%pip install imagecodecs
%pip install rasterio
# Installed libraries
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import imagecodecs
import pywt
import pywt.data
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage import img_as_float
from pywt import swt2, iswt2
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import grey_opening
from typing import Optional
import rasterio
from rasterio.plot import show
from skimage.util import view_as_windows
General functions
def read_tiff_img(input_path: str) -> np.ndarray:
with rasterio.open(input_path) as src:
return src.read(1), src.meta
def save_tiff_img(output_path: str, img: np.ndarray, meta=None):
if not meta:
meta = {
"driver": "GTiff",
"height": img.shape[0],
"width": img.shape[1],
"count": 3,
"dtype": img.dtype,
import rasterio
with rasterio.open(
) as dst:
dst.write(img[:, :, 0], 1)
dst.write(img[:, :, 1], 2)
dst.write(img[:, :, 2], 3)
def create_rgb_image(red_band_path: str,
green_band_path: str,
blue_band_path: str,
output_path: str):
# Read the bands using rasterio
with rasterio.open(red_band_path) as src_red:
R = src_red.read(1)
meta = src_red.meta
with rasterio.open(green_band_path) as src_green:
G = src_green.read(1)
with rasterio.open(blue_band_path) as src_blue:
B = src_blue.read(1)
RGB = np.stack((R, G, B), axis=-1)
'count': 3,
save_tiff_img(output_path, RGB, meta=meta)
return RGB, meta
def save_tiff_img_single_band(output_path: str, img: np.ndarray, meta=None):
if not meta:
meta = {
"driver": "GTiff",
"height": img.shape[0],
"width": img.shape[1],
"count": 1,
"dtype": img.dtype,
import rasterio
with rasterio.open(
) as dst:
dst.write(img, 1)
Use Fourier transform to filter noise from Landsat8 image
Input: pandchromatic image
ex1_band8_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20200730_20200908_02_T1_B8.TIF"
ex1_band8, ex1_band8_metadata = read_tiff_img(ex1_band8_url)

Use fourier transform to filter noise
Convert the image to the frequency domain.
Shift the image in the frequency domain so that the zero frequency and low frequencies are centered in the image; otherwise, these frequencies will start at the top left of the image.
Create a mask filter in the frequency domain.
Apply the mask filter in the frequency domain.
Shift the image back to the top left position.
Use the inverse Fourier transform to convert the image back to the spatial domain.
def denoise_img_fourier_transform(img: np.ndarray, mask_radius: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Reduce noise from image
img (np.ndarray): Input image
mask_radius (int): Radius used for filtering image in frequent domain
np.ndarray: Ouput image (after reduce noise)
# 1.
dft = cv2.dft(np.float64(img), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
# # 2.
dft_shift = np.fft.fftshift(dft)# only for plot purpose magnitude_spectrum = 20 * np.log(cv2.magnitude(dft_shift[:, :, 0], dft_shift[:, :, 1])) # 3. # Get center of image rows, cols = img.shape crow, ccol = int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2) center = [crow, ccol] # Mask filter with size is the same with original image, value = 0 if pixel # is out of radius (from origin) and 1 otherwise mask = np.ones((rows, cols, 2), np.uint16) x, y = np.ogrid[:rows, :cols] mask_area = (x - center[0]) ** 2 + (y - center[1]) ** 2 > mask_radius * mask_radius mask[mask_area] = 0 # 4. fshift = dft_shift * mask # Tính toán biểu đồ biên độ (cho mục đích vẽ) fshift_mask_magnitude = 20 * np.log(cv2.magnitude(fshift[:, :, 0], fshift[:, :, 1])) # 5. f_ishift = np.fft.ifftshift(fshift) # 6. # Result is 2D complex array img_back = cv2.idft(f_ishift) # Get magnitude of every point to get real value img_back = cv2.magnitude(img_back[:, :, 0], img_back[:, :, 1]) # Plot result # fig, ax = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # ax.imshow(img, cmap='gray') # ax.title.set_text('Input Image') # fig, ax = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap="gray") # plt.title('FFT of image') plt.imshow(fshift_mask_magnitude, cmap="gray") plt.title("FFT + Mask") # ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) # ax3.imshow(fshift_mask_magnitude, cmap='gray') # ax3.title.set_text('FFT + Mask') # ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4) # ax4.imshow(img_back, cmap='gray') # ax4.title.set_text('After inverse FFT') # plt.show() return img_back
cleaned_img = denoise_img_fourier_transform(img=ex1_band8, mask_radius=400)
normalized_cleaned_img = ((cleaned_img - np.min(cleaned_img))
/ (np.max(cleaned_img) - np.min(cleaned_img)))
cleaned_img = (normalized_cleaned_img * (2**16 - 1)).astype(np.uint16)save_tiff_img_single_band("images/clean_img.TIF", cleaned_img, ex1_band8_metadata)

def mad(image: np.ndarray) -> float:
# Calculate the median of the image
median = np.median(image)
# Calculate the absolute deviation from the median
absolute_deviation = np.abs(image - median)
# Calculate the MAD
mad = np.median(absolute_deviation)
return mad
def lv(image: np.ndarray, window_size: int) -> float:
# Extract sliding windows from the image
windows = view_as_windows(image, (window_size, window_size))
# Calculate the variance of each window
local_variances = np.var(windows, axis=(2, 3))
# Estimate the noise variance as the median of local variances
noise_variance = np.median(local_variances)
return noise_variance
print("Before using Fourier Transform to reduce noise:")
print("{:<5}:{:.4f}".format("MAD", mad(ex1_band8)))
print("{:<5}:{:.4f}".format("LV", lv(ex1_band8, 8)))
print("-" * 100)
cleaned_img = cleaned_img.astype(np.uint8)
print("{:<5}:{:.4f}".format("MAD", mad(cleaned_img)))
print("{:<5}:{:.4f}".format("LV", lv(cleaned_img, 8)))
Before using Fourier Transform to reduce noise:
MAD :608.0000
LV :398552.4841
MAD :64.0000
LV :5344.7888
Use wavelet transform for Landsat8 image
ex3_band2_url = "images/LC08_L2SP_127045_20141002_20200910_02_T1_SR_B2.TIF"
ex3_band3_url = "images/LC08_L2SP_127045_20141002_20200910_02_T1_SR_B3.TIF"
ex3_band4_url = "images/LC08_L2SP_127045_20141002_20200910_02_T1_SR_B4.TIF"
ex3_rgb_url = "images/LC08_L2SP_127045_20141002_20200910_02_T1_SR_RGB.TIF"
ex3_band2= rasterio.open(ex3_band2_url)
ex3_band3 = rasterio.open(ex3_band3_url)
ex3_band4 = rasterio.open(ex3_band4_url)
fig, (axr, axg, axb) = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(21,7))
show(ex3_band4.read(1), ax=axr, cmap='Reds', title='red channel')
show(ex3_band3.read(1), ax=axg, cmap='Greens', title='green channel')
show(ex3_band2.read(1), ax=axb, cmap='Blues', title='blue channel')
ex3_rgb, ex3_rgb_meta = create_rgb_image(ex3_band4_url, ex3_band3_url, ex3_band2_url, ex3_rgb_url)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
show(ex3_rgb.transpose((2, 0, 1)), adjust=True)


Use wavelet tranform
# Wavelet transform of image, and plot approximation and details
titles = ["approx", "horz_det",
"verz_det", "diag_det"]
coeffs2 = pywt.dwt2(ex3_rgb.transpose((2, 0, 1)), "bior1.3")
LL, (LH, HL, HH) = coeffs2
for idx, img in enumerate([LL, LH, HL, HH]):
save_tiff_img("images/{}.tif".format(titles[idx]), img, ex3_rgb_meta)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
show(img, ax=ax, adjust=True)




Apply wavelet transform for defogging
ex4_band2_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20220618_20220630_02_T1_B2.TIF"
ex4_band3_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20220618_20220630_02_T1_B3.TIF"
ex4_band4_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20220618_20220630_02_T1_B4.TIF"
ex4_rgb_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20220618_20220630_02_T1_RGB.TIF"
ex4_rgb, ex4_rgb_metadata = create_rgb_image(
show(ex4_rgb.transpose((2, 0, 1)), adjust=True)

Use Wavelet transform for defogging
def RF(img: np.ndarray, sigma_s: float, sigma_r: int, num_iterations: int=3, joint_image: Optional[np.ndarray]=None):
"""Domain transform recursive edge-preserving filter
img (np.ndarray): Input image to be filtered.
sigma_s (float): Filter spatial standard deviation.
sigma_r (int): Filter range standard deviation.
num_iterations (int): Number of iterations to perform (default: 3).
joint_image (Optional[np.ndarray]): Optional image for joint filtering.
I = img.astype(np.float64)
if joint_image is not None:
J = joint_image.astype(np.float64)
if I.shape[:2] != J.shape[:2]:
raise ValueError('Input and joint images must have equal width and height.')
J = I
# Temporary change
J = np.stack((J,) * 1, axis=-1)
I = np.stack((I,) * 1, axis=-1)
h, w, num_joint_channels = J.shape
# Compute the domain transform (Equation 11 of the paper).
dIcdx = np.diff(J, axis=1)
dIcdy = np.diff(J, axis=0)
dIdx = np.zeros((h, w))
dIdy = np.zeros((h, w))
# Compute the l1-norm distance of neighbor pixels.
for c in range(num_joint_channels):
dIdx[:, 1:] += np.abs(dIcdx[:, :, c])
dIdy[1:, :] += np.abs(dIcdy[:, :, c])
# Compute the derivatives of the horizontal and vertical domain transforms.
dHdx = 1 + sigma_s / sigma_r * dIdx
dVdy = 1 + sigma_s / sigma_r * dIdy
# The vertical pass is performed using a transposed image.
dVdy = dVdy.T
# Perform the filtering.
N = num_iterations
F = I.copy()
sigma_H = sigma_s
for i in range(num_iterations):
# Compute the sigma value for this iteration (Equation 14 of the paper).
sigma_H_i = sigma_H * np.sqrt(3) * 2**(N - (i + 1)) / np.sqrt(4**N - 1)
F = TransformedDomainRecursiveFilter_Horizontal(F, dHdx, sigma_H_i)
F = image_transpose(F)
F = TransformedDomainRecursiveFilter_Horizontal(F, dVdy, sigma_H_i)
F = image_transpose(F)
return F.astype(img.dtype)
def TransformedDomainRecursiveFilter_Horizontal(I, D, sigma):
# Feedback coefficient (Appendix of the paper).
a = np.exp(-np.sqrt(2) / sigma)
F = I.copy()
V = a**D
h, w, num_channels = I.shape
# Left -> Right filter.
for i in range(1, w):
for c in range(num_channels):
F[:, i, c] += V[:, i] * (F[:, i - 1, c] - F[:, i, c])
# Right -> Left filter.
for i in range(w - 2, -1, -1):
for c in range(num_channels):
F[:, i, c] += V[:, i + 1] * (F[:, i + 1, c] - F[:, i, c])
return F
def image_transpose(I):
h, w, num_channels = I.shape
T = np.zeros((w, h, num_channels), dtype=I.dtype)
for c in range(num_channels):
T[:, :, c] = I[:, :, c].T
return T
# Use open dark channel to obtain the darkest channel, then use the gray_opening
# technique to remove small noise andenhance the details and important features
# of the obtained grayscale image
def opendarkchannel(I, N=7):
This is the reference implementation of the open dark channel
described in the paper:
Scene-adaptive Single Image Dehazing via Opening Dark Channel Model
IET image processing, vol. 10, no. 11, pp, 877-884, 2016
Efficient single image dehazing and denoising: An efficient multi-scale correlated wavelet approach
Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Volume 162 (2017), Pages 23-33.
Copyright @ He Zhang and Xin Liu, 2017.
if not N:
N = 7
# Compute the dark channel
dc = np.min(I, axis=0)
se = np.ones((N, N))
# Apply morphological opening to the dark channel
dark = grey_opening(dc, structure=se)
return dark
# Predict the color of the atmosphere in the image
# Find the brightest pixels in the dark channel and take their average value
def atmlight(im, JDark):
# the color of the atmospheric light is very close to the color of the sky
# so just pick the first few pixels that are closest to 1 in JDark
# and take the average
# pick top 0.1% brightest pixels in the dark channel
# get the image size
_, height, width = im.shape
imsize = width * height
numpx = max(imsize // 1000, 1) # accommodate for small images
JDarkVec = JDark.reshape(imsize, 1) # a vector of pixels in JDark
ImVec = im.reshape(3, imsize) # a vector of pixels in my image
indices = np.argsort(JDarkVec)
indices = indices[imsize-numpx:] # need the last few pixels because those are closest to 1
atmSum = np.zeros((3, 1))
for ind in range(numpx):
atmSum += ImVec[:, indices[ind]]
A = atmSum / numpx
return A.flatten()
def transmissionEstimate(im, A, N=15):
omega = 0.95 # the amount of haze we're keeping
im3 = np.zeros_like(im)
for ind in range(3):
im3[ind, :, :] = im[ind, :, :] / A[ind]
transmission = 1 - omega * opendarkchannel(im3, N)
return transmission
def boxfilter(imSrc, r):
BOXFILTER O(1) time box filtering using cumulative sum
- Definition imDst(x, y)=sum(sum(imSrc(x-r:x+r,y-r:y+r)));
- Running time independent of r;
- Equivalent to the function: colfilt(imSrc, [2*r+1, 2*r+1], 'sliding', @sum);
- But much faster.
hei, wid = imSrc.shape
imDst = np.zeros_like(imSrc)
# cumulative sum over Y axis
imCum = np.cumsum(imSrc, axis=0)
# difference over Y axis
imDst[0:r+1, :] = imCum[r:2*r+1, :]
imDst[r+1:hei-r, :] = imCum[2*r+1:hei, :] - imCum[0:hei-2*r-1, :]
imDst[hei-r:hei, :] = np.tile(imCum[hei-1, :], (r, 1)) - imCum[hei-2*r-1:hei-r-1, :]
# cumulative sum over X axis
imCum = np.cumsum(imDst, axis=1)
# difference over X axis
imDst[:, :r+1] = imCum[:, r:2*r+1]
imDst[:, r+1:wid-r] = imCum[:, 2*r+1:wid] - imCum[:, :wid-2*r-1]
imDst[:, wid-r:wid] = np.tile(imCum[:, wid-1], (r, 1)).T - imCum[:, wid-2*r-1:wid-r-1]
return imDst
def guidedfilter(I, p, r, eps):
O(1) time implementation of guided filter.
- guidance image: I (should be a gray-scale/single channel image)
- filtering input image: p (should be a gray-scale/single channel image)
- local window radius: r
- regularization parameter: eps
h, w = I.shape
N = boxfilter(np.ones((h, w)), r) # the size of each local patch; N=(2r+1)^2 except for boundary pixels.
mean_I = boxfilter(I, r) / N
mean_p = boxfilter(p, r) / N
mean_Ip = boxfilter(I * p, r) / N
cov_Ip = mean_Ip - mean_I * mean_p # this is the covariance of (I, p) in each local patch.
mean_II = boxfilter(I * I, r) / N
var_I = mean_II - mean_I * mean_I
a = cov_Ip / (var_I + eps) # Eqn. (5) in the paper
b = mean_p - a * mean_I # Eqn. (6) in the paper
mean_a = boxfilter(a, r) / N
mean_b = boxfilter(b, r) / N
q = mean_a * I + mean_b # Eqn. (8) in the paper
return q
def recover(I, tran, A, tx=0.1):
h, w, c = I.shape
res = np.zeros((h, w, c))
tran = np.where(tran < tx, tx, tran)
res[:,:,0] = (I[:,:,0] - A[0]) / tran + A[0]
res[:,:,1] = (I[:,:,1] - A[1]) / tran + A[1]
res[:,:,2] = (I[:,:,2] - A[2]) / tran + A[2]
return res
def dehaze(I, level, N=8, t0=0.3):
d = 2 ** level
# Get open dark channel
dark = opendarkchannel(I, N)
# Extract transmission map
A = atmlight(I, dark)
transmission = transmissionEstimate(I, A)
I = I.transpose((1, 2, 0))
jointImg = rgb2gray(I)
transmission = guidedfilter(jointImg, transmission, int(np.ceil(30 / d)), 0.0001)
jointImg = np.stack((jointImg,) * 1, axis=-1)
t = RF(I, 10, 0.1, 3, jointImg)
t = np.mean(t, axis=2)
out = recover(I, t, A, t0)
return out, t
def waveletdehaze(f: np.ndarray, level: int=2, wname: str='sym4'):
f (ndarray): Input image (foggy image)
level (int): Wavelet decomposition level
wname (string): The name of the wavelet used for the decomposition
coef = 2 ** level
A = pywt.wavedec2(f, wname, level=level)[0]
D = pywt.wavedec2(f, wname, level=level)[1:]
# estimate the noise standard deviation from the detail coefficients at level 1
if level == 0:
tau = 0
det1 = np.abs(D[0])
tau = np.median(det1) / 0.6745
# A_dehaized: Haze-free low frequency
# t: transmission map
A_dehaized, t = dehaze(A / coef, level)
print("A_dehaized shape:", A_dehaized.shape)
print("tranmission_map shape:", t.shape)
NA = (A_dehaized * coef).transpose((2, 0, 1))
new_D = []
for n in range(level, 0, -1):
CHD, CVD, CDD = pywt.wavedec2(f, wname, level=level)[n]
t = cv2.resize(t, (CHD.shape[1], CHD.shape[2]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
tD = np.stack([t, t, t], axis=0)
# Soft thresholding
CHD = pywt.threshold(CHD, value=tau, mode='soft')
CVD = pywt.threshold(CVD, value=tau, mode='soft')
CDD = pywt.threshold(CDD, value=tau, mode='soft')
# Enhanced details
new_D.append((NCHD, NCVD, NCDD))
for x in D:
for i in range(3):
d = pywt.waverec2([NA, *new_D[::-1]], wname)
d = np.clip(d, 0, 1)
return d
def find_dark_channel(image, patch_size=15):
number_of_rows = image.shape[0]
number_of_columns = image.shape[1]
r = image[:,:,0]
g = image[:,:,1]
b = image[:,:,2]
dark_channel = np.zeros([number_of_rows, number_of_columns])
# ----- find min of channels:
min_of_channels = np.zeros([number_of_rows, number_of_columns])
for row in range(number_of_rows):
for column in range(number_of_columns):
min_of_channels[row,column] = min(r[row,column], g[row,column], b[row,column])
# ----- find min in patches:
t = int((patch_size-1)/2)
for row in range(0, number_of_rows):
for column in range(0, number_of_columns):
minimum = float('inf') # infinite number
# iteration on neighbors of pixel in patch:
for i in range(row-t, row+t+1):
for j in range(column-t, column+t+1):
if (i >= 0) and (i < number_of_rows) and (j >= 0) and (j < number_of_columns): # if the pixel is in the range of image
if min_of_channels[i,j] < minimum:
minimum = min_of_channels[i,j]
dark_channel[row,column] = minimum
return dark_channel
def find_atmospheric_light(image, dark_channel, threshold=0.1/100):
number_of_rows = image.shape[0]
number_of_columns = image.shape[1]
# ------ find brightest in dark channel:
dark_channel_reshaped = dark_channel.ravel()
dark_channel_reshaped.sort() # sort from smallest to largest
dark_channel_reshaped = dark_channel_reshaped[::-1] # sort from largest to smallest
brightest_in_dark_channel = dark_channel_reshaped[0]
# ------ pick the 'threshold' number of brightes pixels:
n = int(threshold * (number_of_rows * number_of_columns))
indices_of_top_brightest_pixels_in_dark_channel = (-dark_channel_reshaped).argsort()[:n] # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16486252/is-it-possible-to-use-argsort-in-descending-order
counter = 0
bright_pixels_in_dark_channel = np.zeros([indices_of_top_brightest_pixels_in_dark_channel.shape[0],2])
for i in indices_of_top_brightest_pixels_in_dark_channel:
row_of_pixel = int(i / number_of_columns)
column_of_pixel = int(i % number_of_columns)
bright_pixels_in_dark_channel[counter,0] = row_of_pixel
bright_pixels_in_dark_channel[counter,1] = column_of_pixel
counter += 1
# ------ find the highest intensities of bright_pixels_in_dark_channel in the input image:
atmospheric_light = np.zeros(3) # has 3 channels
max_in_channel_red = 0; max_in_channel_green = 0; max_in_channel_blue = 0
for pixel in range(0, bright_pixels_in_dark_channel.shape[0]):
row_of_pixel = int(bright_pixels_in_dark_channel[pixel,0])
column_of_pixel = int(bright_pixels_in_dark_channel[pixel,1])
# channel red:
if image[row_of_pixel, column_of_pixel, 0] > max_in_channel_red:
max_in_channel_red = image[row_of_pixel, column_of_pixel, 0]
atmospheric_light[0] = max_in_channel_red
# channel green:
if image[row_of_pixel, column_of_pixel, 1] > max_in_channel_green:
max_in_channel_green = image[row_of_pixel, column_of_pixel, 1]
atmospheric_light[1] = max_in_channel_green
# channel blue:
if image[row_of_pixel, column_of_pixel, 2] > max_in_channel_blue:
max_in_channel_blue = image[row_of_pixel, column_of_pixel, 2]
atmospheric_light[2] = max_in_channel_blue
return atmospheric_light
def find_transmission(image, atmospheric_light, weight=0.95, patch_size=15):
# --- normalizing input image with atmospheric_light in each channel (r, g, and b):
image_array_normalized = np.zeros(image.shape)
image_array_normalized[:,:,0] = image[:,:,0] / atmospheric_light[0]
image_array_normalized[:,:,1] = image[:,:,1] / atmospheric_light[1]
image_array_normalized[:,:,2] = image[:,:,2] / atmospheric_light[2]
dark_channel_of_normalized_hazy_image = find_dark_channel(image=image_array_normalized, patch_size=patch_size)
# --- find the transmission map:
transmission_map = 1 - (weight * dark_channel_of_normalized_hazy_image)
return transmission_map
def remove_haze(image, atmospheric_light, transmission_map, t_0=0.1):
number_of_rows = image.shape[0]
number_of_columns = image.shape[1]
recovered_image = np.zeros(image.shape)
for channel in range(3):
for row in range(0, number_of_rows):
for column in range(0, number_of_columns):
recovered_image[row, column, channel] = ((image[row,column,channel] - atmospheric_light[channel]) / max(transmission_map[row,column],t_0)) + atmospheric_light[channel]
return recovered_image
dark_channel = find_dark_channel(ex4_rgb, patch_size=15)
print("Calculate dark channel done")
print("-" * 100)
atmospheric_light = find_atmospheric_light(image=ex4_rgb, dark_channel=dark_channel, threshold=0.1/100)
print("Calculate atmospheric light done")
print("-" * 100)
transmission_map = find_transmission(image=ex4_rgb, atmospheric_light=atmospheric_light, weight=0.95, patch_size=15)
print("Calculate transmission map done")
print("-" * 100)
recover_image = remove_haze(image=ex4_rgb, atmospheric_light=atmospheric_light, transmission_map=transmission_map, t_0=0.1)
print("Calculate recover image done")
print("-" * 100)
recover_image = (recover_image - np.min(recover_image)) / (np.max(recover_image) - np.min(recover_image))
recover_image = (recover_image * (2**16 - 1)).astype(np.uint16)
show(recover_image.transpose((2, 0, 1)), adjust=True)
cv2.imwrite("images/{}.TIF".format("dehaze6"), recover_image)

Apply wavelet transform for pan-sharpening
ex5_band2_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20200730_20200908_02_T1_B2.TIF"
ex5_band3_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20200730_20200908_02_T1_B3.TIF"
ex5_band4_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20200730_20200908_02_T1_B4.TIF"
ex5_band8_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20200730_20200908_02_T1_B8.TIF"
ex5_rgb_url = "images/LC08_L1TP_127045_20200730_20200908_02_T1_RGB.TIF"
ex5_pan_sharpened_url = "images/pan_sharpened.TIF"
ex5_rgb, ex5_rgb_metadata = create_rgb_image(ex5_band4_url, ex5_band3_url, ex5_band2_url, ex5_rgb_url)
show(ex5_rgb.transpose((2, 0, 1)), adjust=True)

ex5_band8, ex5_band8_metadata = read_tiff_img(ex5_band8_url)
show(ex5_band8, adjust=True, cmap="gray")
Using pandromatic image with greater resolution and multispectral image but poor resolution to make a synthetic RGB image with better resolution
ex5_band8_metadata.update({"count": 3})
def pan_sharpening(img_pandchromatic, rgb_img):
# Convert image value to float
Ia1 = img_as_float(img_pandchromatic)
Ia2 = img_as_float(rgb_img)
# DWT for pandchromatic image
coeffs1 = swt2(Ia1, 'sym4', level=1)
ca1, (chd1, cvd1, cdd1) = coeffs1[0]
dec1 = np.block([[ca1, chd1], [cvd1, cdd1]])
enc1 = iswt2([(ca1, (chd1, cvd1, cdd1))], 'sym4')
show(dec1, cmap="gray")
# DWT for multispectral image
coeffs2 = swt2(Ia2, 'sym4', level=1, axes=(0, 1))
ca2, (chd2, cvd2, cdd2) = coeffs2[0]
dec2_1 = np.block([[ca2[:, :, 0], chd2[:, :, 0]], [cvd2[:, :, 0], cdd2[:, :, 0]]])
dec2_2 = np.block([[ca2[:, :, 1], chd2[:, :, 1]], [cvd2[:, :, 1], cdd2[:, :, 1]]])
dec2_3 = np.block([[ca2[:, :, 2], chd2[:, :, 2]], [cvd2[:, :, 2], cdd2[:, :, 2]]])
dec2 = np.stack([dec2_1, dec2_2, dec2_3], axis=2)
show(dec2.transpose((2, 0, 1)))
# Injection model
gk = []
for ik in range(3):
s = ca2[:, :, ik]
gk.append(np.cov(np.hstack((s.flatten(), ca1.flatten()))) / np.var(ca1.flatten()))
# Show gain
plt.bar(range(1, 4), gk)
plt.ylabel('Weight Gain')
# Fusion into approximate image
# LL
y = 0.33 * ca2[:, :, 0] + 0.34 * ca2[:, :, 1] + 0.33 * ca2[:, :, 2]
Ims2LL = ca2.copy()
for i in range(3):
Ims2LL[:, :, i] = ca2[:, :, i] + gk[i] * (ca1 - y)
show(Ims2LL.transpose((2, 0, 1)))
Ims2LH = chd2.copy()
for i in range(3):
Ims2LH[:, :, i] = (chd1 + chd2[:, :, i]) / 2
Ims2HL = cvd2.copy()
for i in range(3):
Ims2HL[:, :, i] = (cvd1 + cvd2[:, :, i]) / 2
Ims2HH = cdd2.copy()
for i in range(3):
Ims2HH[:, :, i] = (cdd1 + cdd2[:, :, i]) / 2
# Inverse conversion
X = []
for i in range(3):
X.append(iswt2([(Ims2LL[:, :, i], (Ims2LH[:, :, i], Ims2HL[:, :, i], Ims2HH[:, :, i]))], 'sym4'))
X = np.stack(X, axis=2)
show(X.transpose((2, 0, 1)))
return X
ex5_pan_sharpened = pan_sharpening(ex5_band8, ex5_rgb)
normalized = (ex5_pan_sharpened - np.min(ex5_pan_sharpened)) / (np.max(ex5_pan_sharpened) - np.min(ex5_pan_sharpened))
ex5_pan_sharpened = (normalized * (2**16 - 1)).astype(np.uint16)
cv2.imwrite(ex5_pan_sharpened_url, ex5_pan_sharpened)
# save_tiff_img(ex5_pan_sharpened_url, ex5_pan_sharpened, ex5_band8_metadata)




