1. 可解的条件 Solvability conditions on b

检验Ax =b 是否可解的方法是对增广矩阵进行行消元。如果矩阵A 的行被完全消去的话,则对应的b的分量也要得0
if a comb. of rows of A gives zero row, then same comb. of enties of b must give 0
Ax=b solvable when b is in C(A)
2. 通解 Complete solution
to find complete soln's to Ax=b 我们首先检验方程是否可解,然后找到一个特解。将特解和矩阵零空间的向量相加即为方程的通解
2.1. 特解 A particular solution
求Ax =b特解的方法是将自由变量均赋值为0,求解其主变量
xparticular : set all free variables to zero, x2=x4=0
solve Ax=b for pivot variables

特解为x p=
2.2. 零空间进行线性组合 Combined with nullspace
Ax =b的通解为: Xc = Xp + Xn

特解 particualr 基础解系special solutions 矩阵的零空间N(A )是R 4空间中的二维子空间,方程的解Ax =b 构成了穿过x p点并和矩阵零空间平行的"平面"。但该"平面"并不是R4空间的子空间
3. 秩 Rank
满秩(full rank):
1. 列满秩full column rank means:r=n no free variables
零空间N(A )之内只有零向量。方程无解或者有唯一解xp unique solution if it exists (0 or 1 solution)

2. 行满秩full row rank means:r=m <n
Can solve Ax=b for every b left with n-r = n-m free variables

3. 满秩 r=m=n,
矩阵可逆。零空间只有零向量,无论b 取何值,方程Ax =b都有唯一解
1 solution to Ax=b
4. summary:

the rank tells you everything about the number of solutions