2024-06-19 高等数学(统计学和概率论-高等工科数学)


1. **标题**:写上日期和课程名称,例如"2024-06-19 高等数学"。

2. **课程主题**:简要描述当天课程的主题或主要讨论的数学概念。(今天开始学习:课程学习的第二点,概率论和数理统计)


3. **定义和概念**:

  • 列出新学的定义和概念。
  • 用不同颜色或符号标记重要定义。









1. **非负性**:对于任何事件 \( A \),其概率 \( P(A) \) 都是非负的,即 \( P(A) \geq 0 \)(只要归属于事件这个范畴里面的,其发生概率都是不为0的)。

2. **归一性**:所有可能事件的概率之和等于 1。特别是,对于必然发生的事件(整个样本空间),其概率为 1,即 \( P(\Omega) = 1 \),其中 \( \Omega \) 表示样本空间。

3. **加法原理**:如果两个事件 \( A \) 和 \( B \) 是互斥的(即它们不能同时发生),那么它们的概率之和等于它们各自概率的和(列如同一个时间内你是没有办法能够同时做两件事情的,你同一个时间段里面,你只能尝试做一件的事情),即 \( P(A \cup B) = P(A) + P(B) \)。

4. **减法原理**:如果事件 \( B \) 发生,则事件 \( A \) 发生的概率等于 \( A \) 发生的概率减去 \( A \) 和 \( B \) 同时发生的概率,即 \( P(A|B) = P(A \cap B) / P(B) \),其中 \( P(A|B) \) 是在 \( B \) 发生条件下 \( A \) 发生的条件概率。



假设我们有一个样本空间 ΩΩ,它包含了所有可能的结果。现在,我们考虑两个事件 𝐴A 和 𝐵B。事件 𝐴A 是我们感兴趣的事件,而事件 𝐵B 是与 𝐴A 相关的另一个事件。我们想要计算在事件 𝐵B 发生的条件下,事件 𝐴A 不发生的概率。


  1. 计算事件 𝐴A 和 𝐵B 同时发生的概率:这是事件 𝐴A 和 𝐵B 的交集的概率,用 𝑃(𝐴∩𝐵)P(A∩B) 表示。

  2. 计算事件 𝐵B 发生的概率:这是事件 𝐵B 的概率,用 𝑃(𝐵)P(B) 表示。

  3. 应用减法原理:事件 𝐴A 在事件 𝐵B 发生的条件下不发生的概率等于事件 𝐵B 发生的概率减去事件 𝐴A 和 𝐵B 同时发生的概率。用数学公式表示就是: 𝑃(𝐴𝑐∣𝐵)=𝑃(𝐵)−𝑃(𝐴∩𝐵)P(Ac∣B)=P(B)−P(A∩B) 其中,𝐴𝑐Ac 表示事件 𝐴A 的补集,即事件 𝐴A 不发生。

这个原理的直观理解是:在事件 𝐵B 发生的条件下,我们首先考虑了所有可能的结果(即 𝑃(𝐵)P(B)),然后从中减去了那些同时也导致事件 𝐴A 发生的结果(即 𝑃(𝐴∩𝐵)P(A∩B)),剩下的就是那些在 𝐵B 发生但 𝐴A 不发生的结果。


5. **乘法原理**:如果两个事件 \( A \) 和 \( B \) 是独立的,那么它们同时发生的概率等于它们各自概率的乘积,即 \( P(A \cap B) = P(A) \times P(B) \)。

6. **全概率公式**:如果事件 \( B_1, B_2, ..., B_n \) 是样本空间的一个划分,即它们互斥且它们的并集是整个样本空间,并且每个 \( B_i \) 的概率都非零,那么任何事件 \( A \) 的概率可以表示为 \( A \) 与每个 \( B_i \) 交集的概率与 \( B_i \) 概率的乘积之和,即:
\[ P(A) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} P(A | B_i) P(B_i) \]

7. **贝叶斯定理**:如果事件 \( A \) 和事件 \( B \) 不是独立的,那么 \( A \) 发生条件下 \( B \) 发生的概率可以通过 \( B \) 发生条件下 \( A \) 发生的概率、\( A \) 的概率、以及 \( B \) 的概率来计算,即:
\[ P(B|A) = \frac{P(A|B) P(B)}{P(A)} \]

8. **大数定律**:随着试验次数的增加,事件发生的相对频率趋近于其概率(这也是为什么大数据时代,概率学就是最为贴近的大数据的基础定理和理论)。

9. **中心极限定理**:大量相互独立的随机变量之和,在经过适当标准化后,其分布趋近于正态分布,无论这些随机变量本身是什么分布。




  1. **互斥事件(Mutually Exclusive Events)**:
  • 如果两个事件不能同时发生,它们被称为互斥事件。例如,掷骰子得到1点和同时得到6点是互斥的。
  1. **对立事件(Complementary Events)**:
  • 对立事件是两个事件的组合,它们覆盖了所有可能的结果。如果事件A发生了,它的对立事件A'(A的补集)就不发生,反之亦然。例如,掷硬币得到正面和得到反面是一对对立事件。
  1. **独立事件(Independent Events)**:
  • 如果一个事件的发生不影响另一个事件发生的概率,这两个事件被称为独立事件。例如,连续抛两次硬币,第一次的结果不影响第二次的结果。
  1. **依赖事件(Dependent Events)**:
  • 如果一个事件的发生影响了另一个事件发生的概率,这两个事件被称为依赖事件。例如,从一个装有红球和蓝球的袋子里连续抽球,不放回,第二次抽到红球的概率依赖于第一次的结果。
  1. **并事件(Union of Events)**:
  • 并事件是指两个或多个事件中至少有一个发生的情况。例如,掷骰子得到奇数或偶数。
  1. **交事件(Intersection of Events)**:
  • 交事件是指两个或多个事件同时发生的情况。例如,掷骰子得到1点和得到偶数。
  1. **差事件(Difference of Events)**:
  • 差事件是指一个事件发生而另一个事件不发生的情况。例如,掷骰子得到奇数但不是3点。
  1. **总和事件(Sum of Events)**:
  • 当我们考虑多个事件的集合时,总和事件是指这些事件的并集。例如,掷骰子得到1点、2点或3点。
  1. **条件概率(Conditional Probability)**:
  • 条件概率是指在另一个事件发生的条件下,某个事件发生的概率。例如,已知掷骰子得到偶数的情况下,得到2点的概率。
  1. **联合概率(Joint Probability)**:
  • 联合概率是指多个事件同时发生的概率。例如,同时掷两个骰子,得到一个1点和一个6点的概率。1234


4. **公式和定理**:

  • 清晰地写下公式和定理。
  • 用例子来解释公式和定理的应用。

5. **例题**:

  • 记录老师在课堂上讲解的例题。
  • 写下解题步骤和关键点。

6. **课堂笔记**:

  • 记录老师讲解的重点和难点。
  • 用图表、流程图或列表来组织信息。

7. **疑问和问题**:

  • 记录在课堂上或自学过程中遇到的问题。
  • 标记需要进一步研究或询问的问题。



  1. **差事件(Difference of Events)**:

差事件是指一个事件发生,而另一个事件不发生的情况。如果我们有两个事件 \( A \) 和 \( B \),差事件 \( A - B \) 表示事件 \( A \) 发生且事件 \( B \) 不发生。

  1. **互斥事件(Mutually Exclusive Events)**:

互斥事件是指两个事件不能同时发生。如果事件 \( A \) 和 \( B \) 是互斥的,那么它们不能同时发生,即 \( A \cap B = \emptyset \)。

现在,如果我们考虑差事件 \( A - B \),这意味着 \( A \) 发生了,但 \( B \) 没有发生。如果我们同时考虑互斥事件,那么 \( A \) 和 \( B \) 不能同时发生。然而,差事件 \( A - B \) 已经隐含了 \( A \) 和 \( B \) 是互斥的,因为如果 \( B \) 发生了,那么 \( A - B \) 就不能发生。

换句话说,差事件的概念已经包含了互斥性。如果 \( A \) 和 \( B \) 不是互斥的,那么 \( A \) 和 \( B \) 可以同时发生,这种情况下就不存在差事件 \( A - B \),因为 \( A \) 发生时 \( B\) 也发生了,所以 \( A - B \) 就是空集,概率为0。



在概率论和统计学中,"差事件"(Difference of Events)通常指的是一个事件发生而另一个事件不发生的事件。如果我们将这个概念应用到"专升本"这个教育过程上,我们可以这样理解:

  1. **专升本作为差事件**:如果我们有两个事件,比如事件A是"学生参加专升本考试",事件B是"学生不参加专升本考试"。那么,"专升本"可以被视为事件A和事件B的差事件,即学生参加了专升本考试但没有选择不参加(即不参加专升本考试的情况)。

  2. **专升本的互斥性**:在这个上下文中,"专升本"作为差事件隐含了互斥性,因为一个学生要么选择参加专升本考试,要么选择不参加,两者不能同时发生。

  3. **专升本的特定性**:专升本是一个特定的教育过程,它涉及到学生从专科教育阶段过渡到本科教育阶段。这个过程通常需要满足一定的条件,如通过考试、达到一定的学术标准等。

  4. **专升本的不确定性**:专升本的结果(成功与否)是不确定的,因为它取决于多种因素,如学生的准备情况、考试难度、录取标准等。这种不确定性使得专升本可以被视为一个随机事件。




  1. **基于前提**:结论是通过分析和推理前提条件得到的。前提可以是已知的事实、定义、公理、假设或之前证明的定理。

  2. **逻辑推理**:结论是通过逻辑推理得到的,这个过程要求推理步骤是严密的,没有逻辑上的漏洞。

  3. **断言或陈述**:结论是一个明确的断言或陈述,它表达了一个数学对象、关系或属性。

  4. **可验证性**:一个好的结论应该是可以通过数学方法验证的。如果结论与已知的事实或逻辑原则相矛盾,那么这个结论就是错误的。

  5. **普遍性**:数学结论通常具有普遍性,它不仅适用于特定的情况,而且适用于所有满足前提条件的情况。

  6. **证明**:在数学中,结论通常需要证明。证明是一个详细的逻辑过程,它展示了如何从前提条件出发得到结论。

  7. **推论**:有时,一个结论可以作为另一个结论的推论。这意味着如果已经证明了一个结论,那么可以基于这个结论进一步推导出新的结论。

  8. **应用**:结论在数学中有广泛的应用,它们可以用于解决问题、构建理论或作为进一步研究的基础。


8. **练习题**:

  • 记录课后的练习题和作业。
  • 写下解题思路和答案。

9. **总结**:

  • 课程结束后,总结当天学到的要点。
  • 反思哪些地方理解得好,哪些需要加强。

10. **额外资源**:

  • 记录推荐的额外阅读材料或在线资源。



  1. **自主学习模式**:
  • **优势**:能够根据自己的节奏和兴趣深入学习,有助于培养解决问题的能力和独立思考的能力(但是同样自己得搭建一套属于自己的良好反馈体系,这样的一套良好反馈体系才能逐渐使自己得到一个不断地进步)。

  • **方法**:通过阅读课本,自己发现问题,然后利用人工智能助手(如我)来解答疑问。这种方式可以让你更深入地理解概念,因为是自己主动发现并解决问题。

  • **适用情况**:适合那些喜欢独立工作,能够自我驱动学习的人。


  1. **跟随教学模式**:
  • **优势**:通过老师的讲解,可以快速获得知识框架和学习重点,有助于系统性地构建知识体系()。

  • **方法**:通过听老师讲课,参与课堂讨论,按照老师的节奏学习。这种方式可以帮助你更快地掌握知识,同时也能从老师那里获得即时反馈和指导。

  • **适用情况**:适合那些喜欢在指导下学习,需要结构化学习计划的人。


  • **混合学习**:在听老师讲课的同时,也自己阅读课本,这样可以从不同角度理解知识,加深印象。

  • **主动提问**:在听讲过程中,如果有不理解的地方,可以记录下来,课后通过人工智能助手来解答,这样可以确保没有遗漏任何知识点。

  • **复习和巩固**:课后通过自主学习来复习和巩固课堂上学到的知识,通过解决实际问题来加深理解。


11. **复习计划**:

  • 设定复习计划,包括复习日期和重点内容。

记得使用不同颜色的笔(++csdn可以满足自己很多学习笔记方面的要求和内容++ 。)或高亮标记来区分不同的信息类型,例如++定义、公式、例题++ 等。此外,保持笔记的++整洁和有序++ ,这样在复习时可以更快地找到++需要的信息++ 。最后,定期++回顾笔记++ ,以加深++理解和记忆++。



Learning mathematics effectively requires a structured approach to note-taking that can help you understand and remember concepts, formulas, and problem-solving techniques. Below is a basic template for mathematical notes that you can adjust according to your needs:

  1. **Title**: Write the date and the name of the course, for example, "June 19, 2024 Advanced Mathematics."

  2. **Course Topic**: Briefly describe the main topic or the mathematical concept discussed in the day's lesson. (Starting today, the second point of the course we are learning: Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics)

Starting from today, all my own notes will be continuously operated and used in CSDN, with many benefits.

  1. **Definitions and Concepts**:
  • List the newly learned definitions and concepts.

  • Mark important definitions with different colors or symbols.

Newly learned definitions and content:

Two types of problems

  1. Using the "four major formulas" to calculate the probability of events

"Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division" four related basic formulas: addition formula, subtraction formula, multiplication formula, and conditional formula.

Regarding the addition formula, at least one of A and B will occur.

Mnemonic: Add odd numbers and subtract even numbers!

What are the properties of probability?

The properties of probability are fundamental concepts in mathematics that quantify the likelihood of an event occurring. Here are some basic properties of probability:

  1. **Non-negativity**: For any event \( A \), its probability \( P(A) \) is non-negative, i.e., \( P(A) \geq 0 \) (as long as it belongs to the category of events, its occurrence probability is not 0).

  2. **Normalization**: The sum of probabilities of all possible events equals 1. In particular, for the certain event (the entire sample space), its probability is 1, i.e., \( P(\Omega) = 1 \), where \( \Omega \) represents the sample space.

  3. **Addition Principle**: If two events \( A \) and \( B \) are mutually exclusive (i.e., they cannot occur at the same time), then the sum of their probabilities equals the sum of their individual probabilities (just like you cannot do two things at the same time), i.e., \( P(A \cup B) = P(A) + P(B) \).

  4. **Subtraction Principle**: If event \( B \) occurs, then the probability of event \( A \) occurring is the probability of \( A \) occurring minus the probability of \( A \) and \( B \) occurring together, i.e., \( P(A|B) = P(A \cap B) / P(B) \), where \( P(A|B) \) is the conditional probability of \( A \) occurring given that \( B \) has occurred.

How to understand the subtraction principle?

The subtraction principle is an important concept in probability theory, which helps us calculate the probability of an event not occurring under specific conditions (this is the key point, we can determine the probability of this event not occurring through the subtraction principle). Specifically, the subtraction principle can be understood as follows:

Suppose we have a sample space \( \Omega \) that contains all possible outcomes. Now, we consider two events \( A \) and \( B \). Event \( A \) is the event we are interested in, and event \( B \) is another related event. We want to calculate the probability of event \( A \) not occurring given that event \( B \) has occurred.

According to the subtraction principle, we can calculate this probability through the following steps:

Calculate the probability of events \( A \) and \( B \) occurring together: This is the probability of the intersection of events \( A \) and \( B \), represented by \( P(A \cap B) \).

Calculate the probability of event \( B \) occurring: This is the probability of event \( B \), represented by \( P(B) \).

Apply the subtraction principle: The probability of event \( A \) not occurring given that event \( B \) has occurred equals the probability of event \( B \) occurring minus the probability of events \( A \) and \( B \) occurring together. Mathematically, it is expressed as: \( P(A^c | B) = P(B) - P(A \cap B) \), where \( A^c \) represents the complement of event \( A \), i.e., event \( A \) does not occur.

This principle's intuitive understanding is: given that event \( B \) has occurred, we first consider all possible outcomes (i.e., \( P(B) \)), and then subtract those that also lead to event \( A \) occurring (i.e., \( P(A \cap B) \)), leaving the outcomes where \( B \) occurs but \( A \) does not.

The subtraction principle is very useful in practical applications, such as in risk assessment and decision analysis, where we often need to consider the probability of an undesired event occurring given that a certain condition has occurred.

  1. **Multiplication Principle**: If two events \( A \) and \( B \) are independent, then the probability of them occurring together equals the product of their individual probabilities, i.e., \( P(A \cap B) = P(A) \times P(B) \).

  2. **Total Probability Formula**: If events \( B_1, B_2, ..., B_n \) form a partition of the sample space, meaning they are mutually exclusive and their union is the entire sample space, and each \( B_i \) has a non-zero probability, then the probability of any event \( A \) can be expressed as the sum of the product of the probability of \( A \) given each \( B_i \) and the probability of \( B_i \), i.e.:

\[ P(A) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} P(A | B_i) P(B_i) \]

  1. **Bayes' Theorem**: If events \( A \) and \( B \) are not independent, then the probability of \( B \) occurring given \( A \) can be calculated using the probability of \( A \) given \( B \), the probability of \( A \), and the probability of \( B \), i.e.:

\[ P(B|A) = \frac{P(A|B) P(B)}{P(A)} \]

  1. **Law of Large Numbers**: As the number of trials increases, the relative frequency of an event occurring approaches its probability (this is also why in the era of big data, probability theory is the most fundamental theorem and theory close to big data).

  2. **Central Limit Theorem**: The sum of a large number of independent random variables, after proper standardization, tends to be normally distributed, regardless of the distribution of these random variables themselves.

These properties form the foundation of probability theory and have wide applications in statistics, physics, economics, and other fields.

What are the relationships between events in statistics?

In statistics, the relationships between events can be classified based on whether they can occur simultaneously and their probabilities. Here are some basic types of event relationships:

  1. **Mutually Exclusive Events**:
  • If two events cannot occur at the same time, they are called mutually exclusive events. For example, rolling a die and getting a 1 and getting a 6 at the same time are mutually exclusive.
  1. **Complementary Events**:
  • Complementary events are a combination of two events that cover all possible outcomes. If event A occurs, its complementary event A' (the complement of A) does not occur, and vice versa. For example, getting heads and tails when flipping a coin are complementary events.
  1. **Independent Events**:
  • If the occurrence of one event does not affect the probability of another event, these two events are called independent events. For example, when flipping a coin twice in a row, the result of the first flip does not affect the result of the second flip.
  1. **Dependent Events**:
  • If the occurrence of one event affects the probability of another event, these two events are called dependent events. For example, drawing a ball from a bag containing red and blue balls without replacement, the probability of drawing a red ball on the second draw depends on the result of the first draw.
  1. **Union of Events**:
  • The union of events refers to the situation where at least one of two or more events occurs. For example, rolling a die and getting an odd number or an even number.
  1. **Intersection of Events**:
  • The intersection of events refers to the situation where two or more events occur simultaneously. For example, rolling a die and getting a 1 and an even number.
  1. **Difference of Events**:
  • The difference of events refers to the situation where one event occurs and the other does not. For example, rolling a die and getting an odd number but not a 3.
  1. **Sum of Events**:
  • When considering a collection of multiple events, the sum of events refers to the union of these events. For example, rolling a die and getting a 1, 2, or 3.
  1. **Conditional


  • Conditional probability refers to the probability of an event occurring given that another event has occurred. For example, knowing that a die roll resulted in an even number, what is the probability of getting a 2?
  1. **Joint Probability**:
  • Joint probability refers to the probability of multiple events occurring simultaneously. For example, rolling two dice at the same time and getting a 1 and a 6.

These event relationships are the foundation for analyzing and interpreting data in statistics and probability theory. Understanding these relationships helps us to perform hypothesis testing, estimate parameters, and make decisions (In the end, philosophy is a continuous process of assessing probabilities and improving oneself. Through the Kimi editor, I have greatly improved my basic capabilities from the greatest extent).

  1. **Formulas and Theorems**:
  • Clearly write down formulas and theorems.

  • Use examples to explain the application of formulas and theorems.

  1. **Examples**:
  • Record the examples explained by the teacher in class.

  • Write down the problem-solving steps and key points.

  1. **Class Notes**:
  • Record the key points and difficulties explained by the teacher.

  • Organize information with charts, flowcharts, or lists.

  1. **Questions and Issues**:
  • Record the questions encountered during class or self-study.

  • Mark questions that need further research or inquiry.

Two events can satisfy the relationship of difference and mutually exclusive events at the same time?

It is impossible for two events to satisfy the relationship of difference and mutually exclusive events at the same time. Let's explain these two relationships separately:

  1. **Difference of Events**:

The difference of events refers to the situation where one event occurs, and the other does not. If we have two events A and B, the difference event A - B indicates that event A occurs, and event B does not.

  1. **Mutually Exclusive Events**:

Mutually exclusive events refer to two events that cannot occur simultaneously. If events A and B are mutually exclusive, they cannot occur at the same time, i.e., A ∩ B = ∅.

Now, if we consider the difference event A - B, it means that A has occurred, but B has not. If we also consider mutually exclusive events, A and B cannot occur at the same time. However, the concept of difference event A - B already implies mutual exclusivity because if B occurred, then A - B could not occur.

In other words, the concept of difference event already includes mutual exclusivity. If A and B are not mutually exclusive, then A and B can occur simultaneously, and in this case, there is no difference event A - B, because when A occurs, B also occurs, so A - B is an empty set with a probability of 0.

Therefore, if two events are difference events, they must be mutually exclusive, but mutually exclusive events do not necessarily mean they are difference events. Mutually exclusive events just mean they cannot occur at the same time, while difference events emphasize that one event occurs and the other does not.

What is the "Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate" event?

In probability theory and statistics, the "Difference of Events" usually refers to an event where one event occurs while the other does not. If we apply this concept to the educational process of "Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate," we can understand it in the following way:

  1. **Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate as a Difference Event**: If we have two events, such as Event A is "students taking the specialized to undergraduate entrance examination," and Event B is "students not taking the specialized to undergraduate entrance examination." Then, "Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate" can be seen as the difference event of A and B, that is, students taking the specialized to undergraduate entrance examination but not choosing not to take it (i.e., not taking the specialized to undergraduate entrance examination).

  2. **Mutual Exclusivity of Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate**: In this context, "Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate" as a difference event implies mutual exclusivity because a student either chooses to take the specialized to undergraduate entrance examination or chooses not to take it, and the two cannot happen at the same time.

  3. **Specificity of Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate**: Upgrading from specialized to undergraduate is a specific educational process, which involves students transitioning from specialized education to undergraduate education. This process usually requires meeting certain conditions, such as passing examinations and achieving certain academic standards.

  4. **Uncertainty of Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate**: The outcome of upgrading from specialized to undergraduate (success or failure) is uncertain because it depends on various factors, such as the student's preparation, the difficulty of the examination, and admission standards. This uncertainty makes upgrading from specialized to undergraduate a random event that can be considered a difference event.

In summary, if we view "Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate" as a specific educational process and consider it within the framework of probability theory, it can be seen as a difference event because it involves a student making a decision between two mutually exclusive choices (for the student's choice and decision-making, it is a mutually exclusive event). However, this application is an analogy of mathematical concepts to real-life situations, and in fact, there is no habit of calling "Upgrading from Specialized to Undergraduate" a difference event in the field of education.

What is the conclusion in mathematics?

In mathematics, a conclusion is a result or assertion derived from a series of premises through logical reasoning. Conclusions can be theorems, propositions, corollaries, or parts of proofs. Here are some key characteristics of conclusions in mathematics:

  1. **Based on Premises**: Conclusions are derived from analyzing and reasoning about premises. Premises can be known facts, definitions, axioms, assumptions, or previously proven theorems.

  2. **Logical Reasoning**: Conclusions are obtained through logical reasoning, a process that requires rigorous reasoning without logical flaws.

  3. **Assertion or Statement**: A conclusion is a clear assertion or statement that expresses a mathematical object, relationship, or property.

  4. **Verifiability**: A good conclusion should be verifiable through mathematical methods. If a conclusion contradicts known facts or logical principles, then the conclusion is incorrect.

  5. **Universality**: Mathematical conclusions often have universality, applying not only to specific cases but also to all cases that meet the premise conditions.

  6. **Proof**: In mathematics, conclusions usually require proof. A proof is a detailed logical process that shows how to derive a conclusion from premise conditions.

  7. **Corollary**: Sometimes, a conclusion can be a corollary of another conclusion. This means that if a conclusion has been proven, new conclusions can be further derived based on this conclusion.

  8. **Application**: Conclusions have a wide range of applications in mathematics, where they can be used to solve problems, build theories, or serve as a basis for further research.

In mathematical research and education, conclusions are key to understanding mathematical concepts and solving problems. By learning how to draw conclusions, students can improve their logical reasoning and critical thinking skills.

  1. **Exercises**:
  • Record the exercises and homework after class.

  • Write down the problem-solving ideas and answers.

  1. **Summary**:
  • At the end of the class, summarize the key points learned during the day.

  • Reflect on what was well understood and what needs reinforcement.

  1. **Additional Resources**:
  • Record recommended additional reading materials or online resources.

During the lecture, I thought about optimizing my learning methods and study time:

The two learning modes you mentioned each have their advantages and can be chosen or combined according to your learning habits and goals:

  1. **Independent Learning Mode**:
  • **Advantages**: It allows you to delve into learning at your own pace and interests, helping to develop problem-solving skills and independent thinking (but you also need to build a good feedback system for yourself, such a good feedback system can gradually make you progress continuously).

  • **Methods**: By reading textbooks, discovering problems on your own, and then using an AI assistant (like me) to answer questions. This approach can help you understand concepts more deeply because you are actively discovering and solving problems.

  • **Applicable Situations**: Suitable for those who like to work independently and can drive their learning.

Similarly, I am now starting to explore textbook learning!

  1. **Follow Teaching Mode**:
  • **Advantages**: Through the teacher's explanation, you can quickly obtain a knowledge framework and learning focus, which helps to systematically build a knowledge system ().

  • **Methods**: By listening to the teacher's lecture, participating in classroom discussions, and learning at the teacher's pace. This approach can help you master knowledge more quickly and also get immediate feedback and guidance from the teacher.

  • **Applicable Situations**: Suitable for those who like to learn under guidance and need a structured learning plan.

The combination of the two modes may bring better learning outcomes:

  • **Blended Learning**: Listen to the teacher's lecture while also reading textbooks, which can help you understand knowledge from different perspectives and deepen your impression.

  • **Active Questioning**: If you have any questions during the lecture, you can record them and ask an AI assistant after class to ensure that no knowledge points are missed.

  • **Review and Consolidation**: Review and consolidate the knowledge learned in class through independent learning after class, and deepen your understanding by solving practical problems.

No matter which learning mode

you choose, it is important to maintain curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, to explore and practice continuously, and to find the most suitable learning method for yourself. At the same time, pay attention to regularly reflecting on and adjusting learning strategies to ensure the maximization of learning outcomes.

  1. **Review Plan**:
  • Set a review plan, including review dates and key content.

Remember to use different colored pens (CSDN can meet many of your learning note requirements and content.) or highlight markers to distinguish different types of information, such as definitions, formulas, examples, etc. In addition, keep your notes neat and orderly so that you can find the information you need more quickly during review. Finally, review your notes regularly to deepen understanding and memory.

I still need to correct my learning methods, and after accumulating my problems, I will continuously solve and answer them.

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