GenVideo、SkelFormer、EfficientGS、HOLD、Motion Synthesis、Learn2Talk


GenVideo、SkelFormer、EfficientGS、HOLD、Motion Synthesis、Learn2Talk

Enabling Stateful Behaviors for Diffusion-based Policy Learning

While imitation learning provides a simple and effective framework for policy learning, acquiring consistent actions during robot execution remains a challenging task. Existing approaches primarily focus on either modifying the action representation at data curation stage or altering the model itself, both of which do not fully address the scalability of consistent action generation. To overcome this limitation, we introduce the Diff-Control policy, which utilizes a diffusion-based model to learn the action representation from a state-space modeling viewpoint. We demonstrate that we can reduce diffusion-based policies' uncertainty by making it stateful through a Bayesian formulation facilitated by ControlNet, leading to improved robustness and success rates. Our experimental results demonstrate the significance of incorporating action statefulness in policy learning, where Diff-Control shows improved performance across various tasks. Specifically, Diff-Control achieves an ave......

GenVideo: One-shot Target-image and Shape Aware Video Editing using T2I Diffusion Models

Video editing methods based on diffusion models that rely solely on a text prompt for the edit are hindered by the limited expressive power of text prompts. Thus, incorporating a reference target image as a visual guide becomes desirable for precise control over edit. Also, most existing methods struggle to accurately edit a video when the shape and size of the object in the target image differ from the source object. To address these challenges, we propose "GenVideo" for editing videos leveraging target-image aware T2I models. Our approach handles edits with target objects of varying shapes and sizes while maintaining the temporal consistency of the edit using our novel target and shape aware InvEdit masks. Further, we propose a novel target-image aware latent noise correction strategy during inference to improve the temporal consistency of the edits. Experimental analyses indicate that GenVideo can effectively handle edits with objects of varying shapes, where existing appr......

Does Gaussian Splatting need SFM Initialization?

3D Gaussian Splatting has recently been embraced as a versatile and effective method for scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis, owing to its high-quality results and compatibility with hardware rasterization. Despite its advantages, Gaussian Splatting's reliance on high-quality point cloud initialization by Structure-from-Motion (SFM) algorithms is a significant limitation to be overcome. To this end, we investigate various initialization strategies for Gaussian Splatting and delve into how volumetric reconstructions from Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) can be utilized to bypass the dependency on SFM data. Our findings demonstrate that random initialization can perform much better if carefully designed and that by employing a combination of improved initialization strategies and structure distillation from low-cost NeRF models, it is possible to achieve equivalent results, or at times even superior, to those obtained from SFM initialization. ......

SkelFormer: Markerless 3D Pose and Shape Estimation using Skeletal Transformers

We introduce SkelFormer, a novel markerless motion capture pipeline for multi-view human pose and shape estimation. Our method first uses off-the-shelf 2D keypoint estimators, pre-trained on large-scale in-the-wild data, to obtain 3D joint positions. Next, we design a regression-based inverse-kinematic skeletal transformer that maps the joint positions to pose and shape representations from heavily noisy observations. This module integrates prior knowledge about pose space and infers the full pose state at runtime. Separating the 3D keypoint detection and inverse-kinematic problems, along with the expressive representations learned by our skeletal transformer, enhance the generalization of our method to unseen noisy data. We evaluate our method on three public datasets in both in-distribution and out-of-distribution settings using three datasets, and observe strong performance with respect to prior works. Moreover, ablation experiments demonstrate the impact of each of the mo......

Improving Chinese Character Representation with Formation Tree

Learning effective representations for Chinese characters presents unique challenges, primarily due to the vast number of characters and their continuous growth, which requires models to handle an expanding category space. Additionally, the inherent sparsity of character usage complicates the generalization of learned representations. Prior research has explored radical-based sequences to overcome these issues, achieving progress in recognizing unseen characters. However, these approaches fail to fully exploit the inherent tree structure of such sequences. To address these limitations and leverage established data properties, we propose Formation Tree-CLIP (FT-CLIP). This model utilizes formation trees to represent characters and incorporates a dedicated tree encoder, significantly improving performance in both seen and unseen character recognition tasks. We further introduce masking for to both character images and tree nodes, enabling efficient and effective training. This ......

EfficientGS: Streamlining Gaussian Splatting for Large-Scale High-Resolution Scene Representation

In the domain of 3D scene representation, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a pivotal technology. However, its application to large-scale, high-resolution scenes (exceeding 4k$\times$4k pixels) is hindered by the excessive computational requirements for managing a large number of Gaussians. Addressing this, we introduce 'EfficientGS', an advanced approach that optimizes 3DGS for high-resolution, large-scale scenes. We analyze the densification process in 3DGS and identify areas of Gaussian over-proliferation. We propose a selective strategy, limiting Gaussian increase to key primitives, thereby enhancing the representational efficiency. Additionally, we develop a pruning mechanism to remove redundant Gaussians, those that are merely auxiliary to adjacent ones. For further enhancement, we integrate a sparse order increment for Spherical Harmonics (SH), designed to alleviate storage constraints and reduce training overhead. Our empirical evaluations, conducted on a ra......

Generative Modelling with High-Order Langevin Dynamics

Diffusion generative modelling (DGM) based on stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with score matching has achieved unprecedented results in data generation. In this paper, we propose a novel fast high-quality generative modelling method based on high-order Langevin dynamics (HOLD) with score matching. This motive is proved by third-order Langevin dynamics. By augmenting the previous SDEs, e.g. variance exploding or variance preserving SDEs for single-data variable processes, HOLD can simultaneously model position, velocity, and acceleration, thereby improving the quality and speed of the data generation at the same time. HOLD is composed of one Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and two Hamiltonians, which reduce the mixing time by two orders of magnitude. Empirical experiments for unconditional image generation on the public data set CIFAR-10 and CelebA-HQ show that the effect is significant in both Frechet inception distance (FID) and negative log-likelihood, and achieves the ......

MCM: Multi-condition Motion Synthesis Framework

Conditional human motion synthesis (HMS) aims to generate human motion sequences that conform to specific conditions. Text and audio represent the two predominant modalities employed as HMS control conditions. While existing research has primarily focused on single conditions, the multi-condition human motion synthesis remains underexplored. In this study, we propose a multi-condition HMS framework, termed MCM, based on a dual-branch structure composed of a main branch and a control branch. This framework effectively extends the applicability of the diffusion model, which is initially predicated solely on textual conditions, to auditory conditions. This extension encompasses both music-to-dance and co-speech HMS while preserving the intrinsic quality of motion and the capabilities for semantic association inherent in the original model. Furthermore, we propose the implementation of a Transformer-based diffusion model, designated as MWNet, as the main branch. This model adeptl......

Learn2Talk: 3D Talking Face Learns from 2D Talking Face

Speech-driven facial animation methods usually contain two main classes, 3D and 2D talking face, both of which attract considerable research attention in recent years. However, to the best of our knowledge, the research on 3D talking face does not go deeper as 2D talking face, in the aspect of lip-synchronization (lip-sync) and speech perception. To mind the gap between the two sub-fields, we propose a learning framework named Learn2Talk, which can construct a better 3D talking face network by exploiting two expertise points from the field of 2D talking face. Firstly, inspired by the audio-video sync network, a 3D sync-lip expert model is devised for the pursuit of lip-sync between audio and 3D facial motion. Secondly, a teacher model selected from 2D talking face methods is used to guide the training of the audio-to-3D motions regression network to yield more 3D vertex accuracy. Extensive experiments show the advantages of the proposed framework in terms of lip-sync, vertex ......

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