在 Ruby 中,String#succ
(或 String#next
适用于字符串中的字符、数字序列等。要在 Python 中实现类似的功能,需要手动处理字符串的字符和数字部分。以下是一个简单的实现方法。
在 Ruby 中,String 类有一个 succ
在 Python 中,没有直接对应于 Ruby String#succ? 方法的内置函数或方法。但是,我们可以通过自定义函数来实现类似的功能。以下是一个 Python 实现的 succ()
def succ(s):
if not isinstance(s, (str,string)):
raise TypeError("succ works only with strings")
if not s: return
if max(map(ord, s)) > 127:
raise TypeError("succ currently only supports ascii")
#Three different character category honoured
# 1. ascii lowercase alpha
# 2. ascii uppercase alpha
# 3. digits
# 4. ascii nonalpha characters (the entire ascii set)
lower = string.ascii_lowercase + 'a'
upper = string.ascii_uppercase + 'A'
digits = string.digits + '0'
nonalpha = map(chr, range(0, 256)) + [chr(0)]
def incr(ch):
Generates the next character in sequence using the following rules
1. Incrementing a digit always results in another digit
2. Incrementing a letter results in another letter of the same case.
3. Incrementing nonalphanumerics uses the underlying
character set's collating sequence.
if ch.isdigit(): return digits[ord(ch) - ord("0") + 1]
if ch.islower(): return lower[ord(ch) - ord('a') + 1]
if ch.isupper(): return upper[ord(ch) - ord('A') + 1]
return nonalpha[ord(ch) + 1]
def last(ch):
Returns the last character in its catagory
if ch.isdigit(): return digits[-2]
if ch.islower(): return lower[-2]
if ch.isupper(): return upper[-2]
return nonalpha[-2]
def first(ch):
Returns the last first in its catagory
if ch.isdigit(): return digits[0]
if ch.islower(): return lower[0]
if ch.isupper(): return upper[0]
return nonalpha[0]
def islast(ch):
Checks if next increment would generate a carry
return ch == last(ch)
s = list(s)[::-1]
carry = True
index = next(i for i, e in enumerate(s) if e.isalnum())
except StopIteration:
index = 0
while carry:
if index == len(s): #Add a character for Overflow
s.append(first(s[index - 1]))
carry = True if islast(s[index]) else False
s[index] = incr(s[index])
index += 1
return ''.join(s[::-1])
succ('2') - > 3
succ('99') - > 000
succ('zzz') - > aaaa
succ('') - > None
succ('abcd') - > abce
succ('THX1138') - > THX1139
succ('<<koala>>') - > <<koalb>>
succ('1999zzz') - > 2000aaa
succ('ZZZ9999') - > AAAA0000
succ('***') - > **+
通过这段代码,可以在 Python 中实现 Ruby 中 String#succ