golang 运算符


  • [1. golang 运算符](#1. golang 运算符)
    • [1.1. Types of Operators](#1.1. Types of Operators)
    • [1.2. Bitwise Operators (位运算符)](#1.2. Bitwise Operators (位运算符))
    • [1.3. Logical Operators (逻辑运算符)](#1.3. Logical Operators (逻辑运算符))
    • [1.4. Arithmetic Operators (算术运算符)](#1.4. Arithmetic Operators (算术运算符))
    • [1.5. Assignment Operators (赋值运算符)](#1.5. Assignment Operators (赋值运算符))
    • [1.6. Comparison Operators (比较运算符)](#1.6. Comparison Operators (比较运算符))

1. golang 运算符

1.1. Types of Operators

  1. Bitwise Operators (位运算符)
  2. Logical Operators (逻辑运算符)
  3. Arithmetic Operators (算术运算符)
  4. Assignment Operators (赋值运算符)
  5. Comparison Operators (比较运算符)

1.2. Bitwise Operators (位运算符)

go 复制代码
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    x := 3
    y := 5
	z := false
    // 3 -> 011
    // 5 -> 101
    fmt.Println("X AND Y = ", x & y)
    fmt.Println("X OR Y = ", x | y)
    fmt.Println("X EXOR Y = ", x ^ y)
    fmt.Println("X Right Shift 1  = ", x >> 1)
    fmt.Println("X Right Shift 2  = ", x >> 2)
    fmt.Println("Y Left Shift 1 = ", y << 1)
sh 复制代码
$ go run bitwise/main.go

X AND Y =  1
X OR Y =  7
X EXOR Y =  6
X Right Shift 1  =  1
X Right Shift 2  =  0
Y Left Shift 1 =  10

很多编程语言使用 ~ 作为一元按位取反(NOT)操作符, Go 重用 ^ XOR 操作符来按位取反:

go 复制代码
// 错误的取反操作
func main() {
    fmt.Println(~2) // bitwise complement operator is ^
// 正确示例
func main() {
    var d uint8 = 2
    fmt.Printf("%08b\n", d)     // 00000010
    fmt.Printf("%08b\n", ^d)    // 11111101

同时 ^ 也是按位异或(XOR)操作符:

go 复制代码
10000010 ^ 00000010 = 10000000

1.3. Logical Operators (逻辑运算符)

go 复制代码
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    a := 45
    b := "Something"
    fmt.Println(a > 40 && b == "Something")
    fmt.Println(a < 40 && b == "Something")
    fmt.Println(a < 40 || b == "Something")
    fmt.Println(a < 40 || b != "Something")
    fmt.Println(!(a < 40 || b != "Something"))
sh 复制代码
$ go run logical/main.go


1.4. Arithmetic Operators (算术运算符)

go 复制代码
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    a := 30
    b := 50
    fmt.Println("A + B = ", a+b)
    fmt.Println("A - B = ", a-b)
    fmt.Println("A * B = ", a*b)
    fmt.Println("A / B = ", a/b)
    fmt.Println("A % B = ", a%b)
sh 复制代码
$ go run arithmetic/main.go
A + B =  80
A - B =  -20
A * B =  1500
A / B =  0
A % B =  30
go 复制代码
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    k := 3
    j := 20
    fmt.Println("k = ", k)
    fmt.Println("j = ", j)
    fmt.Println("k = ", k)
    fmt.Println("j = ", j)
sh 复制代码
$ go run arithmetic/main.go

k =  3
j =  20

k =  4
j =  19

1.5. Assignment Operators (赋值运算符)

go 复制代码
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var a int = 100
    b := 20
    fmt.Println("a = ", a)
    fmt.Println("b = ", b)
    a += 30
    fmt.Println("a = ", a)
    b -= 5
    fmt.Println("b = ", b)
    a *= b
    fmt.Println("a = ", a)
    fmt.Println("b = ", b)
    a /= b
    fmt.Println("a = ", a)
    fmt.Println("b = ", b)
    a %= b
    fmt.Println("a = ", a)
    fmt.Println("b = ", b)
sh 复制代码
$ go run assignment/main.go

a =  100
b =  20

a =  130
b =  15

a =  1950
b =  15

a =  130
b =  15

a =  10
b =  15

1.6. Comparison Operators (比较运算符)

go 复制代码
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    a := 45
    b := 12
    fmt.Println("Is A equal to B ? ", a == b)
    fmt.Println("Is A not equal to B ? ", a != b)
    fmt.Println("Is A greater than B ? ", a > b)
    fmt.Println("Is A less than B ? ", a < b)
    fmt.Println("Is A greater than or equal to B ? ", a >= b)
    fmt.Println("Is A less than or equal to B ? ", a <= b)
sh 复制代码
$ go run comparison/main.go

Is A equal to B ?  false
Is A not equal to B ?  true
Is A greater than B ?  true
Is A less than B ?  false
Is A greater than or equal to B ?  true
Is A less than or equal to B ?  false
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