dev_update_off ()
dev_set_color ('green')
* Open a window if the correct size.
dev_close_window ()
WindowWidth := 512
WindowHeight := 384
* Directories containing images and data files.
ImagesDir := '3d_machine_vision/hand_eye/robot_gripper_gray_'
dev_open_window (0, WindowWidth + 10, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, 'black', ImageWindowHandle)
dev_open_window (0, 0, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, 'black', WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
set_display_font (ImageWindowHandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
Instruction := ['Rotate: Left button','Zoom: Shift + left button','Move: Ctrl + left button']
read_object_model_3d ('hand_eye/robot_gripper_3d_model.om3', 1, [], [], OM3DModel, Status)
create_surface_model (OM3DModel, 0.03, [], [], SurfaceModelID)
Message := 'Surface model to be searched'
sample_object_model_3d (OM3DModel, 'fast', 0.0009, [], [], SampledObjectModel3D)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, SampledObjectModel3D, [], [], 'color_0', 'gray', Message, [], Instruction, PoseOut)
* The number of files.
NumCalibrationScenes := 15
* 创建手眼标定模型,同时多个角度匹配事实的点云数据
create_calib_data ('hand_eye_stationary_cam', 0, 0, HECCalibDataID)
* 设置优化速度
set_calib_data (HECCalibDataID, 'model', 'general', 'optimization_method', 'nonlinear')
for I := 1 to NumCalibrationScenes by 1
read_image (ImageRobotGripperGray, ImagesDir + I$'02d')
* 读取位姿,工具坐标相对于机器人坐标的姿态
*read_pose ('tool_in_base_pose_' + I$'02d' + '.dat', ToolInBasePose)
read_pose('C:/Users/Public/Documents/MVTec/HALCON-17.12-Progress/examples/hdevelop/Calibration/Hand-Eye/tool_in_base_pose_'+ I$'02d' + '.dat',ToolInBasePose)
filename := 'hand_eye/robot_gripper_3d_scene_' + I$'02d'
read_object_model_3d (filename, 1, [], [], OM3DScene, Status1)
find_surface_model (SurfaceModelID, OM3DScene, 0.05, 1, 0, 'false', [], [], ObjInCamPose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResultID)
refine_surface_model_pose (SurfaceModelID, OM3DScene, ObjInCamPose, 0, 'false', [], [], ObjInCamPose, Score, SurfaceMatchingResultID1)
if (|Score|)
set_calib_data (HECCalibDataID, 'tool', I, 'tool_in_base_pose', ToolInBasePose)
set_calib_data_observ_pose (HECCalibDataID, 0, 0, I, ObjInCamPose)
pose_to_hom_mat3d (ObjInCamPose, HomMat3D)
affine_trans_object_model_3d (SampledObjectModel3D, HomMat3D, OM3DModelTrans)
if (I < 4)
* Clear both windows.
dev_clear_window ()
dev_set_window (ImageWindowHandle)
dev_display (ImageRobotGripperGray)
disp_message (ImageWindowHandle, 'Image from pinhole camera', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
dev_set_window (WindowHandle)
Message := 'Surface model is matched in the 3D scene.'
Message[1] := 'Points of the current scene are gray.'
Message[2] := 'Points of the matched model are green.'
* For better visualization, reduce the point density of the model.
sample_object_model_3d (OM3DScene, 'fast', 0.0009, [], [], SampledOM3DScene)
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', 'true')
Message := 'Scene: '
Message[1] := I + ' of ' + NumCalibrationScenes
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, 'window', 80, 12, 'white', 'false')
* Visualize matching result with user interaction.
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, [SampledOM3DScene,OM3DModelTrans], [], [], ['color_0','color_1','disp_background'], ['gray','green','true'], [], [], Instruction, PoseOut)
clear_object_model_3d ([OM3DScene,OM3DModelTrans,SampledOM3DScene])
* 3 手眼标定
calibrate_hand_eye (HECCalibDataID, HECPoseError)
* 4.获取姿态
* 基础坐标系对于传感器(机械手)的姿态
get_calib_data (HECCalibDataID, 'camera', 0, 'base_in_cam_pose', BaseInSensorPose)
* 物体相对于传感器的姿态
get_calib_data (HECCalibDataID, 'calib_obj', 0, 'obj_in_tool_pose', ObjInToolPose)