DMNet复现(一)之数据准备篇:Density map guided object detection in aerial image




import 复制代码
import cv2
import glob
import h5py
import scipy
import pickle
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from itertools import islice
from tqdm import tqdm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import argparse

Code for DMnet, density map ground truth generation
Author: Changlin Li
Code revised on : 7/15/2020

Given dataset(train/val/test) generate ground truth for given dataset.
Default format for source data: The input images are in jpg format and raw annotations are in txt format 
(Based on Visiondrone 2018/19/20 dataset)

Sample code to run:

python . gaussian_kernels.pkl distances_dict.pkl --mode val

# point_class_pair = {}
# annotation_stats = {0: 17, 1: 14, 2: 20, 3: 32, 4: 35, 5: 45, 6: 29, 7: 30, 8: 46, 9: 18}
# min_sigma, max_sigma = min(annotation_stats.values()), max(annotation_stats.values())
# print(min_sigma, max_sigma)

def get_img_paths(path_sets):
    Return all images from all pathes in 'path_sets'
    img_paths = []
    for path in path_sets:
        for img_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.jpg')):
    return img_paths

def save_computed_density(density_map, out_path):
    Save density map to h5py format
    with h5py.File(out_path, 'w') as hf:
        hf['density'] = density_map

def compute_sigma(gt_count, distance=None, min_sigma=1, method=1, fixed_sigma=15):
    Compute sigma for gaussian kernel with different methods :
    * method = 1 : sigma = (sum of distance to 3 nearest neighbors) / 10
    * method = 2 : sigma = distance to nearest neighbor
    * method = 3 : sigma = fixed value
    ** if sigma lower than threshold 'min_sigma', then 'min_sigma' will be used
    ** in case of one point on the image sigma = 'fixed_sigma'
    if gt_count > 1 and distance is not None:
        if method == 1:
            sigma = np.mean(distance[1:4]) * 0.1
        elif method == 2:
            sigma = distance[1]
        elif method == 3:
            sigma = fixed_sigma
        sigma = fixed_sigma
    if sigma < min_sigma:
        sigma = min_sigma
    return sigma

def find_closest_key(sorted_dict, key):
    Find closest key in sorted_dict to 'key'
    keys = list(islice(sorted_dict.irange(minimum=key), 1))
    keys.extend(islice(sorted_dict.irange(maximum=key, reverse=True), 1))
    return min(keys, key=lambda k: abs(key - k))

def gaussian_filter_density(non_zero_points, map_h, map_w, distances=None, kernels_dict=None, min_sigma=2, method=1,
    Fast gaussian filter implementation : using precomputed distances and kernels
    gt_count = non_zero_points.shape[0]
    density_map = np.zeros((map_h, map_w), dtype=np.float32)

    for i in range(gt_count):
        point_x, point_y, category = non_zero_points[i]
        sigma = compute_sigma(gt_count, distances[i], min_sigma=min_sigma, method=method, fixed_sigma=const_sigma)
        # closest_sigma = annotation_stats[category]
        closest_sigma = find_closest_key(kernels_dict, sigma)
        # print(i,closest_sigma)
        kernel = kernels_dict[closest_sigma]
        full_kernel_size = kernel.shape[0]
        kernel_size = full_kernel_size // 2

        min_img_x = max(0, point_x - kernel_size)
        min_img_y = max(0, point_y - kernel_size)
        max_img_x = min(point_x + kernel_size + 1, map_w - 1)
        max_img_y = min(point_y + kernel_size + 1, map_h - 1)
        assert max_img_x > min_img_x
        assert max_img_y > min_img_y

        kernel_x_min = kernel_size - point_x if point_x <= kernel_size else 0
        kernel_y_min = kernel_size - point_y if point_y <= kernel_size else 0
        kernel_x_max = kernel_x_min + max_img_x - min_img_x
        kernel_y_max = kernel_y_min + max_img_y - min_img_y
        assert kernel_x_max > kernel_x_min
        assert kernel_y_max > kernel_y_min

        density_map[min_img_y:max_img_y, min_img_x:max_img_x] += kernel[kernel_y_min:kernel_y_max,
    return density_map

def get_gt_dots(ann_path, img_height, img_width, mode="train"):
    Load Matlab file with ground truth labels and save it to numpy array.
    ** cliping is needed to prevent going out of the array
    txt_list = open(ann_path, 'r').readlines()
    gt = format_label(mode, txt_list)
    assert gt.shape[1] == 3
    gt[:, 0] = gt[:, 0].clip(0, img_width - 1)
    gt[:, 1] = gt[:, 1].clip(0, img_height - 1)
    return gt

def set_circles_on_img(image, bbox_list, circle_size=2):
    Set circles on images at centers of bboxes in bbox_list
    for bbox in bbox_list:, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), circle_size, (255, 0, 0), -1)
    return image

def generate_gaussian_kernels(out_kernels_path='gaussian_kernels.pkl', round_decimals=3, sigma_threshold=4, sigma_min=0,
                              sigma_max=20, num_sigmas=801):
    Computing gaussian filter kernel for sigmas in linspace(sigma_min, sigma_max, num_sigmas) and saving 
    them to dict.     
    if os.path.exists(out_kernels_path):
        # If kernel has been pre-computed, then return
        print("Kernel already created!\nExiting...\n")
    kernels_dict = dict()
    sigma_space = np.linspace(sigma_min, sigma_max, num_sigmas)
    for sigma in tqdm(sigma_space):
        sigma = np.round(sigma, decimals=round_decimals)
        kernel_size = np.ceil(sigma * sigma_threshold).astype(

        img_shape = (kernel_size * 2 + 1, kernel_size * 2 + 1)
        img_center = (img_shape[0] // 2, img_shape[1] // 2)

        arr = np.zeros(img_shape)
        arr[img_center] = 1

        arr = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(arr, sigma, mode='constant')
        kernel = arr / arr.sum()
        kernels_dict[sigma] = kernel

    print(f'Computed {len(sigma_space)} gaussian kernels. Saving them to {out_kernels_path}')
    with open(out_kernels_path, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(kernels_dict, f)

def compute_distances(out_dist_path='distances_dict.pkl', raw_label_dir='D:/BaiduNetdiskDownload/VisDrone', n_neighbors=4,
                      leafsize=1024, data_limit=None, mode="train", img_affix=".jpg"):
    if os.path.exists(out_dist_path):
        # If distance has been computed, then directly load distance file.
        print("Distrance pre-computation already created!\nExiting...\n")
    distances_dict = dict()
    full_img_paths = glob.glob(f'{raw_label_dir}/VisDrone2019-DET-train/images/*' + img_affix) + \
                     glob.glob(f'{raw_label_dir}/VisDrone2019-DET-val/images/*' + img_affix) + \
                     glob.glob(f'{raw_label_dir}/VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev/images/*' + img_affix)

    if data_limit and data_limit < len(full_img_paths):
        full_img_paths = full_img_paths[:data_limit]

    for img_path in tqdm(full_img_paths):
        ann_path = img_path.replace(img_affix, '.txt')
        ann_path = ann_path.replace("images", "annotations")
        img = plt.imread(img_path)
        non_zero_points = get_gt_dots(ann_path, *img.shape[0:2], mode=mode)
        tree = KDTree(non_zero_points.copy(), leafsize=leafsize)  # build kdtree
        distances, _ = tree.query(non_zero_points, k=n_neighbors)  # query kdtree
        distances_dict[img_path] = distances

    print(f'Distances computed for {len(full_img_paths)}. Saving them to {out_dist_path}')

    with open(out_dist_path, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(distances_dict, f)

def format_label(mode, txt_list):
    format_data = []
    # required format: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, class_id, clockwise direction
    # Given format: <bbox_left>,<bbox_top>,<bbox_width>,<bbox_height>,class_id
    for idx, i in enumerate(txt_list):
        coord_raw = [int(x) for x in i.replace("\n", "").split(',') if len(x) != 0]
        coord = coord_raw[:6]
        # print(coord)
        if len(coord) != 6:
            # 4 coord + 1 class
            print("Failed to parse annotation!")
        # if coord[-1] not in class_list and coord[-1]>len(class_list):
        #     print('warning found a new label :', coord[-1])
        #     exit()
        if coord[2] <= 0 or coord[3] <= 0:
            print("Error encountered!\nFind out 0 height(width)!")
            print("This bounding box has been discarded! ")
            # print("Pull out corrd matrix:\n")
            # print(coord)
            # exit(-1)
        if not 0 < coord[-1] < 11:
            # class 0 and 11 are not in our interest
        if mode == "VisDrone2019-DET-val" or "VisDrone2019-DET-test":
            # in this case, score is the last 2 element.
            # No consideration for score 0 in eval
            if int(coord[-2]) == 0:
            if int(coord_raw[-2]) == 2:
        bbox_left, bbox_top = coord[0], coord[1]
        bbox_right, bbox_bottom = coord[0] + coord[2], coord[1] + coord[3]
        # Scale class number back to range 0-9
        center_x, center_y = int((bbox_left + bbox_right) * 0.5), int((bbox_top + bbox_bottom) * 0.5)
        format_data.append([center_x, center_y, coord[-1] - 1])
        # if not filename:
        #     continue
        # if filename not in point_class_pair:
        #     point_class_pair[filename] = {}
        # coord_pair = str(center_x) + " " + str(center_y)
        # if coord_pair not in point_class_pair[filename]:
        #     point_class_pair[filename][coord_pair] = coord[-1] - 1
        # else:
        #     if point_class_pair[filename][coord_pair] != coord[-1] - 1:
        #         assert True, \
        #             "duplicate coordination shows in current file : " + str(filename)

    return np.array(format_data)

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='DMNet--Density map ground truth generation')
    parser.add_argument('root_dir', default=".",
                        help='the path for source data')
    parser.add_argument('precomputed_kernels_path', default="gaussian_kernels.pkl",
                        help='the path to save precomputed kernels')
    parser.add_argument('precomputed_distances_path', default="distances_dict.pkl",
                        help='the path to save precomputed distance')
    parser.add_argument('--image_prefix', default=".jpg", help='the path to save precomputed distance')
    parser.add_argument('--mode', default="train", help='Indicate if you are working on train/val/test set')
    parser.add_argument('--showden', action='store_true', help='show results')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # General setup
    args = parse_args()
    data_limit = None
    precomputed_kernels_path = args.precomputed_kernels_path
    precomputed_distances_path = args.precomputed_distances_path
    img_affix = args.image_prefix
    showden = args.showden
    mode = args.mode
    root_dir = args.root_dir
    min_sigma = 0
    max_sigma = 20

    # create dir to save train/val density map
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('/root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/VisDrone2019-DET-train', 'dens')):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join('/root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/VisDrone2019-DET-train', 'dens'), exist_ok=True)
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('/root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/VisDrone2019-DET-val', 'dens')):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join('/root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/VisDrone2019-DET-val', 'dens'), exist_ok=True)
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('/root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev', 'dens')):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join('/root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev', 'dens'), exist_ok=True)

    # create pre-computed kernel to speed up density map generation
    generate_gaussian_kernels(precomputed_kernels_path, round_decimals=3, sigma_threshold=4,
                              sigma_min=min_sigma, sigma_max=max_sigma, num_sigmas=801)

    with open(precomputed_kernels_path, 'rb') as f:
        kernels_dict = pickle.load(f)
        kernels_dict = SortedDict(kernels_dict)

    # uncomment to generate and save dict with distances
    compute_distances(out_dist_path=precomputed_distances_path, raw_label_dir=root_dir, mode=mode)
    with open(precomputed_distances_path, 'rb') as f:
        distances_dict = pickle.load(f)
    # print(distances_dict)
    data_root = mode
    img_paths = glob.glob(f'{root_dir}/{data_root}/images/*.jpg')
    method = 3
    const_sigma = 15

    with open(str(mode) + ".txt", "w") as fileloader:
        # Prepared for the training algorithms that requires a txt output file
        # with all input images listed
        for img_path in tqdm(img_paths):
            data_folder, img_sub_path = img_path.split('images')

            ann_path = img_path.replace(img_affix, '.txt')
            ann_path = ann_path.replace("images", 'annotations')
            # load img and gt
            img =
            # print(img_path)
            width, height = img.size
            gt_points = get_gt_dots(ann_path, height, width, mode=mode)

            distances = distances_dict[img_path]
            density_map = gaussian_filter_density(gt_points, height, width, distances,
                                                  kernels_dict, min_sigma=min_sigma, method=method,

            den_name = os.path.join(root_dir, data_root, "dens", img_path.split("/")[-1].replace("jpg", "npy"))
            if showden:
                plt.imshow(density_map, alpha=0.75)
      , density_map)


bash 复制代码
# 生成训练集gt密度图
python image_cropping/ /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019 gaussian_kernels.pkl distances_dict.pkl --mode VisDrone2019-DET-train
# 生成验证集gt密度图
python image_cropping/ /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019 gaussian_kernels.pkl distances_dict.pkl --mode VisDrone2019-DET-val
# 生成测试集gt密度图
python image_cropping/ /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019 gaussian_kernels.pkl distances_dict.pkl --mode VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev

在以上文件夹 生成了如下的dens文件夹 保存了密度图的npy文件。


根据官方仓库说明 下载MCNN代码 进行训练预测即可


bash 复制代码
# 生成训练集
python image_cropping/ /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019 70_70 0.08 --output_folder /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/Crop_70_0.08  --mode VisDrone2019-DET-train
# 生成验证集
python image_cropping/ /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019 70_70 0.08 --output_folder /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/Crop_70_0.08  --mode VisDrone2019-DET-val

# 生成测试集
python image_cropping/ /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019 70_70 0.08 --output_folder /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/Crop_70_0.08  --mode VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev







bash 复制代码
# 生成测试集的voc格式
python fusion_detection/ /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019 --output_folder VisDrone2019_finally --mode VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev
# 生成测试集的coco格式
python fusion_detection/ /root/autodl-tmp/VisDrone2019/VisDrone2019_finally --mode VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev





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