* 4x4 matrix of floating point values.
* Matrix-matrix multiplication happens with a pre-multiple of the transpose --
* in other words, Res = Mat1.operator*(Mat2) means Res = Mat2^FArg * Mat1, as
* opposed to Res = Mat1 * Mat2.
* Matrix elements are accessed with M[RowIndex][ColumnIndex].
template<typename T>
struct alignas(16) TMatrix
static_assert(std::is_floating_point_v<T>, "T must be floating point");
using FReal = T;
alignas(16) T M[4][4];
template<typename T>
FORCEINLINE TTranslationMatrix<T>::TTranslationMatrix(const TVector<T>& Delta)
: TMatrix<T>(
TPlane<T>(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
TPlane<T>(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
TPlane<T>(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
TPlane<T>(Delta.X, Delta.Y,Delta.Z,1.0f)
{ }
( p x , p y , p z , 1 ) ( 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 t x t y t z 1 ) = ( p x + t x , p y + t y , p z + t z , 1 ) (p_x, p_y, p_z, 1) \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ t_x & t_y & t_z & 1 \end{pmatrix} = (p_x + t_x, p_y + t_y, p_z + t_z, 1) (px,py,pz,1) 100tx010ty001tz0001 =(px+tx,py+ty,pz+tz,1)
* Implements a container for rotation information.
* All rotation values are stored in degrees.
* The angles are interpreted as intrinsic rotations applied in the order Yaw, then Pitch, then Roll. I.e., an object would be rotated
* first by the specified yaw around its up axis (with positive angles interpreted as clockwise when viewed from above, along -Z),
* then pitched around its (new) right axis (with positive angles interpreted as 'nose up', i.e. clockwise when viewed along +Y),
* and then finally rolled around its (final) forward axis (with positive angles interpreted as clockwise rotations when viewed along +X).
* Note that these conventions differ from quaternion axis/angle. UE Quat always considers a positive angle to be a left-handed rotation,
* whereas Rotator treats yaw as left-handed but pitch and roll as right-handed.
template<typename T>
struct TRotator
using FReal = T;
/** Rotation around the right axis (around Y axis), Looking up and down (0=Straight Ahead, +Up, -Down) */
T Pitch;
/** Rotation around the up axis (around Z axis), Turning around (0=Forward, +Right, -Left)*/
T Yaw;
/** Rotation around the forward axis (around X axis), Tilting your head, (0=Straight, +Clockwise, -CCW) */
T Roll;





X = ( c o s θ , s i n θ , 0 ) X = (cos \theta, sin \theta, 0) X=(cosθ,sinθ,0)
Y = ( − s i n θ , c o s θ , 0 ) Y = (-sin\theta, cos\theta, 0) Y=(−sinθ,cosθ,0)
Z = ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) Z = (0, 0, 1) Z=(0,0,1)
X ′ = ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) X' = (1, 0, 0) X′=(1,0,0)
Y ′ = ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) Y' = (0, 1, 0) Y′=(0,1,0)
Z ′ = ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) Z' = (0, 0, 1) Z′=(0,0,1)
Y a w = ( c o s α − s i n α 0 0 s i n α c o s α 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ) Yaw = \begin{pmatrix} cos\alpha & -sin\alpha & 0 & 0 \\ sin\alpha & cos\alpha & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} Yaw= cosαsinα00−sinαcosα0000100001
P i t c h = ( c o s β 0 − s i n β 0 0 1 0 0 s i n β 0 c o s β 0 0 0 0 1 ) Pitch = \begin{pmatrix} cos\beta & 0 & -sin\beta & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ sin\beta & 0 & cos\beta & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} Pitch= cosβ0sinβ00100−sinβ0cosβ00001
R o l l = ( 1 0 0 0 0 c o s γ s i n γ 0 0 − s i n γ c o s γ 0 0 0 0 1 ) Roll = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & cos\gamma & sin\gamma & 0 \\ 0 & -sin\gamma & cos\gamma & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} Roll= 10000cosγ−sinγ00sinγcosγ00001
M = Y a w ⋅ P i t c h ⋅ R o l l M = Yaw \cdot Pitch \cdot Roll M=Yaw⋅Pitch⋅Roll
X = ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) X = (1, 0, 0) X=(1,0,0)
Y = ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) Y = (0, 1, 0) Y=(0,1,0)
Z = ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) Z = (0, 0, 1) Z=(0,0,1)
X ' = M [ 0 ] X' = M[0] X'=M[0]
Y ′ = M [ 1 ] Y' = M[1] Y′=M[1]
Z ′ = M [ 2 ] Z' = M[2] Z′=M[2]
V = ( v x , v y , v z , 0 ) ( X 0 Y 0 Z 0 0 1 ) = ( v x , v y , v z , 0 ) I V = (v_x,v_y,v_z, 0) \begin{pmatrix} X & 0\\ Y & 0\\ Z & 0 \\ \textbf{0} & 1 \end{pmatrix} = (v_x,v_y,v_z, 0)I V=(vx,vy,vz,0) XYZ00001 =(vx,vy,vz,0)I
V = ( v x ′ , v y ′ , v z ′ , 0 ) ( X ′ 0 Y ′ 0 Z ′ 0 0 1 ) = ( v x ′ , v y ′ , v z ′ , 0 ) M V = (v'_x,v'_y,v'_z, 0) \begin{pmatrix} X' & 0\\ Y' & 0\\ Z' & 0 \\ \textbf{0} & 1 \end{pmatrix} = (v'_x,v'_y,v'_z, 0) M V=(vx′,vy′,vz′,0) X′Y′Z′00001 =(vx′,vy′,vz′,0)M
( v x ′ , v y ′ , v z ′ , 0 ) = ( v x , v y , v z , 0 ) M − 1 = ( v x , v y , v z , 0 ) M T (v'_x,v'_y,v'_z, 0) = (v_x,v_y,v_z, 0)M^{-1} = (v_x,v_y,v_z, 0)M^T (vx′,vy′,vz′,0)=(vx,vy,vz,0)M−1=(vx,vy,vz,0)MT
M T = ( Y a w ⋅ P i t c h ⋅ R o l l ) T = R o l l T ⋅ P i t c h T ⋅ Y a w T M^T = (Yaw \cdot Pitch \cdot Roll)^T = Roll^T \cdot Pitch^T \cdot Yaw^T MT=(Yaw⋅Pitch⋅Roll)T=RollT⋅PitchT⋅YawT
( c o s α c o s β s i n α c o s β s i n β 0 c o s α s i n β s i n γ − s i n α c o s γ s i n α s i n β s i n γ + c o s α c o s γ − c o s β s i n γ 0 − ( c o s α s i n β c o s γ + s i n α s i n γ ) c o s α s i n γ − s i n α s i n β c o s γ c o s β c o s γ 0 0 0 0 1 ) \begin{pmatrix} cos\alpha cos\beta & sin\alpha cos\beta & sin\beta & 0 \\ cos\alpha sin\beta sin\gamma - sin\alpha cos\gamma & sin\alpha sin\beta sin\gamma + cos\alpha cos\gamma & -cos\beta sin\gamma & 0 \\ -(cos\alpha sin\beta cos\gamma + sin\alpha sin\gamma) & cos\alpha sin\gamma - sin\alpha sin\beta cos\gamma & cos\beta cos\gamma & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} cosαcosβcosαsinβsinγ−sinαcosγ−(cosαsinβcosγ+sinαsinγ)0sinαcosβsinαsinβsinγ+cosαcosγcosαsinγ−sinαsinβcosγ0sinβ−cosβsinγcosβcosγ00001
template<typename T>
FORCEINLINE TRotationTranslationMatrix<T>::TRotationTranslationMatrix(const TRotator<T>& Rot, const TVector<T>& Origin)
M[0][0] = CP * CY;
M[0][1] = CP * SY;
M[0][2] = SP;
M[0][3] = 0.f;
M[1][0] = SR * SP * CY - CR * SY;
M[1][1] = SR * SP * SY + CR * CY;
M[1][2] = - SR * CP;
M[1][3] = 0.f;
M[2][0] = -( CR * SP * CY + SR * SY );
M[2][1] = CY * SR - CR * SP * SY;
M[2][2] = CR * CP;
M[2][3] = 0.f;
M[3][0] = Origin.X;
M[3][1] = Origin.Y;
M[3][2] = Origin.Z;
M[3][3] = 1.f;
β = 9 0 ∘ \beta = 90^\circ β=90∘
s i n β = 1 sin\beta = 1 sinβ=1
c o s β = 0 cos\beta = 0 cosβ=0
( 0 0 1 0 c o s α s i n γ − s i n α c o s γ s i n α s i n γ + c o s α c o s γ 0 0 − ( c o s α c o s γ + s i n α s i n γ ) c o s α s i n γ − s i n α c o s γ 0 0 0 0 0 1 ) \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ cos\alpha sin\gamma - sin\alpha cos\gamma & sin\alpha sin\gamma + cos\alpha cos\gamma & 0 & 0 \\ -(cos\alpha cos\gamma + sin\alpha sin\gamma) & cos\alpha sin\gamma - sin\alpha cos\gamma & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} 0cosαsinγ−sinαcosγ−(cosαcosγ+sinαsinγ)00sinαsinγ+cosαcosγcosαsinγ−sinαcosγ010000001
( 0 0 1 0 s i n ( γ − α ) c o s ( γ − α ) 0 0 − c o s ( γ − α ) s i n ( γ − α ) 0 0 0 0 0 1 ) \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ sin(\gamma - \alpha) & cos(\gamma - \alpha) & 0 & 0 \\ -cos(\gamma - \alpha) & sin(\gamma - \alpha) & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} 0sin(γ−α)−cos(γ−α)00cos(γ−α)sin(γ−α)010000001
template<typename T>
UE::Math::TRotator<T> UE::Math::TMatrix<T>::Rotator() const
using TRotator = UE::Math::TRotator<T>;
using TVector = UE::Math::TVector<T>;
const TVector XAxis = GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X );
const TVector YAxis = GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y );
const TVector ZAxis = GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z );
const T RadToDeg = T(180.0 / UE_DOUBLE_PI);
TRotator Rotator = TRotator(
FMath::Atan2( XAxis.Z, FMath::Sqrt(FMath::Square(XAxis.X)+FMath::Square(XAxis.Y)) ) * RadToDeg,
FMath::Atan2( XAxis.Y, XAxis.X ) * RadToDeg,
const TVector SYAxis = (TVector)UE::Math::TRotationMatrix<T>( Rotator ).GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y );
Rotator.Roll = FMath::Atan2( ZAxis | SYAxis, YAxis | SYAxis ) * RadToDeg;
return Rotator;
template<typename T>
FORCEINLINE TScaleMatrix<T>::TScaleMatrix( const TVector<T>& Scale )
: TMatrix<T>(
TPlane<T>(Scale.X, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
TPlane<T>(0.0f, Scale.Y, 0.0f, 0.0f),
TPlane<T>(0.0f, 0.0f, Scale.Z, 0.0f),
TPlane<T>(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
{ }
template<typename T>
inline TVector<T> TMatrix<T>::GetScaleVector(T Tolerance/*=UE_SMALL_NUMBER*/) const
TVector<T> Scale3D(1, 1, 1);
// For each row, find magnitude, and if its non-zero re-scale so its unit length.
for (int32 i = 0; i < 3; i++)
const T SquareSum = (M[i][0] * M[i][0]) + (M[i][1] * M[i][1]) + (M[i][2] * M[i][2]);
if (SquareSum > Tolerance)
Scale3D[i] = FMath::Sqrt(SquareSum);
Scale3D[i] = 0.f;
return Scale3D;
template<typename T>
FORCEINLINE TScaleRotationTranslationMatrix<T>::TScaleRotationTranslationMatrix(const TVector<T>& Scale, const TRotator<T>& Rot, const TVector<T>& Origin)
GetSinCos(SP, CP, (T)Rot.Pitch);
GetSinCos(SY, CY, (T)Rot.Yaw);
GetSinCos(SR, CR, (T)Rot.Roll);
M[0][0] = (CP * CY) * Scale.X;
M[0][1] = (CP * SY) * Scale.X;
M[0][2] = (SP) * Scale.X;
M[0][3] = 0.f;
M[1][0] = (SR * SP * CY - CR * SY) * Scale.Y;
M[1][1] = (SR * SP * SY + CR * CY) * Scale.Y;
M[1][2] = (- SR * CP) * Scale.Y;
M[1][3] = 0.f;
M[2][0] = ( -( CR * SP * CY + SR * SY ) ) * Scale.Z;
M[2][1] = (CY * SR - CR * SP * SY) * Scale.Z;
M[2][2] = (CR * CP) * Scale.Z;
M[2][3] = 0.f;
M[3][0] = Origin.X;
M[3][1] = Origin.Y;
M[3][2] = Origin.Z;
M[3][3] = 1.f;
template<typename T>
inline TVector<T> TVector<T>::RotateAngleAxisRad(const T AngleRad, const TVector<T>& Axis) const
T S, C;
FMath::SinCos(&S, &C, AngleRad);
const T XX = Axis.X * Axis.X;
const T YY = Axis.Y * Axis.Y;
const T ZZ = Axis.Z * Axis.Z;
const T XY = Axis.X * Axis.Y;
const T YZ = Axis.Y * Axis.Z;
const T ZX = Axis.Z * Axis.X;
const T XS = Axis.X * S;
const T YS = Axis.Y * S;
const T ZS = Axis.Z * S;
const T OMC = 1.f - C;
return TVector<T>(
(OMC * XX + C) * X + (OMC * XY - ZS) * Y + (OMC * ZX + YS) * Z,
(OMC * XY + ZS) * X + (OMC * YY + C) * Y + (OMC * YZ - XS) * Z,
(OMC * ZX - YS) * X + (OMC * YZ + XS) * Y + (OMC * ZZ + C) * Z

M = ( r x s x t x 0 r y s y t y 0 r z s z t z 0 0 0 0 1 ) M = \begin{pmatrix} r_x & s_x & t_x & 0 \\ r_y & s_y & t_y & 0 \\ r_z & s_z & t_z & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} M= rxryrz0sxsysz0txtytz00001
R = ( 1 0 0 0 0 c o s α s i n α 0 0 − s i n α c o s α 0 0 0 0 1 ) R = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & cos\alpha & sin\alpha & 0 \\ 0 & -sin\alpha & cos\alpha & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} R= 10000cosα−sinα00sinαcosα00001
M R M T = ( r x 2 + ( s x 2 + t x 2 ) c o s α r x r y + ( s x s y + t x t y ) c o s α + ( s x t y − s y t x ) s i n α r x r z + ( s x s z + t x t z ) c o s α + ( s x t z − s z t x ) s i n α 0 r x r y + ( s x s y + t x t y ) c o s α + ( s y t x − s x t y ) s i n α r y 2 + ( s y 2 + t y 2 ) c o s α r y r z + ( s y s z + t y t z ) c o s α + ( s y t z − s z t y ) s i n α 0 r x r z + ( s x s z + t x t z ) c o s α + ( s z t x − s x t z ) s i n α r y r z + ( s y s z + t y t z ) c o s α + ( s z t y − s y t z ) s i n α r z 2 + ( s z 2 + t z 2 ) c o s α 0 0 0 0 1 ) MRM^T = \begin{pmatrix} r_x^2 + (s_x^2 + t_x^2)cos\alpha & r_xr_y + (s_xs_y + t_xt_y)cos\alpha + (s_xt_y - s_yt_x)sin\alpha & r_xr_z + (s_xs_z + t_xt_z)cos\alpha + (s_xt_z - s_zt_x)sin\alpha & 0 \\ r_xr_y + (s_xs_y + t_xt_y)cos\alpha + (s_yt_x - s_xt_y)sin\alpha & r_y^2 + (s_y^2 + t_y^2)cos\alpha & r_yr_z + (s_ys_z + t_yt_z)cos\alpha + (s_yt_z - s_zt_y)sin\alpha & 0 \\ r_xr_z + (s_xs_z + t_xt_z)cos\alpha + (s_zt_x - s_xt_z)sin\alpha & r_yr_z + (s_ys_z + t_yt_z)cos\alpha + (s_zt_y - s_yt_z)sin\alpha & r_z^2 + (s_z^2 + t_z^2)cos\alpha & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} MRMT= rx2+(sx2+tx2)cosαrxry+(sxsy+txty)cosα+(sytx−sxty)sinαrxrz+(sxsz+txtz)cosα+(sztx−sxtz)sinα0rxry+(sxsy+txty)cosα+(sxty−sytx)sinαry2+(sy2+ty2)cosαryrz+(sysz+tytz)cosα+(szty−sytz)sinα0rxrz+(sxsz+txtz)cosα+(sxtz−sztx)sinαryrz+(sysz+tytz)cosα+(sytz−szty)sinαrz2+(sz2+tz2)cosα00001
r x 2 + s x 2 + t x 2 = 1 r_x^2 + s_x^2 + t_x^2 = 1 rx2+sx2+tx2=1
r y 2 + s y 2 + t y 2 = 1 r_y^2 + s_y^2 + t_y^2 = 1 ry2+sy2+ty2=1
r z 2 + s z 2 + t z 2 = 1 r_z^2 + s_z^2 + t_z^2 = 1 rz2+sz2+tz2=1
( c o s α + r x 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) r x r y + ( s x s y + t x t y ) c o s α + ( s x t y − s y t x ) s i n α r x r z + ( s x s z + t x t z ) c o s α + ( s x t z − s z t x ) s i n α 0 r x r y + ( s x s y + t x t y ) c o s α + ( s y t x − s x t y ) s i n α c o s α + r y 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) r y r z + ( s y s z + t y t z ) c o s α + ( s y t z − s z t y ) s i n α 0 r x r z + ( s x s z + t x t z ) c o s α + ( s z t x − s x t z ) s i n α r y r z + ( s y s z + t y t z ) c o s α + ( s z t y − s y t z ) s i n α c o s α + r z 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) 0 0 0 0 1 ) \begin{pmatrix} cos\alpha + r_x^2(1 - cos\alpha) & r_xr_y + (s_xs_y + t_xt_y)cos\alpha + (s_xt_y - s_yt_x)sin\alpha & r_xr_z + (s_xs_z + t_xt_z)cos\alpha + (s_xt_z - s_zt_x)sin\alpha & 0 \\ r_xr_y + (s_xs_y + t_xt_y)cos\alpha + (s_yt_x - s_xt_y)sin\alpha & cos\alpha + r_y^2(1 - cos\alpha) & r_yr_z + (s_ys_z + t_yt_z)cos\alpha + (s_yt_z - s_zt_y)sin\alpha & 0 \\ r_xr_z + (s_xs_z + t_xt_z)cos\alpha + (s_zt_x - s_xt_z)sin\alpha & r_yr_z + (s_ys_z + t_yt_z)cos\alpha + (s_zt_y - s_yt_z)sin\alpha & cos\alpha + r_z^2(1 - cos\alpha) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} cosα+rx2(1−cosα)rxry+(sxsy+txty)cosα+(sytx−sxty)sinαrxrz+(sxsz+txtz)cosα+(sztx−sxtz)sinα0rxry+(sxsy+txty)cosα+(sxty−sytx)sinαcosα+ry2(1−cosα)ryrz+(sysz+tytz)cosα+(szty−sytz)sinα0rxrz+(sxsz+txtz)cosα+(sxtz−sztx)sinαryrz+(sysz+tytz)cosα+(sytz−szty)sinαcosα+rz2(1−cosα)00001
r x r y + s x s y + t x t y = 0 r_xr_y + s_xs_y + t_xt_y = 0 rxry+sxsy+txty=0
r x r z + s x s z + t x t z = 0 r_xr_z + s_xs_z + t_xt_z = 0 rxrz+sxsz+txtz=0
r y r z + s y s z + t y t z = 0 r_yr_z + s_ys_z + t_yt_z = 0 ryrz+sysz+tytz=0
( c o s α + r x 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) r x r y ( 1 − c o s α ) + ( s x t y − s y t x ) s i n α r x r z ( 1 − c o s α ) + ( s x t z − s z t x ) s i n α 0 r x r y ( 1 − c o s α ) + ( s y t x − s x t y ) s i n α c o s α + r y 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) r y r z ( 1 − c o s α ) + ( s y t z − s z t y ) s i n α 0 r x r z ( 1 − c o s α ) + ( s z t x − s x t z ) s i n α r y r z ( 1 − c o s α ) + ( s z t y − s y t z ) s i n α c o s α + r z 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) 0 0 0 0 1 ) \begin{pmatrix} cos\alpha + r_x^2(1 - cos\alpha) & r_xr_y(1 - cos\alpha) + (s_xt_y - s_yt_x)sin\alpha & r_xr_z(1 - cos\alpha) + (s_xt_z - s_zt_x)sin\alpha & 0 \\ r_xr_y(1 - cos\alpha) + (s_yt_x - s_xt_y)sin\alpha & cos\alpha + r_y^2(1 - cos\alpha) & r_yr_z(1 - cos\alpha) + (s_yt_z - s_zt_y)sin\alpha & 0 \\ r_xr_z(1 - cos\alpha) + (s_zt_x - s_xt_z)sin\alpha & r_yr_z(1 - cos\alpha) + (s_zt_y - s_yt_z)sin\alpha & cos\alpha + r_z^2(1 - cos\alpha) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} cosα+rx2(1−cosα)rxry(1−cosα)+(sytx−sxty)sinαrxrz(1−cosα)+(sztx−sxtz)sinα0rxry(1−cosα)+(sxty−sytx)sinαcosα+ry2(1−cosα)ryrz(1−cosα)+(szty−sytz)sinα0rxrz(1−cosα)+(sxtz−sztx)sinαryrz(1−cosα)+(sytz−szty)sinαcosα+rz2(1−cosα)00001
r x = s y t z − s z t y r_x = s_yt_z - s_zt_y rx=sytz−szty
r y = s z t x − s x t z r_y = s_zt_x - s_xt_z ry=sztx−sxtz
r z = s x t y − s y t x r_z = s_xt_y - s_yt_x rz=sxty−sytx
( c o s α + r x 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) r x r y ( 1 − c o s α ) + r z s i n α r x r z ( 1 − c o s α ) − r y s i n α 0 r x r y ( 1 − c o s α ) − r z s i n α c o s α + r y 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) r y r z ( 1 − c o s α ) + r x s i n α 0 r x r z ( 1 − c o s α ) + r y s i n α r y r z ( 1 − c o s α ) − r x s i n α c o s α + r z 2 ( 1 − c o s α ) 0 0 0 0 1 ) \begin{pmatrix} cos\alpha + r_x^2(1 - cos\alpha) & r_xr_y(1 - cos\alpha) + r_zsin\alpha & r_xr_z(1 - cos\alpha) - r_ysin\alpha & 0 \\ r_xr_y(1 - cos\alpha) - r_zsin\alpha & cos\alpha + r_y^2(1 - cos\alpha) & r_yr_z(1 - cos\alpha) + r_xsin\alpha & 0 \\ r_xr_z(1 - cos\alpha) + r_ysin\alpha & r_yr_z(1 - cos\alpha) - r_xsin\alpha & cos\alpha + r_z^2(1 - cos\alpha) & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} cosα+rx2(1−cosα)rxry(1−cosα)−rzsinαrxrz(1−cosα)+rysinα0rxry(1−cosα)+rzsinαcosα+ry2(1−cosα)ryrz(1−cosα)−rxsinα0rxrz(1−cosα)−rysinαryrz(1−cosα)+rxsinαcosα+rz2(1−cosα)00001

V / / = ( V ⋅ N ) N V_{//} = (V \cdot N)N V//=(V⋅N)N
V ⊥ = V − V / / V_{\perp} = V - V_{//} V⊥=V−V//
X = V ⊥ ∣ ∣ V ⊥ ∣ ∣ X = \dfrac{V_{\perp}}{||V_{\perp}||} X=∣∣V⊥∣∣V⊥
Y = N × V ∣ ∣ N × V ∣ ∣ Y = \dfrac{N \times V}{||N \times V||} Y=∣∣N×V∣∣N×V
V ⊥ ′ = ∣ ∣ V ⊥ ∣ ∣ c o s α X + ∣ ∣ V ⊥ ∣ ∣ s i n α Y V'{\perp} = ||V{\perp}||cos\alpha X + ||V_{\perp}||sin\alpha Y V⊥′=∣∣V⊥∣∣cosαX+∣∣V⊥∣∣sinαY
V ′ = V / / + V ⊥ ′ V' = V_{//} + V'_{\perp} V′=V//+V⊥′
V ′ = ( 1 − c o s α ) ( V ⋅ N ) N + c o s α V + s i n α ( N × V ) V' = (1 - cos\alpha)(V \cdot N)N + cos\alpha V + sin\alpha (N \times V) V′=(1−cosα)(V⋅N)N+cosαV+sinα(N×V)
N × V = V N × = V ( 0 n z − n y − n z 0 n x n y − n x 0 ) N \times V = V N_{\times} = V \begin{pmatrix} 0 & n_z & -n_y \\ -n_z & 0 & n_x \\ n_y & -n_x & 0 \end{pmatrix} N×V=VN×=V 0−nznynz0−nx−nynx0
N × ( N × V ) = N ⋅ ( N ⋅ V ) − V ⋅ ( N ⋅ N ) N \times (N \times V) = N \cdot (N \cdot V) - V \cdot (N \cdot N) N×(N×V)=N⋅(N⋅V)−V⋅(N⋅N)
( V ⋅ N ) ⋅ N = V ⋅ ( I + N × 2 ) (V \cdot N) \cdot N = V \cdot (I + N_{\times}^2) (V⋅N)⋅N=V⋅(I+N×2)
V ′ = V ( ( 1 − c o s α ) ( I + N × 2 ) + c o s α + s i n α N × ) V' = V((1 - cos\alpha)(I + N_{\times}^2) + cos\alpha + sin\alpha N_{\times}) V′=V((1−cosα)(I+N×2)+cosα+sinαN×)
[1] 内旋外旋与矩阵左乘右乘
[2] Unreal Engine C++: FMatrix doc sheet
[3] How to Rotate in Unity (complete beginner's guide)
[4] Extrinsic & intrinsic rotation: Do I multiply from right or left?
[6] 绕任意轴旋转的两种方法简单推导
[7] 叉乘速查手册