-- product 表示产品名称,ym 表示年月,amount 表示销售金额(元)
CREATE TABLE sales_monthly (
product VARCHAR(20), -- 使用 VARCHAR2 来表示字符串类型
ym VARCHAR(10), -- 使用 VARCHAR2 表示年月
amount decimal(10, 2) -- 使用 NUMBER 表示金额,保留两位小数
-- 插入测试数据
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201801', 10159.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201802', 10211.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201803', 10247.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201804', 10376.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201805', 10400.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201806', 10565.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201807', 10613.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201808', 10696.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201809', 10751.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201810', 10842.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201811', 10900.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201812', 10972.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201901', 11155.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201902', 11202.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201903', 11260.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201904', 11341.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201905', 11459.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('苹果', '201906', 11560.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201801', 10138.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201802', 10194.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201803', 10328.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201804', 10322.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201805', 10481.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201806', 10502.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201807', 10589.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201808', 10681.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201809', 10798.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201810', 10829.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201811', 10913.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201812', 11056.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201901', 11161.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201902', 11173.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201903', 11288.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201904', 11408.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201905', 11469.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('香蕉', '201906', 11528.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201801', 10154.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201802', 10183.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201803', 10245.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201804', 10325.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201805', 10465.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201806', 10505.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201807', 10578.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201808', 10680.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201809', 10788.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201810', 10838.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201811', 10942.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201812', 10988.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201901', 11099.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201902', 11181.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201903', 11302.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201904', 11327.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201905', 11423.00);
INSERT INTO sales_monthly (product, ym, amount) VALUES ('桔子', '201906', 11524.00);

select *,
round(avg(amount) over(partition by product order by ym
from sales_monthly;

select *,
round(sum(amount) over(partition by product order by ym
ROWS BETWEEN unbounded preceding and current row),2) as sum
from sales_monthly;

同比增长率:与去年同期比较 (本期数-同期数)/同期数 * 100%
select product, ym, amount,
substr(ym,1,4) y,
substr(ym,5,2) m
from sales_monthly;
with t1 as (
select product, ym, amount,
substr(ym,1,4) y,
substr(ym,5,2) m
from sales_monthly
), t2 as (
-- 求环比
select product, ym, amount,
when lag(amount) over(partition by product order by ym) is null then null
else round((amount - lag(amount) over(partition by product order by ym)) / (lag(amount) over(partition by product order by ym)) * 100,2)
end '环比',
-- 求同比
when y = '2018' then null
else round((amount - lag(amount, 12) over (partition by product order by y)) / lag(amount, 12) over (partition by product order by y) * 100,2)
end '同比'
from t1
)select *
from t2;