

标题/主题句**[Title/Topic Sentence]**

1. 为以下摘要建议5个标题:[摘要 段落]

Suggest 5 titles for the following abstract: [ABSTRACT PARAGRAPH]

2. 为这段落写一个主题句:[段落]

Write a topic sentence for this paragraph: [PARAGRAPH]


3. 为此提供5个关键词:[段落]

Provide 5 keywords for this: [PARAGRAPHS]


4. 基于此信息为科学论文生成摘要:[段落]

Generate an abstract for a scientific paper based on this information for: [PARAGRAPHS]



Generate an outline for [TOPIC SENTENCE]

6. 我想写一篇关于**[主题]**的期刊文章。给我一个我可以作为起点的文章大纲。

I want to write a journal article about**[TOPIC SENTENCE]**. Give me an outline for the article that I can use as a starting point.


7. 为以下研究主题编写引言:[主题]

Come up with an introduction for the following research topic: [TOPIC SENTENCE]

文献综述[Literature Review]

8. 对**[主题]**进行文献综述,并提供综述文章参考资料

Conduct a literature review on **[TOPIC SENTENCE]**and provide review paper references

9. 为**[段落]**提供参考资料和链接

Provide me with references and links to papers in [PARAPGRAPH]

注意: 小心并仔细检查文章是否存在。ChatGPT可能生成虚假参考资料

10. 总结学术文献,包括文内引用**[段落]**

Summarize the scholarly literature, including in text citations on [PARAGRAPHS]

11. 用标准哈佛引用风格写这个**[段落]**

Write this in standard Harvard referencing**[PARAGRAPH]**

12. 将此**[参考文献]**从MLA风格转换为APA风格。

Convert this [BIBLIOGRAPHY] from MLA to APA style.

13. 在**[研究领域]** 的背景下比较和对比**[理论1]** 与**[理论2]**:

Compare and contrast [THEORY1] and [THEORY2] in the context of [RESEARCH DOMAIN]:


14. 为**[主题]**创建目标和方法论

Create objectives and methodology for [TOPIC SENTENCE]

15. 为主题写一个详细的方法论:[主题]

Write a detailed methodology for the topic: [TOPIC SENTENCE]

16. 分析这种方法论的优点和缺点:[段落]

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology: [PARAGRAPHS]

17. 为这项研究写目标:[主题]

Write objectives for this study:[TOPIC SENTENCE]

18. 在**[研究领域]** 使用**[主题]**的限制是什么?

What are the limitations of using [TOPIC SENTENCE] in [RESEARCH DOMAIN]?

19. 创建这个**[段落]**中使用的方法的配方

Create a recipe for the methods used in this [PARAGRAPHS]

20. 建议**[主题]**的跨学科方法

Suggest interdisciplinary approaches to [TOPIC SENTENCE]

21. 解释定性/定量研究方法如何用于解决**[研究问题]**

Explain how qualitative/quantitative research methods can be used to address [RESEARCH QUESTIONS]

22. 推荐**[主题]**数据收集和分析的最佳实践

Recommend best practices for data collection and analysis in [TOPIC SENTENCE]


23. 设计一个实验**[实例]**

Design an experiment that**[ACTION]**


24. 为以下段落编写结果部分。请用第三人称写这个**[段落]**

Write a result section for the following paragraphs. Please write this in the third person. [PARAGRAPHS]


25. 讨论这些结果:[结果段落]

Discuss these results:[RESULT PARAGRAPHS]


26. 为此生成结论:[段落]

Generate a conclusion for this: [PARAGRAPHS]

27. 给出建议和结论:[段落]

Give recommendations and conclusion for: [PARAGRAPHS]

未来工作[[Future Works]

28. 你能为这个主题的未来研究提出3个方向吗:[段落]?

Can you suggest 3 directions for future research on this topic: [PARAGRAPH]?




Please rewrite the following paragraph as an introduction.

30. 对**[主题]**进行全面的研究综述,重点介绍该领域的关键研究发现和争议.文献综述应该涵盖该主题的多个观点,包括理解研究问题的不同理论方法该部分应提供对现有研究的简要综述,突出达成共识和存在争议的领域。

Conduct a comprehensive review of the research on the**[topic]**of topicl, highlighting key findings and debates in the feld, The literature review should cover arange of perspectives on the topic, including different theoretical approaches to understanding the research problem. This section should provide a straightforward synthesis of the existing research, highlighting both areas of consensus and controversy.

31. 作为一位拥有数十年论文写作和编辑经验的**[社会科学教授]** ,你需要写一篇关于**[主题]** 的引言。引言应包括说明该主题重要性的理由,并对论文的主要部分进行简要概述。该部分应先为读者设定背景,解释为什么该主题是相关和重要的,并介绍主要的研究问题和假设。引言部分应通过分析和综合以下来源展示高级的阅读理解能力,并用APA 格式进行文中引用和参考文献的正确用。引言应包括以下几个部分:[大纲]

You are a social science professor with decades of paper writing and editing experienceYou need to write an introduction on the topic of [topic] . The introduction should include a rationale for the topic' s importance and a brief outline of the paper' s main sections. This section should at first set the stage for the reader, explaining why thetopic is relevant and significant and introducing the main research questions and hypotheses. The introduction should demonstrate advanced reading comprehension skills by analyzing and synthesizing the following sources and utilizing APA in-textcitation format to cite and reference all sources used properly. The introduction should include the following sections: [outline].


32. 我的研究问题是:**[问题]。**为了更深入地探索这个研究问题,我正在寻找 3个创新且可行的假设,以便进行调查研究。这些假设应该有详细的解释。

My research question is: **[the question].**To delve deeper into this research question.I am looking for three innovative and feasible hypotheses that I can investigateThese hypotheses should be explained in detail.

33. 生成与**[主题]**相关的研究假设列表。

Generate a list of research hypotheses related to**[the topic].**

34. 在**[研究领域]**的背景下比较和对比理论 A 与理论 B。

Compare and contrast theory A and theory B in the context of [area of study].


35. 你能否提供一些在搜索关于**[研究领域或主题]**的文献时使用的有效关键词组合或短语?

Can you suggest some effective keyword combinations or phrases to use when searching for literature on [research area or topic]?


36. 我的研究问题是:[研究问题] 。请就可帮助解决我的研究问题的替代性研究设计提供建议,并解释每个选项的优缺点 。你可以从以下研究设计中选择质性研究、横断面研究、病例对照研究、回顾性队列研究、前瞻性队列研究准实验、前后研究、随机对照试验(RCT)和交叉试验

My research question is: the questionl.I would appreciate some guidance on alternative study designs that could aid in addressing my research question Additionally, could you please explain the pros and cons of each option? You may choose from the following study designs: qualitative study, cross-sectional studycase-control study, retrospective cohort study, prospective cohort study, quasi-experiment, pre-post study, RCT, and cross-over trial.


37. 能否请你对以下主张写一个反驳论点?[段落]

Could you please write a counterargument to the following claim?[PARAGRAPHS]


Could there be any alternative assumptions or points of view?


Could there be any alternative assumptions or points of view?

40 . 评估以下点:[论点]。

Evaluate the following argument:[argument].

41. 你能对我在**[写作样本]**中的主要论点的可信度提供反馈吗?你对提高其说服力有什么建议?

Can you provide feedback on the strength of my main argument in**[writing samplehere]**? What suggestions do you have for improving its persuasiveness?


Can you suggest some open-ended questions that would be appropriate for discussion of my research findings ?


Interpret the results of the data analysis, discussing the implications of the findings for theory, practice, and policy. Address any limitations of the study and suggest directions for future research. The discussion should also provide a synthesis of the literature review and the results of the data analysis, highlighting areas of agreement and disagreement between the two. This section should provide a thoughtful and nuanced interpretation of the fndings, situating them within the broader context ofthe existing research and offering suggestions for how they can be applied to real-world contexts.

44. 你能在**[写作内容]** 中加人更多关于支撑**[研究领域]**的理论框架或概念模型的讨论,以帮助读者更好地理解其在理论上的贡献吗?

Can you include more discussion on the theoretical frameworks or conceptual models that underpin [insert your writing here] in [research area] to help readersbetter understand its theoretical contributions?

45. 你能扩展一下关于**[写作内容]** 在**[研究领域]**中的实际意义或应用,以帮助读者理解它与社会或实际意义的相关性吗?

Can you expand on the practical implications or applications of [insert writing sample here] in**[research area]**to help readers understand its relevance to social orpractical meaning?

文献综述[Literature Review]

46. 请按照 APA 格式编写一篇标题为**[标题]**的综述论文,将以下论文作为参考文献,并详细讨论它们以确定知识空白。

Please write a review paper entitled **[the title]**by including the following papers as references and discuss them in detail to identify the knowledge gap. Please writefollowing APA style.

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