



  • 采集服务仅仅针对某个需求开发,需要修改业务代码逻辑,会给业务带来比较大的负担,并且耦合度太高
  • 数据采集导致已有的服务请求延时变高
  • 采集性能差,需要较长的时间才能采集完一批数据
  • 服务关闭时会丢失数据


  • 针对问题1,我们可以将数据采集从业务服务中解耦出来,专门创建一个数据采集服务。业务程序只需要将数据传输到指定的中间件,至于数据的处理、采样、过滤、传出等逻辑都在采集服务中完成。
  • 针对问题2,将数据的导出由同步改为异步,异步开启多个协程消费通道中的数据,这样对程序的性能几乎微乎其微
  • 针对问题3,设置好采集最长间隔、批量采集大小以及使用高性能的数据中间件作为中转,比如redis、kafka
  • 针对问题4,为导出器和采集服务增加关闭监听,程序关闭时将数据清空完再退出


4.1 架构设计

4.2 storage


type AnalyticsStorage interface {
	Init(config interface{}) error
	GetName() string
	Connect() bool
	GetAndDeleteSet(string) []interface{}


import (

	redis "github.com/go-redis/redis/v7"

	genericoptions "github.com/marmotedu/iam/internal/pkg/options"

// ------------------- REDIS CLUSTER STORAGE MANAGER -------------------------------

// RedisKeyPrefix defines prefix for iam analytics key.
const (
	RedisKeyPrefix      = "analytics-"
	defaultRedisAddress = ""

var redisClusterSingleton redis.UniversalClient

// RedisClusterStorageManager is a storage manager that uses the redis database.
type RedisClusterStorageManager struct {
	db        redis.UniversalClient
	KeyPrefix string
	HashKeys  bool
	Config    genericoptions.RedisOptions

// NewRedisClusterPool returns a redis cluster client.
func NewRedisClusterPool(forceReconnect bool, config genericoptions.RedisOptions) redis.UniversalClient {
	if !forceReconnect {
		if redisClusterSingleton != nil {
			log.Debug("Redis pool already INITIALIZED")

			return redisClusterSingleton
	} else {
		if redisClusterSingleton != nil {

	log.Debug("Creating new Redis connection pool")

	maxActive := 500
	if config.MaxActive > 0 {
		maxActive = config.MaxActive

	timeout := 5 * time.Second

	if config.Timeout > 0 {
		timeout = time.Duration(config.Timeout) * time.Second

	var tlsConfig *tls.Config
	if config.UseSSL {
		tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
			InsecureSkipVerify: config.SSLInsecureSkipVerify,

	var client redis.UniversalClient
	opts := &RedisOpts{
		MasterName:   config.MasterName,
		Addrs:        getRedisAddrs(config),
		DB:           config.Database,
		Password:     config.Password,
		PoolSize:     maxActive,
		IdleTimeout:  240 * time.Second,
		ReadTimeout:  timeout,
		WriteTimeout: timeout,
		DialTimeout:  timeout,
		TLSConfig:    tlsConfig,

	if opts.MasterName != "" {
		log.Info("--> [REDIS] Creating sentinel-backed failover client")
		client = redis.NewFailoverClient(opts.failover())
	} else if config.EnableCluster {
		log.Info("--> [REDIS] Creating cluster client")
		client = redis.NewClusterClient(opts.cluster())
	} else {
		log.Info("--> [REDIS] Creating single-node client")
		client = redis.NewClient(opts.simple())

	redisClusterSingleton = client

	return client

func getRedisAddrs(config genericoptions.RedisOptions) (addrs []string) {
	if len(config.Addrs) != 0 {
		addrs = config.Addrs

	if len(addrs) == 0 && config.Port != 0 {
		addr := config.Host + ":" + strconv.Itoa(config.Port)
		addrs = append(addrs, addr)

	return addrs

// RedisOpts is the overridden type of redis.UniversalOptions. simple() and cluster() functions are not public
// in redis library. Therefore, they are redefined in here to use in creation of new redis cluster logic.
// We don't want to use redis.NewUniversalClient() logic.
type RedisOpts redis.UniversalOptions

func (o *RedisOpts) cluster() *redis.ClusterOptions {
	if len(o.Addrs) == 0 {
		o.Addrs = []string{defaultRedisAddress}

	return &redis.ClusterOptions{
		Addrs:     o.Addrs,
		OnConnect: o.OnConnect,

		Password: o.Password,

		MaxRedirects:   o.MaxRedirects,
		ReadOnly:       o.ReadOnly,
		RouteByLatency: o.RouteByLatency,
		RouteRandomly:  o.RouteRandomly,

		MaxRetries:      o.MaxRetries,
		MinRetryBackoff: o.MinRetryBackoff,
		MaxRetryBackoff: o.MaxRetryBackoff,

		DialTimeout:        o.DialTimeout,
		ReadTimeout:        o.ReadTimeout,
		WriteTimeout:       o.WriteTimeout,
		PoolSize:           o.PoolSize,
		MinIdleConns:       o.MinIdleConns,
		MaxConnAge:         o.MaxConnAge,
		PoolTimeout:        o.PoolTimeout,
		IdleTimeout:        o.IdleTimeout,
		IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,

		TLSConfig: o.TLSConfig,

func (o *RedisOpts) simple() *redis.Options {
	addr := defaultRedisAddress
	if len(o.Addrs) > 0 {
		addr = o.Addrs[0]

	return &redis.Options{
		Addr:      addr,
		OnConnect: o.OnConnect,

		DB:       o.DB,
		Password: o.Password,

		MaxRetries:      o.MaxRetries,
		MinRetryBackoff: o.MinRetryBackoff,
		MaxRetryBackoff: o.MaxRetryBackoff,

		DialTimeout:  o.DialTimeout,
		ReadTimeout:  o.ReadTimeout,
		WriteTimeout: o.WriteTimeout,

		PoolSize:           o.PoolSize,
		MinIdleConns:       o.MinIdleConns,
		MaxConnAge:         o.MaxConnAge,
		PoolTimeout:        o.PoolTimeout,
		IdleTimeout:        o.IdleTimeout,
		IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,

		TLSConfig: o.TLSConfig,

func (o *RedisOpts) failover() *redis.FailoverOptions {
	if len(o.Addrs) == 0 {
		o.Addrs = []string{""}

	return &redis.FailoverOptions{
		SentinelAddrs: o.Addrs,
		MasterName:    o.MasterName,
		OnConnect:     o.OnConnect,

		DB:       o.DB,
		Password: o.Password,

		MaxRetries:      o.MaxRetries,
		MinRetryBackoff: o.MinRetryBackoff,
		MaxRetryBackoff: o.MaxRetryBackoff,

		DialTimeout:  o.DialTimeout,
		ReadTimeout:  o.ReadTimeout,
		WriteTimeout: o.WriteTimeout,

		PoolSize:           o.PoolSize,
		MinIdleConns:       o.MinIdleConns,
		MaxConnAge:         o.MaxConnAge,
		PoolTimeout:        o.PoolTimeout,
		IdleTimeout:        o.IdleTimeout,
		IdleCheckFrequency: o.IdleCheckFrequency,

		TLSConfig: o.TLSConfig,

// GetName returns the redis cluster storage manager name.
func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) GetName() string {
	return "redis"

// Init initialize the redis cluster storage manager.
func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) Init(config interface{}) error {
	r.Config = genericoptions.RedisOptions{}
	err := mapstructure.Decode(config, &r.Config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to decode configuration: %s", err.Error())

	r.KeyPrefix = RedisKeyPrefix

	return nil

// Connect will establish a connection to the r.db.
func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) Connect() bool {
	if r.db == nil {
		log.Debug("Connecting to redis cluster")
		r.db = NewRedisClusterPool(false, r.Config)

		return true

	log.Debug("Storage Engine already initialized...")

	// Reset it just in case
	r.db = redisClusterSingleton

	return true

func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) hashKey(in string) string {
	return in

func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) fixKey(keyName string) string {
	setKeyName := r.KeyPrefix + r.hashKey(keyName)

	log.Debugf("Input key was: %s", setKeyName)

	return setKeyName

// GetAndDeleteSet get and delete key from redis.
func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) GetAndDeleteSet(keyName string) []interface{} {
	log.Debugf("Getting raw key set: %s", keyName)

	if r.db == nil {
		log.Warn("Connection dropped, connecting..")

		return r.GetAndDeleteSet(keyName)

	log.Debugf("keyName is: %s", keyName)

	fixedKey := r.fixKey(keyName)

	log.Debugf("Fixed keyname is: %s", fixedKey)

	var lrange *redis.StringSliceCmd
	_, err := r.db.TxPipelined(func(pipe redis.Pipeliner) error {
		lrange = pipe.LRange(fixedKey, 0, -1)

		return nil
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Multi command failed: %s", err)

	vals := lrange.Val()

	result := make([]interface{}, len(vals))
	for i, v := range vals {
		result[i] = v

	log.Debugf("Unpacked vals: %d", len(result))

	return result

// SetKey will create (or update) a key value in the store.
func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) SetKey(keyName, session string, timeout int64) error {
	log.Debugf("[STORE] SET Raw key is: %s", keyName)
	log.Debugf("[STORE] Setting key: %s", r.fixKey(keyName))

	err := r.db.Set(r.fixKey(keyName), session, 0).Err()
	if timeout > 0 {
		if expErr := r.SetExp(keyName, timeout); expErr != nil {
			return expErr
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error trying to set value: %s", err.Error())

		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set key")

	return nil

// SetExp is used to set the expiry of a key.
func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) SetExp(keyName string, timeout int64) error {
	err := r.db.Expire(r.fixKey(keyName), time.Duration(timeout)*time.Second).Err()
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not EXPIRE key: %s", err.Error())

	return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to set expire time for key")

func (r *RedisClusterStorageManager) ensureConnection() {
	if r.db != nil {
		// already connected
	log.Info("Connection dropped, reconnecting...")
	for {
		if r.db != nil {
			// reconnection worked
		log.Info("Reconnecting again...")

4.3 pump


type AnalyticsRecord struct {
	TimeStamp  int64     `json:"timestamp"`
	Username   string    `json:"username"`
	Effect     string    `json:"effect"`
	Conclusion string    `json:"conclusion"`
	Request    string    `json:"request"`
	Policies   string    `json:"policies"`
	Deciders   string    `json:"deciders"`
	ExpireAt   time.Time `json:"expireAt"   bson:"expireAt"`


type Pump interface {
	GetName() string
	New() Pump
	Init(interface{}) error
	WriteData(context.Context, []interface{}) error
	SetTimeout(timeout int)
	GetTimeout() int

4.4 exporter


type AnalyticsRecord struct {
	TimeStamp  int64     `json:"timestamp"`
	Username   string    `json:"username"`
	Effect     string    `json:"effect"`
	Conclusion string    `json:"conclusion"`
	Request    string    `json:"request"`
	Policies   string    `json:"policies"`
	Deciders   string    `json:"deciders"`
	ExpireAt   time.Time `json:"expireAt"   bson:"expireAt"`


type AnalyticsExporter struct {
	storage storage.Storage
	pump    pump.Pump
	filter      []filter.Filters  //对数据进行过滤
	timeout               int
	OmitDetailedRecording bool  //将冗余字段置为空

func (e *AnalyticsExporter) Export() {
	//2. 转换为对应的数据结构
	//3. 过滤数据
	//4. 置空冗余字段
	//5. 导出数据
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