鉴于此,提出一种基于稀疏辅助信号平滑的心电信号降噪方法,运行环境为Matlab R2021B。
function [A, B, B1, D, a, b, b1, H1norm, HTH1norm] = Lowpass(deg, fc, N, K)
% [A, B, B1] = ABfilt(d, fc, N, K)
% Banded matrices for zero-phase high-pass recursive filter.
% The filter is H = inv(A) * B where the matrices A and B
% are created as 'sparse' matrices.
% d : degree of filter is 2d
% fc : cut-off frequency (normalized frequency, 0 < fc < 0.5)
% N : length of signal
% K : order of difference matrix D (need 1 <= K <= 2*d) (default K = 1)
% A, B, B1 : banded filter matrices
% with B = B1*D where D is the K-th order difference (up to sign)
% Use [A, B, B1, D, a, b, b1] = ABfilt(...) to return
% filter coefficient vectors a, b, b1.
if nargin < 4
K = 1;
if K > 2*deg
error('ABfilt: K > 2*d')
omc = 2*pi*fc;
t = ((1-cos(omc))/(1+cos(omc)))^deg;
% Define p such that P(z)P(1/z) = B(z), i.e., P'*P = B
p = 1;
for k = 1:deg
p = conv(p, [-1 1]);
P = spdiags( p(ones(N-deg,1), :), 0:deg, N-deg, N); % banded matrix
B = P' * P;
% pp = conv(p, p(end:-1:1));
q = sqrt(t);
for i = 1:deg
q = conv(q, [1 1]);
Q = spdiags( q(ones(N-deg,1), :), 0:deg, N-deg, N); % banded matrix
A = P'*P + Q'*Q;
if K <= deg
d = 1;
for i = 1:K
d = conv(d, [-1 1]);
D = spdiags(d(ones(N,1), :), 0:K, N-K, N); % D: banded matrix
p1 = deconv(p, d);
P1 = spdiags( p1(ones(N-deg,1), :), 0:deg-K, N-deg, N-K); % banded matrix
B1 = P' * P1;
b1 = conv(p1, p(end:-1:1));
% deg < K <= 2*deg
K2 = 2*deg - K;
d = 1;
for i = 1:K2
d = conv(d, [-1 1]);
B1 = spdiags(d(ones(N,1), :), 0:K2, N-K2, N)'; % D: banded matrix
p1 = deconv(p, d);
D1 = spdiags( p1(ones(N-deg,1), :), 0:deg-K2, N-deg, N-K2); % banded matrix
D = D1'*P;
b1 = d;
a = conv(p, p(end:-1:1)) + conv(q, q(end:-1:1));
b = conv(p, p(end:-1:1));
% verify that B = B1*D
err = B - B1*D;
mae = max(abs(err(:)));
if mae > 1e-10
disp('Error in ABfilt (B1*D not equal to B)')
% Calculate filter norms
imp = zeros(size(B1,2), 1);
imp(round(N/2)) = 1; % imp : impulse signal (located at center to avoid transients)
h1 = A \ (B1 * imp);
H1norm = sqrt( sum( abs( h1 ).^2 ) ); % norm of filter inv(A)*B1
hh = B' * ((A*A') \ (B1 * imp));
HTH1norm = sqrt( sum( abs( hh ).^2 ) ); % norm of filter B'*inv(A*A')*B1
工学博士,担任《Mechanical System and Signal Processing》《中国电机工程学报》《控制与决策》等期刊审稿专家,擅长领域:现代信号处理,机器学习,深度学习,数字孪生,时间序列分析,设备缺陷检测、设备异常检测、设备智能故障诊断与健康管理PHM等。