【Java-LangChain:使用 ChatGPT API 搭建系统-9】评估(上)-存在一个简单的正确答案时


在之前的章节中,我们展示了如何使用 LLM 构建应用程序,包括评估输入、处理输入以及在向用户显示输出之前进行最终输出检查。 构建这样的系统后,如何知道它的工作情况?甚至在部署后并让用户使用它时,如何跟踪它的运行情况,发现任何缺陷,并持续改进系统的答案质量?

在本章中,我们想与您分享一些最佳实践,用于评估 LLM 的输出。

构建基于 LLM 的应用程序与传统的监督学习应用程序有所不同。由于可以快速构建基于 LLM 的应用程序,因此评估方法通常不从测试集开始。相反,通常会逐渐建立一组测试示例。


然而,如果能够在几分钟内指定 Prompt,并在几个小时内得到相应结果,那么暂停很长时间去收集一千个测试样本将是一件极其痛苦的事情。因为现在,可以在零个训练样本的情况下获得这个成果。

因此,在使用 LLM 构建应用程序时,您将体会到如下的过程:

首先,您会在只有一到三个样本的小样本中调整 Prompt,并尝试让 Prompt 在它们身上起作用。

然后,当系统进行进一步的测试时,您可能会遇到一些棘手的例子。Prompt 在它们身上不起作用,或者算法在它们身上不起作用。

这就是使用 ChatGPT API 构建应用程序的开发者所经历的挑战。


最终,您已经添加了足够的这些示例到您缓慢增长的开发集中,以至于通过手动运行每个示例来测试 Prompt 变得有些不方便。


这个过程的一个有趣方面是,如果您觉得您的系统已经足够好了,您可以随时停在那里,不再改进它。事实上,许多已部署的应用程序停在第一或第二个步骤,并且运行得非常好。 需要注意的是,有很多大模型的应用程序没有实质性的风险,即使它没有给出完全正确的答案。




参考第二章的 环境配置小节内容即可。


java 复制代码


java 复制代码
        String system = "您将提供客户服务查询。\n" +
                "    客户服务查询将用" + delimiter + "字符分隔。\n" +
                "    输出一个 Python 列表,列表中的每个对象都是 Json 对象,每个对象的格式如下:\n" +
                "        'category': <Computers and Laptops, Smartphones and Accessories, Televisions and Home Theater Systems, \n" +
                "    Gaming Consoles and Accessories, Audio Equipment, Cameras and Camcorders中的一个>,\n" +
                "    以及\n" +
                "        'products': <必须在下面允许的产品中找到的产品列表>\n" +
                "    \n" +
                "    其中类别和产品必须在客户服务查询中找到。\n" +
                "    如果提到了一个产品,它必须与下面允许的产品列表中的正确类别关联。\n" +
                "    如果没有找到产品或类别,输出一个空列表。\n" +
                "    \n" +
                "    根据产品名称和产品类别与客户服务查询的相关性,列出所有相关的产品。\n" +
                "    不要从产品的名称中假设任何特性或属性,如相对质量或价格。\n" +
                "    \n" +
                "    允许的产品以 JSON 格式提供。\n" +
                "    每个项目的键代表类别。\n" +
                "    每个项目的值是该类别中的产品列表。\n" +
                "    允许的产品:" + productsAndCategory + "";

        String fewShotUser_1 = "我想要最贵的电脑。";
        String fewShotAssistant_1 = "[{\"category\":\"Computers and Laptops\",\"products\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}]";

        List<ChatMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>();

        ChatMessage systemMessage = new ChatMessage();

        ChatMessage userMessage = new ChatMessage();
        userMessage.setContent(delimiter + fewShotUser_1 + delimiter);

        ChatMessage assistantMessage = new ChatMessage();

        ChatMessage userInputMessage = new ChatMessage();
        userInputMessage.setContent(delimiter + userInput + delimiter);

        return this.getCompletionFromMessage(messages, 0);


java 复制代码
        String result = findCategoryAndProductV1("如果我预算有限,我可以买哪款电视?", allProducts);

        log.info("test1: {}", result);
[{"category":"Televisions and Home Theater Systems","products":["CineView 4K TV","SoundMax Home Theater","CineView 8K TV","SoundMax Soundbar","CineView OLED TV"]}]
java 复制代码
        String result = findCategoryAndProductV1("我需要一个智能手机的充电器", allProducts);

        log.info("test2: {}", result);
[{"category":"Smartphones and Accessories","products":["MobiTech PowerCase","MobiTech Wireless Charger"]}]
java 复制代码
        String result = findCategoryAndProductV1("你们有哪些电脑?", allProducts);

        log.info("test3: {}", result);
[{"category":"Computers and Laptops","products":["TechPro Ultrabook","BlueWave Gaming Laptop","PowerLite Convertible","TechPro Desktop","BlueWave Chromebook"]}]
java 复制代码
        String result = findCategoryAndProductV1(" 告诉我关于smartx pro手机和fotosnap相机的信息,那款DSLR的。\n" +
                "另外,你们有哪些电视?", allProducts);

        log.info("test4: {}", result);
[{"category":"Smartphones and Accessories","products":["SmartX ProPhone"]},{"category":"Cameras and Camcorders","products":["FotoSnap DSLR Camera"]},{"category":"Televisions and Home Theater Systems","products":["CineView 4K TV","SoundMax Home Theater","CineView 8K TV","SoundMax Soundbar","CineView OLED TV"]}]



java 复制代码
        String result = findCategoryAndProductV1("告诉我关于CineView电视的信息,那款8K的,还有Gamesphere游戏机,X款的。\n" +
                "我预算有限,你们有哪些电脑?", allProducts);

        log.info("test5: {}", result);
[{"category":"Televisions and Home Theater Systems","products":["CineView 4K TV","SoundMax Home Theater","CineView 8K TV","SoundMax Soundbar","CineView OLED TV"]},{"category":"Gaming Consoles and Accessories","products":["GameSphere X","ProGamer Controller","GameSphere Y","ProGamer Racing Wheel","GameSphere VR Headset"]},{"category":"Computers and Laptops","products":["TechPro Ultrabook","BlueWave Gaming Laptop","PowerLite Convertible","TechPro Desktop","BlueWave Chromebook"]}]

具体来说,CineView 8K电视是一款高端电视,具有8K分辨率和OLED显示屏。GameSphere X是一款游戏机,具有高性能和多种游戏选择。对于预算有限的电脑,您可以考虑TechPro Chromebook或TechPro Ultrabook,它们都是较为经济实惠的选择。


我们在提示中添加了以下内容,不要输出任何不在 JSON 格式中的附加文本,并添加了第二个示例,使用用户和助手消息进行 few-shot 提示。

java 复制代码
        String system = "您将提供客户服务查询。\n" +
                "    客户服务查询将用" + delimiter + "字符分隔。\n" +
                "    输出一个列表,列表中的每个对象都是 JSON 对象,每个对象的格式如下:\n" +
                "        'category': <Computers and Laptops, Smartphones and Accessories, Televisions and Home Theater Systems, \n" +
                "    Gaming Consoles and Accessories, Audio Equipment, Cameras and Camcorders中的一个>,\n" +
                "    和\n" +
                "        'products': <必须在下面允许的产品中找到的产品列表>\n" +
                "    不要输出任何不是 JSON 格式的额外文本。\n" +
                "    输出请求的 JSON 后,不要写任何解释性的文本。\n" +
                "    \n" +
                "    其中类别和产品必须在客户服务查询中找到。\n" +
                "    如果提到了一个产品,它必须与下面允许的产品列表中的正确类别关联。\n" +
                "    如果没有找到产品或类别,输出一个空列表。\n" +
                "    \n" +
                "    根据产品名称和产品类别与客户服务查询的相关性,列出所有相关的产品。\n" +
                "    不要从产品的名称中假设任何特性或属性,如相对质量或价格。\n" +
                "    \n" +
                "    允许的产品以 JSON 格式提供。\n" +
                "    每个项目的键代表类别。\n" +
                "    每个项目的值是该类别中的产品列表。\n" +
                "    允许的产品:" + productsAndCategory + "";

        String fewShotUser_1 = "我想要最贵的电脑。";
        String fewShotAssistant_1 = "[{\"category\":\"Computers and Laptops\",\"products\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}]";

        //增加了一个 few-shot 提示
        String fewShotUser_2 = "我想要最便宜的电脑。你推荐哪款?";
        String fewShotAssistant_2 = "[{\"category\":\"Computers and Laptops\",\"products\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}]";

        List<ChatMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>();

        ChatMessage systemMessage = new ChatMessage();

        ChatMessage userMessage = new ChatMessage();
        userMessage.setContent(delimiter + fewShotUser_1 + delimiter);

        ChatMessage assistantMessage = new ChatMessage();

        ChatMessage shot2 = new ChatMessage();
        shot2.setContent(delimiter + fewShotUser_2 + delimiter);

        ChatMessage shotAssistant2 = new ChatMessage();

        ChatMessage userInputMessage = new ChatMessage();
        userInputMessage.setContent(delimiter + userInput + delimiter);

        return this.getCompletionFromMessage(messages, 0);


java 复制代码
        String result = findCategoryAndProductV2("告诉我关于smartx pro手机和fotosnap相机的信息,那款DSLR的。\n" +
        "另外,你们有哪些电视?", allProducts);

        log.info("test6: {}", result);
[{"category":"Smartphones and Accessories","products":["SmartX ProPhone"]},{"category":"Cameras and Camcorders","products":["FotoSnap DSLR Camera"]},{"category":"Televisions and Home Theater Systems","products":["CineView 4K TV","SoundMax Home Theater","CineView 8K TV","SoundMax Soundbar","CineView OLED TV"]}]



java 复制代码
        String result = findCategoryAndProductV2("如果我预算有限,我可以买哪款电视?", allProducts);

        log.info("test7: {}", result);
[{"category":"Televisions and Home Theater Systems","products":["CineView 4K TV","SoundMax Home Theater","CineView 8K TV","SoundMax Soundbar","CineView OLED TV"]}]

如果您的预算有限,我们建议您购买CineView 4K电视或SoundMax家庭影院。



json 复制代码
	"customer_msg": "Which TV can I buy if I'm on a budget?",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Televisions and Home Theater Systems": ["CineView 4K TV", "SoundMax Home Theater", "CineView 8K TV", "SoundMax Soundbar", "CineView OLED TV"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "I need a charger for my smartphone",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Smartphones and Accessories": ["MobiTech PowerCase", "MobiTech Wireless Charger", "SmartX EarBuds"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "What computers do you have?",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Computers and Laptops": ["TechPro Ultrabook", "BlueWave Gaming Laptop", "PowerLite Convertible", "TechPro Desktop", "BlueWave Chromebook"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "tell me about the smartx pro phone and the fotosnap camera, the dslr one. Also, what TVs do you have?",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Smartphones and Accessories": ["SmartX ProPhone"],
		"Cameras and Camcorders": ["FotoSnap DSLR Camera"],
		"Televisions and Home Theater Systems": ["CineView 4K TV", "SoundMax Home Theater", "CineView 8K TV", "SoundMax Soundbar", "CineView OLED TV"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "tell me about the CineView TV, the 8K one, Gamesphere console, the X one.\nI'm on a budget, what computers do you have?",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Televisions and Home Theater Systems": ["CineView 8K TV"],
		"Gaming Consoles and Accessories": ["GameSphere X"],
		"Computers and Laptops": ["TechPro Ultrabook", "BlueWave Gaming Laptop", "PowerLite Convertible", "TechPro Desktop", "BlueWave Chromebook"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "What smartphones do you have?",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Smartphones and Accessories": ["SmartX ProPhone", "MobiTech PowerCase", "SmartX MiniPhone", "MobiTech Wireless Charger", "SmartX EarBuds"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "I'm on a budget. Can you recommend some smartphones to me?",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Smartphones and Accessories": ["SmartX EarBuds", "SmartX MiniPhone", "MobiTech PowerCase", "SmartX ProPhone", "MobiTech Wireless Charger"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "What Gaming consoles would be good for my friend who is into racing games?",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Gaming Consoles and Accessories": ["GameSphere X", "ProGamer Controller", "GameSphere Y", "ProGamer Racing Wheel", "GameSphere VR Headset"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "What could be a good present for my videographer friend?",
	"ideal_answer": {
		"Cameras and Camcorders": ["FotoSnap DSLR Camera", "ActionCam 4K", "FotoSnap Mirrorless Camera", "ZoomMaster Camcorder", "FotoSnap Instant Camera"]
}, {
	"customer_msg": "I would like a hot tub time machine.",
	"ideal_answer": []


java 复制代码
        String testCase = "[{\"customer_msg\":\"Which TV can I buy if I'm on a budget?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 4K TV\",\"SoundMax Home Theater\",\"CineView 8K TV\",\"SoundMax Soundbar\",\"CineView OLED TV\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I need a charger for my smartphone\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\",\"SmartX EarBuds\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What computers do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Computers and Laptops\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"tell me about the smartx pro phone and the fotosnap camera, the dslr one. Also, what TVs do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX ProPhone\"],\"Cameras and Camcorders\":[\"FotoSnap DSLR Camera\"],\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 4K TV\",\"SoundMax Home Theater\",\"CineView 8K TV\",\"SoundMax Soundbar\",\"CineView OLED TV\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"tell me about the CineView TV, the 8K one, Gamesphere console, the X one.\\nI'm on a budget, what computers do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 8K TV\"],\"Gaming Consoles and Accessories\":[\"GameSphere X\"],\"Computers and Laptops\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What smartphones do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX ProPhone\",\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"SmartX MiniPhone\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\",\"SmartX EarBuds\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I'm on a budget. Can you recommend some smartphones to me?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX EarBuds\",\"SmartX MiniPhone\",\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"SmartX ProPhone\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What Gaming consoles would be good for my friend who is into racing games?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Gaming Consoles and Accessories\":[\"GameSphere X\",\"ProGamer Controller\",\"GameSphere Y\",\"ProGamer Racing Wheel\",\"GameSphere VR Headset\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What could be a good present for my videographer friend?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Cameras and Camcorders\":[\"FotoSnap DSLR Camera\",\"ActionCam 4K\",\"FotoSnap Mirrorless Camera\",\"ZoomMaster Camcorder\",\"FotoSnap Instant Camera\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I would like a hot tub time machine.\",\"ideal_answer\":[]}]";
        JSONArray array = JSONUtil.parseArray(testCase);

        JSONObject cc = (JSONObject) array.get(7);
        String customerMsg = cc.getStr("customer_msg");
        Object idealAnswer = cc.getJSONObject("ideal_answer");

        log.info("用户提问: {}", customerMsg);
        log.info("标准答案: {}", idealAnswer);
用户提问: What Gaming consoles would be good for my friend who is into racing games?
标准答案: {"Gaming Consoles and Accessories":["GameSphere X","ProGamer Controller","GameSphere Y","ProGamer Racing Wheel","GameSphere VR Headset"]}
java 复制代码
        public double evalResponseWithIdeal(String response, JSONObject ideal) {

        log.info("回复:{}", response);

        if (StrUtil.isBlank(response) && ideal == null) {
            return 1;

        if (StrUtil.isBlank(response) || ideal == null) {
            return 0;

        int correct = 0;

        JSONArray array = JSONUtil.parseArray(response);

        for (Object o : array) {

            JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) o;
            String category = jsonObject.getStr("category");
            List<String> products = jsonObject.getBeanList("products", String.class);
            if (category != null && CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(products)) {
                List<String> fps = ideal.getJSONArray(category).toList(String.class);
                log.info("产品集合:{}", products);
                log.info("标签答案集合:{}", fps);
                if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(fps)) {
                    if (fps.containsAll(products)) {
                    } else {
                        log.info("产品集合: {}", products);
                        log.info("标准的产品集合: {}", fps);
                        if (products.size() < fps.size()) {
                        } else {


        double pccorrect = correct / array.size();

        return pccorrect;
java 复制代码
        String testCase = "[{\"customer_msg\":\"Which TV can I buy if I'm on a budget?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 4K TV\",\"SoundMax Home Theater\",\"CineView 8K TV\",\"SoundMax Soundbar\",\"CineView OLED TV\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I need a charger for my smartphone\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\",\"SmartX EarBuds\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What computers do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Computers and Laptops\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"tell me about the smartx pro phone and the fotosnap camera, the dslr one. Also, what TVs do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX ProPhone\"],\"Cameras and Camcorders\":[\"FotoSnap DSLR Camera\"],\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 4K TV\",\"SoundMax Home Theater\",\"CineView 8K TV\",\"SoundMax Soundbar\",\"CineView OLED TV\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"tell me about the CineView TV, the 8K one, Gamesphere console, the X one.\\nI'm on a budget, what computers do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 8K TV\"],\"Gaming Consoles and Accessories\":[\"GameSphere X\"],\"Computers and Laptops\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What smartphones do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX ProPhone\",\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"SmartX MiniPhone\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\",\"SmartX EarBuds\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I'm on a budget. Can you recommend some smartphones to me?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX EarBuds\",\"SmartX MiniPhone\",\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"SmartX ProPhone\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What Gaming consoles would be good for my friend who is into racing games?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Gaming Consoles and Accessories\":[\"GameSphere X\",\"ProGamer Controller\",\"GameSphere Y\",\"ProGamer Racing Wheel\",\"GameSphere VR Headset\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What could be a good present for my videographer friend?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Cameras and Camcorders\":[\"FotoSnap DSLR Camera\",\"ActionCam 4K\",\"FotoSnap Mirrorless Camera\",\"ZoomMaster Camcorder\",\"FotoSnap Instant Camera\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I would like a hot tub time machine.\",\"ideal_answer\":[]}]";
        JSONArray array = JSONUtil.parseArray(testCase);

        JSONObject cc = (JSONObject) array.get(2);
        String customerMsg = cc.getStr("customer_msg");
        JSONObject idealAnswer = (JSONObject) cc.getJSONObject("ideal_answer");

        String result = findCategoryAndProductV2(customerMsg, allProducts);

        log.info("用户提问: {}", customerMsg);
        log.info("标准答案: {}", idealAnswer);

        evalResponseWithIdeal(result, idealAnswer);


注意:如果任何 API 调用超时,将无法运行完成

java 复制代码
        String testCase = "[{\"customer_msg\":\"Which TV can I buy if I'm on a budget?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 4K TV\",\"SoundMax Home Theater\",\"CineView 8K TV\",\"SoundMax Soundbar\",\"CineView OLED TV\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I need a charger for my smartphone\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\",\"SmartX EarBuds\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What computers do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Computers and Laptops\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"tell me about the smartx pro phone and the fotosnap camera, the dslr one. Also, what TVs do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX ProPhone\"],\"Cameras and Camcorders\":[\"FotoSnap DSLR Camera\"],\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 4K TV\",\"SoundMax Home Theater\",\"CineView 8K TV\",\"SoundMax Soundbar\",\"CineView OLED TV\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"tell me about the CineView TV, the 8K one, Gamesphere console, the X one.\\nI'm on a budget, what computers do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Televisions and Home Theater Systems\":[\"CineView 8K TV\"],\"Gaming Consoles and Accessories\":[\"GameSphere X\"],\"Computers and Laptops\":[\"TechPro Ultrabook\",\"BlueWave Gaming Laptop\",\"PowerLite Convertible\",\"TechPro Desktop\",\"BlueWave Chromebook\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What smartphones do you have?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX ProPhone\",\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"SmartX MiniPhone\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\",\"SmartX EarBuds\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I'm on a budget. Can you recommend some smartphones to me?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Smartphones and Accessories\":[\"SmartX EarBuds\",\"SmartX MiniPhone\",\"MobiTech PowerCase\",\"SmartX ProPhone\",\"MobiTech Wireless Charger\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What Gaming consoles would be good for my friend who is into racing games?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Gaming Consoles and Accessories\":[\"GameSphere X\",\"ProGamer Controller\",\"GameSphere Y\",\"ProGamer Racing Wheel\",\"GameSphere VR Headset\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"What could be a good present for my videographer friend?\",\"ideal_answer\":{\"Cameras and Camcorders\":[\"FotoSnap DSLR Camera\",\"ActionCam 4K\",\"FotoSnap Mirrorless Camera\",\"ZoomMaster Camcorder\",\"FotoSnap Instant Camera\"]}},{\"customer_msg\":\"I would like a hot tub time machine.\",\"ideal_answer\":[]}]";
        JSONArray array = JSONUtil.parseArray(testCase);

        double sumScore = 0d;
        for (Object o : array) {
            JSONObject cc = (JSONObject) o;
            String customerMsg = cc.getStr("customer_msg");
            JSONObject idealAnswer = (JSONObject) cc.getJSONObject("ideal_answer");
            String result = findCategoryAndProductV2(customerMsg, allProducts);

            double score = evalResponseWithIdeal(result, idealAnswer);

            log.info("score: {}\n", score);
            sumScore = sumScore + score;

        log.info("正确比例: {}/{}", array.size(), sumScore / array.size());

使用 Prompt 构建应用程序的工作流程与使用监督学习构建应用程序的工作流程非常不同。


如果您并未亲身体验,可能会惊叹于仅有手动构建得极少样本,就可以产生高效的评估方法。您可能会认为,仅有 10 个样本是不具备统计意义的。但当您真正运用这种方式时,您可能会对向开发集中添加一些复杂样本所带来的效果提升感到惊讶。

这对于帮助您和您的团队找到有效的 Prompt 和有效的系统非常有帮助。






customer083 小时前
java·vue.js·spring boot·后端·开源
Miketutu4 小时前
Spring MVC消息转换器
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【llm对话系统】大模型源码分析之 LLaMA 位置编码 RoPE
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CompletableFuture 超时功能有大坑!使用不当直接生产事故!