVN: Subversion
AOT: Ahead-of-time
JIT: Just-in-time
RP: Rapid Prototyping
PR: Pull Request
dbo: DatabaseOwner
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
DDL: Data Definition Language
DML: Data Manipulation Language
DCL: Data Control Language
SQL: Structure Query Language
T-SQL: Transact Structure Query Language
DAO: Data Access Object
PO: Persistent Object
BO: Business Object
DTO: Data Transfer Object
VO: Value Object
POCO: plain old class object
Linq: Language Integrated Query
ASP: Active Server Pages
LTS: long-term(long time) support
BLL: Business Logic Layer
DAT: Data Access Layer
DDD: Domain Driven Design
DTO: Datatransfer Object
DLL: Dynamic Link Library
EF Core: Entity Framework Core
EDM: Entity Data Model
DBA: Database Adminstrator
IIS: Internet Information Services
PDB: Program Database
ADO: ActiveX Data Objects
VOL: Volume Licensing For Organizations
WSDL: Web Services Description Language
SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
CRUD: Create Retrieve Update Delete
VNC: Virtual Network Console
ECS: Elastic Compute Service
POP3: Post Office Protocol 3
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
IMAP: Internet(old: Interactive) Mail Access Protocol
UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply
VPN: Virtual Private Network
VPS: Virtual Private Service
RDP: Remote Desktop Protocol
SCP: Secure Copy
DMS: Database Management System
SSHD: Secure Shell Daemon
KVM: Kernel-based Virtual Machine
TTL: Time To Live
ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol
DoS: Denial of Service
UDP: User Datagram Protocol
ODBC: Open DataBase Connectivity
LVM: Logical Volume Manager
FSB: Front Side Bus
QPI: Quick Path Interconnect
DMI: Direct Media Interface
UTC: Universal Time Coordinated
grep: Global search regular expression(RE) and print out the line
WAL: Write Ahead Log
RAC: Real Application Clusters
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
EOF: End Of File
AWS: Amazon Web Services
IPC: Inter-Process Communication
DAG: Directed Acyclic Graph
SaaS: Software-as-a-Service
SSMS: Sql Server Managerment Studio
ACID: Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability
BER: Basic Encoding Rules
CER: Canonical Encoding Rules
DER: Distinguished Encoding Rules
PEM: Privacy-Enhanced Mail
CSR: Certificate Signing Request
CSP: Cryptographic Service Provider
PKCS: Public Key Cryptography Standards
vsftpd: very secure FTP daemon
TSDB: Time Series Database
ISP: Internet Service Provider
HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System
WebRTC: Web Real-Time Communication
CPE: Customer Premise Equipment
WAN: Wide Area Network
LAN: Local Area Network
MDM: Master Data Management
RMS: Resource Management System
OLTP: On-Line Transaction Processing
OLAP: On-Line Analytical Processing
ETL: Extract-Transform-Load
SP: Store Procedure
PSW: Program Status Word
RPC: Remote Procedure Call
MSL: Maximum Segment Lifetime
UUID: Universally Unique Identifier
GUID: Globally Unique Identifier
BMP: Bitmap
NFS: Network File System
NTP: Network Time Processing
SMB: Server Messages Block
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
MD5: Message-Digest Algorithm 5
GPT: Generative Pre-training Transformer
GIS: Geographic Information System
RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks
ISV: Independent Software Vendors
SI: Service Integrator
CMMI: Capability Maturity Model Integration
SAM: Security Account Manager
MVP: Minimum Viable Product
SIT: System Integration Test
UAT: User Acceptance Test
OSS: Open Source Software
SPA: Single Page Application
UML: Unified Modeling Language
UPMS: User Permissions Management System
PAC: Proxy Auto-Config
DSL: Dynamic Script Language
DSL: Domain-Specific Language
DevOps: Development and Operations
IaC: Infrastructure as Code
hmr: Hot Module Replacement
SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface
MQS: Message Queue Service
FDI: Fast Data Integration
BIM: Building Information Modeling
SMS: Short Message Service
GA: General Availability
EOM: End Of Marketing
EOFS: End Of Full Support
EOS: End Of Service and support
BPMN: Business Process Modeling Notation


bash 复制代码
dir: directory
cd / chdir: change directory
md / mkdir: make directory
rd / rmdir: remove directory
cls: clean screen
ren: rename
copy: copy
del / erase: delete
chkdsk: check disk
msconfig: Microsoft System configuration
cmd: command
msc: Microsoft Management Control
esc: Escape
mstsc: Microsoft Terminal Services Client
osk: on screen keyboard
MSI: Microsoft Installer
CHM: Compiled Help Manual
WPF: Windows Presentation Foundation


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bin: Binaries
dev: Devices
etc: Etcetra directory / Editable Text Configuration / Extended Tool Chest
opt: Optional application software packages
pwd : Print Working Directory
lib: Library
proc: Processes
sbin: Superuser Binaries
tmp: Temporary
usr: Unix Shared Resources
var: Variable
apt: Advanced Packaging Tool
GRUB: Grand Unified Bootloader
IFS: Internal Field Seperators
cd: Change Directory
sudo: Substitute(Super) User Do
su:Swith User
RPM: Red-Hat Package Manager
dpkg: Debian Package
esc: Escape
yum: Yellow dog Updater, Modified
BSD: Berkeley Software Distribution
selinux: Secure Enhanced Linux
lrzsz: Linux Recevied ZMODEM Send ZMODEM
LSB: Linux Standard Base
bashrc: bash Resource Configuration
cat: Concatenate
uname: Unix Name
df: Disk Free
du: Disk Usage
chown: Change Owner
chgrp: Change Group
ps:Process Status
tar:Tape Archive
chmod: Change Mode
umount: Unmount
ldd:List Dynamic Dependencies
insmod:Install Module
rmmod:Remove Module
lsmod:List Module
ar: Archiver
as: Assembler
bash: GNU Bourne-Again Shell
grep: Global Regular Expression Print
egrep: Extended GREP
fgrep: Fixed GREP 
cp: Copy
daemon: Disk And Execution Monitor
dmesg: diagnostic message
eval: Evaluate
emacs: Editor Macros
exec: execute
gpg: GNU Privacy Guard
ln: Link
ls: List
lsof: List Open Files
man: Manual pages
nohup: No Hangup
ps: Processes Status
tty: Teletypewriter / Terminal
pty: pseudo tty
rev: Reverse
rm: Remove
sed: Stream Editor
seq: Sequence
vi: Visual Editor
vim: Visual Editor Improved
wc: Word Count
xargs: Extended Arguments


1. 前端 / 设计

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Ajax: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
XHR: XMLHttpRequest
DPI: Dot Per Inch(for print)
PPI: Pixel Per Inch(for digital)
Pixel: picture element
MDN: Mozilla Developer Network
npm: node package manager
npx: node package execute
yarn: Yet Another Resource Negotiator
href: hypertext reference
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
DOM: Document Object Model
BOM: Browser Object Model
SSR: Server-Site Rendering
CSR: Client-Site Rendering
SSG: Static Site Generation
SFC: Single File Components
UX: User Experience
UI: User Interface
rem: root em square / root em pixel
vw: Viewport Width

2. JAVA / Android

bash 复制代码
jar: java archive
JDK: Java Development Kit
JRE: Java Runtime Environment
aar: android archive
javaEE: enterprise edition
javaSE: standard edition
JVM: Java Virtual Machine
AGP: Android Gradle Plugin
AAPT: Android Asset Packaging Tool
adb: Android Debug Bridge
twrp: TeamWin Recovery Project
NDK: Native Development Kit
JNI: Java Native Interface
AVD: Android Virtual Device
JDBC: Java DataBase Connectivity standard

3. PHP

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PSR: PHP Standard Recomfmendations
PHP: Professional Hypertext Preprocessor / Personal Home Page

4. Python

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pyc: PythonCodeObject
PEP: Python Enhancement Proposal


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BOM: Bill Of Material
EBOM:Engineering Bill Of Material
MBOM:Manufacturing Bill Of Material
PBOM:Process Bill Of Material
MRP: Material Requirement Planning
LRP: Lot Requirement Planning
MPS: Master Production Schedule
MES: Manufacturing Execution System
MOM: Manufacture Operation Management
IOT: Internet Of Things
EMS: Energy Management System
EMS: Equipment Management System
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
AGV: Automated Guided Vehicle
AMR: Autonomous Mobile Robot
LES: Logistics Execution System
MCS: Mission Control System
RCS: Robot Control System
TMS: Transportation Management System
PCS: Pieces
PDA: Personal Digital Assistant
SAP: System Applications and Products
UPH: units per hour
PLM: Production Lifecycle Management
PDM: Production Data Management
CAPP: Computer Aided Process Planning
SPC: Statistical Process Control
APS: Advanced Planning(Schedule) System
APS: Advanced Planning and Scheduling
AOI: Automated Optical Inspection
SMT: Surface Mounted Technology
DIP: Dual In-line Package
SPI: Solder Paste Inspection
SMD: Surface Mounted Devices
MSD: Moisture Sensitive Device
CPS: Cost Per Sales
RFID: Radio Frequency Identification
SRM: Supplier Relationship Management
WMS: Warehouse Management System
QMS: Quality Management System
MI: Manufacturing Intelligence
MDC: Machine Data Collection
EDA: Electronic Design Automation
LIMS: Laboratory Information Management System
CTQ: Critical-To-Quality
QR: Quick Response
NC: New Century
PMC: Production Material Cofntrol
ASN: Advanced Shipment Notice
ASN: Advanced Shipping Note
SYA: Statistical Yield Analysis
SYL: Statistical Yield Limit
SBL: Statistical Bin Limit
OCAP: Out of Control Action Plan
QSA: Quality System Audit
QPA: Quality Process Audit
PCBA: Printed Circuit Board Assembly
COB: Chip On Board
LED: Light Emitting Diode
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
SCM: Supply Chain Management
PCB: Process Control Block
WIP:Work In Process
CPK: Capability of process index
CPK: Complex Process Capability Index
USL: Upper Spec Limit
LSL: Lower Spec Limit
Ca: Capability of accuracy
Cp: Capability of precision
ECN: Engineering Change Notice
PCN: Process Change Notice
UUT: Unit Under Test
FCT: Functional Circuit Test
ICT: In Circuit Test
OEE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness
IQC: Incoming Quality Control
IPQC: InPut Process Quality Control
FQC: Finish or Final Quality Control
OQC: Out(Outgoing) Quality Control
DQC: Design Quality Control
MQC: Manufacture Quality Control
QA: Quality Assurance
AQL: Acceptance Quality Limit
DQA: Design Quality Assurance
QE: Quality Engineer
JQE: Joint Quality Engineer
SQE: Supplier Quality Engineer
DOE: Design Of Experiment
MITR: Manufacture Issue To Resolution
SCV: Supply Chain Visibility
OMS: Order Management System
BMS: Billing and Management System
WCS: Warehouse Control System
WES: Warehouse Execution System / Working Efficiency System
OLE: Object Linking and Embedding
OPC: OLE for Process Control
PDCA: Plan Do Check Act
SFC: Shop Floor Control
WOM: Work Order Management
DIST: Distribution
SOD: Separation Of Duty
NC: Numerical Control
BOP: Bill of Process
MPM: Manufacturing Process Management
MPDM: Manufacturing Process Data Management
MPS: Manufacturing Process Simulation
MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure
MTTR: Mean time to repair
SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
WI: Work Instruction
EC: Engineering Change
EDC: Engineering Data Control
AVL: Approved Vendor List
MRB: Material Review Board
Andon: Andon
FIFO: First In First Out
FILO: First In Last Out
ESD: Electro-Static Discharge
CAD: Computer Aided Design
CAE: Computer Aided Engineering
CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing


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e.g.: exempli gratia
i.e.: id est
OEM: original equipment manufacturer
IDFA: Identifier for Advertising
HDMI: High Definition Multimedia Interface
xxxhdpi: extra extra extra high Dot Per Inch
DLC: Downloadable Content
dxdiag: directX diagnose
e2e: end to end
DOS: Disk Operating System
AMD: Advanced Micro Devices
ROM: Read-Only Memory
RAM: Random Access Memory
SD: Secure Digital Memory Card
ATA: AT Attachment
PATA: Parallel ATA
SATA: Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SCSI: Small Computer System Interface
IDE: Integrated Drive Electronics
ISO: Isolation
IBM: International Business Machine
FW: forward
HC: Head Count
cgi: common gateway interface
OA: Office Automation
EKP: Enterprise Knowledge Portal
BI: Business Intelligence
MBA: Master of Business Administration
MPA: Master of Public Administration
PIR: Precision Infrared Radiometer
OD: Outsourcing Dispatch
OKR: Objectives and Key Results
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
ROI: Return on Investment
SOP: Sales & Operation Planning
RFI: Request For Information
RFP: Request For Proposal
POC: Proof Of Concept
SOW: Statement Of Work
OOTB: Out Of The Box
FA: Financial Advisor
HRBP: Human Resource Business Partner
BP: Business Plan
VC: Venture Capital
IDP: Individual Development Plan
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