摘 要
As the online game market continues to hot, its most obvious negative impact ---- "addiction to online games" has become a hot issue of general concern in the current society. According to the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Games, which came into effect on August 1, 2010, users of online games need to register with their real names using valid id cards. Users under the age of 18 will be subject to a nationwide anti-addiction system to ensure smooth gaming experience, enjoy a healthy gaming life and protect the physical and mental health of minors. And these online game anti-addiction system is mainly launched by game manufacturers, so each game anti-addiction system is only for one game, can not solve the problem of teenagers playing multiple games and having too much game time. Therefore, it is necessary to design a game addiction monitoring system for end users to solve the above problems.
The development of anti-addiction software can effectively control the specific Internet time of minors, reasonable arrangement of the use of time direction, so that the combination of work and rest.
This system uses Springboot framework development background, database using MySQL, complete the development of system function modules.
Key words :Springboot framework; Anti-addiction system; The MYSQL database
[1 绪 论](#1 绪 论)
[2 相关技术介绍](#2 相关技术介绍)
[2.1 Springboot技术](#2.1 Springboot技术)
[2.2 bootstrap](#2.2 bootstrap)
[2.3 MYSQL数据库](#2.3 MYSQL数据库)
[2.4 springmvc](#2.4 springmvc)
[2.5 Spring](#2.5 Spring)
[2.6 MyBatis](#2.6 MyBatis)
[3 系统分析](#3 系统分析)
[3.2.4 法律可行性](#3.2.4 法律可行性)
[4 系统设计](#4 系统设计)
[5 系统实现](#5 系统实现)
[6 系统测试](#6 系统测试)
[6.2.1 黑盒测试](#6.2.1 黑盒测试)
[6.2.2 白盒测试](#6.2.2 白盒测试)
[总 结](#总 结)
[致 谢](#致 谢)
# coding=utf-8
import random
import sys
import math
from operator import itemgetter
import pymysql
from rate import Rate
from tool import db
class ItemBasedCF():
# 初始化参数
def __init__(self):
self.n_sim_movie = 8
self.n_rec_movie = 4
self.trainSet = {}
self.testSet = {}
self.movie_sim_matrix = {}
self.movie_popular = {}
self.movie_count = 0
print('Similar movie number = %d' % self.n_sim_movie)
print('Recommneded movie number = %d' % self.n_rec_movie)
def get_dataset(self, pivot=0.75):
trainSet_len = 0
testSet_len = 0
# sql = ' select * from tb_rate'
results = db.session.query(Rate).all()
# print(results)
for item in results:
user, movie, rating = item.uid, item.iid, item.rate
self.trainSet.setdefault(user, {})
self.trainSet[user][movie] = rating
trainSet_len += 1
self.testSet.setdefault(user, {})
self.testSet[user][movie] = rating
testSet_len += 1
# cnn.close()
# db.session.close()
print('Split trainingSet and testSet success!')
print('TrainSet = %s' % trainSet_len)
print('TestSet = %s' % testSet_len)
# 读文件,返回文件的每一行
def load_file(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
if i == 0: # 去掉文件第一行的title
yield line.strip('\r\n')
print('Load %s success!' % filename)
# 计算电影之间的相似度
def calc_movie_sim(self):
for user, movies in self.trainSet.items():
for movie in movies:
if movie not in self.movie_popular:
self.movie_popular[movie] = 0
self.movie_popular[movie] += 1
self.movie_count = len(self.movie_popular)
print("Total movie number = %d" % self.movie_count)
for user, movies in self.trainSet.items():
for m1 in movies:
for m2 in movies:
if m1 == m2:
self.movie_sim_matrix.setdefault(m1, {})
self.movie_sim_matrix[m1].setdefault(m2, 0)
self.movie_sim_matrix[m1][m2] += 1
print("Build co-rated users matrix success!")
# 计算电影之间的相似性 similarity matrix
print("Calculating movie similarity matrix ...")
for m1, related_movies in self.movie_sim_matrix.items():
for m2, count in related_movies.items():
# 注意0向量的处理,即某电影的用户数为0
if self.movie_popular[m1] == 0 or self.movie_popular[m2] == 0:
self.movie_sim_matrix[m1][m2] = 0
self.movie_sim_matrix[m1][m2] = count / math.sqrt(self.movie_popular[m1] * self.movie_popular[m2])
print('Calculate movie similarity matrix success!')
# 针对目标用户U,找到K部相似的电影,并推荐其N部电影
def recommend(self, user):
K = self.n_sim_movie
N = self.n_rec_movie
rank = {}
if user > len(self.trainSet):
user = random.randint(1, len(self.trainSet))
watched_movies = self.trainSet[user]
for movie, rating in watched_movies.items():
for related_movie, w in sorted(self.movie_sim_matrix[movie].items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:K]:
if related_movie in watched_movies:
rank.setdefault(related_movie, 0)
rank[related_movie] += w * float(rating)
return sorted(rank.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:N]
# 产生推荐并通过准确率、召回率和覆盖率进行评估
def evaluate(self):
print('Evaluating start ...')
N = self.n_rec_movie
# 准确率和召回率
hit = 0
rec_count = 0
test_count = 0
# 覆盖率
all_rec_movies = set()
for i, user in enumerate(self.trainSet):
test_moives = self.testSet.get(user, {})
rec_movies = self.recommend(user)
for movie, w in rec_movies:
if movie in test_moives:
hit += 1
rec_count += N
test_count += len(test_moives)
precision = hit / (1.0 * rec_count)
recall = hit / (1.0 * test_count)
coverage = len(all_rec_movies) / (1.0 * self.movie_count)
print('precisioin=%.4f\trecall=%.4f\tcoverage=%.4f' % (precision, recall, coverage))
def rec_one(self,userId):
rec_movies = self.recommend(userId)
# print(rec_movies)
return rec_movies
# 推荐算法接口
def recommend(userId):
itemCF = ItemBasedCF()
reclist = []
recs = itemCF.rec_one(userId)
return recs
if __name__ == '__main__':
param1 = sys.argv[1]
# param1 = "1"
result = recommend(int(param1))
list = []
for r in result:
list.append(dict(iid=r[0], rate=r[1]))