学英语学Elasticsearch:04 Elastic integrations 工具箱实现对第三方数据源的采集、存储、可视化,开箱即用

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| ingestion | 摄取 | /ɪnˈdʒɛstʃən/ |
| observability | 可观察性 | /ˌɑːbzərvəˈbɪlɪti/ |
| scalability | 可扩展性 | /ˌskeɪləˈbɪlɪti/ |
| deployment | 部署 | /dɪˈplɔɪmənt/ |
| functionality | 功能 | /ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti/ |
| pre-packaged | 预打包的 | /ˌpriːˈpækɪdʒd/ |
| visualization | 可视化 | /ˌvɪʒuəlɪˈzeɪʃən/ |
| integration | 集成 | /ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃən/ |
| centralized | 集中化的 | /ˈsɛntrəˌlaɪzd/ |
| elastic | 弹性的 | /ɪˈlæstɪk/ |
| metrics | 指标 | /ˈmɛtrɪks/ |
| plugins | 插件 | /ˈplʌɡɪnz/ |
| shippers | 传输工具 | /ˈʃɪpərz/ |
| correlation | 相关性 | /ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃən/ |


An Elastic integration is a collection of assets that defines how to observe a specific product or service with the Elastic Stack. Each integration comes pre-packaged with assets that support your needs and allow you to easily collect, store, and visualize any data from any source.

Elastic integrations refer to a collection of tools and services designed to facilitate the ingestion, storage, analysis, and visualization of data from various sources into the Elastic Stack (previously known as the ELK Stack, which includes Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana). Here are some key points about Elastic integrations:

Types and Functionality of Elastic Integrations:

  • Elastic Agent: Recommended for observability and security use cases. It allows for centralized management of data ingestion with one-click integrations and scalability.
  • Filebeat and Metricbeat: Modules within Beats, which are lightweight shippers for logs and metrics respectively, designed to send data directly to Elasticsearch or Logstash.
  • Logstash: Used for collecting, transforming, and forwarding data. It can integrate with a wide variety of data sources through plugins.
  • Web Crawler: An open-source tool for indexing web content into Elasticsearch, enhancing the search capabilities for web-based data.
  • Data Connectors: Used for syncing content from third-party databases and object stores, enabling a unified search experience across various SaaS productivity and collaboration tools.
  • Native Cloud Integrations: Elastic provides simplified, native integrations for major cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, allowing direct ingestion of logs, metrics, and other data types.

Benefits and Features:

  • Turn-key Solutions: Elastic offers over 300 turn-key integrations that are pre-packaged to meet various use cases, making data ingestion straightforward.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Integrations allow for data collection from any source in any format, supporting scalability across different environments (on-premises, single cloud, or multi-cloud).
  • Security and Observability: Integrations are particularly useful for security monitoring, log analysis, and observability by providing pre-built dashboards and the ability to easily correlate logs, metrics, and traces.
  • API and Custom Integrations: For users needing more customization, Elastic supports the use of APIs for data ingestion, and developers can create or modify integrations to fit specific needs.
  • Documentation and Community: Extensive documentation and community support are available, with resources like the Integrations Developer Guide providing step-by-step instructions for building and managing integrations.

Practical Implementation:

  • Elastic Agent Deployment: Can be deployed on hosts for comprehensive monitoring, using a single agent to cover multiple data types.
  • Integration with External Services: Elastic integrations extend to third-party applications through platforms like Zapier for automation or direct API connections for custom solutions.
  • Custom Dashboards and Alerts: Many integrations come with custom dashboards and alerting capabilities, enhancing the user's ability to act on insights derived from data.


  • 定义:

    • Elastic集成是一组资产的集合,定义了如何使用Elastic Stack(包括Elasticsearch, Logstash, 和Kibana)来观察特定产品或服务。
  • Elastic集成的类型和功能:

    • Elastic Agent:适用于可观察性和安全用例,支持集中管理数据摄取,提供一键式集成和扩展性。

    • Filebeat和Metricbeat:Beats中的模块,分别用于日志和指标的轻量级传输,直接发送数据到Elasticsearch或Logstash。

    • Logstash:用于收集、转换和转发数据,通过插件与各种数据源集成。

    • Web Crawler:开源工具,用于将网络内容索引到Elasticsearch中,增强基于网络的数据搜索能力。

    • 数据连接器:用于从第三方数据库和对象存储同步内容,实现跨SaaS生产力和协作工具的统一搜索体验。

    • 原生云集成:Elastic提供与AWS、Azure、Google Cloud等主要云平台的简化原生集成,支持直接摄取日志、指标等数据类型。

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