


Recent work has demonstrated substantial gains on many NLP tasks and benchmarks by pre-training on a large corpus of text followed by fine-tuning on a specific task. While typically task-agnostic in architecture, this method still requires task-specific fine-tuning datasets of thousands or tens of thousands of examples. By contrast, humans can generally perform a new language task from only a few examples or from simple instructions -- something which current NLP systems still largely struggle to do. Here we show that scaling up language models greatly improves task-agnostic, few-shot performance, sometimes even reaching competitiveness with prior state-of-the-art finetuning approaches. Specifically, we train GPT-3, an autoregressive language model with 175 billion parameters, 10x more than any previous non-sparse language model, and test its performance in the few-shot setting. For all tasks, GPT-3 is applied without any gradient updates or fine-tuning, with tasks and few-shot demonstrations specified purely via text interaction with the model. GPT-3 achieves strong performance on many NLP datasets, including translation, question-answering, and cloze tasks, as well as several tasks that require on-the-fly reasoning or domain adaptation, such as unscrambling words, using a novel word in a sentence, or performing 3-digit arithmetic. At the same time, we also identify some datasets where GPT-3's few-shot learning still struggles, as well as some datasets where GPT-3 faces methodological issues related to training on large web corpora. Finally, we find that GPT-3 can generate samples of news articles which human evaluators have difficulty distinguishing from articles written by humans. We discuss broader societal impacts of this finding and of GPT-3 in general.


最近的工作表明,通过对大量文本语料库进行预训练,然后在特定任务上进行微调,可以在许多NLP任务和基准测试上实现重大增益。尽管在架构上通常是任务不可知的,但这种方法仍然需要成千上万个示例的任务特定微调数据集。相比之下,人类通常可以仅从几个示例或简单指令就完成新的语言任务 - 这是目前的NLP系统仍然在很大程度上难以做到的。在这里,我们展示了扩大语言模型可以大大提高任务不可知的few-shot性能,有时甚至可以达到与以前的最新微调方法相媲美的竞争力。具体来说,我们训练了GPT-3,一个有1750亿参数的自回归语言模型,比任何以前的非稀疏语言模型多10倍,并测试其在少样本设置中的性能。对于所有任务,GPT-3都是没有任何梯度更新或微调的应用,任务和少样本演示完全是通过与模型的文本交互来指定的。GPT-3在许多NLP数据集上取得了强大的性能,包括翻译、问答和完形填空任务,以及在需要即时推理或领域适应的任务上,例如拼词、在句子中使用新词或进行3位数的算术。同时,我们还确定了一些数据集,在这些数据集上GPT-3的少样本学习仍然存在困难,以及一些由于在大规模网络语料库上训练而面临的方法论问题。最后,我们发现GPT-3可以生成新闻文章的样本,这些样本使人类评估者难以将其与人类撰写的文章区分开来。我们讨论了这一发现和GPT-3一般的更广泛的社会影响。




Recent years have featured a trend towards pre-trained language representations in NLP systems, applied in increasingly flexible and task-agnostic ways for downstream transfer. First, single-layer representations were learned using word vectors [MCCD13, PSM14] and fed to task-specific architectures, then RNNs with multiple layers of representations and contextual state were used to form stronger representations [DL15, MBXS17, PNZtY18] (though still applied to task-specific architectures), and more recently pre-trained recurrent or transformer language models [VSP+17] have been directly fine-tuned, entirely removing the need for task-specific architectures [RNSS18, DCLT18, HR18].


近年来,NLP系统中的趋势是使用预训练的语言表示,并以越来越灵活和与任务无关的方式应用于下游任务。首先,使用词向量[MCCD13, PSM14]学习单层表示,并输入到特定任务的架构中,然后使用具有多层表示和上下文状态的RNN来形成更强的表示[DL15, MBXS17, PNZtY18](尽管仍然应用于特定任务的架构),最近,直接对预训练的循环或转换器语言模型[VSP+17]进行微调,完全消除了对特定任务架构的需求[RNSS18, DCLT18, HR18]。



This last paradigm has led to substantial progress on many challenging NLP tasks such as reading comprehension, question answering, textual entailment, and many others, and has continued to advance based on new architectures and algorithms [RSR+19, LOG+19, YDY+19, LCG+19]. However, a major limitation to this approach is that while the architecture is task-agnostic, there is still a need for task-specific datasets and task-specific fine-tuning: to achieve strong performance on a desired task typically requires fine-tuning on a dataset of thousands to hundreds of thousands of examples specific to that task. Removing this limitation would be desirable, for several reasons.

First, from a practical perspective, the need for a large dataset of labeled examples for every new task limits the applicability of language models. There exists a very wide range of possible useful language tasks, encompassing anything from correcting grammar, to generating examples of an abstract concept, to critiquing a short story. For many of these tasks it is difficult to collect a large supervised training dataset, especially when the process must be repeated for every new task.

Second, the potential to exploit spurious correlations in training data fundamentally grows with the expressiveness of the model and the narrowness of the training distribution. This can create problems for the pre-training plus fine-tuning paradigm, where models are designed to be large to absorb information during pre-training, but are then fine-tuned on very narrow task distributions. For instance [HLW+20] observe that larger models do not necessarily generalize better out-of-distribution. There is evidence that suggests that the generalization achieved under this paradigm can be poor because the model is overly specific to the training distribution and does not generalize well outside it [YdC+19, MPL19]. Thus, the performance of fine-tuned models on specific benchmarks, even when it is nominally at human-level, may exaggerate actual performance on the underlying task [GSL+18, NK19].

Third, humans do not require large supervised datasets to learn most language tasks -- a brief directive in natural language (e.g. "please tell me if this sentence describes something happy or something sad") or at most a tiny number of demonstrations (e.g. "here are two examples of people acting brave; please give a third example of bravery") is often sufficient to enable a human to perform a new task to at least a reasonable degree of competence. Aside from pointing to a conceptual limitation in our current NLP techniques, this adaptability has practical advantages -- it allows humans to seamlessly mix together or switch between many tasks and skills, for example performing addition during a lengthy dialogue. To be broadly useful, we would someday like our NLP systems to have this same fluidity and generality.


这种最新范式在许多具有挑战性的NLP任务上取得了实质性进展,如阅读理解、问答、文本蕴含以及许多其他任务,并基于新的架构和算法继续推进[RSR+19, LOG+19, YDY+19, LCG+19]。然而,这种方法的一个主要局限性在于,尽管架构是任务无关的,但仍然需要特定于任务的数据集和任务特定的微调:要在期望的任务上实现强大的性能,通常需要在该任务的具体数据集上进行微调,这些数据集包含数千到数十万个示例。消除这一局限性是可取的,原因有几个。


其次,利用训练数据中的虚假相关性的潜在可能性随着模型的表达能力和训练分布的狭窄程度而根本增长。这对于预训练加微调范式可能造成问题,在这种范式中,模型被设计得很大,以便在预训练期间吸收信息,但随后在非常狭窄的任务分布上进行微调。例如,[HLW+20]观察到,更大的模型并不一定能更好地在分布外泛化。有证据表明,在这种范式下实现的泛化可能很差,因为模型过于特定于训练分布,并且不能很好地在分布之外泛化[YdC+19, MPL19]。因此,即使在名义上达到人类水平的特定基准测试上,微调后的模型的性能也可能夸大在实际任务上的实际性能[GSL+18, NK19]。






One potential route towards addressing these issues is meta-learning1 -- which in the context of language models means the model develops a broad set of skills and pattern recognition abilities at training time, and then uses those abilities at inference time to rapidly adapt to or recognize the desired task (illustrated in Figure 1.1). Recent work [RWC+19] attempts to do this via what we call "in-context learning", using the text input of a pretrained language model as a form of task specification: the model is conditioned on a natural language instruction and/or a few demonstrations of the task and is then expected to complete further instances of the task simply by predicting what comes next.


解决这些问题的一条潜在途径是元学习(meta-learning)------在语言模型的背景下,这意味着模型在训练时发展出一套广泛的技能和模式识别能力,然后在推理时使用这些能力快速适应或识别所需的任务(如图1.1所示)。最近的工作[RWC+19]试图通过我们所说的"上下文学习"(in-context learning)来实现这一点,使用预训练语言模型的文本输入作为一种任务规范:模型被自然语言指令和/或任务的几个示例条件化,然后预期模型仅通过预测接下来会发生什么来完成任务的更多实例。



in-context learning:不利用子任务的少样本更新权重


While it has shown some initial promise, this approach still achieves results far inferior to fine-tuning -- for example [RWC+19] achieves only 4% on Natural Questions, and even its 55 F1 CoQa result is now more than 35 points behind the state of the art. Meta-learning clearly requires substantial improvement in order to be viable as a practical method of solving language tasks.


尽管这种方法已经显示出一些初步的潜力,但它的结果仍然远远不如微调------例如,[RWC+19]在Natural Questions上的准确率仅为4%,即使是它的55 F1 CoQa结果,现在也落后于最新技术35分以上。元学习显然需要实质性的改进,才能成为一种实用的解决语言任务的方法。

Another recent trend in language modeling may offer a way forward. In recent years the capacity of transformer language models has increased substantially, from 100 million parameters [RNSS18], to 300 million parameters [DCLT18], to 1.5 billion parameters [RWC+19], to 8 billion parameters [SPP+19], 11 billion parameters [RSR+19], and finally 17 billion parameters [Tur20]. Each increase has brought improvements in text synthesis and/or downstream NLP tasks, and there is evidence suggesting that log loss, which correlates well with many downstream tasks, follows a smooth trend of improvement with scale [KMH+20]. Since in-context learning involves absorbing many skills and tasks within the parameters of the model, it is plausible that in-context learning abilities might show similarly strong gains with scale.





In this paper, we test this hypothesis by training a 175 billion parameter autoregressive language model, which we call GPT-3, and measuring its in-context learning abilities. Specifically, we evaluate GPT-3 on over two dozen NLP datasets, as well as several novel tasks designed to test rapid adaptation to tasks unlikely to be directly contained in the training set. For each task, we evaluate GPT-3 under 3 conditions: (a) "few-shot learning", or in-context learning where we allow as many demonstrations as will fit into the model's context window (typically 10 to 100), (b) "one-shot learning", where we allow only one demonstration, and (c) "zero-shot" learning, where no demonstrations are allowed and only an instruction in natural language is given to the model. GPT-3 could also in principle be evaluated in the traditional fine-tuning setting, but we leave this to future work.






At the same time, we also find some tasks on which few-shot performance struggles, even at the scale of GPT-3. This includes natural language inference tasks like the ANLI dataset, and some reading comprehension datasets like RACE or QuAC. By presenting a broad characterization of GPT-3's strengths and weaknesses, including these limitations, we hope to stimulate study of few-shot learning in language models and draw attention to where progress is most needed.

We also undertake a systematic study of "data contamination" -- a growing problem when training high capacity models on datasets such as Common Crawl, which can potentially include content from test datasets simply because such content often exists on the web. In this paper we develop systematic tools to measure data contamination and quantify its distorting effects. Although we find that data contamination has a minimal effect on GPT-3's performance on most datasets, we do identify a few datasets where it could be inflating results, and we either do not report results on these datasets or we note them with an asterisk, depending on the severity.



我们还进行了一项关于"数据污染"的系统性研究------这是一个在诸如Common Crawl这样的数据集上训练高容量模型时日益严重的问题,因为这些数据集可能包含来自测试数据集的内容,仅仅因为这些内容通常存在于网络上。在本文中,我们开发了系统性的工具来测量数据污染并量化其扭曲效应。尽管我们发现数据污染对GPT-3在大多数数据集上的性能影响最小,但我们确实识别了几个可能因数据污染而夸大结果的数据集,我们或者不报告这些数据集的结果,或者根据严重程度在结果上标注星号。





Model and Architectures

We use the same model and architecture as GPT-2 [RWC+19], including the modified initialization, pre-normalization, and reversible tokenization described therein, with the exception that we use alternating dense and locally banded sparse attention patterns in the layers of the transformer, similar to the Sparse Transformer [CGRS19]. To study the dependence of ML performance on model size, we train 8 different sizes of model, ranging over three orders of magnitude from 125 million parameters to 175 billion parameters, with the last being the model we call GPT-3. Previous work [KMH+20] suggests that with enough training data, scaling of validation loss should be approximately a smooth power law as a function of size; training models of many different sizes allows us to test this hypothesis both for validation loss and for downstream language tasks.

Table 2.1 shows the sizes and architectures of our 8 models. Here nparams is the total number of trainable parameters, nlayers is the total number of layers, dmodel is the number of units in each bottleneck layer (we always have the feedforward layer four times the size of the bottleneck layer, dff = 4 ∗ dmodel), and dhead is the dimension of each attention head. All models use a context window of nctx = 2048 tokens. We partition the model across GPUs along both the depth and width dimension in order to minimize data-transfer between nodes. The precise architectural parameters for each model are chosen based on computational efficiency and load-balancing in the layout of models across GPU's. Previous work [KMH+20] suggests that validation loss is not strongly sensitive to these parameters within a reasonably broad range.


我们使用了与GPT-2 [RWC+19]相同的模型和架构,包括其中描述的修改后的初始化、预规范化和可逆的标记化,唯一的例外是我们在transformer的层中使用交替的密集和局部带状稀疏注意力模式,类似于Sparse Transformer [CGRS19]。为了研究机器学习性能与模型大小之间的依赖关系,我们训练了8种不同大小的模型,参数范围从1.25亿到1750亿,最后一个是我们称之为GPT-3的模型。之前的工作[KMH+20]表明,只要有足够的训练数据,验证损失的规模大致上应该是一个关于大小的平滑的幂律函数;训练多种不同大小的模型允许我们同时测试这个假设对于验证损失和下游语言任务是否成立。

表2.1展示了我们8个模型的大小和架构。在这里,nparams是可训练参数的总数,nlayers是层的总数,dmodel是每个瓶颈层的单位数(我们的前馈层始终是瓶颈层大小的四倍,dff = 4 * dmodel),dhead是每个注意力头的维度。所有模型都使用nctx = 2048个令牌的上下文窗口。我们沿着模型的深度和宽度维度在GPU之间进行划分,以最小化节点之间的数据传输。每个模型的确切架构参数是基于计算效率和模型在GPU上的布局进行负载平衡而选择的。之前的工作[KMH+20]表明,验证损失在这些参数的合理范围内对这些参数不太敏感。


GPT2与GPT3:把Sparse Transformer拿过来了


gpt3的模型是扁扁的, 因为计算量与宽度成平方关系



As found in [KMH+20, MKAT18], larger models can typically use a larger batch size, but require a smaller learning rate. We measure the gradient noise scale during training and use it to guide our choice of batch size [MKAT18]. Table 2.1 shows the parameter settings we used. To train the larger models without running out of memory, we use a mixture of model parallelism within each matrix multiply and model parallelism across the layers of the network. All models were trained on V100 GPU's on part of a high-bandwidth cluster provided by Microsoft. Details of the training process and hyperparameter settings are described in Appendix B.


正如在[KMH+20, MKAT18]中所发现的,较大的模型通常可以使用较大的批量大小,但需要较小的学习率。我们在训练过程中测量梯度噪声尺度,并使用它来指导我们的批量大小选择[MKAT18]。表2.1展示了我们使用的参数设置。为了在不过度消耗内存的情况下训练较大的模型,我们在每个矩阵乘法内部以及网络的层之间使用了模型并行性。所有模型都是在微软提供的一部分高带宽集群上的V100 GPU上训练的。训练过程和超参数设置的细节在附录B中描述。

Training Dataset

Datasets for language models have rapidly expanded, culminating in the Common Crawl dataset2 [RSR+19] constituting nearly a trillion words. This size of dataset is sufficient to train our largest models without ever updating on the same sequence twice. However, we have found that unfiltered or lightly filtered versions of Common Crawl tend to have lower quality than more curated datasets. Therefore, we took 3 steps to improve the average quality of our datasets: (1) we downloaded and filtered a version of CommonCrawl based on similarity to a range of high-quality reference corpora, (2) we performed fuzzy deduplication at the document level, within and across datasets, to prevent redundancy and preserve the integrity of our held-out validation set as an accurate measure of overfitting, and (3) we also added known high-quality reference corpora to the training mix to augment CommonCrawl and increase its diversity.


语言模型的数据库迅速扩展,最终形成了包含近一万亿个单词的Common Crawl数据库2 [RSR+19]。这个数据库的大小足以训练我们最大的模型,而无需重复更新相同的序列。然而,我们发现未经过滤或轻度过滤的Common Crawl版本的质量往往低于经过更多策划的数据库。因此,我们采取了三个步骤来提高我们数据库的平均质量:(1) 我们下载并过滤了一个与一系列高质量参考语料库相似的Common Crawl版本,(2) 我们在文档级别上进行了模糊去重,包括数据库内部和跨数据库,以防止重复并保持我们预留的验证集的完整性,作为准确衡量过拟合的指标,(3) 我们还向训练混合中添加了已知的高质量参考语料库,以增强Common Crawl并增加其多样性。


GPT2的时候没用Common Crawl就是因为这个数据集有点脏,但是为了练个更大的GPT3不得不拿来用

把Common Crawl的数据集下下来,把它的样本全当作负例,把之前GPT2的网页扒下来的数据集作为正例,做个逻辑回归二分类,如果Common Crawl中有被判为正例的样本,则拿出来用




For few-shot learning, we evaluate each example in the evaluation set by randomly drawing K examples from that task's training set as conditioning, delimited by 1 or 2 newlines depending on the task. For LAMBADA and Storycloze there is no supervised training set available so we draw conditioning examples from the development set and evaluate on the test set. For Winograd (the original, not SuperGLUE version) there is only one dataset, so we draw conditioning examples directly from it.

K can be any value from 0 to the maximum amount allowed by the model's context window, which is nctx = 2048 for all models and typically fits 10 to 100 examples. Larger values of K are usually but not always better, so when a separate development and test set are available, we experiment with a few values of K on the development set and then run the best value on the test set. For some tasks (see Appendix G) we also use a natural language prompt in addition to (or for K = 0, instead of) demonstrations.



K的值可以从0到模型上下文窗口允许的最大值,对于所有模型来说,这个值是nctx = 2048,通常可以适应10到100个例子。较大的K值通常(但不总是)更好,所以当有单独的开发集和测试集可用时,我们在开发集上尝试几个K值,然后在测试集上运行最佳值。对于一些任务(见附录G),我们还在演示之外(或对于K = 0,代替演示)使用自然语言提示。

On tasks that involve choosing one correct completion from several options (multiple choice), we provide K examples of context plus correct completion, followed by one example of context only, and compare the LM likelihood of each completion. For most tasks we compare the per-token likelihood (to normalize for length), however on a small number of datasets (ARC, OpenBookQA, and RACE) we gain additional benefit as measured on the development set by normalizing by the unconditional probability of each completion, by computing P (completionjcontext) P (completionjanswer context) , where answer context is the string "Answer: " or "A: " and is used to prompt that the completion should be an answer but is otherwise generic.

On tasks that involve binary classification, we give the options more semantically meaningful names (e.g. "True" or "False" rather than 0 or 1) and then treat the task like multiple choice; we also sometimes frame the task similar to what is done by [RSR+19] (see Appendix G) for details.

On tasks with free-form completion, we use beam search with the same parameters as [RSR+19]: a beam width of 4 and a length penalty of α = 0:6. We score the model using F1 similarity score, BLEU, or exact match, depending on what is standard for the dataset at hand.

Final results are reported on the test set when publicly available, for each model size and learning setting (zero-, one-, and few-shot). When the test set is private, our model is often too large to fit on the test server, so we report results on the development set. We do submit to the test server on a small number of datasets (SuperGLUE, TriviaQA, PiQa) where we were able to make submission work, and we submit only the 200B few-shot results, and report development set results for everything else.


对于涉及从几个选项中选择一个正确完成的任务(多项选择),我们提供K个上下文加正确完成的例子,然后提供一个只有上下文的例子,并比较每个完成的LM可能性。对于大多数任务,我们比较每令牌的可能性(以长度为标准进行归一化),然而,在少数数据集(ARC、OpenBookQA和RACE)上,我们在开发集上通过计算P(completion|context) / P(completion|answer context)来获得额外的收益,其中answer context是字符串"Answer: "或"A: ",用于提示完成应该是答案,但在其他方面是通用的。







First, despite the strong quantitative and qualitative improvements of GPT-3, particularly compared to its direct predecessor GPT-2, it still has notable weaknesses in text synthesis and several NLP tasks. On text synthesis, although the overall quality is high, GPT-3 samples still sometimes repeat themselves semantically at the document level, start to lose coherence over sufficiently long passages, contradict themselves, and occasionally contain non-sequitur sentences or paragraphs. We will release a collection of 500 uncurated unconditional samples to help provide a better sense of GPT-3's limitations and strengths at text synthesis. Within the domain of discrete language tasks, we have noticed informally that GPT-3 seems to have special difficulty with "common sense physics", despite doing well on some datasets (such as PIQA [BZB+19]) that test this domain. Specifically GPT-3 has difficulty with questions of the type "If I put cheese into the fridge, will it melt?". Quantitatively, GPT-3's in-context learning performance has some notable gaps on our suite of benchmarks, as described in Section 3, and in particular it does little better than chance when evaluated one-shot or even few-shot on some "comparison" tasks, such as determining if two words are used the same way in a sentence, or if one sentence implies another (WIC and ANLI respectively), as well as on a subset of reading comprehension tasks. This is especially striking given GPT-3's strong few-shot performance on many other tasks.


首先,尽管GPT-3在定量上和定性上相比其直接前身GPT-2有了显著的提高,但它仍在文本合成和一些NLP任务中存在明显的弱点。在文本合成方面,尽管整体质量很高,但GPT-3的样本在文档级别上有时仍然在语义上重复,在足够长的段落中开始失去连贯性,相互矛盾,并且偶尔包含不合逻辑的句子或段落。我们将发布500个未策划的无条件样本集合,以帮助更好地了解GPT-3在文本合成方面的局限性和优势。在离散语言任务领域,我们非正式地注意到,GPT-3似乎在"常识物理"方面有特殊的困难,尽管在一些数据集(如PIQA [BZB+19])上表现良好,这些数据集测试了这个领域。具体来说,GPT-3在类型为"如果我把奶酪放进冰箱,它会融化吗?"的问题上存在困难。在定量方面,GPT-3的上下文学习性能在我们的基准测试套件中有一些显著的差距,如第3节所述,特别是在一些"比较"任务上,例如确定两个词在句子中是否以相同的方式使用,或者一个句子是否隐含另一个句子(分别指WIC和ANLI),以及在阅读理解任务的一个子集上,其表现甚至不如随机猜测。这尤其引人注目,因为GPT-3在许多其他任务上的少样本学习表现非常强。



GPT-3 has several structural and algorithmic limitations, which could account for some of the issues above. We focused on exploring in-context learning behavior in autoregressive language models because it is straightforward to both sample and compute likelihoods with this model class. As a result our experiments do not include any bidirectional architectures or other training objectives such as denoising. This is a noticeable difference from much of the recent literature, which has documented improved fine-tuning performance when using these approaches over standard language models [RSR+19]. Thus our design decision comes at the cost of potentially worse performance on tasks which empirically benefit from bidirectionality. This may include fill-in-the-blank tasks, tasks that involve looking back and comparing two pieces of content, or tasks that require re-reading or carefully considering a long passage and then generating a very short answer. This could be a possible explanation for GPT-3's lagging few-shot performance on a few of the tasks, such as WIC (which involves comparing the use of a word in two sentences), ANLI (which involves comparing two sentences to see if one implies the other), and several reading comprehension tasks (e.g. QuAC and RACE). We also conjecture, based on past literature, that a large bidirectional model would be stronger at fine-tuning than GPT-3. Making a bidirectional model at the scale of GPT-3, and/or trying to make bidirectional models work with few- or zero-shot learning, is a promising direction for future research, and could help achieve the "best of both worlds".





A more fundamental limitation of the general approach described in this paper -- scaling up any LM-like model, whether autoregressive or bidirectional -- is that it may eventually run into (or could already be running into) the limits of the pretraining objective. Our current objective weights every token equally and lacks a notion of what is most important to predict and what is less important. [RRS20] demonstrate benefits of customizing prediction to entities of interest. Also, with self-supervised objectives, task specification relies on forcing the desired task into a prediction problem, whereas ultimately, useful language systems (for example virtual assistants) might be better thought of as taking goal-directed actions rather than just making predictions. Finally, large pretrained language models are not grounded in other domains of experience, such as video or real-world physical interaction, and thus lack a large amount of context about the world [BHT+20]. For all these reasons, scaling pure self-supervised prediction is likely to hit limits, and augmentation with a different approach is likely to be necessary. Promising future directions in this vein might include learning the objective function from humans [ZSW+19a], fine-tuning with reinforcement learning, or adding additional modalities such as images to provide grounding and a better model of the world [CLY+19].


本文所述的一般方法的更深层次局限性在于,无论是对自回归模型还是双向模型进行扩展,最终都可能遇到(或者可能已经遇到)预训练目标的限制。我们目前的预训练目标权重每个令牌相等,且缺乏对最需要预测和对不太重要的内容的区分。 [RRS20] 展示了根据感兴趣的实体定制预测的好处。此外,在使用自监督目标时,任务指定依赖于将所需任务强制转化为预测问题,而最终,有用的语言系统(例如虚拟助手)可能更好地被认为是在采取目标导向的行动,而不仅仅是做出预测。最后,大型预训练语言模型在其他经验领域(如视频或真实世界物理交互)缺乏经验,因此缺乏关于世界的许多上下文[BHT+20]。出于所有这些原因,单纯扩大自监督预测可能会遇到限制,因此可能需要采用不同的方法进行增强。在这一方向上,有前途的未来研究方向可能包括从人类学习目标函数[ZSW+19a],使用强化学习进行微调,或者添加其他模态(如图像)以提供语义支持和更好地模拟世界[CLY+19]。



Another limitation broadly shared by language models is poor sample efficiency during pre-training. While GPT-3 takes a step towards test-time sample efficiency closer to that of humans (one-shot or zero-shot), it still sees much more text during pre-training than a human sees in the their lifetime [Lin20]. Improving pre-training sample efficiency is an important direction for future work, and might come from grounding in the physical world to provide additional information, or from algorithmic improvements.





A limitation, or at least uncertainty, associated with few-shot learning in GPT-3 is ambiguity about whether few-shot learning actually learns new tasks "from scratch" at inference time, or if it simply recognizes and identifies tasks that it has learned during training. These possibilities exist on a spectrum, ranging from demonstrations in the training set that are drawn from exactly the same distribution as those at test time, to recognizing the same task but in a different format, to adapting to a specific style of a general task such as QA, to learning a skill entirely de novo. Where GPT-3 is on this spectrum may also vary from task to task. Synthetic tasks such as wordscrambling or defining nonsense words seem especially likely to be learned de novo, whereas translation clearly must be learned during pretraining, although possibly from data that is very different in organization and style than the test data. Ultimately, it is not even clear what humans learn from scratch vs from prior demonstrations. Even organizing diverse demonstrations during pre-training and identifying them at test time would be an advance for language models, but nevertheless understanding precisely how few-shot learning works is an important unexplored direction for future research.





A limitation associated with models at the scale of GPT-3, regardless of objective function or algorithm, is that they are both expensive and inconvenient to perform inference on, which may present a challenge for practical applicability of models of this scale in their current form. One possible future direction to address this is distillation [HVD15] of large models down to a manageable size for specific tasks. Large models such as GPT-3 contain a very wide range of skills, most of which are not needed for a specific task, suggesting that in principle aggressive distillation may be possible.Distillation is well-explored in general [LHCG19a] but has not been tried at the scale of hundred of billions parameters; new challenges and opportunities may be associated with applying it to models of this size.




Finally, GPT-3 shares some limitations common to most deep learning systems -- its decisions are not easily interpretable, it is not necessarily well-calibrated in its predictions on novel inputs as observed by the much higher variance in performance than humans on standard benchmarks, and it retains the biases of the data it has been trained on. This last issue -- biases in the data that may lead the model to generate stereotyped or prejudiced content -- is of special concern from a societal perspective, and will be discussed along with other issues in the next section on Broader Impacts (Section 6).





Broader Impacts



We presented a 175 billion parameter language model which shows strong performance on many NLP tasks and benchmarks in the zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot settings, in some cases nearly matching the performance of state-of-the-art fine-tuned systems, as well as generating high-quality samples and strong qualitative performance at tasks defined on-the-fly. We documented roughly predictable trends of scaling in performance without using fine-tuning.We also discussed the social impacts of this class of model. Despite many limitations and weaknesses, these results suggest that very large language models may be an important ingredient in the development of adaptable, general language systems.



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