C++实现矩阵Matrix类 实现基本运算

本系列文章致力于实现"手搓有限元,干翻Ansys的目标",基本框架为前端显示使用QT实现交互,后端计算采用Visual Studio C++。



[1、public function](#1、public function)











[2、private variable](#2、private variable)




1、public function





cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		无参构造函数

	函数名称:		矩阵有参构造函数,初始化为row行、col列的0矩阵
	row:			矩阵行数
	col:			矩阵列数
	Matrix(int row, int col);

	函数名称:		矩阵有参构造函数,初始化为row行、col列、数值为mat的矩阵
	row:			矩阵行数
	col:			矩阵列数
	*mat:			矩阵数值一维数组
	Matrix(int row, int col, double* mat);

	函数名称:		深拷贝构造函数
	mat:			需要复制的矩阵
	Matrix(const Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		析构函数


cpp 复制代码


//初始化矩阵 默认值为0
Matrix::Matrix(int row, int col)
	this->m_Row = row;
	this->m_Col = col;

	this->m_Matrix = new double* [row];
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		this->m_Matrix[i] = new double[col] {0.0};


//初始化矩阵 设定数值
Matrix::Matrix(int row, int col, double *mat)
	this->m_Row = row;
	this->m_Col = col;

	this->m_Matrix = new double* [row];
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		this->m_Matrix[i] = new double[col] {0.0};

	for(int i = 0; i<row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
			this->m_Matrix[i][j] = mat[i * col + j];

Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix& mat)
	this->m_Row = mat.m_Row;
	this->m_Col = mat.m_Col;

	this->m_Matrix = new double* [this->m_Row];
	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		this->m_Matrix[i] = new double[this->m_Col];
		memcpy(this->m_Matrix[i], mat.m_Matrix[i], sizeof(double) * this->m_Col);

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		if (this->m_Matrix[i] != NULL)
			this->m_Matrix[i] = NULL;

	if (this->m_Matrix != NULL)
		this->m_Matrix = NULL;




cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		获取矩阵的第row行、第col列元素数值
	row:			矩阵行数
	col:			矩阵列数
	double GetMatrixEle(int row, int col);

	函数名称:		打印矩阵
	void PrintMat();


cpp 复制代码
//获取矩阵某个元素 某行某列
double Matrix::GetMatrixEle(int row, int col)
	if (row >= this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <GetMatrixEle> Input row >= m_Row" << std::endl;
		return 0.0;
	else if (col >= this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <GetMatrixEle> Input col >= m_Col" << std::endl;
		return 0.0;
		return this->m_Matrix[row][col];

void Matrix::PrintMat()
	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			std::cout.setf(std::ios::scientific);		//科学计数法表示
			std::cout << this->m_Matrix[i][j] << "\t";
		std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;



cpp 复制代码
#include "Matrix.h"
int main()
	double tempValue[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	Matrix* tempMatrix = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue);


	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

请按任意键继续. . .




cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		设置矩阵第row行、第col列数值
	row:			矩阵行数
	col:			矩阵列数
	value:			设置的矩阵数值
	void SetMatrixEle(int row, int col, double value);

	函数名称:		深拷贝矩阵
	mat:			需要复制的矩阵
	Matrix CopyMat(const Matrix mat);


cpp 复制代码
void Matrix::SetMatrixEle(int row, int col, double value)
	if (row >= this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <SetMatrixEle> Input row >= m_Row" << std::endl;
	else if (col >= this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <SetMatrixEle> Input col >= m_Col" << std::endl;
		this->m_Matrix[row][col] = value;

Matrix Matrix::CopyMat(const Matrix mat)
	this->m_Row = mat.m_Row;
	this->m_Col = mat.m_Col;

	this->m_Matrix = new double* [this->m_Row];
	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		this->m_Matrix[i] = new double[this->m_Col];
		memcpy(this->m_Matrix[i], mat.m_Matrix[i], sizeof(double) * this->m_Col);

	return *this;



cpp 复制代码
int main()
	double tempValue[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	Matrix* tempMatrix = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue);

	std::cout << "数值更改前:" << std::endl;

	tempMatrix->SetMatrixEle(1, 1, 10.0);

	std::cout << "数值更改后:" << std::endl;

	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    1.000000e+01    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

请按任意键继续. . .




cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		矩阵转置,返回的是自身引用,可链式调用
	Matrix& Transpose();

	函数名称:		等维度的单位矩阵,前提是方阵
	Matrix& Uint();


cpp 复制代码
Matrix& Matrix::Transpose()
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Col, this->m_Row);

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[j][i] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::Uint()
	if (this->m_Col != this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <Uint> Row != Col" << std::endl;

		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Row);
		return *resMat;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);

		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][i] = 1.0;

		return *resMat;



cpp 复制代码
int main()
	double tempValue[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	Matrix* tempMatrix = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue);

	std::cout << "数值转置前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "数值转置后:" << std::endl;

	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

1.000000e+00    4.000000e+00    7.000000e+00
2.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    8.000000e+00
3.000000e+00    6.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

请按任意键继续. . .




cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为行标和列标的行和列,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的行号与列号一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteMat(int *index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为行标和列标的行和列,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的行号与列号一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteMat(std::vector<int> index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为行标的行,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的行号一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteRow(int* index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为行标的行,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的行号一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteRow(std::vector<int> index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为列标的列,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的列号一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteCol(int* index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为列标的列,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的列号一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteCol(std::vector<int> index, int num);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中行标和列标为 index中的行与列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的行标和列标的一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceMat(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中行标和列标为 index中的行与列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的行标和列标的一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceMat(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中行标为 index中的行,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的行标的一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceRow(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中行标为 index中的行,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的行标的一动态维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceRow(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中列标为 index中的列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的列标的一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceCol(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中列标为 index中的列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的列标的一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceCol(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat);


cpp 复制代码
//剔除矩阵的 index中的行与列,num代表index的大小
Matrix& Matrix::DeleteMat(int* index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row - num, this->m_Col - num);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;
		else if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num-1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[recIndex[iRow]][recIndex[iCol]];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::DeleteMat(std::vector<int> index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row - num, this->m_Col - num);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;
		else if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[recIndex[iRow]][recIndex[iCol]];

	return *resMat;

//剔除矩阵的 index中的行,num代表index的大小
Matrix& Matrix::DeleteRow(int* index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row - num, this->m_Col);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[recIndex[iRow]][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::DeleteRow(std::vector<int> index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row - num, this->m_Col);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[recIndex[iRow]][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::DeleteCol(int* index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col - num);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[iRow][recIndex[iCol]];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::DeleteCol(std::vector<int> index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col - num);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[iRow][recIndex[iCol]];

	return *resMat;

//替换矩阵中的行和列 index中的行与列,num代表index的大小
Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceMat(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat)

	//错误判定 方阵
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> this m_Col != m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	if (mat.m_Row != mat.m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> mat m_Col != m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	if (mat.m_Col != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> num != mat.m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;
		else if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < num; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < num; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[index[iRow]][index[iCol]] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceMat(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	//错误判定 方阵
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> this m_Col != m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	if (mat.m_Row != mat.m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> mat m_Col != m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	if (mat.m_Col != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> num != mat.m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;
		else if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < num; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < num; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[index[iRow]][index[iCol]] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

//替换矩阵中的行 index中的行,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceRow(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	if (mat.m_Row != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> num != mat.m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	if (this->m_Col != mat.m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> this->m_Col != mat.m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < num; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[index[iRow]][iCol] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceRow(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	if (mat.m_Row != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> num != mat.m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	if (this->m_Col != mat.m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> this->m_Col != mat.m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < num; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[index[iRow]][iCol] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

//替换矩阵中的列 index中的列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceCol(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	if (mat.m_Col != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> mat.m_Col != num" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	if (this->m_Row != mat.m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> this->m_Row != mat.m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < num; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][index[iCol]] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceCol(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	if (mat.m_Col != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> mat.m_Col != num" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	if (this->m_Row != mat.m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> this->m_Row != mat.m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < num; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][index[iCol]] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;



cpp 复制代码
int main()
	double tempValue[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	double replaceValue[3] = {
	1.42, 2.54, 9.65

	Matrix* tempMatrix = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue);
	Matrix* tempReplaceMatrix = new Matrix(1, 3, replaceValue);

	int replaceCol[1] = {

	std::cout << "数值第3行替换前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "数值第3行替换后:" << std::endl;
	tempMatrix->ReplaceRow(replaceCol, 1, *tempReplaceMatrix).PrintMat();

	std::cout << "数值第3行删除前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "数值第3行删除后:" << std::endl;
	tempMatrix->DeleteRow(replaceCol, 1).PrintMat();

	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
1.420000e+00    2.540000e+00    9.650000e+00

1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00

请按任意键继续. . .




cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		交换矩阵中行标为row0与row1的元素
	row0:			矩阵行标0
	row1:			矩阵行标1
	Matrix& SwapRow(int row0, int row1);

	函数名称:		交换矩阵中列标为col0与col1的元素
	col0:			矩阵列标0
	col1:			矩阵列标1
	Matrix& SwapCol(int col0, int col1);

	函数名称:		矩阵行加法 rowLocal = rowLocal + rate *rowAdd
	rowLocal:		矩阵行标,被加数
	rowAdd:			矩阵行标,加数
	rate:			加数前倍数
	Matrix& AddRow(int rowLocal, int rowAdd, double rate = 1.0);

	//矩阵加法 某列 + 倍数*某列
	函数名称:		矩阵列加法 colLocal = colLocal + rate * colAdd
	colLocal:		矩阵列标,被加数
	colAdd:			矩阵列标,加数
	rate:			加数前倍数
	Matrix& AddCol(int colLocal, int colAdd, double rate = 1.0);

	函数名称:		矩阵加法 本矩阵 = 本矩阵 + mat 前提是两个矩阵维度一致
	mat:			加数矩阵
	Matrix& AddMat(Matrix& mat);


cpp 复制代码
Matrix& Matrix::SwapRow(int row0, int row1)
	//错误判定 越界
	if ((this->m_Row <= row0) || (this->m_Col <= row1))
		std::cout << "Error: <SwapRow> Input row0 Or row1 More Than m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((0 > row0) || (0 > row1))
		std::cout << "Error: <SwapRow> Input row0 Or row1 Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		double temp = 0.0;

		for (int j = 0; j < resMat->m_Col; j++)
			temp = resMat->m_Matrix[row0][j];
			resMat->m_Matrix[row0][j] = resMat->m_Matrix[row1][j];
			resMat->m_Matrix[row1][j] = temp;


Matrix& Matrix::SwapCol(int col0, int col1)
	//错误判定 越界
	if ((this->m_Col <= col0) || (this->m_Col <= col1))
		std::cout << "Error: <SwapCol> Input col0 Or col1 More Than m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((0 > col0) || (0 > col1))
		std::cout << "Error: <SwapCol> Input col0 Or col1 Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		double temp = 0.0;

		for (int i = 0; i < resMat->m_Row; i++)
			temp = resMat->m_Matrix[i][col0];
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][col0] = resMat->m_Matrix[i][col1];
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][col1] = temp;


//矩阵加法 某行 + 倍数*某行
Matrix& Matrix::AddRow(int rowLocal, int rowAdd, double rate)
	if ((this->m_Row <= rowLocal) || (this->m_Row <= rowAdd))
		std::cout << "Error: <AddRow> Input rowLocal Or rowAdd More Than m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((0 > rowLocal) || (0 > rowAdd))
		std::cout << "Error: <AddRow> Input rowLocal Or rowAdd Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		for (int j = 0; j < resMat->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[rowLocal][j] += rate * resMat->m_Matrix[rowAdd][j];

		return *resMat;

//矩阵加法 某列 + 倍数*某列
Matrix& Matrix::AddCol(int colLocal, int colAdd, double rate)
	if ((this->m_Col <= colLocal) || (this->m_Col <= colAdd))
		std::cout << "Error: <AddCol> Input colLocal Or colAdd More Than m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((0 > colLocal) || (0 > colAdd))
		std::cout << "Error: <AddCol> Input colLocal Or colAdd Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		for (int i = 0; i < resMat->m_Row; i++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][colLocal] += rate * resMat->m_Matrix[i][colAdd];

		return *resMat;



cpp 复制代码
int main()
	double tempValue[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	Matrix* tempMatrix = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue);

	std::cout << "************************" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "数值第1行与第3行交换前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "数值第1行与第3行交换后:" << std::endl;
	tempMatrix->SwapRow(0, 2).PrintMat();

	std::cout << "************************" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "数值第1行与第3行相加前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "数值第1行与第3行相加后:" << std::endl;
	tempMatrix->AddRow(0, 2).PrintMat();

	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00

1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

8.000000e+00    1.000000e+01    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

请按任意键继续. . .




cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		矩阵加法 本矩阵 = 本矩阵 + mat 前提是两个矩阵维度一致
	mat:			加数矩阵
	Matrix& AddMat(Matrix& mat);


cpp 复制代码
Matrix& Matrix::AddMat(Matrix& mat)
	Matrix* ResMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int i = 0; i < ResMat->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < ResMat->m_Col; j++)
			ResMat->m_Matrix[i][j] += mat.m_Matrix[i][j];

	return *ResMat;



cpp 复制代码
int main()
	double tempValue0[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	double tempValue1[9] = {
	2.0, 5.0, 8.0,
	1.0, 5.0, 9.0,
	3.0, 6.0, 7.0

	Matrix* tempMatrix0 = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue0);
	Matrix* tempMatrix1 = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue1);

	std::cout << "************************" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "数值矩阵相加前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "数值矩阵相加后:" << std::endl;

	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

3.000000e+00    7.000000e+00    1.100000e+01
5.000000e+00    1.000000e+01    1.500000e+01
1.000000e+01    1.400000e+01    7.000000e+00

请按任意键继续. . .




cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		矩阵乘法 本矩阵 = 本矩阵*num 
	num:			矩阵乘数
	Matrix& MultNum(double num);

	函数名称:		矩阵乘法(运算符重载) 本矩阵 = 本矩阵*num 
	num:			矩阵乘数
	Matrix& operator * (double num);

	函数名称:		矩阵某行乘数值row = row*num
	num:			矩阵某列乘数
	row:			矩阵行标
	Matrix& MultRow(double num, int row);

	函数名称:		矩阵某列乘数值col = col *num
	num:			矩阵某列乘数
	col:			矩阵列标
	Matrix& MultCol(double num, int col);
	函数名称:		矩阵乘法,按照矩阵相乘规则
	inputMat:		乘数矩阵
	Matrix& MultMat(Matrix& inputMat);


cpp 复制代码
Matrix& Matrix::MultNum(double num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = num * this->m_Matrix[i][j];

	return *resMat;

//运算符重载 矩阵数乘
Matrix& Matrix::operator*(double num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = num * this->m_Matrix[i][j];

	return *resMat;

//矩阵某行乘数值 行标从0开始计数
Matrix& Matrix::MultRow(double num, int row)
	if (this->m_Row <= row)
		std::cout << "Error: <MultRow> Input row More Than m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if (0 > row)
		std::cout << "Error: <MultRow> Input row Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[row][j] = num * this->m_Matrix[row][j];

		return *resMat;


//矩阵某列乘数值 列标从0开始计数
Matrix& Matrix::MultCol(double num, int col)
	if (this->m_Col <= col)
		std::cout << "Error: <MultCol> Input col More Than m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if (0 > col)
		std::cout << "Error: <MultCol> Input col Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][col] = num * this->m_Matrix[i][col];

		return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::MultMat(Matrix& inputMat)
	Matrix *resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, inputMat.m_Col);

	if (this->m_Col != inputMat.m_Row)
		std::cout << "Matrix Mult Error!" << std::endl;
		return *resMat;
		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < inputMat.m_Col; j++)
				for (int k = 0; k < this->m_Col; k++)
					resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] += this->m_Matrix[i][k] * inputMat.m_Matrix[k][j];

		return *resMat;



cpp 复制代码
int main()
	double tempValue0[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	double tempValue1[9] = {
	2.0, 5.0, 8.0,
	1.0, 5.0, 9.0,
	3.0, 6.0, 7.0

	Matrix* tempMatrix0 = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue0);
	Matrix* tempMatrix1 = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue1);

	std::cout << "************************" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "数值矩阵相乘前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "数值矩阵相乘后:" << std::endl;

	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

1.300000e+01    3.300000e+01    4.700000e+01
3.100000e+01    8.100000e+01    1.190000e+02
2.200000e+01    7.500000e+01    1.280000e+02

请按任意键继续. . .


Matlab 复制代码
>> tempMatrix0 = [1 2 3;4 5 6; 7 8 0];
>> tempMatrix1 = [2 5 8;1 5 9; 3 6 7];
>> res = tempMatrix0*tempMatrix1

res =

    13    33    47
    31    81   119
    22    75   128




cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		求解矩阵对应行列式数值,前提为方阵,按照定义求解,时间复杂度为O(n!*n),一般不用此方法求解
	double Det();

	函数名称:		求解矩阵对应行列式的顺序主子式,前提为方阵,按照定义求解,时间复杂度为O(n!*n),一般不用此方法求解
	order:			阶数
	double Det(int order);
	函数名称:		矩阵行标为row、列标为col的余子式
	row:			矩阵行标
	col:			矩阵列标
	Matrix& ChildMatrix(int row, int col);

	函数名称:		通过高斯列主消元求解矩阵行列式数值,最为常用
	double DetRow();


cpp 复制代码
double Matrix::Det()
	double res = 0.0;
	int sign = 1;

	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <Det> Matrix Col != Row" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	else if (this->m_Row <= 1)
		return this->m_Matrix[0][0];
		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Col; i++)
			Matrix* temp = &(this->ChildMatrix(0, i));
			res += sign * this->m_Matrix[0][i] * (temp->Det());
			sign = -1*sign;
			delete temp;


//矩阵行列式顺序主子式 order阶数
double Matrix::Det(int order)
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <Det> Matrix Col != Row" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	else if (order < 0)
		std::cout << "Error: <Det>  Input Order Less 0" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	else if (order >= this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <Det> Input Order More Than Row" << std::endl;
		return 0;
		Matrix tempMat(order + 1, order + 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < tempMat.m_Col; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < tempMat.m_Row; j++)
				tempMat.m_Matrix[i][j] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];
		return tempMat.Det();

Matrix& Matrix::ChildMatrix(int row, int col)
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ChildMatrix> Matrix row != col" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if (this->m_Row <= 1)
		std::cout << "Error: <ChildMatrix> Matrix Row Less 1 " << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((row > this->m_Row) || (col > this->m_Col))
		std::cout << "Error: <ChildMatrix> Input Row Or Col More Than Matix Max Row Or Col" << std::endl; 
		return* this; 
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row-1, this->m_Col-1);

		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
				if ((i < row) && (j < col))
					resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];
				else if((i > row) && (j < col))
					resMat->m_Matrix[i-1][j] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];
				else if((i < row) && (j > col))
					resMat->m_Matrix[i][j - 1] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];
				else if((i > row) && (j > col))
					resMat->m_Matrix[i - 1][j - 1] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];

		return *resMat;

double Matrix::DetRow()
	//交换标志位 1代表偶数次交换 -1代表奇数次交换
	int flagShift = 1;

	Matrix *localMat = new Matrix(*this);

	double resDet = 1.0;

	//*******************通过交换 num1*i + num2*j 实现下三角为0***************//
	for (int i = 0; i < localMat->m_Row - 1; i++)
		int tempMaxRow = i;

		for (int i1 = i + 1; i1 < localMat->m_Row; i1++)
			if (abs(localMat->m_Matrix[i1][i]) > abs(localMat->m_Matrix[tempMaxRow][i]))
				tempMaxRow = i1;

		if (tempMaxRow != i)
			//std::cout << i << " 行交换" << tempMaxRow << " 行" << std::endl;
			//进行交换 将当前第i行与第tempMaxRow行进行互换 初等行变换
			*localMat = localMat->SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);

			flagShift = -flagShift;


		for (int i2 = i + 1; i2 < localMat->m_Row; i2++)
			if (localMat->m_Matrix[i2][i] != 0)
				//std::cout << "<" << localMat->m_Matrix[i][i] << "> *" << i2 << " 行 + <" << -1.0 * (localMat->m_Matrix[i2][i]) << "> *" << i << " 行" << std::endl;

				*localMat = localMat->AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat->m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat->m_Matrix[i][i]);



	//计算行列式数值 对角线相乘
	for (int i = 0; i < localMat->m_Row; i++)
		resDet = resDet * localMat->m_Matrix[i][i];

	resDet = flagShift * resDet;

	delete localMat;

	return resDet;



cpp 复制代码
int main()
	double tempValue0[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	Matrix* tempMatrix0 = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue0);

	std::cout << "************************" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "高斯列主消元过程:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << tempMatrix0->DetRow() << std::endl;

	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
0 行交换2 行
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00

<7.000000e+00> *1 行 + <-4.000000e+00> *0 行
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    4.285714e-01    6.000000e+00
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00

<7.000000e+00> *2 行 + <-1.000000e+00> *0 行
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    4.285714e-01    6.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    8.571429e-01    3.000000e+00

1 行交换2 行
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    8.571429e-01    3.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    4.285714e-01    6.000000e+00

<8.571429e-01> *2 行 + <-4.285714e-01> *1 行
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    8.571429e-01    3.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    5.551115e-17    4.500000e+00

请按任意键继续. . .


Matlab 复制代码
>> tempMatrix0 = [1 2 3;4 5 6; 7 8 0];
>> det(tempMatrix0)

ans =





cpp 复制代码
	函数名称:		矩阵求逆,按照定义求解,1/|A|*(A*),时间复杂度为O(n!*n),一般不用此方法
	Matrix& Inverse();

	函数名称:		矩阵求逆,通过行初等变化,高斯列主消元法求解
	Matrix& InverseRow();

	函数名称:		矩阵求逆,只针对于下三角矩阵进行求解
	Matrix& InverseDownTriangle();

	函数名称:		矩阵求逆,只针对于上三角矩阵进行求解
	Matrix& InverseUpTriangle();

	函数名称:		矩阵LU分解
	LMat:			矩阵分解后的L矩阵
	UMat:			矩阵分解后的U矩阵
	void ResolveLU(Matrix& LMat, Matrix& UMat);

	函数名称:		矩阵的LUP分解 P*A = L*U 添加了列主消元功能
	LMat:			矩阵分解后的L矩阵
	UMat:			矩阵分解后的U矩阵
	PMat:			矩阵分解后的P矩阵
	void ResolveLUP(Matrix& LMat, Matrix& UMat, Matrix& PMat);


cpp 复制代码
Matrix& Matrix::Inverse()
	if (abs(this->DetRow()) < MIN_DET)
		std::cout << "Error: <Inverse> Matrix Det Near 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);
		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
				Matrix* temp = &(this->ChildMatrix(j, i));
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = pow(-1.0, (i + j)) / this->DetRow() * (temp->DetRow());
				delete temp;

		return *resMat;

//矩阵求逆 行初等变化
Matrix& Matrix::InverseRow()
	if (abs(this->DetRow()) < MIN_DET)
		std::cout << "Error: <InverseRow> Matrix Det Near 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if (this->m_Row <= 1)
		std::cout << "Error: <InverseRow> Size Less 2" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		//单位矩阵 与带转换矩阵维度相同的
		Matrix uint = this->Uint();

		//结果矩阵 逆矩阵 初始状态与本矩阵相同 为不使本矩阵发生改变
		Matrix temp(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(temp.Uint());

		Matrix localMat(*this);

		//*******************通过交换 num1*i + num2*j 实现下三角为0***************//
		for (int i = 0; i < localMat.m_Row - 1; i++)

			int tempMaxRow = i;

			for (int i1 = i + 1; i1 < localMat.m_Row; i1++)
				if (abs(localMat.m_Matrix[i1][i]) > abs(localMat.m_Matrix[tempMaxRow][i]))
					tempMaxRow = i1;

			if (tempMaxRow != i)
				//std::cout << i << " 行交换" << tempMaxRow << " 行" << std::endl;
				//进行交换 将当前第i行与第tempMaxRow行进行互换 初等行变换
				localMat = localMat.SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);
				*resMat = resMat->SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);


			for (int i2 = i + 1; i2 < localMat.m_Row; i2++)
				if (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i] != 0)
					//std::cout << "<" << localMat.m_Matrix[i][i] << "> *" << i2 << " 行 + <" << -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) << "> *" << i << " 行" << std::endl;

					*resMat = resMat->AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i]);
					localMat = localMat.AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i]);



		if (localMat.m_Matrix[localMat.m_Row - 1][localMat.m_Col - 1] == 0)
			std::cout << "Error: <InverseRow> marix[" << localMat.m_Row - 1 << "][" << localMat.m_Col - 1 <<"] == 0" << std::endl;
			return *this;

		//*******************通过 num1*i + num2*j 实现上三角为0***************//
		for (int i = localMat.m_Row - 1; i > 0; i--)
			for (int i2 = i - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
				if (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i] != 0)
					//std::cout << "<" << localMat.m_Matrix[i][i] << "> *" << i2 << " 行 + <" << -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) << "> *" << i << " 行" << std::endl;

					*resMat = resMat->AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i]);
					localMat = localMat.AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i]);



		//*******************通过 i*num 实现矩阵为单位矩阵***************//
		for (int i = 0; i < localMat.m_Row; i++)
			if (localMat.m_Matrix[i][i] == 0)
				std::cout << "Error: <InverseRow> matrix[" << i << "]" << "[" << i << "] == 0" << std::endl;
				return *this;
				//std::cout << "<" << 1 / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i] << "> *" << i << " 行" << std::endl;

				*resMat = resMat->MultRow(1 / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i], i);
				localMat = localMat.MultRow(1 / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i], i);
		return *resMat;

//矩阵求逆 下三角矩阵
Matrix& Matrix::InverseDownTriangle()
	//错误判断 方阵检测
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <InverseDownTriangle> Matrix Col != Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int i = 0; i < resMat->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
			//分段求解 对角线为倒数
			if (i == j)
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = 1 / resMat->m_Matrix[i][j];
				//分段求解 非对角线元素 
				double tempSum = 0.0;
				for (int k = j; k <= i - 1; k++)
					tempSum += resMat->m_Matrix[i][k] * resMat->m_Matrix[k][j];
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = -1.0*tempSum / resMat->m_Matrix[i][i];


	return *resMat;


//矩阵求逆 上三角矩阵
Matrix& Matrix::InverseUpTriangle()
	//错误判断 方阵检测
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <InverseUpTriangle> Matrix Col != Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int j = resMat->m_Col-1; j >=0; j--)
		for (int i = j; i >=0; i--)
			//分段求解 对角线为倒数
			if (i == j)
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = 1 / resMat->m_Matrix[i][j];
				//分段求解 非对角线元素 
				double tempSum = 0.0;
				for (int k = j; k >= i+1; k--)
					tempSum += resMat->m_Matrix[i][k] * resMat->m_Matrix[k][j];
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = -1.0 * tempSum / resMat->m_Matrix[i][i];


	return *resMat;

//矩阵LU分解 顺序分解 对于病态矩阵可能存在精度问题
void Matrix::ResolveLU(Matrix& LMat, Matrix& UMat)
	if (this->m_Col != this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <ResolveLU> Is Not Square Matrix" << std::endl;

	//存在性判定 顺序主子式不为0
	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		if (this->Det(i) == 0)
			std::cout << "Error: <ResolveLU> order Det = 0" << std::endl;

	//LU 分解
	LMat = this->Uint();

	Matrix temp(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);
	UMat = temp;

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j1 = i; j1 < this->m_Col; j1++)
			double tempSum1 = 0.0;

			if (i != 0)
				for (int j2 = 0; j2 <= i - 1; j2++)
					tempSum1 += LMat.m_Matrix[i][j2] * UMat.m_Matrix[j2][j1];

			UMat.m_Matrix[i][j1] = this->m_Matrix[i][j1] - tempSum1;


		for (int i1 = i; i1 < this->m_Row; i1++)
			double tempSum2 = 0.0;

			if (i != 0)
				for (int j2 = 0; j2 <= i - 1; j2++)
					tempSum2 += LMat.m_Matrix[i1][j2] * UMat.m_Matrix[j2][i];

			LMat.m_Matrix[i1][i] = (this->m_Matrix[i1][i] - tempSum2)/UMat.m_Matrix[i][i];



//矩阵的LUP分解 P*A = L*U 添加了列主消元功能 
//L为主对角线元素为1的下三角矩阵 U为上二角矩阵 P为行交换矩阵 P*A=L*U
void Matrix::ResolveLUP(Matrix& LMat, Matrix& UMat, Matrix& PMat)
	//条件判断 矩阵行列式不为0
	if (this->Det() == 0)
		std::cout << "Error: <ResolveLUP> Can't Resolve Matrix To L U P" << std::endl;

	//初始化 L U P
	LMat = this->Uint();
	PMat = this->Uint();
	UMat = *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < UMat.m_Row - 1; i++)
		int tempMaxRow = i;

		for (int i1 = i + 1; i1 < UMat.m_Row; i1++)
			if (abs(UMat.m_Matrix[i1][i]) > abs(UMat.m_Matrix[tempMaxRow][i]))
				tempMaxRow = i1;

		//进行交换 将当前第i行与第tempMaxRow行进行互换 初等行变换
		UMat = UMat.SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);

		//L矩阵做出对应交换 先交换<itempMaxRow>列再交换<itempMaxRow>行
		LMat = LMat.SwapCol(i, tempMaxRow);
		LMat = LMat.SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);

		//P矩阵做出对应变换 交换<itempMaxRow>行
		PMat = PMat.SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);

		//高斯消元 V矩阵消除下三角区域,L矩阵添加下三角区域
		for (int i1 = i + 1; i1 < UMat.m_Row; i1++)
			double deleteVar = UMat.m_Matrix[i1][i] / UMat.m_Matrix[i][i];

			LMat.m_Matrix[i1][i] = deleteVar;

			UMat = UMat.MultRow(UMat.m_Matrix[i][i], i1).AddRow(i1, i, -1.0 * UMat.m_Matrix[i1][i]).MultRow(1 / UMat.m_Matrix[i][i], i1);




cpp 复制代码
int main()
	double tempValue0[9] = {
	1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
	4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
	7.0, 8.0, 0.0

	Matrix* tempMatrix0 = new Matrix(3, 3, tempValue0);
	Matrix* tempMatrix0L = new Matrix(3, 3);
	Matrix* tempMatrix0U = new Matrix(3, 3);
	Matrix* tempMatrix0P = new Matrix(3, 3);

	std::cout << "************************" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "矩阵求逆前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "矩阵求逆后:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "求逆验证:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "************************" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "矩阵LU分解前:" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "矩阵LU分解后:" << std::endl;
	tempMatrix0->ResolveLUP(*tempMatrix0L, *tempMatrix0U, *tempMatrix0P);
	std::cout << "矩阵L:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "矩阵U:" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "矩阵P:" << std::endl;

	return 0;


cpp 复制代码
1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

-1.777778e+00   8.888889e-01    -1.111111e-01
1.555556e+00    -7.777778e-01   2.222222e-01
-1.111111e-01   2.222222e-01    -1.111111e-01

1.000000e+00    -1.110223e-16   0.000000e+00
-2.220446e-16   1.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
1.776357e-15    -8.881784e-16   1.000000e+00

1.000000e+00    2.000000e+00    3.000000e+00
4.000000e+00    5.000000e+00    6.000000e+00
7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

1.000000e+00    0.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
1.428571e-01    1.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
5.714286e-01    5.000000e-01    1.000000e+00

7.000000e+00    8.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    8.571429e-01    3.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    0.000000e+00    4.500000e+00

0.000000e+00    0.000000e+00    1.000000e+00
1.000000e+00    0.000000e+00    0.000000e+00
0.000000e+00    1.000000e+00    0.000000e+00

请按任意键继续. . .


Matlab 复制代码
>> tempMatrix0 = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 0];
>> tempMatrix0^-1

ans =

   -1.7778    0.8889   -0.1111
    1.5556   -0.7778    0.2222
   -0.1111    0.2222   -0.1111

>> [L, U, P] = lu(tempMatrix0)

L =

    1.0000         0         0
    0.1429    1.0000         0
    0.5714    0.5000    1.0000

U =

    7.0000    8.0000         0
         0    0.8571    3.0000
         0         0    4.5000

P =

     0     0     1
     1     0     0
     0     1     0

2、private variable


cpp 复制代码
	double** m_Matrix;						//矩阵

	int m_Row;								//矩阵行数
	int m_Col;								//矩阵列数




cpp 复制代码
#ifndef _MATRIX_H_
#define _MATRIX_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>

#define MAX_COUNT 500
#define MIN_DET 1e-12				//行列式最小数值

class Matrix
	函数名称:		无参构造函数

	函数名称:		矩阵有参构造函数,初始化为row行、col列的0矩阵
	row:			矩阵行数
	col:			矩阵列数
	Matrix(int row, int col);

	函数名称:		矩阵有参构造函数,初始化为row行、col列、数值为mat的矩阵
	row:			矩阵行数
	col:			矩阵列数
	*mat:			矩阵数值一维数组
	Matrix(int row, int col, double* mat);

	函数名称:		深拷贝构造函数
	mat:			需要复制的矩阵
	Matrix(const Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		析构函数

	函数名称:		获取矩阵的第row行、第col列元素数值
	row:			矩阵行数
	col:			矩阵列数
	double GetMatrixEle(int row, int col);

	函数名称:		设置矩阵第row行、第col列数值
	row:			矩阵行数
	col:			矩阵列数
	value:			设置的矩阵数值
	void SetMatrixEle(int row, int col, double value);

	函数名称:		深拷贝矩阵
	mat:			需要复制的矩阵
	Matrix CopyMat(const Matrix mat);

	函数名称:		打印矩阵
	void PrintMat();
	函数名称:		矩阵转置,返回的是自身引用,可链式调用
	Matrix& Transpose();

	函数名称:		等维度的单位矩阵,前提是方阵
	Matrix& Uint();

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为行标和列标的行和列,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的行号与列号一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteMat(int *index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为行标和列标的行和列,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的行号与列号一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteMat(std::vector<int> index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为行标的行,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的行号一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteRow(int* index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为行标的行,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的行号一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteRow(std::vector<int> index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为列标的列,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的列号一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteCol(int* index, int num);

	函数名称:		剔除矩阵中以index为列标的列,num代表index的大小
	*index:			矩阵中的列号一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	Matrix& DeleteCol(std::vector<int> index, int num);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中行标和列标为 index中的行与列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的行标和列标的一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceMat(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中行标和列标为 index中的行与列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的行标和列标的一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceMat(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中行标为 index中的行,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的行标的一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceRow(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中行标为 index中的行,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的行标的一动态维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceRow(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中列标为 index中的列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的列标的一维数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceCol(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		替换矩阵中列标为 index中的列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
	*index:			矩阵中的列标的一维动态数组
	num:			index动态数组长度
	mat:			需要替换的矩阵
	Matrix& ReplaceCol(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat);

	函数名称:		交换矩阵中行标为row0与row1的元素
	row0:			矩阵行标0
	row1:			矩阵行标1
	Matrix& SwapRow(int row0, int row1);

	函数名称:		交换矩阵中列标为col0与col1的元素
	col0:			矩阵列标0
	col1:			矩阵列标1
	Matrix& SwapCol(int col0, int col1);

	函数名称:		矩阵行加法 rowLocal = rowLocal + rate *rowAdd
	rowLocal:		矩阵行标,被加数
	rowAdd:			矩阵行标,加数
	rate:			加数前倍数
	Matrix& AddRow(int rowLocal, int rowAdd, double rate = 1.0);

	//矩阵加法 某列 + 倍数*某列
	函数名称:		矩阵列加法 colLocal = colLocal + rate * colAdd
	colLocal:		矩阵列标,被加数
	colAdd:			矩阵列标,加数
	rate:			加数前倍数
	Matrix& AddCol(int colLocal, int colAdd, double rate = 1.0);

	函数名称:		矩阵加法 本矩阵 = 本矩阵 + mat 前提是两个矩阵维度一致
	mat:			加数矩阵
	Matrix& AddMat(Matrix& mat);
	函数名称:		矩阵乘法 本矩阵 = 本矩阵*num 
	num:			矩阵乘数
	Matrix& MultNum(double num);

	函数名称:		矩阵乘法(运算符重载) 本矩阵 = 本矩阵*num 
	num:			矩阵乘数
	Matrix& operator * (double num);

	函数名称:		矩阵某行乘数值row = row*num
	num:			矩阵某列乘数
	row:			矩阵行标
	Matrix& MultRow(double num, int row);

	函数名称:		矩阵某列乘数值col = col *num
	num:			矩阵某列乘数
	col:			矩阵列标
	Matrix& MultCol(double num, int col);
	函数名称:		矩阵乘法,按照矩阵相乘规则
	inputMat:		乘数矩阵
	Matrix& MultMat(Matrix& inputMat);

	函数名称:		求解矩阵对应行列式数值,前提为方阵,按照定义求解,时间复杂度为O(n!*n),一般不用此方法求解
	double Det();

	函数名称:		求解矩阵对应行列式的顺序主子式,前提为方阵,按照定义求解,时间复杂度为O(n!*n),一般不用此方法求解
	order:			阶数
	double Det(int order);
	函数名称:		矩阵行标为row、列标为col的余子式
	row:			矩阵行标
	col:			矩阵列标
	Matrix& ChildMatrix(int row, int col);

	函数名称:		通过高斯列主消元求解矩阵行列式数值,最为常用
	double DetRow();

	函数名称:		矩阵求逆,按照定义求解,1/|A|*(A*),时间复杂度为O(n!*n),一般不用此方法
	Matrix& Inverse();

	函数名称:		矩阵求逆,通过行初等变化,高斯列主消元法求解
	Matrix& InverseRow();

	函数名称:		矩阵求逆,只针对于下三角矩阵进行求解
	Matrix& InverseDownTriangle();

	函数名称:		矩阵求逆,只针对于上三角矩阵进行求解
	Matrix& InverseUpTriangle();

	函数名称:		矩阵LU分解
	LMat:			矩阵分解后的L矩阵
	UMat:			矩阵分解后的U矩阵
	void ResolveLU(Matrix& LMat, Matrix& UMat);

	函数名称:		矩阵的LUP分解 P*A = L*U 添加了列主消元功能
	LMat:			矩阵分解后的L矩阵
	UMat:			矩阵分解后的U矩阵
	PMat:			矩阵分解后的P矩阵
	void ResolveLUP(Matrix& LMat, Matrix& UMat, Matrix& PMat);


	double** m_Matrix;						//矩阵

	int m_Row;								//矩阵行数
	int m_Col;								//矩阵列数




cpp 复制代码
#include "Matrix.h"



//初始化矩阵 默认值为0
Matrix::Matrix(int row, int col)
	this->m_Row = row;
	this->m_Col = col;

	this->m_Matrix = new double* [row];
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		this->m_Matrix[i] = new double[col] {0.0};


//初始化矩阵 设定数值
Matrix::Matrix(int row, int col, double *mat)
	this->m_Row = row;
	this->m_Col = col;

	this->m_Matrix = new double* [row];
	for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
		this->m_Matrix[i] = new double[col] {0.0};

	for(int i = 0; i<row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < col; j++)
			this->m_Matrix[i][j] = mat[i * col + j];

Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix& mat)
	this->m_Row = mat.m_Row;
	this->m_Col = mat.m_Col;

	this->m_Matrix = new double* [this->m_Row];
	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		this->m_Matrix[i] = new double[this->m_Col];
		memcpy(this->m_Matrix[i], mat.m_Matrix[i], sizeof(double) * this->m_Col);

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		if (this->m_Matrix[i] != NULL)
			this->m_Matrix[i] = NULL;

	if (this->m_Matrix != NULL)
		this->m_Matrix = NULL;
//获取矩阵某个元素 某行某列
double Matrix::GetMatrixEle(int row, int col)
	if (row >= this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <GetMatrixEle> Input row >= m_Row" << std::endl;
		return 0.0;
	else if (col >= this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <GetMatrixEle> Input col >= m_Col" << std::endl;
		return 0.0;
		return this->m_Matrix[row][col];

void Matrix::SetMatrixEle(int row, int col, double value)
	if (row >= this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <SetMatrixEle> Input row >= m_Row" << std::endl;
	else if (col >= this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <SetMatrixEle> Input col >= m_Col" << std::endl;
		this->m_Matrix[row][col] = value;

Matrix Matrix::CopyMat(const Matrix mat)
	this->m_Row = mat.m_Row;
	this->m_Col = mat.m_Col;

	this->m_Matrix = new double* [this->m_Row];
	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		this->m_Matrix[i] = new double[this->m_Col];
		memcpy(this->m_Matrix[i], mat.m_Matrix[i], sizeof(double) * this->m_Col);

	return *this;

void Matrix::PrintMat()
	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			std::cout.setf(std::ios::scientific);		//科学计数法表示
			std::cout << this->m_Matrix[i][j] << "\t";
		std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::endl;

Matrix& Matrix::Transpose()
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Col, this->m_Row);

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[j][i] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::Uint()
	if (this->m_Col != this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <Uint> Row != Col" << std::endl;

		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Row);
		return *resMat;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);

		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][i] = 1.0;

		return *resMat;

//剔除矩阵的 index中的行与列,num代表index的大小
Matrix& Matrix::DeleteMat(int* index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row - num, this->m_Col - num);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;
		else if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num-1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[recIndex[iRow]][recIndex[iCol]];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::DeleteMat(std::vector<int> index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row - num, this->m_Col - num);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;
		else if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[recIndex[iRow]][recIndex[iCol]];

	return *resMat;

//剔除矩阵的 index中的行,num代表index的大小
Matrix& Matrix::DeleteRow(int* index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row - num, this->m_Col);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[recIndex[iRow]][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::DeleteRow(std::vector<int> index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row - num, this->m_Col);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[recIndex[iRow]][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::DeleteCol(int* index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col - num);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[iRow][recIndex[iCol]];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::DeleteCol(std::vector<int> index, int num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col - num);

	int recIndex[MAX_COUNT];
	int currIndex = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <DeleteMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < this->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iNum = 0; iNum < num; iNum++)
			if (iRow == index[iNum])

			if (iNum == num - 1)
				recIndex[currIndex++] = iRow;

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][iCol] = this->m_Matrix[iRow][recIndex[iCol]];

	return *resMat;

//替换矩阵中的行和列 index中的行与列,num代表index的大小
Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceMat(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat)

	//错误判定 方阵
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> this m_Col != m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	if (mat.m_Row != mat.m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> mat m_Col != m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	if (mat.m_Col != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> num != mat.m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;
		else if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < num; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < num; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[index[iRow]][index[iCol]] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceMat(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	//错误判定 方阵
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> this m_Col != m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	if (mat.m_Row != mat.m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> mat m_Col != m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	if (mat.m_Col != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> num != mat.m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;
		else if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceMat> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < num; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < num; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[index[iRow]][index[iCol]] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

//替换矩阵中的行 index中的行,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceRow(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	if (mat.m_Row != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> num != mat.m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	if (this->m_Col != mat.m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> this->m_Col != mat.m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < num; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[index[iRow]][iCol] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceRow(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	if (mat.m_Row != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> num != mat.m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Row)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Row" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	if (this->m_Col != mat.m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceRow> this->m_Col != mat.m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < num; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < resMat->m_Col; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[index[iRow]][iCol] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

//替换矩阵中的列 index中的列,num代表index的大小, mat是需要替换的矩阵
Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceCol(int* index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	if (mat.m_Col != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> mat.m_Col != num" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	if (this->m_Row != mat.m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> this->m_Row != mat.m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < num; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][index[iCol]] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::ReplaceCol(std::vector<int> index, int num, Matrix& mat)
	if (mat.m_Col != num)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> mat.m_Col != num" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
		if (index[i] >= this->m_Col)
			std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> Input index[" << i << "] = " << index[i] << " >= m_Col" << std::endl;
			return *this;

	if (this->m_Row != mat.m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <ReplaceCol> this->m_Row != mat.m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int iRow = 0; iRow < resMat->m_Row; iRow++)
		for (int iCol = 0; iCol < num; iCol++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[iRow][index[iCol]] = mat.m_Matrix[iRow][iCol];

	return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::SwapRow(int row0, int row1)
	//错误判定 越界
	if ((this->m_Row <= row0) || (this->m_Col <= row1))
		std::cout << "Error: <SwapRow> Input row0 Or row1 More Than m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((0 > row0) || (0 > row1))
		std::cout << "Error: <SwapRow> Input row0 Or row1 Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		double temp = 0.0;

		for (int j = 0; j < resMat->m_Col; j++)
			temp = resMat->m_Matrix[row0][j];
			resMat->m_Matrix[row0][j] = resMat->m_Matrix[row1][j];
			resMat->m_Matrix[row1][j] = temp;


Matrix& Matrix::SwapCol(int col0, int col1)
	//错误判定 越界
	if ((this->m_Col <= col0) || (this->m_Col <= col1))
		std::cout << "Error: <SwapCol> Input col0 Or col1 More Than m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((0 > col0) || (0 > col1))
		std::cout << "Error: <SwapCol> Input col0 Or col1 Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		double temp = 0.0;

		for (int i = 0; i < resMat->m_Row; i++)
			temp = resMat->m_Matrix[i][col0];
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][col0] = resMat->m_Matrix[i][col1];
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][col1] = temp;


//矩阵加法 某行 + 倍数*某行
Matrix& Matrix::AddRow(int rowLocal, int rowAdd, double rate)
	if ((this->m_Row <= rowLocal) || (this->m_Row <= rowAdd))
		std::cout << "Error: <AddRow> Input rowLocal Or rowAdd More Than m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((0 > rowLocal) || (0 > rowAdd))
		std::cout << "Error: <AddRow> Input rowLocal Or rowAdd Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		for (int j = 0; j < resMat->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[rowLocal][j] += rate * resMat->m_Matrix[rowAdd][j];

		return *resMat;

//矩阵加法 某列 + 倍数*某列
Matrix& Matrix::AddCol(int colLocal, int colAdd, double rate)
	if ((this->m_Col <= colLocal) || (this->m_Col <= colAdd))
		std::cout << "Error: <AddCol> Input colLocal Or colAdd More Than m_Col" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((0 > colLocal) || (0 > colAdd))
		std::cout << "Error: <AddCol> Input colLocal Or colAdd Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		for (int i = 0; i < resMat->m_Row; i++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][colLocal] += rate * resMat->m_Matrix[i][colAdd];

		return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::AddMat(Matrix& mat)
	Matrix* ResMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int i = 0; i < ResMat->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < ResMat->m_Col; j++)
			ResMat->m_Matrix[i][j] += mat.m_Matrix[i][j];

	return *ResMat;

Matrix& Matrix::MultNum(double num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = num * this->m_Matrix[i][j];

	return *resMat;

//运算符重载 矩阵数乘
Matrix& Matrix::operator*(double num)
	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = num * this->m_Matrix[i][j];

	return *resMat;

//矩阵某行乘数值 行标从0开始计数
Matrix& Matrix::MultRow(double num, int row)
	if (this->m_Row <= row)
		std::cout << "Error: <MultRow> Input row More Than m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if (0 > row)
		std::cout << "Error: <MultRow> Input row Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[row][j] = num * this->m_Matrix[row][j];

		return *resMat;


//矩阵某列乘数值 列标从0开始计数
Matrix& Matrix::MultCol(double num, int col)
	if (this->m_Col <= col)
		std::cout << "Error: <MultCol> Input col More Than m_Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if (0 > col)
		std::cout << "Error: <MultCol> Input col Less 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			resMat->m_Matrix[i][col] = num * this->m_Matrix[i][col];

		return *resMat;

Matrix& Matrix::MultMat(Matrix& inputMat)
	Matrix *resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, inputMat.m_Col);

	if (this->m_Col != inputMat.m_Row)
		std::cout << "Matrix Mult Error!" << std::endl;
		return *resMat;
		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < inputMat.m_Col; j++)
				for (int k = 0; k < this->m_Col; k++)
					resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] += this->m_Matrix[i][k] * inputMat.m_Matrix[k][j];

		return *resMat;

double Matrix::Det()
	double res = 0.0;
	int sign = 1;

	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <Det> Matrix Col != Row" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	else if (this->m_Row <= 1)
		return this->m_Matrix[0][0];
		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Col; i++)
			Matrix* temp = &(this->ChildMatrix(0, i));
			res += sign * this->m_Matrix[0][i] * (temp->Det());
			sign = -1*sign;
			delete temp;


//矩阵行列式顺序主子式 order阶数
double Matrix::Det(int order)
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <Det> Matrix Col != Row" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	else if (order < 0)
		std::cout << "Error: <Det>  Input Order Less 0" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	else if (order >= this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <Det> Input Order More Than Row" << std::endl;
		return 0;
		Matrix tempMat(order + 1, order + 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < tempMat.m_Col; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < tempMat.m_Row; j++)
				tempMat.m_Matrix[i][j] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];
		return tempMat.Det();

Matrix& Matrix::ChildMatrix(int row, int col)
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <ChildMatrix> Matrix row != col" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if (this->m_Row <= 1)
		std::cout << "Error: <ChildMatrix> Matrix Row Less 1 " << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if ((row > this->m_Row) || (col > this->m_Col))
		std::cout << "Error: <ChildMatrix> Input Row Or Col More Than Matix Max Row Or Col" << std::endl; 
		return* this; 
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row-1, this->m_Col-1);

		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
				if ((i < row) && (j < col))
					resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];
				else if((i > row) && (j < col))
					resMat->m_Matrix[i-1][j] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];
				else if((i < row) && (j > col))
					resMat->m_Matrix[i][j - 1] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];
				else if((i > row) && (j > col))
					resMat->m_Matrix[i - 1][j - 1] = this->m_Matrix[i][j];

		return *resMat;

double Matrix::DetRow()
	//交换标志位 1代表偶数次交换 -1代表奇数次交换
	int flagShift = 1;

	Matrix *localMat = new Matrix(*this);

	double resDet = 1.0;

	//*******************通过交换 num1*i + num2*j 实现下三角为0***************//
	for (int i = 0; i < localMat->m_Row - 1; i++)
		int tempMaxRow = i;

		for (int i1 = i + 1; i1 < localMat->m_Row; i1++)
			if (abs(localMat->m_Matrix[i1][i]) > abs(localMat->m_Matrix[tempMaxRow][i]))
				tempMaxRow = i1;

		if (tempMaxRow != i)
			//std::cout << i << " 行交换" << tempMaxRow << " 行" << std::endl;
			//进行交换 将当前第i行与第tempMaxRow行进行互换 初等行变换
			*localMat = localMat->SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);

			flagShift = -flagShift;


		for (int i2 = i + 1; i2 < localMat->m_Row; i2++)
			if (localMat->m_Matrix[i2][i] != 0)
				//std::cout << "<" << localMat->m_Matrix[i][i] << "> *" << i2 << " 行 + <" << -1.0 * (localMat->m_Matrix[i2][i]) << "> *" << i << " 行" << std::endl;

				*localMat = localMat->AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat->m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat->m_Matrix[i][i]);



	//计算行列式数值 对角线相乘
	for (int i = 0; i < localMat->m_Row; i++)
		resDet = resDet * localMat->m_Matrix[i][i];

	resDet = flagShift * resDet;

	delete localMat;

	return resDet;

Matrix& Matrix::Inverse()
	if (abs(this->DetRow()) < MIN_DET)
		std::cout << "Error: <Inverse> Matrix Det Near 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);
		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < this->m_Col; j++)
				Matrix* temp = &(this->ChildMatrix(j, i));
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = pow(-1.0, (i + j)) / this->DetRow() * (temp->DetRow());
				delete temp;

		return *resMat;

//矩阵求逆 行初等变化
Matrix& Matrix::InverseRow()
	if (abs(this->DetRow()) < MIN_DET)
		std::cout << "Error: <InverseRow> Matrix Det Near 0" << std::endl;
		return *this;
	else if (this->m_Row <= 1)
		std::cout << "Error: <InverseRow> Size Less 2" << std::endl;
		return *this;
		//单位矩阵 与带转换矩阵维度相同的
		Matrix uint = this->Uint();

		//结果矩阵 逆矩阵 初始状态与本矩阵相同 为不使本矩阵发生改变
		Matrix temp(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);
		Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(temp.Uint());

		Matrix localMat(*this);

		//*******************通过交换 num1*i + num2*j 实现下三角为0***************//
		for (int i = 0; i < localMat.m_Row - 1; i++)

			int tempMaxRow = i;

			for (int i1 = i + 1; i1 < localMat.m_Row; i1++)
				if (abs(localMat.m_Matrix[i1][i]) > abs(localMat.m_Matrix[tempMaxRow][i]))
					tempMaxRow = i1;

			if (tempMaxRow != i)
				//std::cout << i << " 行交换" << tempMaxRow << " 行" << std::endl;
				//进行交换 将当前第i行与第tempMaxRow行进行互换 初等行变换
				localMat = localMat.SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);
				*resMat = resMat->SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);


			for (int i2 = i + 1; i2 < localMat.m_Row; i2++)
				if (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i] != 0)
					//std::cout << "<" << localMat.m_Matrix[i][i] << "> *" << i2 << " 行 + <" << -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) << "> *" << i << " 行" << std::endl;

					*resMat = resMat->AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i]);
					localMat = localMat.AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i]);



		if (localMat.m_Matrix[localMat.m_Row - 1][localMat.m_Col - 1] == 0)
			std::cout << "Error: <InverseRow> marix[" << localMat.m_Row - 1 << "][" << localMat.m_Col - 1 <<"] == 0" << std::endl;
			return *this;

		//*******************通过 num1*i + num2*j 实现上三角为0***************//
		for (int i = localMat.m_Row - 1; i > 0; i--)
			for (int i2 = i - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
				if (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i] != 0)
					//std::cout << "<" << localMat.m_Matrix[i][i] << "> *" << i2 << " 行 + <" << -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) << "> *" << i << " 行" << std::endl;

					*resMat = resMat->AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i]);
					localMat = localMat.AddRow(i2, i, -1.0 * (localMat.m_Matrix[i2][i]) / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i]);



		//*******************通过 i*num 实现矩阵为单位矩阵***************//
		for (int i = 0; i < localMat.m_Row; i++)
			if (localMat.m_Matrix[i][i] == 0)
				std::cout << "Error: <InverseRow> matrix[" << i << "]" << "[" << i << "] == 0" << std::endl;
				return *this;
				//std::cout << "<" << 1 / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i] << "> *" << i << " 行" << std::endl;

				*resMat = resMat->MultRow(1 / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i], i);
				localMat = localMat.MultRow(1 / localMat.m_Matrix[i][i], i);
		return *resMat;

//矩阵求逆 下三角矩阵
Matrix& Matrix::InverseDownTriangle()
	//错误判断 方阵检测
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <InverseDownTriangle> Matrix Col != Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int i = 0; i < resMat->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
			//分段求解 对角线为倒数
			if (i == j)
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = 1 / resMat->m_Matrix[i][j];
				//分段求解 非对角线元素 
				double tempSum = 0.0;
				for (int k = j; k <= i - 1; k++)
					tempSum += resMat->m_Matrix[i][k] * resMat->m_Matrix[k][j];
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = -1.0*tempSum / resMat->m_Matrix[i][i];


	return *resMat;


//矩阵求逆 上三角矩阵
Matrix& Matrix::InverseUpTriangle()
	//错误判断 方阵检测
	if (this->m_Row != this->m_Col)
		std::cout << "Error: <InverseUpTriangle> Matrix Col != Row" << std::endl;
		return *this;

	Matrix* resMat = new Matrix(*this);

	for (int j = resMat->m_Col-1; j >=0; j--)
		for (int i = j; i >=0; i--)
			//分段求解 对角线为倒数
			if (i == j)
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = 1 / resMat->m_Matrix[i][j];
				//分段求解 非对角线元素 
				double tempSum = 0.0;
				for (int k = j; k >= i+1; k--)
					tempSum += resMat->m_Matrix[i][k] * resMat->m_Matrix[k][j];
				resMat->m_Matrix[i][j] = -1.0 * tempSum / resMat->m_Matrix[i][i];


	return *resMat;

//矩阵LU分解 顺序分解 对于病态矩阵可能存在精度问题
void Matrix::ResolveLU(Matrix& LMat, Matrix& UMat)
	if (this->m_Col != this->m_Row)
		std::cout << "Error: <ResolveLU> Is Not Square Matrix" << std::endl;

	//存在性判定 顺序主子式不为0
	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		if (this->Det(i) == 0)
			std::cout << "Error: <ResolveLU> order Det = 0" << std::endl;

	//LU 分解
	LMat = this->Uint();

	Matrix temp(this->m_Row, this->m_Col);
	UMat = temp;

	for (int i = 0; i < this->m_Row; i++)
		for (int j1 = i; j1 < this->m_Col; j1++)
			double tempSum1 = 0.0;

			if (i != 0)
				for (int j2 = 0; j2 <= i - 1; j2++)
					tempSum1 += LMat.m_Matrix[i][j2] * UMat.m_Matrix[j2][j1];

			UMat.m_Matrix[i][j1] = this->m_Matrix[i][j1] - tempSum1;


		for (int i1 = i; i1 < this->m_Row; i1++)
			double tempSum2 = 0.0;

			if (i != 0)
				for (int j2 = 0; j2 <= i - 1; j2++)
					tempSum2 += LMat.m_Matrix[i1][j2] * UMat.m_Matrix[j2][i];

			LMat.m_Matrix[i1][i] = (this->m_Matrix[i1][i] - tempSum2)/UMat.m_Matrix[i][i];



//矩阵的LUP分解 P*A = L*U 添加了列主消元功能 
//L为主对角线元素为1的下三角矩阵 U为上二角矩阵 P为行交换矩阵 P*A=L*U
void Matrix::ResolveLUP(Matrix& LMat, Matrix& UMat, Matrix& PMat)
	//条件判断 矩阵行列式不为0
	if (this->Det() == 0)
		std::cout << "Error: <ResolveLUP> Can't Resolve Matrix To L U P" << std::endl;

	//初始化 L U P
	LMat = this->Uint();
	PMat = this->Uint();
	UMat = *this;

	for (int i = 0; i < UMat.m_Row - 1; i++)
		int tempMaxRow = i;

		for (int i1 = i + 1; i1 < UMat.m_Row; i1++)
			if (abs(UMat.m_Matrix[i1][i]) > abs(UMat.m_Matrix[tempMaxRow][i]))
				tempMaxRow = i1;

		//进行交换 将当前第i行与第tempMaxRow行进行互换 初等行变换
		UMat = UMat.SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);

		//L矩阵做出对应交换 先交换<itempMaxRow>列再交换<itempMaxRow>行
		LMat = LMat.SwapCol(i, tempMaxRow);
		LMat = LMat.SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);

		//P矩阵做出对应变换 交换<itempMaxRow>行
		PMat = PMat.SwapRow(i, tempMaxRow);

		//高斯消元 V矩阵消除下三角区域,L矩阵添加下三角区域
		for (int i1 = i + 1; i1 < UMat.m_Row; i1++)
			double deleteVar = UMat.m_Matrix[i1][i] / UMat.m_Matrix[i][i];

			LMat.m_Matrix[i1][i] = deleteVar;

			UMat = UMat.MultRow(UMat.m_Matrix[i][i], i1).AddRow(i1, i, -1.0 * UMat.m_Matrix[i1][i]).MultRow(1 / UMat.m_Matrix[i][i], i1);

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