

There's actually two different types of coupling:

runtime coupling - influences availability

design-time coupling - influences development velocity

Runtime coupling and availability

Runtime coupling between services is the degree to which the availability of one service is affected by the availability of another service. Or to be more precise, it's degree to which the availability of an operation implemented by one service is affected by the availability of another service


Reducing runtime coupling


这里建议的依然是orderService调用Consumer Service,只是放到异步线程了而已。其实到底是OrderService调用ConsumerService的RPC api, 还是Consumer Service监听OrderService的事件,要看业务逻辑而定,如果ConsumerService是OrderService的强依赖(说明OrderService domain必须要理解ConsumerService domain的概念和API),那么RPC的方式是合理的,反之,异步消息的方式更合理。


Design-time coupling and development velocity

The degree of design-time coupling between a pair of software elements - classes...services - is the likelihood that they need to change together for the same reason. Design-time coupling between services in a microservice architecture is especially problematic. Let's look at why it's a problem and how we can minimize it.


If two services are loosely coupled, then a change to one service rarely requires a change to the other service. However, if two services are tightly coupled, then a change to one service often requires a change to the other service. These types of lock step changes are expensive since it typically involves breaking API changes.

For example, let's imagine that the Order Service and Customer Service are tightly coupled. Each time a breaking changes needs to be made to the Customer Service the sequence of steps is as follows:

Change the Customer Service to add a new major version of its API. The service must implement both the old and new version of its APIs until all clients have been migrated over.

  • Migrate the Order Service to the new API version
  • Remove the old API version from the Customer Service
  • What's even worse, is that quite often the services are owned by different teams, which requires those teams to coordinate the changes. In other words, design-time coupling between services undermines team autonomy.

Reducing design-time coupling

Minimizing design-time coupling is one of the dark matter attractive forces that resists decomposition. There are a couple of different ways to minimize design-time coupling between services.

design subdomains to be loosely coupled - loosely coupled subdomains can be packaged as different services. Loose design-time coupling is usually achieved by each subdomain having a stable API that encapsulates its implementation.

package subdomains that are tightly coupled in the same service - If two subdomains are tightly coupled, then packaging them together in the same service will avoid design-time coupling between services.


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