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11.9 姿势识别 OpenPose
在使用OpenPose模型时,通常需要将输入图像作为模型的输入,经过处理后得到一个四维数组作为输出结果。这个四维数组,其维度为(N, P, H, W),
- N:在输入图像中检测到的人体数量。
- P:估计的关键点数,包括了人体的身体部位和手指关节等,只需要取前18个。
- H:关键点的坐标信息在输出结果中的高度,在实际使用中就是DnnInvoke.BlobFromImage中size参数设置输出的Height,如果最终输出到源图像,那么应该按照比例进行还原。
- W:关键点的坐标信息在输出结果中的宽度,在实际使用中就是DnnInvoke.BlobFromImage中size参数设置输出的Width,如果最终输出到源图像,那么应该按照比例进行还原。
Structure Keypoint
Dim conf As Single '置信度
Dim p As Point '关键点坐标
End Structure
Private Sub Button10_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button10.Click
Dim body_Keypoint() As String = {"nose", "neck", "rshoulder", "relbow", "rwrist", "lshoulder",
"lelbow", "lwrist", "rhip", "rknee", "rankle", "lhip",
"lknee", "lankle", "reye", "leye", "rear", "lear", "background"}
Dim m As New Mat("C:\learnEmgucv\action.jpg", ImreadModes.Color)
Dim net As Dnn.Net = DnnInvoke.ReadNetFromTensorflow("C:\learnEmgucv\openpose\graph_opt.pb")
Dim blob As Mat = DnnInvoke.BlobFromImage(m, 1.0, New Drawing.Size(360, 360), New MCvScalar(127.5, 127.5, 127.5), False, False)
Dim mout As Mat = net.Forward()
Dim fout(,,,) As Single
fout = mout.GetData()
Dim H As Integer = fout.GetLength(2)
Dim W As Integer = fout.GetLength(3)
Dim lkeypoint As New List(Of Keypoint)
lkeypoint = getMaxPoint(fout)
Dim x, y As Single
For i As Integer = 0 To lkeypoint.Count - 1
x = (lkeypoint(i).p.X / W) * m.Width
y = (lkeypoint(i).p.Y / H) * m.Height
'Console.WriteLine(body_Keypoint(i) & " " & lkeypoint(i).conf & " " & lkeypoint(i).p.X & "-" & lkeypoint(i).p.Y)
If lkeypoint(i).conf > 0.1 Then
CvInvoke.Circle(m, New Point(x, y), 4, New MCvScalar(255, 0, 0), -1)
End If
CvInvoke.Imshow("m", m)
End Sub
Private Function getMaxPoint(ByVal inputarray(,,,) As Single) As List(Of Keypoint)
Dim lkeypoint As New List(Of Keypoint)
Dim peoplecount As Integer = 1 '考虑只有一个人体的情况,如果多个人体,请使用 inputarray.GetLength(0)
Dim modecount As Integer = 18 '只考虑18个人体关键点, inputarray.GetLength(1)
Dim dim3 As Integer = inputarray.GetLength(2) '图像高度
Dim dim4 As Integer = inputarray.GetLength(3) '图像宽度
For i As Integer = 0 To peoplecount - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To modecount - 1
Dim maxvalue As Single = 0
Dim maxX As Integer = 0
Dim maxY As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dim3 - 1
For l As Integer = 0 To dim4 - 1
If maxvalue < inputarray(i, j, k, l) Then
maxvalue = inputarray(i, j, k, l)
maxX = l
maxY = k
End If
Dim kp As New Keypoint
kp.conf = maxvalue
kp.p = New Point(maxX, maxY)
Return lkeypoint
End Function

图11-9 获得人体关键点
Structure Relation
Dim startpoint As Integer
Dim endpoint As Integer
Sub New(ByVal startpoint As Integer, ByVal endpoint As Integer)
Me.startpoint = startpoint
Me.endpoint = endpoint
End Sub
End Structure
Private Sub Button11_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button11.Click
Dim body_Keypoint() As String = {"nose", "neck", "rshoulder", "relbow", "rwrist", "lshoulder",
"lelbow", "lwrist", "rhip", "rknee", "rankle", "lhip",
"lknee", "lankle", "reye", "leye", "rear", "lear", "background"}
Dim body_Relations As New List(Of Relation)
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(16, 14))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(14, 0))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(17, 15))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(15, 0))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(0, 1))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(1, 2))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(2, 3))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(3, 4))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(1, 5))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(5, 6))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(6, 7))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(1, 8))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(8, 9))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(9, 10))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(1, 11))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(11, 12))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(12, 13))
Dim m As New Mat("C:\learnEmgucv\action.jpg", ImreadModes.Color)
Dim net As Dnn.Net
net = DnnInvoke.ReadNetFromTensorflow("C:\learnEmgucv\openpose\graph_opt.pb")
Dim blob As Mat
blob = DnnInvoke.BlobFromImage(m, 1.0, New Drawing.Size(360, 360), New MCvScalar(127.5, 127.5, 127.5), False, False)
Dim mout As New Mat
mout = net.Forward()
Dim fout(,,,) As Single
fout = mout.GetData()
Dim H As Integer = fout.GetLength(2)
Dim W As Integer = fout.GetLength(3)
Dim lkeypoint As New List(Of Keypoint)
lkeypoint = getMaxPoint(fout)
Dim x, y As Single
For i As Integer = 0 To lkeypoint.Count - 1
x = (lkeypoint(i).p.X / W) * m.Width
y = (lkeypoint(i).p.Y / H) * m.Height
If lkeypoint(i).conf > 0.1 Then
CvInvoke.Circle(m, New Point(x, y), 5, New MCvScalar(255, 0, 0), -1)
End If
Dim startpoint As PointF
Dim startpointx, startpointy As Single
Dim endpoint As PointF
Dim endpointx, endpointy As Single
For Each body_Relation As Relation In body_Relations
startpointx = (lkeypoint(body_Relation.startpoint).p.X / W) * m.Width
startpointy = (lkeypoint(body_Relation.startpoint).p.Y / H) * m.Height
startpoint = New PointF(startpointx, startpointy)
endpointx = (lkeypoint(body_Relation.endpoint).p.X / W) * m.Width
endpointy = (lkeypoint(body_Relation.endpoint).p.Y / H) * m.Height
endpoint = New PointF(endpointx, endpointy)
If lkeypoint(body_Relation.startpoint).conf > 0.1 And lkeypoint(body_Relation.endpoint).conf > 0.1 Then
CvInvoke.Line(m, PointFToPoint(startpoint), PointFToPoint(endpoint), New MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 3)
End If
CvInvoke.Imshow("m", m)
End Sub
Public Shared Function PointFToPoint(ByVal pf As PointF) As Point
Return New Point(CInt(pf.X), CInt(pf.Y))
End Function

图11-10 人体关键点连线
Dim vc As VideoCapture
Dim body_Relations As New List(Of Relation)
Private Sub Button12_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button12.Click
body_Relations = New List(Of Relation)
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(16, 14))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(14, 0))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(17, 15))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(15, 0))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(0, 1))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(1, 2))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(2, 3))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(3, 4))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(1, 5))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(5, 6))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(6, 7))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(1, 8))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(8, 9))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(9, 10))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(1, 11))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(11, 12))
body_Relations.Add(New Relation(12, 13))
vc = New VideoCapture("C:\learnEmgucv\action.mp4")
If vc.IsOpened = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
AddHandler vc.ImageGrabbed, AddressOf vc_ImageGrabbed
End Sub
Private Sub vc_ImageGrabbed(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim outangle As Double = 0
Dim outpix As Double = 0
Dim nextframe As New Mat
If vc.Get(CapProp.PosFrames) >= vc.Get(CapProp.FrameCount) Then
RemoveHandler vc.ImageGrabbed, AddressOf vc_ImageGrabbed
Exit Sub
End If
Dim net As Dnn.Net
net = DnnInvoke.ReadNetFromTensorflow("graph_opt.pb")
Dim blob As Mat
blob = DnnInvoke.BlobFromImage(nextframe, 1.0, New Drawing.Size(360, 360), New MCvScalar(127.5, 127.5, 127.5), True, False)
Dim mout As New Mat
mout = net.Forward()
Dim fout(,,,) As Single
fout = mout.GetData()
Dim H As Integer = fout.GetLength(2)
Dim W As Integer = fout.GetLength(3)
Dim lkeypoint As New List(Of Keypoint)
lkeypoint = getMaxPoint(fout)
Dim x, y As Single
For i As Integer = 0 To lkeypoint.Count - 1
x = (lkeypoint(i).p.X / W) * nextframe.Width
y = (lkeypoint(i).p.Y / H) * nextframe.Height
If lkeypoint(i).conf > 0.1 Then
CvInvoke.Circle(nextframe, New Point(x, y), 5, New MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), -1)
End If
Dim startpoint As PointF
Dim startpointx, startpointy As Single
Dim endpoint As PointF
Dim endpointx, endpointy As Single
For Each body_Relation As Relation In body_Relations
startpointx = (lkeypoint(body_Relation.startpoint).p.X / W) * nextframe.Width
startpointy = (lkeypoint(body_Relation.startpoint).p.Y / H) * nextframe.Height
startpoint = New PointF(startpointx, startpointy)
endpointx = (lkeypoint(body_Relation.endpoint).p.X / W) * nextframe.Width
endpointy = (lkeypoint(body_Relation.endpoint).p.Y / H) * nextframe.Height
endpoint = New PointF(endpointx, endpointy)
If lkeypoint(body_Relation.startpoint).conf > 0.15 And lkeypoint(body_Relation.endpoint).conf > 0.15 Then
CvInvoke.Line(nextframe, PointFToPoint(startpoint), PointFToPoint(endpoint), New MCvScalar(0, 255, 0), 4)
End If
ImageBox1.Image = nextframe
End Sub

图11-11 视频中使用人体关键点连线