wonderful-sql 作业

Sql 作业



sql 复制代码
create table Employee
(Id integer not null,
Name varchar(32) ,
Salary integer,
departmentId integer,
primary key (Id)

create table Department(
Id integer primary key,
Name varchar(30) not null

insert into employee values (1,"Joe",70000,1);
insert into employee values (2,"Henry",80000,2);
insert into employee values (3,"Sam",60000,2);
insert into employee values (4,"Max",90000,1);
insert into department values(1,"IT");
insert into department values(2,"Sales");

SELECT departmentId,  (
    SELECT Name FROM employee
    WHERE departmentId = e.departmentId AND salary = MAX(e.salary)
) AS Employee,MAX(salary) AS max_salary
FROM employee e
GROUP BY departmentId


sql 复制代码
create table seat(
id int primary key,
Name varchar(30) not null
insert into seat values(1,"Abbot");
insert into seat values(2,"Doris");
insert into seat values(3,"Emerson");
insert into seat values(4,"Green");
insert into seat values(5,"Jeames");
select * from seat;

        WHEN MOD(id,2)=1 AND id=(SELECT COUNT(id) FROM seat) THEN id
        WHEN MOD(id,2)=0 THEN id-1
        ELSE id+1
) AS id
FROM seat



sql 复制代码
create table score(
class int primary key,
score_avg int 
insert into score values(1,93);
insert into score values(2,93);
insert into score values(3,93);
insert into score values(4,91);
select class,score_avg,
rank() over (order by score_avg desc) as rank1,
dense_rank() over (order by score_avg desc) as rank2,
row_number() over(order by score_avg desc) as rank3
from score;


sql 复制代码
create table number(
id int primary key,
Num int
insert into number values(1,1); 
insert into number values(2,1);
insert into number values(3,1);
insert into number values(4,2);
insert into number values(5,1);
insert into number values(6,2);
insert into number values(7,2);
select * from number;
select distinct num as ConsecutiveNums
from (select num,if(@prev_num = num,@count:=@count+1,@count:=1)
 as consecutive_count, @prev_num:=num
 from number
 cross join(select @count:=0,@prev_num:=NULL) as vars
 order by id
)as t
where consecutive_count>=3


sql 复制代码
create table tree(
id int primary key,
p_id int
insert into tree values(1,null);
insert into tree values(2,1);
insert into tree values(3,1);
insert into tree values(4,2);
insert into tree values(5,2);
select * from tree;
select id , case
	when p_id is null then "Root"
    when id in (select p_id from tree) then "Inner"
    else "Leaf"
    end as Type
    from tree;


sql 复制代码
create table Employee2(
Id int primary key,
name varchar(50),
Department varchar(50),
ManagerId int
insert into employee2 values(101,"John","A",null);
insert into employee2 values(102,"Dan","A",101);
insert into employee2 values(103,"James","A",101);
insert into employee2 values(104,"Amy","A",101);
insert into employee2 values(105,"Anne","A",101);
insert into employee2 values(106,"Ron","B",101);
select * from employee2;
select name
from (select ManagerId , count(ManagerId) as M_count
from employee2
group by ManagerId
) as ManagerCount , employee2
where ManagerCount.M_count = 5 and ManagerCount.ManagerId = employee2.Id


sql 复制代码
drop table if exists survey_log;
create table survey_log(
uid int ,
action varchar(20) check(action = "show" or action="answer" or action = "skip"),
question_id int,
answer_id int,
q_num int,
timestamp timestamp
insert into survey_log values(5,"show",285,null,1,123);
insert into survey_log values(5,"answer",285,124124,1,124);
insert into survey_log values(5,"show",369,null,2,125);
insert into survey_log values(5,"skip",369,null,2,126);
select * from survey_log;
select * from survey_log 
where action = "show" or action = "answer";
select question_id, count(*) as show1 from  survey_log
where action = "show"
group by question_id;

select count_answer.question_id,max(answer/show1)
(select question_id, count(*) as show1 from  survey_log
where action = "show"
group by question_id) as count_show,
(select question_id, count(*) as answer from  survey_log
where action = "answer"
group by question_id) as count_answer
where count_answer.question_id  = count_show.question_id
group by count_answer.question_id


sql 复制代码
select * from employee;
select * from department;
insert into employee value(5,"Janet",69000,1);
insert into employee value(6,"Randy",85000,1);
select department.Name as department,rank_employee.name as Employee,Salary
from (select name,salary,departmentId,
row_number() over (partition by departmentId order by salary desc) as rank1
from employee) 
as rank_employee,department
 where rank1 <=3 and department.id = rank_employee.departmentId
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