/* Finds the partition named 'part_name' in the partition list and assigns its
* pointer to 'cur_part' */
static bool mount_partition(list_elem *pelem, int arg) {
// Convert the argument to a partition name string
char *part_name = (char *)arg;
// Retrieve the DiskPartition structure from the list element
DiskPartition *part = elem2entry(DiskPartition, part_tag, pelem);
// If the partition name matches, mount this partition
if (!k_strcmp(part->name, part_name)) {
cur_part = part; // Set the current partition to the found partition
Disk *hd = cur_part->my_disk; // Get the disk that contains this partition
// Allocate a buffer to temporarily store the superblock read from disk
SuperBlock *sb_buf = (SuperBlock *)sys_malloc(SECTOR_SIZE);
// Allocate memory for the superblock of the current partition
cur_part->sb = (SuperBlock *)sys_malloc(sizeof(SuperBlock));
if (!cur_part->sb) {
KERNEL_PANIC_SPIN("alloc memory failed!"); // Kernel panic if allocation fails
// Read the superblock from disk into the buffer
k_memset(sb_buf, 0, SECTOR_SIZE);
ide_read(hd, cur_part->start_lba + 1, sb_buf, 1);
// Copy the superblock information from the buffer to the partition's superblock
k_memcpy(cur_part->sb, sb_buf, sizeof(SuperBlock));
/********** Load the block bitmap from disk into memory **********/
// Allocate memory for the block bitmap
cur_part->block_bitmap.bits = (uint8_t *)sys_malloc(sb_buf->block_bitmap_sects * SECTOR_SIZE);
if (!(cur_part->block_bitmap.bits)) {
KERNEL_PANIC_SPIN("alloc memory failed!"); // Kernel panic if allocation fails
// Set the length of the block bitmap in bytes
cur_part->block_bitmap.btmp_bytes_len = sb_buf->block_bitmap_sects * SECTOR_SIZE;
// Read the block bitmap from disk into memory
ide_read(hd, sb_buf->block_bitmap_lba, cur_part->block_bitmap.bits, sb_buf->block_bitmap_sects);
/********** Load the inode bitmap from disk into memory **********/
// Allocate memory for the inode bitmap
cur_part->inode_bitmap.bits = (uint8_t *)sys_malloc(sb_buf->inode_bitmap_sects * SECTOR_SIZE);
if (!(cur_part->inode_bitmap.bits)) {
KERNEL_PANIC_SPIN("alloc memory failed!"); // Kernel panic if allocation fails
// Set the length of the inode bitmap in bytes
cur_part->inode_bitmap.btmp_bytes_len = sb_buf->inode_bitmap_sects * SECTOR_SIZE;
// Read the inode bitmap from disk into memory
ide_read(hd, sb_buf->inode_bitmap_lba, cur_part->inode_bitmap.bits, sb_buf->inode_bitmap_sects);
// Initialize the list of open inodes in this partition
verbose_printk("disk mount %s done!\n", part->name); // Print a message indicating successful mounting
// Return true to stop further traversal, as the partition has been found and mounted
return true;
return false; // Continue traversing the list if the partition was not found
mount_filesystem函数就是完成了文件系统中挂载默认分区并加载其元信息的过程。默认分区的名称为 default_part
,其值为 sdb1
,表示默认操作的分区是 sdb1
。分区挂载通过 list_traversal
函数完成,该函数遍历分区列表 partition_list
,并对每个分区调用回调函数 mount_partition
,传入的参数是 default_part
是 list_traversal
的回调函数,其功能是在分区链表中找到与传入的分区名匹配的分区,并将其指针赋值给全局变量 cur_part
在 mount_partition
函数中,首先将传入的参数 arg
还原为字符指针 part_name
,然后通过宏 elem2entry
将 pelem
还原为分区结构体 part
。接着,通过 strcmp
比对 part->name
和 part_name
,如果匹配则找到目标分区,并将其指针赋值给 cur_part
。随后,获取该分区所在的硬盘 hd
接下来,系统为超级块申请内存缓冲区 sb_buf
,并从硬盘中读取超级块信息到 sb_buf
,然后将有用的超级块信息复制到 cur_part->sb
中,忽略填充部分以节省内存。之后,为块位图申请内存,并根据超级块中的 block_bitmap_sects
初始化块位图的大小,最后将硬盘上的块位图读入内存。类似地,系统还会加载 inode 位图到内存中。整个过程确保了分区的元信息被正确加载,并为后续的文件系统操作做好准备。
/* Determine the default partition for operations */
char default_part[8] = "sdb1";
/* Mount the partition */
list_traversal(&partition_list, mount_partition, (int)default_part);