

[1] 生成式建模概述

[2] Transformer ITransformer II

[3] 变分自编码器

[4] 生成对抗网络高级生成对抗网络 I高级生成对抗网络 II

[5] 自回归模型

[6] 归一化流模型

[7] 基于能量的模型

[8] 扩散模型 I, 扩散模型 II


去噪扩散概率模型(DDPM)是深度生成模型,最近因其令人印象深刻的性能而受到广泛关注。OpenAI 的DALL-E 2 和 Google 的Imagen生成器等全新模型都基于 DDPM。他们将生成器设置为文本,这样就可以在给定任意文本字符串的情况下生成照片般逼真的图像。

例如,在新的Imagen模型中输入"A photo of a Shiba Inu dog with a backpack riding a bike. It is wearing sunglasses and a beach hat" , DALL-E 2模型中的"a corgi's head depicted as an explosion of a nebula",产生以下图像:

这些模型简直令人兴奋,但要了解它们的工作原理,就需要了解 Ho 等人的原创作品。等人。"去噪扩散概率模型"。

在这篇简短的文章中,我将重点介绍(在 PyTorch 中)从头开始创建 DDPM 的简单版本。特别是,我将重新实现Ho 的原始论文。等人。我们将使用经典且不占用资源的 MNIST 和 Fashion-MNIST 数据集,并尝试凭空生成图像。让我们从一些理论开始。




前向过程中的一个步骤是通过从多元高斯分布中采样来使输入图像(步骤 t 处的 x)变得更加嘈杂,该分布的均值是前一图像(步骤 t-1 处的 x)的缩小版本,并且协方差矩阵是对角线且固定。换句话说,我们通过添加一些正态分布值来独立地扰动图像中的每个像素。

对于每个步骤,都有一个不同的系数 beta,它表明我们在该步骤中扭曲图像的程度。beta 越高,图像中添加的噪声就越多。我们可以自由选择系数 beta,但我们应该尽量不要一次性添加太多噪音,并且整体前向过程应该是"平滑"的。在 Ho 等人的原创作品中。beta 被放置在从 0.0001 到 0.02 的线性空间中。



如果我们继续这样做并做一些简化,我们可以一路返回并获得从原始无噪声图像 x0 开始在步骤 t 获取噪声样本的公式:

Great!现在,无论我们的前向过程有多少步,我们总是有办法直接从原始图像中直接获取第 t 步的噪声图像。

对于后向过程,我们知道我们的模型也应该作为高斯分布工作,因此我们只需要模型在给定噪声图像和时间步长的情况下预测分布均值和标准差。实际上,在第一篇关于 DDPM 的论文中,协方差矩阵保持固定,因此我们只想预测高斯的均值(给定噪声图像和当前所处的时间步长):


因此,我们可以进一步简化我们的模型,只用噪声图像和时间步长的函数来预测噪声 epsilon。

我们的损失函数只是添加的真实噪声与模型预测的噪声之间均方误差 (MSE) 的缩放版本:

一旦模型训练完成(Algorithm 1),我们就可以使用去噪模型对新图像进行采样(Algorithm 2)。


现在我们已经大致了解了扩散模型的工作原理,是时候实现我们自己的一些东西了。您可以在此GitHub 存储库自行运行以下代码。


python 复制代码
# Import of libraries
import random
import imageio
import numpy as np
from argparse import ArgumentParser

from tqdm.auto import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import einops
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.optim import Adam
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

from torchvision.transforms import Compose, ToTensor, Lambda
from torchvision.datasets.mnist import MNIST, FashionMNIST

# Setting reproducibility
SEED = 0

# Definitions
STORE_PATH_MNIST = f"ddpm_model_mnist.pt"
STORE_PATH_FASHION = f"ddpm_model_fashion.pt"

接下来,我们为实验定义一些参数。特别是,我们决定是否要运行训练循环,是否要使用 Fashion-MNIST 数据集和一些训练超参数。

python 复制代码
no_train = False
fashion = True
batch_size = 128
n_epochs = 20
lr = 0.001
store_path = "ddpm_fashion.pt" if fashion else "ddpm_mnist.pt"


python 复制代码
def show_images(images, title=""):
    """Shows the provided images as sub-pictures in a square"""

    # Converting images to CPU numpy arrays
    if type(images) is torch.Tensor:
        images = images.detach().cpu().numpy()

    # Defining number of rows and columns
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    rows = int(len(images) ** (1 / 2))
    cols = round(len(images) / rows)

    # Populating figure with sub-plots
    idx = 0
    for r in range(rows):
        for c in range(cols):
            fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, idx + 1)

            if idx < len(images):
                plt.imshow(images[idx][0], cmap="gray")
                idx += 1
    fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=30)

    # Showing the figure

为了测试这个实用函数,我们加载数据集并显示第一批。重要提示:图像必须在 [-1, 1] 范围内标准化,因为我们的网络必须预测正态分布的噪声值:

python 复制代码
# Shows the first batch of images
def show_first_batch(loader):
    for batch in loader:
        show_images(batch[0], "Images in the first batch")
python 复制代码
# Loading the data (converting each image into a tensor and normalizing between [-1, 1])
transform = Compose([
    Lambda(lambda x: (x - 0.5) * 2)]
ds_fn = FashionMNIST if fashion else MNIST
dataset = ds_fn("./datasets", download=True, train=True, transform=transform)
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, shuffle=True)

Great!现在我们有了这个很好的实用函数,稍后我们也将把它用于我们的模型生成的图像。在我们开始实际处理 DDPM 模型之前,我们获取一个 GPU 设备:


现在我们已经解决了这些琐碎的事情,是时候处理 DDPM 了。我们将创建一个MyDDPM PyTorch 模块,负责存储 beta 和 alpha 值并应用前向过程。对于后向过程,MyDDPM模块将仅依赖于用于构建 DDPM 的网络:

python 复制代码
# DDPM class
class MyDDPM(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, network, n_steps=200, min_beta=10 ** -4, max_beta=0.02, device=None, image_chw=(1, 28, 28)):
        super(MyDDPM, self).__init__()
        self.n_steps = n_steps
        self.device = device
        self.image_chw = image_chw
        self.network = network.to(device)
        self.betas = torch.linspace(min_beta, max_beta, n_steps).to(
            device)  # Number of steps is typically in the order of thousands
        self.alphas = 1 - self.betas
        self.alpha_bars = torch.tensor([torch.prod(self.alphas[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(self.alphas))]).to(device)

    def forward(self, x0, t, eta=None):
        # Make input image more noisy (we can directly skip to the desired step)
        n, c, h, w = x0.shape
        a_bar = self.alpha_bars[t]

        if eta is None:
            eta = torch.randn(n, c, h, w).to(self.device)

        noisy = a_bar.sqrt().reshape(n, 1, 1, 1) * x0 + (1 - a_bar).sqrt().reshape(n, 1, 1, 1) * eta
        return noisy

    def backward(self, x, t):
        # Run each image through the network for each timestep t in the vector t.
        # The network returns its estimation of the noise that was added.
        return self.network(x, t)

请注意,前向过程独立于用于去噪的网络,因此从技术上讲,我们已经可以可视化其效果。同时,我们还可以创建一个实用函数,应用Algorithm 2(采样过程)来生成新图像。我们使用两个 DDPM 的特定实用函数来实现此目的:

python 复制代码
def show_forward(ddpm, loader, device):
    # Showing the forward process
    for batch in loader:
        imgs = batch[0]

        show_images(imgs, "Original images")

        for percent in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]:
                     [int(percent * ddpm.n_steps) - 1 for _ in range(len(imgs))]),
                f"DDPM Noisy images {int(percent * 100)}%"

为了生成图像,我们从随机噪声开始,让 t 从 T 回到 0。在每一步,我们将噪声估计为eta_theta并应用去噪函数。最后,如Langevin dynamics一样添加额外的噪声。

python 复制代码
def generate_new_images(ddpm, n_samples=16, device=None, frames_per_gif=100, gif_name="sampling.gif", c=1, h=28, w=28):
    """Given a DDPM model, a number of samples to be generated and a device, returns some newly generated samples"""
    frame_idxs = np.linspace(0, ddpm.n_steps, frames_per_gif).astype(np.uint)
    frames = []

    with torch.no_grad():
        if device is None:
            device = ddpm.device

        # Starting from random noise
        x = torch.randn(n_samples, c, h, w).to(device)

        for idx, t in enumerate(list(range(ddpm.n_steps))[::-1]):
            # Estimating noise to be removed
            time_tensor = (torch.ones(n_samples, 1) * t).to(device).long()
            eta_theta = ddpm.backward(x, time_tensor)

            alpha_t = ddpm.alphas[t]
            alpha_t_bar = ddpm.alpha_bars[t]

            # Partially denoising the image
            x = (1 / alpha_t.sqrt()) * (x - (1 - alpha_t) / (1 - alpha_t_bar).sqrt() * eta_theta)

            if t > 0:
                z = torch.randn(n_samples, c, h, w).to(device)

                # Option 1: sigma_t squared = beta_t
                beta_t = ddpm.betas[t]
                sigma_t = beta_t.sqrt()

                # Option 2: sigma_t squared = beta_tilda_t
                # prev_alpha_t_bar = ddpm.alpha_bars[t-1] if t > 0 else ddpm.alphas[0]
                # beta_tilda_t = ((1 - prev_alpha_t_bar)/(1 - alpha_t_bar)) * beta_t
                # sigma_t = beta_tilda_t.sqrt()

                # Adding some more noise like in Langevin Dynamics fashion
                x = x + sigma_t * z

            # Adding frames to the GIF
            if idx in frame_idxs or t == 0:
                # Putting digits in range [0, 255]
                normalized = x.clone()
                for i in range(len(normalized)):
                    normalized[i] -= torch.min(normalized[i])
                    normalized[i] *= 255 / torch.max(normalized[i])

                # Reshaping batch (n, c, h, w) to be a (as much as it gets) square frame
                frame = einops.rearrange(normalized, "(b1 b2) c h w -> (b1 h) (b2 w) c", b1=int(n_samples ** 0.5))
                frame = frame.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)

                # Rendering frame

    # Storing the gif
    with imageio.get_writer(gif_name, mode="I") as writer:
        for idx, frame in enumerate(frames):
            if idx == len(frames) - 1:
                for _ in range(frames_per_gif // 3):
    return x

与 DDPM 相关的所有内容现在都已摆在桌面上。我们只需要定义一个模型,该模型将在给定图像和当前时间步长的情况下实际完成预测图像中噪声的工作。为此,我们将创建一个自定义 U-Net 模型。不用说,您可以自由选择使用任何其他模型。


我们通过创建一个保持空间维度不变的块来开始创建 U-Net。该块将用于我们 U-Net 的各个层次。

python 复制代码
class MyBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, shape, in_c, out_c, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, activation=None, normalize=True):
        super(MyBlock, self).__init__()
        self.ln = nn.LayerNorm(shape)
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_c, out_c, kernel_size, stride, padding)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(out_c, out_c, kernel_size, stride, padding)
        self.activation = nn.SiLU() if activation is None else activation
        self.normalize = normalize

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.ln(x) if self.normalize else x
        out = self.conv1(out)
        out = self.activation(out)
        out = self.conv2(out)
        out = self.activation(out)
        return out

DDPM 中棘手的事情是我们的图像到图像模型必须以当前时间步长为条件。为了在实践中做到这一点,我们使用正弦嵌入和单层 MLP。生成的张量将通过 U-Net 的每个级别按通道添加到网络的输入。

python 复制代码
def sinusoidal_embedding(n, d):
    # Returns the standard positional embedding
    embedding = torch.zeros(n, d)
    wk = torch.tensor([1 / 10_000 ** (2 * j / d) for j in range(d)])
    wk = wk.reshape((1, d))
    t = torch.arange(n).reshape((n, 1))
    embedding[:,::2] = torch.sin(t * wk[:,::2])
    embedding[:,1::2] = torch.cos(t * wk[:,::2])

    return embedding

我们创建一个小的utility函数,用于创建单层 MLP,用于映射位置嵌入。

python 复制代码
def _make_te(self, dim_in, dim_out):
  return nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(dim_in, dim_out),
    nn.Linear(dim_out, dim_out)

现在我们知道如何处理时间信息,我们可以创建自定义 U-Net 网络。我们将有 3 个下采样部分、网络中间的瓶颈以及 3 个具有通常 U-Net 残差连接(串联)的上采样步骤。

python 复制代码
class MyUNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n_steps=1000, time_emb_dim=100):
        super(MyUNet, self).__init__()

        # Sinusoidal embedding
        self.time_embed = nn.Embedding(n_steps, time_emb_dim)
        self.time_embed.weight.data = sinusoidal_embedding(n_steps, time_emb_dim)

        # First half
        self.te1 = self._make_te(time_emb_dim, 1)
        self.b1 = nn.Sequential(
            MyBlock((1, 28, 28), 1, 10),
            MyBlock((10, 28, 28), 10, 10),
            MyBlock((10, 28, 28), 10, 10)
        self.down1 = nn.Conv2d(10, 10, 4, 2, 1)

        self.te2 = self._make_te(time_emb_dim, 10)
        self.b2 = nn.Sequential(
            MyBlock((10, 14, 14), 10, 20),
            MyBlock((20, 14, 14), 20, 20),
            MyBlock((20, 14, 14), 20, 20)
        self.down2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 4, 2, 1)

        self.te3 = self._make_te(time_emb_dim, 20)
        self.b3 = nn.Sequential(
            MyBlock((20, 7, 7), 20, 40),
            MyBlock((40, 7, 7), 40, 40),
            MyBlock((40, 7, 7), 40, 40)
        self.down3 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(40, 40, 2, 1),
            nn.Conv2d(40, 40, 4, 2, 1)

        # Bottleneck
        self.te_mid = self._make_te(time_emb_dim, 40)
        self.b_mid = nn.Sequential(
            MyBlock((40, 3, 3), 40, 20),
            MyBlock((20, 3, 3), 20, 20),
            MyBlock((20, 3, 3), 20, 40)

        # Second half
        self.up1 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(40, 40, 4, 2, 1),
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(40, 40, 2, 1)

        self.te4 = self._make_te(time_emb_dim, 80)
        self.b4 = nn.Sequential(
            MyBlock((80, 7, 7), 80, 40),
            MyBlock((40, 7, 7), 40, 20),
            MyBlock((20, 7, 7), 20, 20)

        self.up2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(20, 20, 4, 2, 1)
        self.te5 = self._make_te(time_emb_dim, 40)
        self.b5 = nn.Sequential(
            MyBlock((40, 14, 14), 40, 20),
            MyBlock((20, 14, 14), 20, 10),
            MyBlock((10, 14, 14), 10, 10)

        self.up3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(10, 10, 4, 2, 1)
        self.te_out = self._make_te(time_emb_dim, 20)
        self.b_out = nn.Sequential(
            MyBlock((20, 28, 28), 20, 10),
            MyBlock((10, 28, 28), 10, 10),
            MyBlock((10, 28, 28), 10, 10, normalize=False)

        self.conv_out = nn.Conv2d(10, 1, 3, 1, 1)

    def forward(self, x, t):
        # x is (N, 2, 28, 28) (image with positional embedding stacked on channel dimension)
        t = self.time_embed(t)
        n = len(x)
        out1 = self.b1(x + self.te1(t).reshape(n, -1, 1, 1))  # (N, 10, 28, 28)
        out2 = self.b2(self.down1(out1) + self.te2(t).reshape(n, -1, 1, 1))  # (N, 20, 14, 14)
        out3 = self.b3(self.down2(out2) + self.te3(t).reshape(n, -1, 1, 1))  # (N, 40, 7, 7)

        out_mid = self.b_mid(self.down3(out3) + self.te_mid(t).reshape(n, -1, 1, 1))  # (N, 40, 3, 3)

        out4 = torch.cat((out3, self.up1(out_mid)), dim=1)  # (N, 80, 7, 7)
        out4 = self.b4(out4 + self.te4(t).reshape(n, -1, 1, 1))  # (N, 20, 7, 7)

        out5 = torch.cat((out2, self.up2(out4)), dim=1)  # (N, 40, 14, 14)
        out5 = self.b5(out5 + self.te5(t).reshape(n, -1, 1, 1))  # (N, 10, 14, 14)

        out = torch.cat((out1, self.up3(out5)), dim=1)  # (N, 20, 28, 28)
        out = self.b_out(out + self.te_out(t).reshape(n, -1, 1, 1))  # (N, 1, 28, 28)

        out = self.conv_out(out)

        return out

    def _make_te(self, dim_in, dim_out):
        return nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(dim_in, dim_out),
            nn.Linear(dim_out, dim_out)

现在我们定义了去噪网络,我们可以继续实例化 DDPM 模型并进行一些可视化。


我们使用自定义 U-Net 实例化 DDPM 模型,如下所示。

python 复制代码
# Defining model
n_steps, min_beta, max_beta = 1000, 10 ** -4, 0.02  # Originally used by the authors
ddpm = MyDDPM(MyUNet(n_steps), n_steps=n_steps, min_beta=min_beta, max_beta=max_beta, device=device)


python 复制代码
# Optionally, show the diffusion (forward) process
show_forward(ddpm, loader, device)



Training loop

我们现在实现 Algorithm 1 来学习一个知道如何对图像进行去噪的模型。这对应于我们的Training loop。

python 复制代码
def training_loop(ddpm, loader, n_epochs, optim, device, display=False, store_path="ddpm_model.pt"):
    mse = nn.MSELoss()
    best_loss = float("inf")
    n_steps = ddpm.n_steps

    for epoch in tqdm(range(n_epochs), desc=f"Training progress", colour="#00ff00"):
        epoch_loss = 0.0
        for step, batch in enumerate(tqdm(loader, leave=False, desc=f"Epoch {epoch + 1}/{n_epochs}", colour="#005500")):
            # Loading data
            x0 = batch[0].to(device)
            n = len(x0)

            # Picking some noise for each of the images in the batch, a timestep and the respective alpha_bars
            eta = torch.randn_like(x0).to(device)
            t = torch.randint(0, n_steps, (n,)).to(device)

            # Computing the noisy image based on x0 and the time-step (forward process)
            noisy_imgs = ddpm(x0, t, eta)

            # Getting model estimation of noise based on the images and the time-step
            eta_theta = ddpm.backward(noisy_imgs, t.reshape(n, -1))

            # Optimizing the MSE between the noise plugged and the predicted noise
            loss = mse(eta_theta, eta)

            epoch_loss += loss.item() * len(x0) / len(loader.dataset)

        # Display images generated at this epoch
        if display:
            show_images(generate_new_images(ddpm, device=device), f"Images generated at epoch {epoch + 1}")

        log_string = f"Loss at epoch {epoch + 1}: {epoch_loss:.3f}"

        # Storing the model
        if best_loss > epoch_loss:
            best_loss = epoch_loss
            torch.save(ddpm.state_dict(), store_path)
            log_string += " --> Best model ever (stored)"


正如您所看到的,在我们的训练循环中,我们只是对一些图像和每个图像的一些随机时间步进行采样。然后,我们通过前向过程使它们变得嘈杂,并对这些嘈杂的图像运行后向过程。实际添加的噪声与模型预测的噪声之间的 MSE 得到优化。

默认情况下,我将训练周期设置为 20,因为每个周期需要 24 秒(总共大约 8 分钟的训练时间)。请注意,通过更多的 epoch、更好的 U-Net 和其他技巧,可以获得更好的性能。在这篇文章中,为了简单起见,我省略了这些内容。



python 复制代码
# Loading the trained model
best_model = MyDDPM(MyUNet(), n_steps=n_steps, device=device)
best_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(store_path, map_location=device))
print("Model loaded")
python 复制代码
print("Generating new images")
generated = generate_new_images(
        gif_name="fashion.gif" if fashion else "mnist.gif"
show_images(generated, "Final result")

锦上添花的是,我们的生成函数会自动创建扩散过程的精美 gif。我们使用以下命令可视化该 gif:

我们完成了!我们的 DDPM 模型终于可以工作了!


已经进行了进一步的改进,以允许生成更高分辨率的图像加速采样获得更好的样本质量和似然。Imagen 和 DALL-E 2 模型基于原始 DDPM 的改进版本。

本博文译自Brian Pulfer的博客

想要打 Acm 的小周同学呀2 分钟前
白拾16 分钟前
我算是程序猿29 分钟前
人工智能·stable diffusion·aigc
萱仔学习自我记录31 分钟前
是刃小木啦~36 分钟前
湘大小菜鸡42 分钟前
总裁余(余登武)42 分钟前
一个闪现必杀技1 小时前
XiaoLiuLB1 小时前
最佳语音识别 Whisper-large-v3-turbo 上线,速度更快(本地安装 )
哪 吒1 小时前