



python 复制代码
torch.nn.Linear(in_features, # 输入的神经元个数
           out_features, # 输出神经元个数
           bias=True # 是否包含偏置


Linear(1, 1) : 表示一维输入,一维输出





python 复制代码
import torch

x_data = torch.tensor([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0]])  # 将x_data设置为tensor类型数据
y_data = torch.tensor([[2.0], [4.0], [6.0]])

class LinearModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(LinearModel, self).__init__()  # 继承父类
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(1, 1)
        # 用torch.nn.Linear来构造对象  (y = w * x + b)
    def forward(self, x):
        y_pred = self.linear(x) #调用之前的构造的对象(调用构造函数),计算 y = w * x + b
        return y_pred

model = LinearModel()

criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=False)  # 定义损失函数,不求平均损失(为False)

# #model.parameters()会扫描module中的所有成员,如果成员中有相应权重,那么都会将结果加到要训练的参数集合上
# #类似权重的更新
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)  # 定义梯度优化器为随机梯度下降

for epoch in range(10000):  # 训练过程
    y_pred = model(x_data)  # 向前传播,求y_pred
    loss = criterion(y_pred, y_data)  # 根据y_pred和y_data求损失
    print(epoch, loss)
    # 记住在backward之前要先梯度归零
    optimizer.zero_grad()  # 将优化器数值清零
    loss.backward()  # 反向传播,计算梯度
    optimizer.step()  # 根据梯度更新参数

print("w = ", model.linear.weight.item())
print("b = ", model.linear.bias.item())

x_test = torch.tensor([4.0])
y_test = model(x_test)
print('y_pred = ', y_test.data)  # 测试


9961 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9962 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9963 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9964 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9965 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9966 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9967 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9968 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9969 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9970 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9971 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9972 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9973 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9974 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9975 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9976 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9977 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9978 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9979 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9980 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9981 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9982 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9983 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9984 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9985 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9986 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9987 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9988 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9989 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9990 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9991 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9992 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9993 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9994 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9995 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9996 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9997 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9998 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

9999 tensor(4.0927e-12, grad_fn=)

w = 1.9999985694885254
b = 2.979139480885351e-06
y_pred = tensor([8.0000])


模型的准确性,跟轮数的多少有关系 ,如果轮数为100,最后测试结果的y_pred肯定不为8.00,这里轮数为10000,预测结果跟实际结果基本一样
这里是轮数为100,结果是 7点多,有一定误差

0 tensor(101.4680, grad_fn=)

1 tensor(45.8508, grad_fn=)

2 tensor(21.0819, grad_fn=)

3 tensor(10.0458, grad_fn=)

4 tensor(5.1234, grad_fn=)

5 tensor(2.9227, grad_fn=)

6 tensor(1.9338, grad_fn=)

7 tensor(1.4844, grad_fn=)

8 tensor(1.2754, grad_fn=)

9 tensor(1.1736, grad_fn=)

10 tensor(1.1195, grad_fn=)

11 tensor(1.0869, grad_fn=)

12 tensor(1.0639, grad_fn=)

13 tensor(1.0453, grad_fn=)

14 tensor(1.0288, grad_fn=)

15 tensor(1.0134, grad_fn=)

16 tensor(0.9985, grad_fn=)

17 tensor(0.9841, grad_fn=)

18 tensor(0.9699, grad_fn=)

19 tensor(0.9559, grad_fn=)

20 tensor(0.9421, grad_fn=)

21 tensor(0.9286, grad_fn=)

22 tensor(0.9153, grad_fn=)

23 tensor(0.9021, grad_fn=)

24 tensor(0.8891, grad_fn=)

25 tensor(0.8764, grad_fn=)

26 tensor(0.8638, grad_fn=)

27 tensor(0.8513, grad_fn=)

28 tensor(0.8391, grad_fn=)

29 tensor(0.8271, grad_fn=)

30 tensor(0.8152, grad_fn=)

31 tensor(0.8034, grad_fn=)

32 tensor(0.7919, grad_fn=)

33 tensor(0.7805, grad_fn=)

34 tensor(0.7693, grad_fn=)

35 tensor(0.7582, grad_fn=)

36 tensor(0.7474, grad_fn=)

37 tensor(0.7366, grad_fn=)

38 tensor(0.7260, grad_fn=)

39 tensor(0.7156, grad_fn=)

40 tensor(0.7053, grad_fn=)

41 tensor(0.6952, grad_fn=)

42 tensor(0.6852, grad_fn=)

43 tensor(0.6753, grad_fn=)

44 tensor(0.6656, grad_fn=)

45 tensor(0.6561, grad_fn=)

46 tensor(0.6466, grad_fn=)

47 tensor(0.6373, grad_fn=)

48 tensor(0.6282, grad_fn=)

49 tensor(0.6192, grad_fn=)

50 tensor(0.6103, grad_fn=)

51 tensor(0.6015, grad_fn=)

52 tensor(0.5928, grad_fn=)

53 tensor(0.5843, grad_fn=)

54 tensor(0.5759, grad_fn=)

55 tensor(0.5676, grad_fn=)

56 tensor(0.5595, grad_fn=)

57 tensor(0.5514, grad_fn=)

58 tensor(0.5435, grad_fn=)

59 tensor(0.5357, grad_fn=)

60 tensor(0.5280, grad_fn=)

61 tensor(0.5204, grad_fn=)

62 tensor(0.5129, grad_fn=)

63 tensor(0.5056, grad_fn=)

64 tensor(0.4983, grad_fn=)

65 tensor(0.4911, grad_fn=)

66 tensor(0.4841, grad_fn=)

67 tensor(0.4771, grad_fn=)

68 tensor(0.4703, grad_fn=)

69 tensor(0.4635, grad_fn=)

70 tensor(0.4569, grad_fn=)

71 tensor(0.4503, grad_fn=)

72 tensor(0.4438, grad_fn=)

73 tensor(0.4374, grad_fn=)

74 tensor(0.4311, grad_fn=)

75 tensor(0.4250, grad_fn=)

76 tensor(0.4188, grad_fn=)

77 tensor(0.4128, grad_fn=)

78 tensor(0.4069, grad_fn=)

79 tensor(0.4010, grad_fn=)

80 tensor(0.3953, grad_fn=)

81 tensor(0.3896, grad_fn=)

82 tensor(0.3840, grad_fn=)

83 tensor(0.3785, grad_fn=)

84 tensor(0.3730, grad_fn=)

85 tensor(0.3677, grad_fn=)

86 tensor(0.3624, grad_fn=)

87 tensor(0.3572, grad_fn=)

88 tensor(0.3521, grad_fn=)

89 tensor(0.3470, grad_fn=)

90 tensor(0.3420, grad_fn=)

91 tensor(0.3371, grad_fn=)

92 tensor(0.3322, grad_fn=)

93 tensor(0.3275, grad_fn=)

94 tensor(0.3228, grad_fn=)

95 tensor(0.3181, grad_fn=)

96 tensor(0.3136, grad_fn=)

97 tensor(0.3091, grad_fn=)

98 tensor(0.3046, grad_fn=)

99 tensor(0.3002, grad_fn=)

w = 1.6352288722991943

b = 0.8292105793952942

y_pred = tensor([7.3701])

Process finished with exit code 0

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